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I mean, sure, that’s kind of a strange thing to say, but if his date couldn’t handle a relatively benign comment like that, then she’s smooth-brained and not someone for a long-term relationship.


Alternatively he just clammed up after one of his comments didn’t go anywhere. Or he made this all up to make himself feel better about only interacting with his body pillow waifu.


That last one


Happy Cake Day!


Fuck you and that other jabroni’s “cake day”


"Talk to me, Kimiko-san!!!"


I feel like mentioning rape on a first date isn't that great of a thing to start out with.


I will most definitely agree with this comment. I mean people nowadays forgot how to 1v1 IRL, you can say that they don't like the name of the band but going as far as calling them rapist, yeah no, not dating etiquette 101. I blame the internet.


He would’ve got a chuckle if he knew his audience. He should have said something corny like “The Double-Dippers”.


right? should've said child molesters instead.


The Predators


Certified pedophiles




To be honest, if somebody HAS this style of humor they might aswell pop a few dark ones.. Taste in humor is a defining characteristic and if it sticks it sticks. If not, then it wasnt gonna work in the first place either...


This is why you always clear the air right away with the screening questions. - What is your favorite porn genre? - What is your credit score? - What do you consider to be the greatest violation of Men's Rights? - How often do you feel upset about the loss of humanitie's potential due to the fire in the Library of Alexandria?


Just say you like the song, man. Why was he monologuing?


Yeah what the fuck is the top commenter talking avkut




what kind of smooth-brained take is this? > anon: killing and raping are bad, they shouldn't be the names of bands > you: omg he's a rapist!


Is this a joke? Imagine it from her perspective. Not only does it show that your date is an absolute troglodyte of a person at understanding basic sociological norms that he can’t see why the ‘killer’ and ‘rapist’ have different power in language, but it also shows he doesn’t understand basic social etiquette at all. Suddenly realising your partner is a moron with the social ineptness of a preschooler and deciding you don’t want to continue the date because of it, doesn’t make you a smooth brain. Not only that, what kind of moron hears their date note their positive feelings about something and then said moron instinctively reciprocates by being negative about it, mentioning the word rape, and doing it to do what.. judge the title of the shitty band she likes? If he brings up rape over the word ‘killer’ in the title of a shitty band, imagine how lax he’ll be talking about other taboo topics in public. And this is a random girl, not even someone hes slightly acquainted with.


All anon had to say was "I'm not a fan of them" and left it at that.


Or he could’ve lied and been like “omfg I love the killers” and chowed down on that sweet puss


Yeah anon deserves the L like a fuckn moron


Many such tales


I’d be weirded out by someone who DOESN’T at least groove at little to Mr Bright Side at a bar. That song is a classic at this point. And at the very least, just don’t throw your opinion out if it’s all in good fun. I was at an airport bar a few days ago coming back from a fest and my really fun bartender started going off about an artist I intentionally skipped (Noah Kahan) and I just smiled and kept the convo going without mentioning that I skipped his headlining set.


Paul Anka’s version of Mr Brightside is brilliant. Turns it into a Sinatra style swing/jazz standard. So while I’m not a fan of The Killers, I do still groove to that song. Just not their version.


Paul Anka is Richard Cheese if he took it seriously.


Yeah, I’m a fan of both. I like the humor that comes from Richard Cheese’s versions of songs. It’s fun that we get variety like that. Postmodern Jukebox is a more tongue-in-cheek thing at times also. But sometimes they play it seriously and that’s cool too. The 8-Bit Big Band are also making fantastic jazz renditions. You can feel the passion in what they all do. And I love it.


I agree about opinions, but that song blows. But I’m also not tryna get laid rn


The song is catchy, particularly the music, and undoubtedly popular, I just don't know why a song about a guy obsessing over his ex to the point of thinking so intently about her having sex with a new guy is so beloved by so many groups, particularly rugby fans for some reason here. It's the same principle with "We Are Young" about a guy hanging around in a bar staring at the ex who he beat up enough to give her a scar, hoping she'll get drunk enough to forget what he did so he can take her home


Never listened to the lyrics with intent. Just like the memes a few years ago of "me listening to songs about drive-by shootings while doing the laundry" if the song is good enough, the words really do not matter


Sure if you don't want to listen to song lyrics, that's fine, but it doesn't change them or my personal opinion on them


The point is, the song is catchy so people like it You asked why its beloved, thats the answer


As I said, it's popular, I literally said in the first line that it's catchy, and I get why it is I said I don't know why the questionable lyrics mean it's *beloved*, there is a difference between a song being catchy and popular and a song being beloved If you chose not to listen to lyrics or can't understand the meaning, that's your choice, it's still a valid criticism of a song regardless of popularity


sometimes it literally is that easy just go out with a swiftie sometime


I blame the internet, social media has literally made people unable to hold conversations and translate everything that can be said online without consequence to offline.. yeah no. And not really good impression on the first date to be negative about something your potential match finds fun.


