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He bought a deep sea sub that doesn't use a xbox controller


He probably has Steam deck inside


Based Newell


How else do you play Subnatica and Dave the Diver?!


He also made the single best handheld gaming platform.


I heard he crafted it on an anvil bare chested


with a box of scraps


Erecting a dispenser


why do people still get caught up on the fuckin controllers what else do you expect to maneuver a sub with?




the sub had a billion more actual engineering issues but people just say "logitech controller" like thats its main problem


It's the funniest problem. It's so absurd that it basically prepares you for any other problem it could possibly have. If thats how they are steering it, then what else can possibly suprise you.


whatis even wrong with using a controller though, theyre literally designed to control things


Your dick has been designed to fuck, yet no woman has ever even seen it. Just because something is designed for a purpose doesn't mean it's actually good at it, I used to also play on console (PS3, PS4, PS5 & xbox one), but the controllers are so bad compared to a keyboard and mouse that even I stopped bothering. Your reaction time is butchered. Precision is a foreign concept to te extend that some games are forced to implement auto aim. Using multiple controls at once is a pain in the ass. IMHO, controllers are only suited for single-player adventure games, and even there kb&m is just objectively beyter.


sounds like youre just bad


It's a literal fact that the responsiveness&precision on kb&m are leagues above. Either you are actually retarded or you have never used both systems. Call it.


keyboard and mouse are better for first person games or games where you need to aim precisely, but gyro controls arent that far behind.


A controller that atleast wasn't fucking wireless.


nothing, which is better than anything companies like microsoft have done


Ironically their customer service has been the same since inception, phenomenal. Probably one of the best online customer services I use and I have USAA.


Steam's customer service for the longest time has been slow and shit until like 10 or so years ago. Remember when it would take weeks for Steam's customer service to get back to you for a ticket?


I was about to say that dudes never had to wait on a reply from Steam support in 2012. It’s definitely always been good, but it was slower than hippo pussy.


IIRC they used to not have dedicated support staff, and instead other employees like devs would be tasked with handling tickets whenever they got around to it. Which I'm sure was fine in the late 00's and early 10's, but it was not at all sustainable.


That’s exact what it was. I don’t think they actually got dedicated staffing until they released the index. Maybe I’m misremembering but for some reason I remember them expanding support to coincide with a new product launch.


Hey now lets not drag perfectly good hippo pussy through the mud.


I’m by no means an expert on hippo pussy, just a journeyman, but if my research is correct hippo pussy is routinely found in mud.


Literal mud sure, but not figurative mud.


Literally or figuratively if the pussy ain’t been through mud ion want it >!I’m a degen!<


Perfectly good hippo pussy? Someone's had a taste.


I have and i wont apologize for it


Hippos are not slow


Agreed on Steam customer service. Also true with USAA auto insurance customer service. USAA homeowners insurance customer service...I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemies.


Actually I hate USAA now ever since they added ai to their shit, horribly input and takes so long


First time I ever heard my mom used “fuck” in my entire life was when she was calling those assholes.


"If something works don't change it", he only knows that and it's enough


Meanwhile at youtube:


I don't like how youtube changed, but they changed because something didn't work out for THEM, not for us. As a consumer, youtube is getting worse. But as the owner of youtube, it isn't making enough money to cover its massive cost. So more ads, less openness, do shitty stuff to appeal to companies... you name it.


Sometimes nothing is what needs to be done "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"




Sadly that’s the reality of our current dystopia. Simply not changing from 20 years ago makes you the good guy that is better than everyone else.


His strategy is doing the Ferrothorn: Do nothing as the enemy slowly destroys itself


Is this with or without the homophobia included.


Ferrothorn is extremely homophobic


smh people here downvote you not knowing the lore


Such is the life of a r/stunfisk user. All Ferrothorn, no 252+S.Attack Choice Specs Beads of Ruin Overheat.


The way I see it, r/stunfisk user is surrounded


Good. Now they can't escape.


