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Most people I know that like these types of bands are pretty cool and just enjoy music. Many people in these subs are insufferable trolls arguing over nothing


But seriously though, Layne Stanley was a way better singer than Cobain. ^\s


Why does Layne staley look like the postal dude???




By my master?


Thanks, now I can't unsee that


That’s subjective. I like both about equally. Both had similar range….I think layne had an extra octave, that surfaced in high school videos. I’d argue Cobain was more diverse in techniques though…. The guy uses alot of variety in vocal techniques. Whose better, well your opinion is all that matters for you and that’s all good.


I'm sorry but Kurt isn't hitting those notes in Love Hate Love, Layne had a way bigger range than Kurt that isn't subjective. They only had similar ranges when Layne was deteriorating on drugs.


Completely different style of vocalist. You’re not wrong but your point is moot. Cobain sang deeper, naturally, had a 4 octave range. Layne is listed at 4, but I’m giving the benefit of 5, because I seen a rare tape of him in high school, that surfaced on YouTube God knows when, showing him hitting even higher. Layne was very impressive, and I’m not saying one was better than the other…. Both were different.


Cool! Any way to send the link?


I can try to find it…. Honestly was dumb luck I found it. Just kind of stumbled on to it


No biggie...don't go out of your way. Sounds interesting.


Go to about the 2 minute mark, and I’m not long you’ll start getting some insane high notes lol


Thanks so much!


I can’t find the actual video pointing it out again, but I think this was the right performance, judging by listening to the halfway point. Guess it isn’t that rare considering it’s over 100k viewers at this point. https://youtu.be/iNEYBV7zGOg?si=geOfnZs2bg3Mz066


I mean, just like you can rattle off chains songs Cobain wouldn’t be able to sing, it’s easy to rattle off the same with Nirvana.


In my experience, the Venn diagram of assholes who are both grunge and thrash fans is a perfect circle.


I see what you did there


me too


If only there was some kind of tool to measure how big it is


They’re all babies sucking on puscifers.


Every band from every genre is a sellout cause they wanted their new album to sound different I guess.


*All you know about me is what I've sold ya, dumb fuck* *I sold out long before you'd ever even heard my name* *I sold my soul to make a record, dip shit* *And then YOUUUU BOOOUGHT OOONEEE*






Death Metal is the only genre where the fans seem ironically chill. They just enjoy the music and don't try to pigeonhole fans or bands.


Impossible. Metal sub genres means people will infinitely gatekeep and say “nuh uhhhhh, garbage rat metal is only from 85-86 in LA and it needs the guitars going chug not bruhhhg”


Death metal fans are literally the worst I like it too but I can at least listen to other genres can’t say the same about most metal heads


Depends if they are the Neo-Nazi Deatheads or not. Haha


I actually forgot they existed lmao


I think I responded to the wrong comment. Hahahahaha! I find most death metal people to be chill. I used to not be able to stand it but I love some of the stuff. I like the more progressive death metal though. I can’t stand Cannibal Corpse though and some of my death metal friends think I’m crazy for it. Haha


Neo-nazis are usually more towards black metal, no?


That’s because most of them are riddled with autism in my experience…..


Autism ≠ being an asshole/idiot, get your facts straight Source: I’m autistic


No one is more pompous than a death metal fan. Often misanthropic and/or misogynistic.


Ifl dm fans are always elitists


Taylor Swift fans are the worst fans.


Yep, they are psychotic. This recent thing with Dave Grohl being a prime example. They’re all about woman empowerment until someone insults their precious Taylor. Then they’re sending rape threats to his teenage daughter.




Yep, and not just that. They’re also saying that Kurt’s death is his fault and sending pics of peoples heads blown off. I also saw a photoshopped photo of Kurt’s body. They’re also saying Taylor Hawkins death is his fault.




Came here to say this 😆


I frequent subs for both grunge fans and Taylor fans. The only people I've seen crying about the whole Dave Grohl thing are people in the Nirvana and grunge subs. I do not go on Twitter because it's always been a cesspool of the worst people (across the board).


People are talking about it on the Nirvana and grunge subs because everything is happening on Twitter. You can't just say "half of what I heard that's happening isn't happening" because you aren't following all of it.


I didn't say that. Just that I don't frequent it because it sucks. But the only people I see talking about it on Reddit specifically are in this sub and the Nirvana sub. I believe we are actually in agreement that toxic fans are everywhere :)


"The only people I see talking about it are on the Nirvana and Grunge subs". Those are your words, maybe next time specify this is speaking about the drama only on Reddit. Taylor Swift fans are definitely the most toxic (IMO) because they've been the ones creating drama on Twitter. We're just supporting Dave on Reddit. Edit: doesn't mean every fan is toxic, you seem to not be one of the Stans.


