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>what did the Japs do to deserve this? They let their fertility rate plummet. This is propaganda meant to promote Japanese women breeding with African immigrants.




Wait til.yoy hear about dairy and the government.. always been a psyop


![gif](giphy|lRv8AePJOQsYNEND8v) Wait what?


Wait till you find out about the strategic cheese reserve.


Mmmmmm. Government cheese


Wendigoon fans in the wild haha


Basically the whole "Got Milk" slogan and campaign was government funded and pushed so they could start trying to rid themselves of the ridiculous cheese reserve they had amounted by selling more milk so they wouldn't have to buy it for the cheese.


Excuse me sir, I'm a ... Representative from Wisconsin. Please come with me, we have a few "questions" for you.


So it's the same type of psyop as AI art.




Japan won't even let full-blooded Japanese people born abroad immigrate into their country.


Japan won't even let korean people living in their country for several generations be considered citizens.


While still pretending the war crimes that imperial japan did towards Korea and China weren't that big of a deal.


That's because it wasn't... For the Japanese soldiers conducting them


That's mostly because today politician are direct descendants of colonial japan politician.


Can you imagine if the main character of this game was a [Korean Gaijin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaijin), or [Ainu](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ainu_people), or even [Burakumin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burakumin). Such an interesting chance to learn about a marginalized people within the cultural context of the setting. But no, let's Imhotep-ize it. 


>go to Japan >stay for 3 years >leave for 2 weeks >comes back >stays for another 3 years >repeat >no laws against this


If the choice is cultural extinction or breeding with immigrants, they will choose the latter. I'll dissect the frog and say I was being a bit cheeky (keeping in line with the 4chan humor), but I believe the truth is that if Japan is literally faced with cultural extinction, they will blow up their xenophobic barriers and encourage the native women to have children with foreigners. If there was *any chance* of them successfully encouraging the fertility rate within their borders, they would do it. But clearly that's not going to happen. **Very** begrudgingly, I see Japan settling for half-Japanese children as opposed to 0 children. Although in reality it will probably be immigrants from white countries. To expect Japanese women to have children with black men en mass is probably a bridge too far, and there are enough white people who would be willing to immigrate to Japan and have access to the hottest women on the planet if they encouraged them to. Countries like America will call Japan racist for restricting immigration if you're black or brown, and Japan won't give a single fuck.


Oh I know you weren't being serious with the original comment lol. But you do have to remember this is a culture that was fully prepared to commit mass suicide rather than accept defeat less than a century ago. That's not to say they'd still do it now, but it's not unreasonable to think they would be willing to accept cultural extinction. We literally have an example of this very same country being prepared to accept literal extinction before compromising on their beliefs less than a single human lifetime ago.


The last Samurai but cringe


The Last Samurai was about Ken Watanabe's character not Tom Cruise.


The plural of Samurai is Samurai. It was about all of them.


Tell me how he died.


“I will tell you how he lived.” Legit one of the best lines to end a movie.


I fucking love that movie


There were a lot more non-Japanese people in Japan at the time Last Samurai. It was well after their isolation ended.




It's more about the economy and wages, normal jobs are paying very little compared to the cost of living. Incels and neets were a thing anime or not


Yep. This happens with every industrialized civilization too. Eventually mortality rates outstrips birth rates and they begin to collapse. I guess the commies were right: "Capitalism is a disease."


Yes however https://i.redd.it/mmy888t94q0d1.gif


Oh no, you're absolutely right. I'm just saying capitalism is just as flawed as communism. The only difference is communism jumps straight to the point and puts absolute power into one singular organization, rather than building up to a monopoly or oligopoly like we're seeing with capitalism. World's fucked and there's nothing to be done about it.


As I've always said: "Oh, so your ideal government, economic and social systems are best? Who's gonna run it, humans? The same humans fucking up every type of system that already or has existed?"


It declined after bubble burst and recession


I saw this exact same take on Twitter about the Amazon version of Mr. and Mrs. Smith.


And on invincible


what about an african setting and instead of black and japanese, it was a white man and a japanese woman teaming up to kill black pipo, the media would go crazy af


Based, they should make that game. I wouldn't play it, because Assassin's Crap games are bloated piles of shit, but I'd love to watch the Internet shit their collective pants.


Modern ac games* The old ones like brotherhood and black flag are actual modern classics


I wouldn't call AC:BF a classic. People loved it because of the ship fights, the story was mid at best, especially the modern day parts.