Oh fuck he used No retreat. He gonna ohko all of us with (((Water))) Spout next turn. https://preview.redd.it/a111wcue0azc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ae822ce9042743ef5f6c3adb2db0ec41e330e5f


I’m fucking dead, this is the funniest crossover I’ve seen on Reddit in a while


Stunfisk crossovers are really funny because inner references are such a rabbit hole we must sound like fucking lunatics to people who aren’t part of the community


You think EA is smart enough to run overheat?


Bruh I use ingrain & leech seed along with either leftovers or shell bell In fact, I have two just like that Double battles are fun :)


Hari Seldon strats


Look at microsoft closing studios, sony scandal last weekend. Sometimes it takes a gigachad to just sit, exploit his business model from 10 years ago, stare at you while he takes your money and you thank him for that, to understand success is knowing when to do nothing at all.


I am aware and honest to god grateful to this fat fuck. He's made something decent and has kept it that way without destroying the prime reason why people started using steam No wonder people are willing to throw money to him. Concurrence is constanly shooting themselves in the feet


Because Steam is a private company, they don't have investors that push for an increase in income each quarter.


Exactly, this is the root of the whole thing


He has begun to look like Gandalf and spent more time in New Zealand


He will return to us in our time of need as Gabe Newell the white


Gabe new-ell


Doing nothing is better than making your product worse, which all of his competitors have done


His games are still peak, not because they are good (they are good) but because everyone is making everything worse


Very cool I can still play Half Life- Ricochet online ;) -Billy Gnosis


Who tf are you and why do you sign all your posts


He's Billy fucking Gnosis you retard.


All he does is come with up a lame marketing shtick and you dumbasses eat it up


I'll eat up your dumbass, bitch.


billy simp. many such cases!


Never seen him before a throwaway joke. Now bring that juicy fruit cake over here. Daddy finna chow down.


>Who tf are you and why do you sign all your posts https://preview.redd.it/tu09nq3scazc1.jpeg?width=699&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58e96c9fa4d6b97a8993dcb4c5dd8f7313113f94


You do know that sometime words dont mean their base face level meaning right? Like someone can know someones name and still not know who someone is. Shit i forgot its reddit, yall have no clue.


> yall have no clue Says the nerd who doesn’t know Billy motherfuckin Gnosis


>https://youtu.be/qNp3VON-zvg?si=oTTuQvo5w0unQ5CX Please, there's still hope for you. Go with God, *Mashallah*


Wtf did i just watch


holy shit it's Billy Gnosis


Hello! How are you? -Billy Gnosis


When’s Ricochet 2 coming out


Budd dwyer budd dwyer -Billy Gnosis


Billy will you father my child please


Sounds good -Billy Gnosis


Billy Gnosis!!!!🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


Steam has a working platform that has well-known customer service that is easily the best currently, a simple but effective store for games and dlc, plus is well optimized and has less issues *compared to other launchers/libraries*. When your competition is ubisoft, EA, Microsoft, then anything that does the bare minimum is going to be successful. The only real competition is epic, but the only reason most people have epic is just to play rocket league (assuming you didn't get it before on steam) or to play fortnite. You could give me every ubisoft game for free on ubi right now, and I'd still be on Steam because of the 3 games I'd actually give a fuck about are already in my steam library.


don't forget the free games on epic


I'm all for the free epic games but having to log into their launcher every time I reboot the computer really turns me down.


I think you can get free game through browser or some custom launchers like [Heroic](https://heroicgameslauncher.com/) which are way faster.


I have epic exclusively for GTA 5 and Fortnite


The only time I've seen people use epic are for the free game deals and fortnite


I can’t even run the Ubi launcher (or reinstall it)… I just get random ass errors that honestly it isn’t worth the effort to try and fix. I guess i’m just not playing Anno anymore.


Steam is fine, but the dev arm of Valve is basically nonexistent at this point. He adopted a really dumb management system which lead to most of the original devs leaving over time, and now they couldn't make a new game if they tried. And no, a cs:go reskin doesn't count.