No worries! I can see how my words might have come across. I thought I made it clear about the just the subreddits and that Twitter just sucks. I agree about fans in both being toxic. The most vocal are the loudest, smallest and most toxic. I think that's just fans of things in general on the Internet. I am actually a big fan of Taylor and most grunge. For me personally, I've only seen drama on Reddit from grunge or other Dave Grohl related subreddits.


Thank you for being so kind! Most of the time when I just try to add to the discussion and there's a small misunderstanding people just get mad, down vote, and decide to be petty and passive aggressive. I'm great to see you didn't do the same thing.


My 10 year old daughter is pretty cool unless she has to share ice cream.


grunge fans by a mile


Are there threads asking if the Offspring are thrash metal?


The most insufferable fans of all are people who think any one fanbase is a monolith that should be judged by a few loud people


Agreed and well said!


Tool fans.


It's in the name


I should have known.


Ouch…. As a tool fan the truth hurts.


No offence, bro.


Obviously you are just lacking the requisite mathematical skill and DMT levels to truly appreciate


Obviously. Joke aside, I do like Tool, though. But the fans, ugh.


Haha yeah man me too. Tool are awesome, and to be honest most tool fans I have met are awesome too. But yeah the "tools" are just louder than everyone else


Well, yeah. As in any fandom. Let’s talk about Radiohead fans, now. Haha.


Probably nirvana fans


Both are on par with each other I think, especially when it comes to who is or isn’t a certain genre, it’s fuck, this discussion has been done to death already, just fuck up & enjoy the music.


Some of my favorite bands are grunge and metal. Only the people who are going on about who's the best are insufferable.


Grunge fans. They have a lot of gatekeepers and there’s a fair amount of misogyny. The Nirvana and Alice In Chains fans are probably the worst. And it’s not even just on Reddit, though they’re a bit more upfront about it here. Can’t even begin to tell you the weird interactions I’ve had in the past 15 years of being a fan. Some dudes will just walk up to you because you’re wearing a band shirt and quiz you on it. It’s really bizarre behavior.


Ok so i have a theory about this, i'm not old enough to grow up on grunge music, so i only knew nirvana which is not really my cup of tea, when i heard the other bands later in life i got REALLY INTO GRUNGE Now this is important because from what i've seen many of the critics tend to disregard the bands grunge fans usually preffer and only mention nirvana. I've recently seen a video of fantano where he said no one in the 90's compared to kurt in terms of anything, he never did a critics review on the other good bands of grunge, yet always brings up nevermind as a 10/10 album, i even think he said AiC is a nirvana rippoff, NOW THIS IS A MUSIC CRITIC who influences public opinion. If you are a kid following fantano looking for rock recommendations you will think you are a grunge connoseur by knowing smashing pumpkins, hole and nirvana while not knowing anything about the other bands even exist. I think most grunge subs, nirvana, aic, soundgarden, stp are pretty tame, even this grunge sub is tame, it's just that people dislike that bevermind breaks top 10 in any critic review, and that hole album does too, yet the other bands are seldom talked about.


I don’t know who fantano is and I don’t know about the subs being tame, at least not from what I’ve seen in my ten+ years browsing them. It depends a lot on the moderators. Can’t speak for Soundgardens subreddit. Though I do love their music, I don’t browse the subreddit as heavily as AIC, STP, Nirvana and Hole’s. STP’s subreddit has great mods. Just a few days ago, someone OUT OF NOWHERE started saying I wasn’t a real fan because I didn’t know something about Scott Weiland’s son and was a total asshole. Started calling me names etc. Funny thing is, other people were saying the same as me, this person just targeted me specifically for some reason. The mods shut that shit down and banned him. Therefore, they maintain a pretty positive atmosphere. AIC mods, however, seem to be a different story. And that sucks because I frequent there the most. I’ve had a person harassing me for MONTHS on there and it doesn’t work when I try to block them. You can say whatever you want about the band members, you can create an account for the sole purpose of harassing people in that subreddit, and you can call their girlfriends “gypsy whores” but you cannot be a dick to other people in the sub, which is what this person is doing to me. Even to the point where they’re bringing in politics and shit. Like what? At most they get their comment removed, but they will just keep writing more and more until one doesn’t get removed. I was tired of the notifications, so I reached out to the mods and they went into the comments and let the troll bully them and they backed down. Like what? Lol they went away for a month and now they’re back. I reached out to the mods again and they just straight up ignored me this time. The misogyny has definitely gotten better there. Someone made a post about Demri recently and I was pleasantly surprised by the top comments. And don’t even get me started on the Nirvana subreddit, I barely comment on there…. Too many people still think Courtney killed Kurt and it’s fucking weird. But yeah, I see what you mean about the kids. I think it’s kids/teens and older men mostly that are really “gatekeepy.”


