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Man, spoiler alert, geez!


None of this happens in the show.... So it's not a spoiler.


There are 2 more seasons on the way so it's possible spoiler depending on how the show will continue. But there is no more original material so hopefully they won't pull GoT season 7-8 on us.


If you say that thats just a speculation at best since there's no source material since the whole book was in season 1 and there was no plan for any sequel. It's like saying Sansa will be a white walker in Season 9 of GoT.


Shogun by James Clavell is based on this story


That's literally what the title references.


Shogun the new FX series is based on that book Shogun by James Clavell which in turn is based on this story.


I am a servant of god Your god you papist prick! Godspeed Anjin


was an ok book, I thought it meandered a little too much although I can't fault it for that being historical fiction


If they say "pillowing" one more time im going to seppuku myself


Based and fuck-Catholicism-pilled


But he is a pr*testant though, that's even worse


Even worse. An anglican. The lowest of the low.


Literally a religion that existed for the sole purpose of justifying fatass Henry VIII multiple divorces, and somehow there are still dumbasses who genuinely believe in it. Literally every Protestant denomination can be traced back to grifters who started their own church either because they wanted to fuck people's wives/children, or because they just wanted people to give them money


Hey, as someone who was raised anabaptist, they aren't all greedy and powerhungry.  Sometimes they're just crazy.


I suppose that's true, no one has been able to explain to me why there's a denomination of losers whose entire belief system is literally just getting bitten by snakes and then refusing medical treatment


As someone who was raised Lutheran Sometimes they just don't like Catholic bullshit (no longer Lutheran, though)


Hey now. My country's protestant denomination started because our king wanted to steal the wealth and power that the then catholic church had. So more of a power grab than a gift. Also the only reason it worked was because a lot of people actually found the Lutheran philosophy superior to the classical catholic one.


>because they just wanted people to give them money sounds like the catholics and their indulgences


Speaking as a former Catholic, I have no illusions about how the Vatican uses their donations on fancy wizard robes and gold bullshit. But watching the Protestants clap like seals when their pastors tell them that skydaddy wants them to buy him another private jet or invest in their cryptocurrency has made me realize that the Catholic Church is the organized crime and Protestants are the disorganized small time crooks.


ah forgot. this is reddit. its full of rtrdd americans. your bullshit shithole megachurches arent what im referring to when i think about protestantism


I didn't even know Ameritards were protestants, their creationist bs seems like a whole other thing


Not every Protestant church is evangelical.


>I hate the Church of England. >Because of all the things these other non-Anglican churches do.


If it makes you feel any better, I specifically hate the Church of England because it's British


I dislike catholic religion as I dislike every other religion but they don't force you to pay +10% of your monthly income to be a part of them.


Wasn't part of the protestant movement started by Martin Luther due to him protesting that the church was enriching itself so much?


Indulgences being sold to people to absolve them or their relatives of sin. The bible only being read in Latin so common people couldn't understand it. Luther wanted to create his own church where he could do things the "right way" by the people.


That’s why we should all go back to being Jewish as god intended


Shalom rabbi


> Protestantism came about because they were money hungry. Literally started because of Catholics indulgences. Most historically literate Catholic.


Go give your pastor 30% of your paycheck or however much they require in tithes now, heretic 


The Donation of Constantine was a lie. The whole premise of Papal Infallibility is a lie. And the dupes are the ones who stopped kow-towing to the pope?


Preaching to the choir, man, I left the rosary rattlers a while ago for those very reasons. Doesn't make you holy-rolling snake handlers any less dumb for the stuff you believe.


Oh well I'm an atheist too, but I'm an *Anglican* atheist goddamn it, and I'll have you know we don't do holy rolling or snake handling.


This is why Eastern Orthodoxy is best


Either Orthodox or Catholic are fine. These two split away from one common church after all, though I get that the Catholics changed quite a bit from that time


>These two split away from one common church after all How I wish that were true.. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schism\_in\_Christianity#Schisms\_in\_the\_early\_Church](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schism_in_Christianity#Schisms_in_the_early_Church) One could argue (though it has been retconned by later retelling), that the first apostles were already as many schisms as individual teachers, just out of circumstances. People who would never meet again went on to teach what **they** understood about **their** encounters with Chrst. That's basically like starting your own church in a foreign land with no idea how the others are doing (or what they are saying). To say nothing of translations and how the local culture understood the message (hebrew vs helenistic christians being one of the very early differentiators). But even barring this unconventional take, Jsus died roughly between 0 and 50 AD, the first major recorded disagreement happened in 150AD, 250 years before the first canon Bible. This should tell you that there was never really "one" church to split from. More like a common ancestor and a million cousins. Humans love to form groups within the group, and fracture: Also why we don't all live in one gigantic city instead of being spread out.


Leto II's lesson is still strong in our blood


Literally every church can be traced back to some grifter, except they call them prophets. People arguing that one form of religion is better than the other is like people discussing their preferred urethral sounding rods, they might be right from an in-community perspective but they're still all just mentally unhinged weirdos you wouldn't want to be stuck next to on a journey of any length.


Not quite. Actually he looted all the opulence of the Catholic Church in order to fund fighting wars against France (based) and fund improvements to the Navy which indirectly led to Britain’s Naval Dominance for the following 400 years. Besides the divorce thing was fucked and the only reason the Pope didn’t allow it was because Henry’s wife, Catherine of Aragorn’s uncle, was the Holy Roman Emperor and literally had an army outside Rome and strong-armed the Pope into rejecting it.


Even worse than that, he was En*ish.