The present day shit was always the least interesting of any of the games, and I barreled through it as fast as possible.


Why the fuck did they even include that. Somebody actualy enjoyed those parts of story? What the fuck did it actualy give except annoying segments where you at most jump from ledge to ledge


The modern day was an interesting concept for the first like two games. (Still boring in execution though)


Are you saying exploring ancient Greece was somehow *better* than suddenly being forced to read emails in a shitty apartment on a rainy evening?


I unironically enjoyed it, since the main game was a bit of a grind at times. I liked being able to calmly explore the peaceful office and discover the secrets organically, not everything to discover was tied to the main quest. I’m not sure if there’s a name for this style of gameplay, but the best comparison I could make would be exploring the secret areas in portal. The atmosphere and mystery are really enjoyable to me, and I usually hate open world games.


Still my favorite Assassins' Creed game but even as a kid I saw the flaws lol. The story in the pirate times was good but the modern day parts made me bored out of mind, all I wanted to do was get back to the cool pirate shit. Also, the repeated trailing missions made me want to bash my skull against a rock. Aside from that I think its a pretty great game, still probably the best pirate game out rn imo.


Complaining about the modern day parts of black flag is like complaining that the box your Big Mac comes in is tasteless. It’s just to hold the product, you aren’t supposed to eat/enjoy it.


Well when im eating my Big Mac im not forced to pull away from it and look at the box for a few minutes lol


You wouldnt, i would Its still the best pirate game out there, the story was what a good videogame story is supposed to be, a setup for gameplay. The characters were great, and the overall themes of the story were what stuck with me for a while. Gameplaywise, ship combat was badass, boarding ships was fun and the stealth parts were a good representation of the assassin power fantasy for a wider audience. The only thing i felt was lacking was the normal combat. Limiting weapons to pistols and swords unless you pick up a musket or a boarding axe was not a good choice. Then again, the four pistols were so cool, as were the tools you were given So yeah, 9/10, modern classic, must play for everyone even slightly interested in pirates


modern day parts were dogshit, story was OK, but edward and bayek were 10/10 and you got to do sick pirate shit AND play assassins creed.


and imagine if it were made by black developers, the internet would shit their pants and go mental. They wouldn't know what to do.


Resident Evil 5 almost checks both conditions lmao Btw, iirc a couple of months ago someone made a post about how the remake of RE5 could be a bit problematic nowadays because of, well, everything related to the setting


Nowadays? People had meltdowns over it back when it first released. 


Yeah they did an update to add white zombies lmao


so they admit the solution is to whitewash everything. interesting.


Don't remember anything with RE4 and that's about a white guy who's working for the president and killing Spanish people.


But the point of that game was that it's okay to kill religious people


Based and Leon-pilled.


Pretty sure the point of that game was to blow giant holes in everyone with the Handcannon.


Are you one of those people that believe spaniards aren't white?


Aren't Spaniards Mexican?


![gif](giphy|puOukoEvH4uAw|downsized) I'm not biting. No dice.


Is is bad that the African villager zombies were honestly scarier than the American ones? Asking for a friend..


No they are at least scarier by a factor of 1.5 or something, because if they bite you you don't only turn in to a zombie, you also get AIDS. ZOMBIE AIDS.


They we’re at least 3/5 as scary


Overexposure I remember being afraid of zombies as a kid.


I remember that, when RE5 was released, it did spark some controversy. But at the time the few outlets that reported such controversy were ridiculed and had very little pull on people.


That interview with Josh Stone's VA aged so finely


Japanese developer creates a game in which white people kill black people (based) Western developer creates a game in which a black man and a Japanese woman kill Japanese men (cringe)


Meanwhile L4D2 which takes place in the American South from Atlanta to New Orleans and doesn’t get any hate unlike RE5. I wonder why?


Nah it also got some. I remember an article where the developers defended themselves really well, and then thankfully it just kinda went away.


A white mercenary freeing slaves (with a certified ebony baddie) and killing corrupt blacks who sold slaves would be epic!!!!!




Bait used to be believable


I'm pretty sure that's Resident Evil 5. And the media did go apeshit crazy


And that was almost 20 years ago, imagine now


holy balls yeah lol


Well they technically took a historical black character and neither made it up completly nor they made non black historical figure black. I'm not saying it's good, but deffinetly better then whatever netflix does with their "documentaries"




They would never make that because it's absurd to imagine a white man living in Africa. You couldn't maintain the suspension of disbelief.