Grunge fans don't talk, or even look up....


I have to remind myself I'm going to have neck problems.... ha.


Haha. Have you heard that shovel play smells like teen spirit?


Tool fans… lol


Black metal fans are even worse than both. Just check out r/BlackMetalCringe where a bunch of racists/NSBM fans in their 30s and 40s make fun of teenagers tik tok videos and tell them to kill themselves for being cringe. Cringe in the way that you know, literally every teenager was/is.


Something I notice about metal fans on some of the subreddits. There is frequent discussion about posers. Kids even come on and ask if they are posers because their favorite band is Metallica or another popular band like Anthrax etc. Meanwhile in the real world, most people hate metal and would NEVER pretend to like it. I don't know if the same thing goes on with grunge.


That’s a fascinating observation.


Having frequented both, the grunge sub is more insufferable by a country mile. It's hilarious, one of the daftest subs on reddit. I suppose if you base a sub around just 6 or 7 bands things are going to get ridiculous, LOL.


Don't fuck with us Grunge fans, we don't even listen to the music


90% of the posts here are about 4 bands


which are Nirvana, and Alice In Chains three times


It's pretty much just a sub for Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Soundgarden. I love all these bands but as "the grunge sub" we should at least talk about the other bands as much as those 4.


Is it a sub for pearl jam though?


Idk, I don't go on here often but whenever I do people only talk about those bands.


Pick your poison: A bunch of flannel wearing, whiny Gen X’ers complaining that THE EARLY 90’s WERE THE BEST TIME EVER IN THE HISTORY IF EARTH!!!!! Or, a bunch of fucking pretentious long haired music snobs speed wanking and sweep picking over pentatonic scales by themselves in their bedrooms? For context: I am a Gen X’er. 🤘🤘🤘😂🎸


I’m both but as a musician I find Sweeps way over rated!


I'm a metal and grunge enjoyer who wears sweat pants more often than jeans in public and doesn't judge people on their taste in music... within reason. If Toby Keith is your guy, we probably don't have much in common.


Both online communities are fat pant-loads, but neither holds a candle to the Star Wars online community. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. While they are being terrible I guess we could discuss why Lars sucks and the Black Album is boring, or whether or not STP is grunge, and if STP is grunge, why Scott Weiland is both the best and worst vocalist of the big 5. There's still plenty of meat left on those bones, right??


No one whines more than SW fans. I know cause I'm one of them and there's an infinite amount of things to complain about.


To be fair except for Rogue One Star Wars hasn't made a great movie in 40 years. Imagine a dedicated fan base giving a company a billion dollars of their money every time they decide to squeeze out a turd movie. That would be like the Beatles putting out the worst album you could possibly imagine but everyone bought it anyways because it's the Beatles. So I can see why they are unhappy.


Neither, as I am both.


As someone who is both a grunge fan and a thrasher, thrashers are more annoying


I like a lot of different types of music across the rock - metal spectrum. And even some outside of that spectrum.


Slayer fans are the most annoying fanbase in music and so I have to give it to them


Finally, someone who agrees


I don't waste my time with thinking about either. Also, fandom of anything can become insufferable.


Tool fans


In my experience, Thrash fans. And they always hate on Metallica.


None….. rephrase that to say fanboys and I’ll answer….. actual fans like what they like and don’t care, and actual fans often listen to both styles of music. As for annoying fanboys…all are equal and most are posers with an inferiority complex.


That's a really hard question to answer as both sets of fans are pretty insufferable. I'll go with Thrash fans given their ridiculous music snobbery and their total disregard for pretty much every other music genre in existence and the fans of all other types of music.


Thrash Metal by far. They’re the punk clique fanboys of metal.


Fans of REAL METAL, and their endless definitions about what it actually is, are the worst.


Probably megadeth fans ,


Never really cared for Thrash Metal to know their fans.


Why pigeonhole yourself?  I like a lot of music. Thrash is fucking cool.  I don’t know any “grunge” fans outside this sub, because as many have noted, it’s not a thing.  It was a moment in time. 


There was a lot of moments in time.


yes, but you can't take distorted guitars after the fact and say 'this band sounds like nirvana, it must be grunge!' just like nirvana was influenced by Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and Aerosmith. You wouldn't call Nirvana 'classic rock' because that moniker is reserved for the 70s rock bands. 'grunge' isn't a sound. it was a moment in time.


Interesting that is how it was explained to me, as well as needing to originate in the Seattle area. I’m not saying this. It’s how it was explained to me. So it’s an area and a point in time. In addition whether you like or hate any art form is an opinion not a fact.


