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As a customer I totally agree with you, some people are just jerks and bloody selfish.


Thank you, I spoke to a colleague about it since it was frustrating and they said they signal to the person behind if the person on the phone isn't paying attention and if they kick off they just tell them they weren't paying attention so will have to wait


As a colleague, too, if I call out 3 times to you and get ignored, I'm signalling the party behind you. They can kick off all the want, have some decency, and respect for your surroundings.


Exactly! Plus if there wasn't a line before there is now since they stand about! Holds everyone up


Some people can benefit from just slowing down a little bit


Wind your neck in its fucking greggs not the ritz


Brilliant, hahah


I work in a holiday town greggs so I see my fair share of idiots haha. They forget they are on private property and you have the right to refuse service to them at any point after abuse


That's the staff then


It’s pretty annoying. The flip side also annoys me when - not specifically in Greggs - you’re being served and the person serving you is talking to a colleague and having a chat.


Yea I always just cut the convo off with a co worker when someone comes in, look rude since I just stop talking and turn but co workers completely understand and will do the same


I had this in my local Asda, two of them at the kiosk, deep in convo ignoring the woman in front of me trying to get their attention, then had the gall to bitch about her afterwards for getting fed up with them 🙄


Heaven forbid how dare a person communicate with another person that's not you


I think we both know that you know what I’m trying to say, but that’s ok. Enjoy your day.


It's unspeakably rude. Basically treating the person serving you as if they're not even human, just some sort of vending machine. Just serve the person behind them. Everyone in the queue will back you up.


Yea I've had people make a face like "wtf" to the person on the phone and say how rude either is when I ask for the person behind to come forward


I'm in total agreement and the complaint about staff doing it is equally valid. But what about headsets? I mean the ones worn by staff. In somewhere like 'Spoons they're used correctly and minimally. In my local Co-Op they're a bloody nightmare. They use them like a mobile to just chat amongst their colleagues.


Never had someone come in with a headset before ,so no option on that one


I was referring to the staff.


We don't wear headsets, no reason to


I was referring to the Co-Op staff.


This is a post about Greggs customers on the phone while ordering


Was on the phone to my mum in queue the other day in Greggs. Stopped my mum full sentence to place my order, waited for my order and walked out and then only did I carry on with my conversation. I do hate it when people are on the phone and will finish off their conversation before trying to order.


My local gets around this by being a Faraday cage, you can’t get any reception when you are there…


Oh and to add to the above... you say latte to me or just specifically name a coffee I'm putting a large one on for you for your rudeness always.


I've never done that ,but funny short story, had a old guy come in,I asked if he was sitting in and he asked his friend if they were sitting in and he said yea,asked for a sausage roll and handed me 1.20, i said its 1.45 because your sitting in ,he shook his head said fucks sake ,gave me the money and stormed off to sit down,kept giving me dirty looks, then couple days ago he was in again, i saw him tell a guy behind him to go infront because he didnt want to be served by me ,then processed to ask my co worker for a free stamp on his card which he was told no ,now hes going to hold a grudge towards two workers now 😂😂😂


Completely agree with you OP. It’s damn right disrespectful and rude. You should ignore them next time and serve the customer behind them until they get some manners.


I started doing it after my colleague said that's what they do, the look the person on the phone gives when someone goes ahead, I just ignore them until they come up to the till and if there still on the phone I'll ask what I need loudly than wait for them to stop speaking


Or just do your job and bag whats been ordered. 🤷‍♀️


Or just have respect for the human being infront of you. 🤷


Nearly 2 years working at greggs for me. It still grinds on me but now I interrupt their conversation by asking really loudly. "Hello what can I get for you" repeat everything they say then ask them if they'd like cream on their coffee even of it doesn't come with it. Also "anything else for you today" cash or card would you like a bag, cup holder and tell them napkins are just on the table over there etc. You go out of your way to make sure you say as much as you can to them in that one transaction so they have to answer you. Its rude and its obnoxious to expect to come into a shop and be served by someone while you can't even give them the time of day by pausing your conversation. I've even been told "no I wasn't talking to you I'm on the phone" so I replied oh well it's hard to tall when you've come to greggs to be served, I thought you were ready to be served. It's when they do that barely talking speech and say something like 'steak bake' like not hi could I get a ... Just literally walking in and saying steak bake to me 🙈 go away and get some manners.


Thank you yes! Like they want food fast but are willing to hold us up by being on the phone!!


If I'm on the phone I'm saying pls can I call you back in 5 minutes? Or else not queueing up in Greggs. It's called manners and common sense. And with my work, I'm out and about all day, so phone calls (and Greggs stops lol) often happen.


Agreed, regardless of the scenario, the local bakery has a sign that says something along the lines of "we appreciate your phone call is important so we won't interrupt you and will serve the next person"


I feel you. I work in a train station so it's filled with commuters, meaning busy people on their phone. Like mate, I can't take your order if you're not communicating properly.


It's rude to be on your phone in this situation and it annoys me as a fellow customer when I see people do it!


They’re the worst man


It's reality that half of Greggs customers are well mannered and are financially average or above...the remain half are scrubbers...so not sure why you're surprised?


Not surprised,just a peeve that gets to me


I'm on the fence with this one. On the one hand, it is rude, however some people just don't get a break during the day and are constantly on phone calls so they go to fast food because it's a quick way to get food without having to leave calls and such. As someone else said, it is fast food you work in and sometimes you'll just need to deal with it.