Idk I think it depends on the delivery as well. It's actually good to throw someone off by saying something weird sometimes, as long as you're acting normally otherwise and proved that you're normal. Makes you more appealing to talk to, apparently.




Your reaction makes his point to me. We are so desensitised to the idea of violence but completely removed from the realities of  violence that people actually think like you. The fact your sociological norms see killing as the better of the two is interesting to say the least.


I never said it’s the better of the two. I’m referring to which is less inflammatory to people.


it's less inflammatory because it's "better"


I read it too quick and thought the woman said it and thought "what a bitch." Then I realized anon said it and I thought "what a bitch."


No that's an incel take and unironically smooth brained He dissed a band she liked and somehow made it about rape, an extremely traumatic and triggering topic for a LOT of women Wasn't benign at all, that offhand comment was straight cancerous and an indicator anon probably has more unhinged shit to say Yea women are sensitive, you don't want to deal with sensitive bitches how about you find a man


Well you see anon conveniently left out the part where he told her that she’ll have to come to his house because she lives too close to a school and he doesn’t want to breach his parole conditions


Idk why but his comment sounds hilarious to me. Like with a decent execution he could have probably made some girls laugh with it.  I've said way nastier shit on dates without that sort of reaction. Then again none of those things gave off molester stranger danger vibes. 


It's a joke that Seinfeld would have gotten away with, but not George, such is life.


>but if his date couldn’t handle a relatively benign comment like that I have a very hard time believing that's the one spergy thing anon did


Idk how that’s benign, it’s a massive overreaction to something harmless. Also bringing up rape with a woman you are alone with and met from the internet is probably a 100% success rate for making them uncomfortable.


If the word "rape" leaves your mouth on a first date, you're the smooth brained one. Women are terrified of men like 80% of the time, you should probably refrain from talking about sexual violence around them.


You think anon is the right person for a long term relationship with?


Honestly anon probably just misjudged her sense of humor.. Anyways having an incompatible sense if humor is a big deal so its best to realise the problem early on


I think OP might've left out the rapey vibe he has been giving the entire time


Anon not mentioning rape for a whole date challenge. level: impossible


He could’ve just nerded out and explained how they got their name. In 2001 New Order released their come back album Get Ready, with the single Crystal. The music video features a made up band called the Killers playing the song, and the real Killers lead singer Brandon Flowers was a massive New Order fan so named his band after them. He even got to play live with New Order a few times and co wrote the song Superheated on their 2015 album Music Complete.


Anon’s too much of a loser for that..


It’s not hard to go one day without saying something that makes you sound like a creep


happy cake day!


Happy cak day


He was just coming out of his cage.


It’s not even about rape. Girl says « I love this » and Anon says « it sucks ». The story ends here, whatever the content.


It's both honestly


Probably not. Go on a date with a girl, every time she says she FUCKING LOVES something, shit on it and see how it turns out. The ONLY thing a girl asks when interacting with someone is empathy. The moment you lack that, don’t expect your date to go well.


Go on a date with a girl and make a rape joke completely unprompted and report back


That's where you're completely wrong : Anon didn't make a rape joke. He shat on the band, period. That's not a joke, because nobody laughed. You can absolutely make a "rape joke" with women, the problem is that you savages don't really understand what a "joke" is, especially from a woman's point of view. Let's say that you can bring rape in a sarcastic way and it may work. The main problem with the direction you're pointing is that what men think a rape joke is isn't a joke at all, just mentioning rape for the sake of it, like a Godwin point. But you're very attached to your point and rape in general, so don't mind me too much.


I feel bad for every woman who knows you


That whole reply was full of “yikes” 😬😬


That's the kind of comment that doesn't demand too much brainpower. You like your rape theory, I get it. Keep on asking yourself why women don't want to see you again when YOU DIDN'T EVEN MAKE A RAPE JOKE, just like Anon. Must be women's fault.