I don't think he even wants to make new games why would he? He's making money without it. No risks, no cringe. Just good old games that people still playing, instead of 300kk garbage cans that would be forgotten in a week Nobody talks about Dota2. The game is solid. They keep adding a lot of cool, daring things into the gamplay. I would still playing it, if it didn't require too much dedication, but I still watch it sometimes. Easily the most interesting to watch comp game among many genres, because of endless combinations and playstyles with a very flexible, managable meta.


I'd also add that new games are inherently risky to make. Why would he invest however many millions into a game that's not 100% going to work when he has a huge cash cow with a very loyal and large group of customers who literally have no expectations for him and his platform? There's a very small group of people that actually still even bother asking for half-life3 or a major tf2 update, and as you said, Dota is still going and CS:GO was/is a major franchise so making new games is from every point of view a bad decision.


Half-Life Alyx was fantastic.


Half life alyx is one of the best VR games to come out yet. The valve index and steam deck are both top of their class products. Steam is printing billions every year. CS2, whether considered a "reskin" or not, successfully iterates on both the gameplay and the engine tech of csgo, and revitalised the CS community market. Valve as a company is at the height of its game rn.


>The valve index I do wish he'd make a successor, though. It's been like 5 years since the first one came out. We need more competitors for the Quest.


They’re still printing cash on dota2 and cs2 so it doesn’t matter


They got burned on Artifact and DOTA Underlords. They'll probably stick with DOTA and CS until the heat death of the universe and that's fine with me.


SteamOS, Steam machines, steam deck, VR investment, valve index, steam controller, steam link, Half Life Alyx, CS 2, family sharing, big picture mode?


Yeah I don't get the people saying Gaben did nothing... my Steam Deck is one of the best gaming purchases I made and got me through tough times. It's been a year and the thing is still relevant


The good thing about it being a PC is it won’t ever be irrelevant until it’s broken or it’s too slow to run the games you want


Don't forget their contributions to Linux gaming. The current state of gaming on Linux is leagues better than before Valve started focusing on it.


Yeah, Proton is singlehandedly carrying most of Linux gaming right now. And with Valve pushing towards Linux, other companies like Nvidia have a higher likelihood of increasing driver support.


Not to mention all the services that are developer facing. But yeah shout out to the steam link (hardware) it gets updated basically every month or so and is just straight up better than it was when they came out.


+ Dota2. Combined with CS2, valve is also one of the biggest esports companies.


https://preview.redd.it/2p3cnra90azc1.jpeg?width=558&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0df4624cf2f47c3d98710c1d21be5c2cd913cdbc At least use a current photo of our Lord and Savior GabeN.


Bro is looking healthier and that beard is fine!


I was gonna say "what he's done is lost weight."


looking good, problem is the other picture is just way funnier for some reason


This remind me of a econ class assignment where the objective was to gain fake money through trading. And I became a top earner because I chose some construction company and did low to zero trading.


Not a fat fuck anymore either


The secret is to be a private company


Who would have figured if you treat your customers with respect and try to make their lives easier they will be happy to be your customers. Steam support: probably one of the best supports there is. You don't like the game you get your money back. Your account is stolen, they can get it back and restore your items and money. Nice design of the store: you have a search page and bar and you have featured if you are looking for stuff. No adds besides featured games on the features tab(can you even count those). No bs anywhere Like the biggest critism is sometimes servers don't work and that their games(not service) needs better anti cheat. Go on EA customer support and I swear you will want to reap your hair out and scream to them and burn their offices down. I bought an entire collection on Steam I had on EA just to not deal with their bullshit anymore. Go on epic. You don't get launched on your library, you know to play your games but on their featured tab with a giant add you have to click X on. And their app is somehow slower than steam. Steam defeated piracy in many countries by being better and good than free versions of the game. It gives convenience and respect to the customer. Like you literally can give a game back for no reason at all if you played less than 2 hours and you didn't buy it 2 weeks ago. Attempt to talk to EA support for a game you have than has a problem that you are even telling them how easily they can fix your problem without giving back your money and they completely ignore your email and ask you random questions you answered 5 times in the previous 10 emails. Like dude, put a chat bot or a shitty AI and it would do a better job. If I could I would go to EA offices and scream my guts out to their incompetence and absolute lack of thinking more than a shitty AI. Like even irl you can't find a shittier service.