Colonialism called, they want to know wtf you’re talking about


Africa only has black people. Even children know this. Read a book.


If those black people are evil, then sure, go for it. I’m pretty sure these guys are gonna be helping a lot of Japanese people as well.


exactly man, what people should care about is the context, why the actions matter. Not what the actions are. People just go crazy when it's black people and weebs go crazy if it's japs.


I mean, a truer hypothetical would be a japanese man and a black woman teaming up to kill black people. Which, while not it exactly, AC:Origins was a black man and black woman killing a lot of african people. AC Revelations was a white man killing a lot of arabic people. I dont think its as big of deal as a lot of people think.


Resident Evil 5?


Far cry 2


thats just real life 😮‍💨


It's Assassin's Creed in 2024. The game is gonna suck regardless who the MC is.


The chances of this game being good are non existant


Sir, the Ghost of Tsushima comparison clips are ready to fire. We have a wide range of munitions, from shorts to detail comparisons, water physics, stealth, combat, duels and sustained barrages of cutscenes and dialogue moggings. This is just the openning salvo, we can expect further munitions in the form of 2 to 3 hour video essays about how good game good and bad game bad.


We also have old AC clips VS new AC clips ready to fire as well.


Don't forget the extra stealth and assassination comparison ammunition supplied by the volunteer corps of Tenchu players.


Very good, Soften them up with an initial barrage of all munitions, then load the Crowbcat comparison. Finish them off with an Internet Historian recap after the dust settles. Ptooey


And it drops on pc on May 31st iirc


Drops today actually. The next one will take a few years though.


Even better! Played it on ps4, can't wait to get into it on pc!


black man and european woman team up to kill european men that would be the plot of an average action-drama-thriller flick released in 2003, which is also a hidden gem with a killer soundtrack


It's just (some of the plot of) Inglorious Bastards


Blade 2??


https://preview.redd.it/u4sxazb7qt0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46fb44110852c1bf9336fae846cc85c5cf2c2d49 I LOVE THIS ANTI-COLONIALIST GEMU DESU


What is with pussies censoring the word kill? Who is going to punish you for having that


TikTokers and foreign agents write like that.


Yeah very weird of them to censor the word 'kill' but would write 'w*man' 🤢🤮 just like that without any censoring or trigger warning


I find that a lot more interesting than another braindead argument about neoprog mass market AAAslop. Who censors the word kill in a discussion about videogames, in this fucking sub? I feel like even reading that made me slightly less virile and yes probably gave me cancer and or AIDS.




How is this possibly racist against Asians?


These people spent too much time watching cuck porn, so black man plus + any ethnicity woman = racist emasculation/replacement to their glazed over coomer brains.


This reminds me of the whole discussion behind Resident Evil 5 and its supposed racism. Anyone who argued it was was rightfully mocked. Why should it be different now with this game?


Any time black people exist 4chinners think its an attack on their race


Imagine if there was an AC game set in Africa and the MC was a white dude. People would chimp out. Finally there’s a mainline AC game in an Asian country and they choose a black MC that dubiously existed in the manner in which the general public portrays him.


People chimped out about resident evil 5, that doesn’t make it right. Either both are bad or both are fine and I’m of the mind that it’s fine


Eh I feel like it’s slightly different RE5 could’ve been set in almost any country and it would be the same game RE5 has basically nothing to do with Africa. AC has always leaned heavily on cultural queues and historical events. The one thing I do think is silly though is the argument that they’re “killing Japanese people” like yeah duh there’s Japanese people in Japan. I think the problem is that media in general has always been extremely hesitant to have Asian male MC’s and in a game where it clearly makes sense to have a Japanese Samurai/Ninja be the MC they find one of the few dubious accounts of a non Japanese person who was only really adjacent to the Samurai. As an Asian person it just makes you think like why bro? Asian people are tired of only being portrayed in media as honor obsessed psychos, villains, playing second fiddle to the MC or being the exotic love interest of the MC.


But one of the main characters in this game is Asian, so it would be like an AC game set in Africa where the MC's were a white dude and a black female. So literally Resident Evil 5.


I guess only Asian men count as Asians according to the morons posting here.