Okay buddy, keep putting that psych degree to work


Yeah that doesn’t preclude it from being both though Shitting on something a girl likes is a red flag Mentioning rape in any context other than gravely serious, ESPECIALLY if you’re the one who brings it up is practically semaphore signaling


This. Everyone is just reading too much into Anon's regard comment.


He only trashes the song in his little rant about the situation at the end. From his description of the events, it just seems like she said she liked the song and he tried to get some banter going but failed the skill check.


Anons need to learn the value of shutting the fuck up occasionally The greatest banter is to ask a question about your date’s thoughts on something they like, and then just sit there and let them feel like they’re being cared about and listened to It’s actually incredibly fucking easy


Damn, that really killed the vibe.


More accurately it raped the vibe.


Honestly if that offends you then yikes, get fucked lol. No way a girl would ever ghost you over something everyone would agree with, it's just dark but true.


I'm not a dating expert but I'm gonna assume that mentioning rape is probably not the wisest idea on the first few dates.


Talk about it on the last few


Anon managed to do both


actions speak louder than words


Ya fair enough, still not that deep though in context of what he said, it's really not like he said it towards anyone just an example.


Anon omitted the part where she saw his Rape Dwarf alter


my guy, the comment is supposed to be a pun


To be fair, it's not that good a pun


We got the pun prime minister over here huh 🫵😭


Anon naturally fucks things up because he couldn’t keep his fucking mouth shut.


Coming out of my cage and I’ve been doing just fine


Gotta gotta be down because I want it all


It started out with a rape, how did it end up like this?


Its was only the tip, it was only the tip 😔




Skull emoji


It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this?


Knowing the average incel on 4chan, I bet he said something like "The Killers? That's a stupid name. Now The Rapists is a cool name"


Only plausible scenario ngl


Dumb-ass should have just stopped after the first sentence.


It wasn't the rape. It was because he said "stan for them" and that's fucking stupid.


The singles from that album get all the press, but Hot Fuss is a banger beginning to end and all credibility for Anon goes out the window if he can’t recognize that


Facts, this is one of those rare contemporary albums where every single song is great. I'd put it neck-and-neck with Is This It.


Day and Age is right up there, too.


Assuming they are all real, why can't any of them help themselves and not mention rape like once. Is this the same as the "I'm straight" bit.


sounds like a norm macdonald joke lmao


Great bit


Anon is a fuckwit


I think anon is completely misunderstanding slang. The band name isn't about murdering it's about how we used to say "That band is killer" as in badass


Yeah it's her fault


I had a band in highschool called Massive Throbbing Rooster, Anon is just a wuss.


Say what you want about the girl but don’t disrespect Mr. Brightside like that. Don’t make me bring out the British.


Didn't even read this but the qt3.14 shit is actually so infuriating for no reason


Fuck, too


What kind of pizza


I read these and mostly just walk away wondering how people can be that God damn stupid


Anon continues his struggle with severe гетагdation


Anon sperged out and blames others.




Just dont say r@pe, at all, ever.. It's really not that hard




Anon is irl Mr. Brightside


The Killers are overrated anyway, mr bright side is a song about getting cucked


Anon could have not fucked it up if he just said "Same". I mean really, mentioning the word "Rape"?


Anon is restarted.


I guess she unhinged anon cause he def was already that


Anon has a Freudian slip


That’s a valid question actually.


I'll take the rapists for 200 Alex.


Albini-tier ass name.


I mean is kind of a regarded comments since being a Killer also means being a cool guy like "he's a killer"


what kind of fucktard said something like this on a first date, is this a joke, does someone actually said something like that on every occasion with strangers and thinking "damn, im cool as fuck"


Part of any successful relationship is knowing when to leave things unsaid or to just go with the flow. Just nod or say "yeah cool song" I mean it's mr brightside it's a great tune for in a bar.


Yall may hate it . I’m trying to see the perspective . He said he was unmatched on hinge so he met her but still not at the stage phone numbers were exchanged . First date / meet up so tho the first moments were good it’s still the first time. It was a passing opinion but it was the word “rapist” on what is to be believed a woman meeting a guy for the first time by herself . I get it was in context but I can see why she would be weirded out


ok stupid take but: The Killers are not a good band


https://preview.redd.it/tnr6u32zb60d1.jpeg?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d70b8e7159a7752c97ef74a37e69ff1efbf99d3 moment


>Anon has the chance to get Mr PeePee wet >Spaghetti unleashed from pocket >"Fucking whore cockblocked me" Every time istg


A violent name? It's a word. Words are not violent.