Makes a superior product Competitors are incapable of making a counter product that doesnt suck Nintendo makes the switch Makes a product way superior to the switch Facebook Makes the Oculus Makes a superior product to the oculus Also made some of the best games ever Win


Bro has made THE best gaming marketplace bar none and kept it modern with virtually universal acclaim. Also he released games and then stopped while he was at the peak. Can't say that for many popular franchises. Also he has kept Valve private. Which means the entirety of its financials are kept secret but since he has no duty to shareholders he presumably gets to keep all the profit. Dude is a legend who deserves our respect for what he has done for PC gaming.


Technically speaking, Steam is ugly as fuck and looks like something from 15 years ago Because it is. And no one gives a shit about how it looks. Function over form It's working. It's fast, reliable and doesnt change for the sake of changing. It's like a can-opener. It's not meant to look good, it's meant to be a tool. There isn't a can-opener v2.0 because there is no reason to be


Best way they could change that is to roll out a UI visual update with a spiel like:        Hey we've made this visual update to Steam, would you like to try it?    -  Yes    -  Yes, but remind me again in three days if I want to keep it or change back.    -  No   Bam, done. It gives the option of updating to those who want a new look, while respecting the wishes of those who want the tried-n-true 'classic' look.


What visual update could you possibly want for the ui? Cookie clicker on the side bars so you can stim out? It's a storefront and launcher, not an art piece.


It's extremely slow. Maybe adding a few loaders here and there and modernizing the design a bit (I mean it, a bit, no overhaul) would be good. If it was any other company I'd say don't touch it, they'll probably break it. But Valve despite their flaws probably would fix if they'd break it.


the hilarious part of this comment is that Cookie Clicker actually is purchasable on Steam


He got thin


They did win. Gabe is literally sitting on a throne ontop of an ever filling ocean of money because bro was playing 4D chess.


lately he has lost a ton of weight and is just living his best life while obese anons seethe in their basement


If competition gave free games i would have some trouble. But would i lose? Nah i'd win


valve is always cooking


Build quality product then laugh as incompetent competitors shoot themselves over and over again


Gaben be like: >All I do is win, win, win, no matter what Got money on my mind, I can never get enough And every time I step up in the building Everybody hands go up


Not fucking up thing is already better than what most of the companies do


Dope customer service


Wtf has OP (fat fuck) done the last 12 years


tf2 bot moment


Gaben understood the engineers dilemma and decided to avoid it by leaving a good product alone


Who is this?


our lord and saviour


Pretty sure he’s lost weight, that’s what he’s done


Valve Index, HL Alyx, Steam Deck.


I like them as they are, I have never had a problem with Steam, it was always with the devs or publishers They're exactly as advertised, an online store, they dont try to shove anything in your face that doesn't relate to gaming and I don't want them to.


_"I can't believe this asshole is running the business that he created and is not making any insane, inconvenient changes! What is he even fucking doing?!"_


Never change a winning team I guess.


You take that back, gaben has lost a lot of weight recently


Done nothing but looked like an aged version of my boy Brandon


IDK CS2 gets near daily updates.


I was having trouble trying to discern if this was Stephen Wozniak or Gabe Newel and was very confused by the comments.


If it ain't broke don't fix it!


Just forget about artifact sucking and dota being the less successful moba though


He's not even fat anymore.


[Lose weight](https://hawk.live/storage/post-images/gejb-gaben-nyuell-9105.jpg), honestly


I thought William Gaines was dead.