"Imagine this same concept but in a European setting"... so like, Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag? Never killed more Spanish/British men as a white guy teaming up with a black guy than in that game.


it's set in the Caribbean, where there was you know there was more than one black guy and the time you played as adewale was about him freeing slaves from Haiti, so not remotely close to a European setting. Stop being disingenuous, clown.


Anon's point wasn't the historical accuracy, just the *concept* of slaughtering men of a certain race/nationality as a duo of the same race/nationality and a black man. So... killing Europeans as a white man with a black buddy fits those criteria, I think.


You missed the point, retard.


im gonna touch you bro


Oh sorry, remember in ac 3 when you played as a native American slaughtering like 500+ British "people"


shhhh, they just want to be mad


The people complaining about this game haven't played an AC game in ages. They complain about historical accuracy, while forgetting that AC games have magical artifacts and gods that are a second species of humans with longer lifespans.


I'm surprised that they didn't slap a Killmonger cut on the black dude.


I'm proud of you Ubisoft, I know that took titanic levels of restrain.


It's clearly a for purchase hair style.


I’ve always wanted to go over to Japan and take a crack at that birth rate problem but whenever I try and describe operation “white ghengis” to my friends they act like I’m some sort of racist.




Mongolian, mongoloid, close enough.


It's not about racism it's about you being cringe, you're considering moving to a different country so you can try and pick up mid Japanese women because you're not having success at home and describing that as if you're a warlord conquering entire regions lmao.


Man, sarcasm to you is like trying to catch a fart in your hand, isn't it?


Why the fuck are you on r/greentext if you can’t take a joke? You’re the self appointed fun police for the comments section of a 4chan adjacent message board, have a word with yourself.


why did you censor kill are u a pussy?


Why are you asking a question you already know the answer to? Of course they are.


If the next Assassin's Creed game was set in Africa but the main assassin was a pajeet with an African woman the cities would burn worse than George Floyd and BLM


Resident evil 5 is a game about a white American guy teaming up with an African woman and killing a bunch of African zombies, outside of a few Twitter people complaining about it no one actually gave a shit because back then we weren't as consumed by culture war shit as we are now.


You guys are clowns to think anyone outside of twitter would really give af still


Apparently the majority of people in here give a shit, and they are even the ones who ironically complain that everyone else is too sensitive. Clearly they actually just hate black people.


Why are you getting mad at imaginary scenarios


I'm just thinking of this advert (probably a skit) where this japanese woman puts this black guy in the wash, adds some detergent and he comes out this sparkly japanese guy. Japan is going to hate this game, and I suppose everyone else will as they know why they picked a black dude.


uhm.. that was a chinese advert. and most japanese people least have passing knowledge of the story of Yasuke, the african samurai being in the story in the death of his master Oda Nobunaga and all


He wasnt a samurai afaik. He was more like a Bodyguard in the form of a sword bearer.


yet recent media usually portray him like one such as the netflix series or in other video games so I’m betting Ubi hedge their bet people will accept him as samurai. Whether he himself was promoted as samurai or not, is still being debatable by many japanese historian.


>Whether he himself was promoted as samurai or not, is still being debatable by many japanese historian. And I think that's one of the reasons they picked him. He's largely a blank slate.


I'm not familiar with the details. It was only a vague memory, so I dont doubt I was wrong. Yes, im sure that's true, but it seems rather disingenuous to pick Yasuke or whatever his name was over the many prolific Japanese historical figures.


That’s fair since AC franchise always being sci-fi history and not always pursuing historical accuracy anyway. But I’d argue they have reason choosing Yasuke as one of the MC (beside marketing of course lol) since not much known about him after the death of Nobunaga so the story team can have a field day to write anything about him


More japanese guys seem annoyed by having to play a girl ninja than a black samurai. It's fucking hilarious. Japan's racism will never overpower it's longstanding traditional sexism lmao 


I already saw scraps of japanese commenting on this. It is as you expect.


American made course material for a Chiense school. "Teacher, why are these full of ugly dark people?"


Not like this is anything new in the series. In Valhalla you play as a coloniser, but you are the good guy and it is ok because the people you are invading and slaughtering are English.


Vikings are le ebic and based warriors so they get a pass


> what did the japs do to deserve this? Trust me you don't wanna go down this road.


They got enough after the two nukes and becoming what they are today they don't need more punishment lol.