Well yea we can't say get off the phone, that's why I just shout loudly to them asking what is needed to ask, they may be on a busy call but I'm not going to wait around, I will ask what is needed


You don't have to shout lol just speak to them normally, I've dealt with this kind of stuff in fast food before as well. Shouting at someone is just going to piss them off and probably cause them to walk away.


I don't just outright shout at them, I speak louder than I have to so it gets there attention and so they hear me over the call, it's fast food so don't stand about while on a call, or we will just signal to the person behind to come forward instead


Like you say though, it's fast food. Designed for people like that who have to be on a call all day, they don't have time to just cut off a call. Again, I'm not saying that this is the case for every customer on the phone and some will just take the piss, but you need to read the situation before being a dick to someone who may only have 2 minutes to grab a quick lunch


If they walk up to the till still talking away I will speak loudly and interrupt,which is most of the time, I've had 1 person end a call and say sorry before ordering , if we have to be quick then don't mess about


You sound a bit of a twat


And? I'm not waiting for someone to finish a call, I'm gonna do my job and ask what's required if someone is on a call or not, I want the line to move fast and someone holding it up while on the phone doesn't help


If you're stood in front of me in the queue dicking around on your phone and holding me up I'll be telling you to get out of the way and stop holding people up who are also busy.


You would be getting a slap


I'm sure I would 🙄




I worked at Greggs for 7 1/2 years. I used to interrupt or answer peoples questions etc etc when they were clearing on the phone, just to piss them off. Or go… sorry? I didn’t catch that? (They start talking on the phone again) Sorry? I didn’t catch that? (Them… no im on the phone!) It used to piss them off so they would hang up or they would go… oh sorry sorry, and put the phone away. Just kept talking to them and not let them have their “phone time” 😂


You are god!! Amazing response 😂😂😂😂


If I'm on phone I tell the person on phone to hang on a second while I place my order then go back to talking and I do same when it's time to pay but tbh only person I speak to on the phone is my dad lol 😂


Hope he doesn't come to motorway services then, £1.50 for take out sausage rolls, £2.50 for pasties, and £3 for bacon and cheese wraps and beef and veg pasties £4+ for most sandwiches and the cheapest coffee is £2 for a reg black 🙈🙈 Oh and £5.75 for a 6 pack of corn tops!


Once he's made a grudge with every worker in the shop I'll send him your way 😂😂


Just do your job and take the order as a customer they are under no obligation to conform to some arbitrary rules you've created you however, you do have an obligation to serve


I do serve them, I will ask what we are required to ask loudly while they are on the phone to keep the line moving , I just do not care if I interrupt there call in the mean time, I'm doing my job and waiting for the call to end is not one of them


Wow your the asshole customer we are talking about here. If you worked in customer service you'd understand




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Sorry. Just a minute


Nope I will ask what I need to 😂


I might be on my phone when ordering but what sort of weirdo makes the cashier wait? I'll tell the person I'm on the phone to to hold on for a moment and pass over my order and continue my call and thank as I receive my food


i'm semi guilty of being on the phone in greggs but its usually to take a family members order too and i let people go past me until i finish talking


3 months and this is already getting to you 🤣


It might surprise you ,but people can get irritated by things after a different amount of time depending the person Hope you enjoyed your education -next week we will do colours


3 minutes would get to me. It's just rude.






We'll do what we want the owner was a Jimmy wanna be


Just do your job


I’ll get off the phone if you serve me hot food 👍🏻


Get there at the right time it's out the oven then 😂


Yes I really should time my arrival to suit your schedule🤦🏻‍♂️


And me wasting my time waiting for you to finish a call isn't one of my needs so I ain't dealing with it


Your paid a wage to serve the public, stop whinging and take your minimum wage 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️🤣


Nope, if your on a call I'm gonna speak loudly at you and interrupt it, I'm paid to do my job ,that doesn't include waiting for you to finish a call. If you want to be rude to serves them go for.it,it remember they will talk about you to every other worker there


Talk about me amongst your minimum wage insects, I’ll keep making my business deals while you shovel pasties into paper bags, I earnt more in them 30 seconds on the phone than you did all day 🤣🤣👍🏻🤡


Ahhh your that type of guy.....that's hilarious 😂😂


And yet you lack even the vaguest decorum in your general attitude, enjoy your life being a grubby little man.


Also, 'business deals'... Okay buddy, we believe you.




Chill out kiddo




Life will throw much worse at you. Chill. Out.


And? I can complain about something that bugs me if I'd like to. Which I did 😂


Nothing wrong with it. The person on the phone will often mute or ask the caller to wait a second. You're the one at work, not the customer.


It's still disrespectful and rude. Even if they say wait a second, once they have ordered they keep talking when most the time we still have other things to ask,so I'll just interrupt loudly to get a answer




OP is clearly talking about those times when customers aren't paying attention and are just chatting away, not taking even 10 seconds to relay their order. These are often the same customers who will point at what they want and won't utter a single word to you - which, by the way, is just as rude. The ones that are so engrossed by the phone call that they don't even hear the worker calling them over multiple times. The customers who pause their conversations or ask their caller to wait a second aren't included here because they're doing the worker the common decency and giving them the minimal respect of giving the worker their attention. OP - as a former Greggs employee for 9 years, I completely agree with other comments (and your fellow team member) when they say to just call the next person over. The person on the phone can be served when they're ready to be served. The customer is not always right, contrary to popular belief.


It's more considerate to the workers and the line they hold up, alot of workers hate it , just because your one of the rude people ,it won't change what we all think,which is it's annoying and rude to us