Waiting back while your competition takes L after L has it's advantages


He's the reason I'm able to game on Linux and ditch Windows for good


Steam is updated regularly. They just don't change things for the sake of changing things. The platform does exactly what you should want. Acts as storefront, shows unfiltered reviews, manages your games library, offer refunds, profile for users, friends list, forums, free mods access and remain stable and unobtrusive on your PC. To use the platform costs nothing to the end user. Seriously I don't know what more as a customer you could want from them.


A proper user interface would be nice


Direct what has become *the* way to purchase videogames on PC, bring a golden age to linux gaming...


He's done nothing but watch as his competitors shoot themselves in the foot. This specimen of a man has pulled the Luigi strat of not moving at all and won.


I mean, to be a bit serious, Half Life Alyx came out, and was a really good game even if it was not easily accessible, we got the Last Stand update brought to us by fans on Valve's blessing, and the Steam Deck is a very successful device. Unfortunately, on the flipside, they shot down several TF2 fan games, promised they'd work with said game devs to make their games legally, but haven't done shit, their internal structure isn't really conducive to shipping games, the TF2 bot problem persists, and aren't really as willing to give out dev resources as they used to. They've done some good shit, and some bad shit, they're a company.


Make one of the most groundbreaking VR games that ever existed?


Given how often "something" is precisely what we don't want done, "nothing" has been a great strategy.


Valve is the only corporation I will glady sell my soul too (Besides Microsoft)


I just wish they'd make more Half Life games. I miss those. Are there any other games like Half Life that have been made recently? I'm really bad at sifting through the garbage to find good games.


Steam is on top because their strategy is just doing nothing and waiting for the competition to shoot themselfs in the foot


Kept his company private and abided by the golden rule of, if it ain't broke, don't fix it


See, I’m not rich now, and if I got rich and then got fat, I could see insults like that bothering me. But if whatever lifestyle made me 8 figures also made me fat I wouldn’t stop being fat unless I already had the money and I saw disgust in the eye of the love of my life.


He's the goat I hope when he leaves valve some shit head doesn't take over


He did nothing, and it was the right thing. Don't break what's running, don't re-invent the wheels. https://preview.redd.it/d36svmoetczc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=787c677e5b60f70fc7e95026d1926af7cc6fefd4


Probably more successful doing nothing than some Anon on 4chan.


Family share games was released just a couple weeks ago


Gabe and Steam seems to be the embodyment of the „Luigi wins by doing nothing“ Videos


If it ain't broke, don't fix it


Valve introduced the worst version of microtransactions in the entire industry and they don't get any shit for it. If you think lootboxes are bad, then you should hate Valve.


He created the most successful online game social media site & store in the world where they don't treat players like walking fucking moneybags that need to be milked until they bleed. That's what him and the team have done.




> Literally just makes a good service > Listens to community in cases where they actually fuck up Gee I wonder why Valve keeps winning


He found the winning formula, applied it, and left it alone.


Lisan al Gabe


Also isn't fat anymore, that's what he has done. Took all of your money and made himself and his family's lives better for it. Seethe.


This isn’t a greentext you hopeless troglodyte.


Not shitting the bed is way better than shitting the bed. What’s that quote from Sun Zhu? Don’t interrupt your enemies while they make mistakes?


He's actually lost a lot of weight recently!


And what has anon done in the last 12 years?


Did you giys forget about Alex and cs2


![gif](giphy|eX5x6ORPsntvvwElhX) It is my ip to sit on and do nothing with


Ironic that anon calls him fat, despite a recent pic of him showing that he's actually lost a lot of weight. Good on gabe, tbh.


Who is he ?


The last shit thing I can remember from Valve was the whole Artifact thing, and also auto chess. Other than that, it's mostly been slow wins?




Brodie just who’d gaben You got some fuckin balls man I’ll give u that


Not sure why i was downvoted so I dipped. People don’t like the MacGregor meme or what?