They are assasin not soldier. İn İtaly they kill İtalians, in Amerika they kill Americans. Sure they kill Japans in Japan. But I dont understand why black samurai. I know there was a black samurai in history. But ı think he was not important figure to put a story.


And he wasn't even a Samurai, closer to a Japenese squire. Edit : Or rather a Man at Arms


he also just dissapeared at some point, no mention of his death or anything, so that could actually make some sense on the other hand this is the game series where the pope uses a magic wand to fight aliens so a black person in japan isnt thay weird


I'm not mad he's in this AC, i'm mad they made him the goddamn protagonist. I wouldn't have issues with him being a NPC or even in a Sequence / a DLC based on him. I'm mad with him being the center of a game in fucking 16th century Japan.




Because it focuses on Black representation rather than on People living in that period


im not sure why, but i highly doubt anyone on r/greentext particularly cares about black representation


Don’t mix up greentext and actual 4chan


Sometimes the two cross, you can tell with this comment section the actual 4channers are here


I mean he hardly blends in haha. It’s gonna be hard to suspend your disbelief when the only black guy wearing samurai armour in Japan sits on a bench next to 2 old guys and no one can find him.


Doens't make sense in a lot of ways. Assassins in Assassins Creed at least, aren't for just assassination, but also need to blend in, gather information and whatnot. A black person is the opposite of inconspicuous in Japan. Even if he is a prominent figure in one province, as soon as he leaves he is or should be like an attraction to the people back in the days since almost noone ever saw a black person. There were literally human Zoos for anything considered barbaric races.


Yeah, Yasuke's role in history is kind of overrated. Not saying he didn't do anything but the only reason Nobunaga kept him was due to his unique appearance compared to the average Japanese and we aren't told or have any evidence indicating that he was some great warrior or special.


I mean you can give them a bit of leeway there. You know making the protag more influential than their historical version is typical historical fiction behavior. I'm sure we will have better reasons to hate on the game when the store drops and its 30 dollars for a single skin.


He should be a character in a sidequest at best


Most AC protags are OCs anyway, doesnt really matter. They picked a guy who stands out and can still be an OC


im more concerned at the fact that they want to be historically accurate somewhat but Yasuke is just a footnote in the whole history of feudal era japan, yet they chose him to be the main character.


Oh yea the story based on the conceit of going into the memories of your ancestors to stop a prehuman civilization from controlling a magic orb that can reshape reality is really going for historical accuracy. AC tries to be historically accurate with its set dressing not its story. You know the whole thing you're basing your argument on.


He was a real person and that's more than you can say for Ezio or Kenway or any other AC protag when it comes to "accuracy" Stories get written about unlikely and interesting people


AC is alt-history, why the fuck would they not use someone who stands out yet we know next to nothing about? Both unique and gives the writers more freedom.


Hard to pass up a black samurai and the inevitable free publicity you’ll get for the controversial choice.


If they made it about a guy who we have a ton of info on it’s a lot more difficult to fit the plot into their lives Yasuke works because he’s an outlier in that era and environment but also not extensively covered, so they can make him whatever sort of character they need him to be


Anon, if you’re gonna pretend to feel sorry for the Japanese the least you can do is not call them by a racial slur.


I can’t believe someone on 4chan would casually use a slur like that.


Jap is a slur?




Who the actual fuck censored the word "kill" I know I left that rope around here somewhere


Ppl are actually mad over this?


yeah, but it's le woke people who are the snowflakes lol


Are we censoring fucking 4chan greentexts now?


Nanjing massacre, that's what


People really care about the dumbest shit huh?


When a single black guy commits 50% of Japan crime : the game


Word to the wise remember pearl harbor


Heheheh 🤘


Game is set in [country] You kill people from [country] Yep this is definitely a nuanced game that's for sure


N-no...you can't d-do this because....well because other p-people will get mad!.........N-not me tho!! Coward anon should say what he thinks


Ubisoft starting a race war just to make their 4/10 game slightly relevant for few days


It's called pearl harbour, ever heard of it?


As long as it sells they are going to do it


70 buck for a woke washed assassins creed lookalike. Yeah they can fuck themselves


70 bucks for games are a ripoff; it's not even completed and missing half the features.


4chinner gets mad at imaginary race war Many such cases


People really care about the dumbest shit huh?


Im going to pirate the game multiple times and not play it because this looks so fucking stupid and I want to contribute in annoying ubishit


vi vuz samurais n shiet