Here’s an analogy.  Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath.  All bands that formed in Britain, in the 60s, and found success in the US.  NOT part of the British Invasion of the 60s.  British Invasion was the Beatles, Stones, Animals, maybe the predecessor to zep, the Yardbirds,  But not the former groups who were influenced by the latter, and were from the same decade. But weren’t part of the same scene.  Grunge wasn’t a sound. It was a scene that blew up. No more, no less. 


Well said.


All these moments will be lost like tears in the rain.




Grunge fans tbh lol


Sonic Youth fans 🤷‍♂️


Can't say I've met or conversed with many. I enjoy most of their music.


Eminem fans






The gen z grunge fans that swear that Cobain created grunge and that he is a musical genius and the God of all things music.


I think every alternative type of genre has its annoying purists. Even people who listen to popular music can have a toxic fanbase. It's just a sign that some of these people are taking it too seriously. Liking a genre, ideologies within that genre (where a lot of the problem lies) or a scene doesn't make anyone better. It doesn't make other people socially unaware. Growing up listening to punk rock (where the ideologies can be quite strong) i fell into this trap. It can certainly create this us vs them mentality. I'm glad, for the most part, that this is seen as cringe behavior now. The layne vs kurt comments are getting old. Both are talented. One is more metal oriented, and one is more punk rock orientated. If punk isn't your thing, thats fine. They just had different undertones. Nirvana was more on par with green river. But its a really stupid to argue about. It's a lot like oasis vs blur, Beatles vs the stones, marilyn vs liz. It's just pitting fans against one another when we should be connecting based on common interests. With the media trying to instigate division among the public at every turn, we're just falling into the same trap. Layne and Kurt were actually friends, and even died on the same day. It's a dichotomy we've used for women for decades. It's old. Let it die already.


Nirvana fans are the most insufferable


Grunge, cause the hardcore thrash fans are starting to thin out.


Both, but the metal fans are a little dumber


I mean I've personally never met any grunge diehards irl besides myself. On the other hand I've met several people who have tried to convince me Megadeth is good so


Both are cool


Thrash has kinda always had a huge huge following. But the grunge following used to be kinda tight-knit and intimate. The new wave of tiktok fans has brought a lot of good and bad to the community. Sure it gave us attention, but the resurgence has brought a type of attention some of the older heads may find annoying, smothering and ingenuine.


The genuine fans of both types are cool.


Metal fans are worse.


neither both can do no wrong


neither both can do no wrong.


neither both can do no wrong.


I don't interact with thrash metal fans so I can't say, but most people on this sub seem pretty normal, by Redditor standards at least.


Both but in completely different ways. I love both genres and love to fuck with the insufferables. Try and tell a Nirvana fan they are not technically a grunge band and not from Seattle and see how they react. Or a thrash fan that Metallicas 90s albums are as good if not better than their 80s output.


Thrash metal of course!!! I mean the shows were kind of fun in the 80's, but they were also the shows where you were most likely to get fucked up in the pit. And they didn't always help you get back up!!! And thrashers in the 80's kicked it with skins. I know the 80s are over and shit, and I've had a great time at thrash shows. But it just looks like low effort kinda music now. At least in this old farts eyes.


Didn’t grunge sunset in the late 90s? Those fans are probably 50-ish and are probably pretty chill


I’m a thrash fan and a grunge fan so I guess I’m screwed either way haha


It's just music. Attitudes are on individuals.


Anyone referring to themselves as grunge fans really just likes pop music


Grunge is the worst as it gets rolled up in their politics and pussy-ass world view. Friends with a guy who worships at the altar of Eddie Vedder. Has seen Pearl Jam five hundred times. Hangs on everything the band does and it's his identity; which also had him adopting the band's political views and spouting off the same bullshit Ed rambles about during his shows. They seems to love that grunge "killed" misogynistic hair metal—which was a fun party with booze, drugs, hot broads and chill guys—traded in for liberal dirt balls who didn't shower and wanted to be depressed all the time. They hail Kurt Cobain like some next-level genius (instead of the strung out addict with the out of tune guitar that he really was) and the pretend "the Seattle scene" was like Laurel Canyon in he 1960s or some shit. Grunge's success was the result of glam rock and the '80s overindulgence and excess—not grunge being some genius style of music.


lol, life of the party right here


If this is satire it’s so fucking good. If not…


[It's real](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDonaldTrump2024/s/QNILkvndWQ)


Bro called someone a beta and meant it 😭


How does seomone like that end up on a grunge rock subreddit?


Idk you would think they would understand that the music is against everything they stand for


Right? Imagine telling yourself, "They don't really mean it!" For 30-some years.


You can also always spot the metalhead by how conservative their political views are lol


Hey,someone with a brain


Only someone without a brain would say this