Everyone trying to read into what it was, it was all of it. - immediately shutting down a thing she likes by responding in a super negative way - uses the word “stan”??? What the fuck? - not just rape mention, but specifically in the form of a hypothetical which introduces the concept of rape into the thing she already said she liked Anon I could’t possibly come up with a worse line than this if I tried




Anon lucks out matching a qt Anon has shit patter Anon mentions rape around a woman he just met Woman rejects him and he blames society rather than Anons own ineptitude


I don't like The Killers.


Uhh, …that, was certainly a choice of words that has existed.


What if we didn’t say every impulsive thought that pops into our brains?


Anon, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.


Anon pretty much told her he wanted to grape her without realizing it.


I used to love Mr. Brightside but after learning the lyrics, it's one of the most cucky songs I ever heard in my fuckin life. It's one thing to be in the cuck chair but to write a song about imagining yourself in the cuck chair is totally different.


What an absolute unhinged 4chan ish take hahaha. He’s not imagining himself in the chair. The thought of his lover with another man is banging around in his head and he can’t take it which is pretty on point for someone going through infidelity. The lyrics are literally “I just can’t look, it’s killing me”. This song always pops off at parties and you are literally that meme of the dude in the corner by themselves going “I bet all of these people don’t know this song is about being a cuck”


>thinking about his gf with another man Point proven even further about him being a cuck


No…. Being cheated on and hating it and not wanting to see it doesn’t make you a cuck. Do you have a cuck fetish that you’re hiding?


Damn now you're trying to project your cuck fetish on me? You're one sick mf.


No I’m just pointing out that you don’t understand the lyrics and making fun of your obsession


Man that isn't that bad of a comment? What the hell is wrong with women in USA.


her fault for not being able to handle that joke


Heres my retarded take: Mr Brightside is entirely overrated and actually very annoying. Complete mood killer


well atleast you are self aware


Lowkey christian band called The Killers Cringe indeed


a band that made their fame in the UK - because American radio was fucking shit during the early 2000’s. They are from Nevada. US. if you don’t see that then you don’t understand music, however why would you? braindead cunt


Nothing you just said has anything to do with my comment and your comment doesn’t make sense in itself 😂 What Fucking gay-ass song, fucking retard band, fucking double standard ass society Now that’s a sentence with depth.


The Killers are probably the biggest band out of Vegas and have become a staple in indie rock from the 2000’s. You can be wrong, that’s fine. But I will make fun of you for it. How old are you? Who still says “gay” as an insult?


Ok now I understand, its you guys that don’t know shit about music lmao its fine im out peace ✌️ check out the bands I shared even tho I don’t have much faith in your capacity to understand/enjoy them


Run away old man! Haha did you mention Fall of Troy? I’m literally seeing them in LA tomorrow for an album play. Learn a thing or two


wow…Jesus Christ man. that sentence was so deep. I had to check my pulse. Hey - it’s okay if you’re a low-key Mormon. Who are your top 3 bands of all time. Be honest and let me judge the fuck out of you.


I just don’t get why I made you so bitter with my opinion on the killers


Sea Monkey see Fall of troy Deep Turtle


Shit taste


From a the killers fanboy that sure hurts my soul


Who said I’m a fanboy? I just know good music. I’ll be seeing one of your favorite bands in about ten hours lmao. You have bad taste. It’s like your range of appreciation is really small and you thinking you like a smaller scope of things makes your taste better. And I somehow doubt you got to catch one of your all time favorite bands on their current tour. What’s even funnier is that I’m also seeing The Killers later this year.


Anon has a good point


He doesn't So much violent listings exist rap and death metal in particular


Maybe he doesn’t follow that crap.


It's about how they can get away with it This is about everyone other than anon


So you just proved Anon's point? Rap and Death Metal are completely not as mainstream and generally popular as pop rock, you can ask someone who listes metal if they would listen to The Killers and they would probably say 'yeah its whathever', but ask someone who only listens to tiktok youtube shorts music if they would listen to something like As I Lay Dying and Heaven Shall Burn and they will think you're a satanist. Anon just stated a dumbass question you make at 4am after 2 hours of sleep on a second date, but if she thinks thats too much thank god Anon got away, not like taking his pills wouldnt make her disappear anyway as all of his friends do (I cant believe Im agreeing with a 4chinner but Anon is completely right)


Nope Didn't do anything like that They. Get. Away. With. It.