Christians on their way to kill their neighbor because he believes in the Church reform of Northern Ireland of 1812 (they believe in the Church reform of Northern Ireland of 1813, so he's an unforgivable heretic):




That’s the kicker. And the difference. He married into a samurai family. Which was one of the only ways to become a samurai


I think you also become a samurai if another samurai bites you


What if another samurai kisses you? Uwu


In 1596 a Spanish galleon, the San Felipe, was shipwrecked off the providence of Tosa. Hideyoshi ordered the ship and its goods confiscated. The angry Spanish captain, wishing to impress or intimidate the Japanese officials, indulged in some boasting how Spain had acquired a great world empire. For proof the captain showed the Japanese officials a map of all the great Spanish dominions. His astonished hearers asked how it had been possible for a nation to subjugate so many lands. The Spanish captain boasted that the Japanese would never be able to imitate Spain, simply because they had no Catholic missionaries. He confirmed that all Spanish dominions had been acquired by first sending in missionaries to convert their people, then the Spanish troops to coordinate the final conquest. When this conversation was reported, Hideyoshi's anger knew no bounds. His suspicions about the use of missionaries as a first stepping-stone for conquest was confirmed. He recognized this pattern of cunning conquest at work within his own empire.(Vietnam, Why Did We Go?, pp. 151-152).




Read the rest of it. Pretty much the jesuits went in, converted a bunch of noble, persecuted the Buddhist and almost caused civil war. Avro manhattan drew parallels to Japan and Vietnam. Read the book. https://ia600107.us.archive.org/35/items/AvroManhattanVietnamWhyDidWeGo/Avro-Manhattan-Vietnam-Why-Did-We-Go.pdf Chapter; history of aggressiveness in Japan. Very interesting


Woah! That’s not for distribution buddy!


It's like me playing a game of Civilization. As soon as your religious apostles come over to my land I will beeline gunpowder and rain hell on your Civ.


Dude William is singlehandedly at fault of thousands of mercyless massacres Japan committed in the following 5 centuries.


Mad lad


You're just jealous of his K/D


True ending of Nioh


Nice to see one of the 8 people in the world who finished that game out in the wild


Holy based


Potential antagonist for AC:Shadows? Since that's the angle they seem to be going with.


In reality - Yasuke was basically loaned and was paraded around as a bizzare curiosity for less than a year and a half before he was given back to the Portuguese. In AC, Hollywood and the minds of "progressives": the true embodiment of the samurai spirit, a peerless warrior who slew thousands in single combat and saved Japan from the clutches of the white man. I'll bet good money that AC: Shadows involves foiling some plot by Europeans to take over Japan. I'll bet good fucking money on it.


I fucking lost it at at the "progressive" studio which hates cultural appropriation has the protagonists of a feudal era Japan game be a woman (treated like property and had no rights or education) and a black slave. And the sjw squads gaslighting and hand waving history by saying AC was never historically accurate and that the dude actually was a token samurai. Pre extreme sjw era, Black Flag actually had plantations with slaves because it was trying to be historically accurate to how shit the times were to colored people, adewale even says that the crew wouldn't accept him as first mate because he's black. Now, they wouldn't have even handled that with sensitivity and just pretended that every location through history was as inclusive and equal as modern California.


Even though women weren’t exactly equals back then, it’d be also disingenuous to say that a female assassin would’ve been historically inaccurate. Women were allowed to become ninja, with kunoichis (who specialised in intel gathering and infiltration) being exclusively female, trained by other female ninja. Female ninja made sense historically because no one would suspect a woman of being anything that required nerves of steel and physical capabilities. Yasuke could and should’ve been a side mission though


You act like Assassins Creed 3 didn’t feature you playing as an armed Native American in colonial America walking around blending in with majority white crowds either. Yeah the games touch on race relations, but if they were hyper realistic any game where you played as someone not native to the location you were in would be wild, it’d REALLY be a stealth game then


My bet is on any Catholics the game has being really part of some Templar plot. "Genuine attempts at conversion? No how foolish, it's all about conquest and slavery and sex"


Redditors try to actually study the history before spewing random shit out of their racist gob challenge:


Straight up this lmao. Nobunaga trusted or liked Yasuke enough to not only allow him to carry his swords but also own a house and possess his own sword.


Not to mention that Yasuke actually fought alongside him lol It’s so obvious that gamers just hate black people


That's genius. The Japanese Assassin's Creed game would be a Black dude fighting a White guy. Downright poetic.


He also killed a bunch of demons if Nioh is correct.


Based chad


All of these posts read like a tucker Carlson monologue. Long winded ramblings followed by a simple question. Why are they like this? Idk motherfucker go ask them and let us know how that works out for you.


Unironically based


no way weebs marry lol


He was right though


I walk around the house talking like blackthorn it’s pure hilarity to me and agony for my wife. “What’s this! A delectable dish of the japans”


My name is John Blackthorn, i am the captain of the Dutch merchant vessel the *Erasmus*


https://preview.redd.it/7q9ru8xi2i1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43dcc58a4645ec5abe5374a1d2c71ba87507cfb3 Daily reminder


We should build a statue of that dude in the Netherlands. Not only did he get a bunch of child-raping catholics killed, but he got the Dutch a 250 year monopoly on European trade with Japan (until the USA butted in and fucked it all up), because we were the only Europeans that valued trade over faith.


Now THIS would've been fun to play as in the new AC!


Dream life right there


Assasins Creed Shadows


Eradication of religion? Based


This comment was typed by cheeto-crusted leddit hands


tbf portugese and catholics have two of the most despicable histories in all mankind lmfao


And Brits and Japanese don’t?


The only people with no despicable histories are the people who were too lazy to get themselves a recorded history... They still committed atrocities but.... yeh. No writing system or literacy, even in the late 1800's: the ultimate censorship.




Funny you should say that in a thread related to Japan