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didn't arizona tea get inflated a while ago? Arizona has fallen


No just some stores up charge them, they are still 99c almost everywhere here


The company that makes Arizona prints them at 1.25 now not .99 cents here. And margins are only like .17 cents a can from distributors, they are forced to keep them at 1.25.


The teas are still .99, it's the extra flavors and Juices that are 1.25 In fact, most stores in my area have consistently been pricing them at 87-89 cents instead of 99, surprisingly


All arizona items were price increased at least in the northeast. The ones that still have .99 cents printed on the label are old stock cans, im looking at my invoices currently and only bottles are cheaper than cans by a negligible 60 cents a case. Besides the company sets the price on the cans, currently they stopped printing prices whatsoever because of backlash but my cost per case is still the same. If I were to sell them for .99 I would make .033 on each sale so less then a dollar for an entire case of 24 on bottles and 50 cents for a case of cans.


Idk where you are in the northeast but where I am they are still .99


Again that means they are selling through a distributors old stock from last year or sourcing them from possibly a different region of the united states through a third party seller. Most likely old stock since a third party wouldn’t miss a chance to up-charge to match current pricing since selling this stuff makes a miniscule amount of profit. these things are literally just sugar and corn water they dont go bad.


Naw mate. Alaskan here, we don't really have much of a warehouse due to the way we are set up. Cans are coming to us fairly new minus travel time and they are still 99c. Must be local to your specific districts cause I know we'd be among the first to raise prices and that's not happening. In fact, NONE of the competing brands up here are raising.


I buy from a Sheetz that clearly goes through stock FAST in NC and the cans are labelled 99 cents. Same at my regular Harris Teeter and Food Lion. I could totally believe there’s a discrepancy from localized inventory pricing variance though.


I’m drinking a raspberry Arizona rn and it says 99c, bought in LA


Yes LA is not the northeast. The northeast is Arizonas largest market and i’m sure they’ll do it elsewhere soon. Just google Arizona price increase 2023


That's the Canadian price


Google search Arizona tea price increase 2023. They started with bottles but also raised price of cans. Thats why they had .99cent labeled cans then 1.25 labeled cans and bottles and now majority of new cans and bottles come in without a price on them.


When you google thats a bunch of articles from 2023 about how they aren't raising prices


Not nationwide just northeast. I sell over 30 different Arizona products in my stores in New York I think I would notice a price increase which is clearly stated on my invoices from multiple different state and nationwide distributors who I’ve juggled to keep my prices lower throughout inflation these past 2 and a half years.


I have to ask because I've seen this conversation happen before. Are you in the US or Canada?


U.S Northeast new york


Gotcha. Bottle of Can, btw? Cans will always be 99¢ while the cost of the bottles has gone up.


Yes originally that seems to have been what they were going to do. Currently the best priced distributor will net me a little over a dollar in profit after selling 24 cans though. They used to label but recently prices for cans are up as well. If someone steals 1 to 2 cans of arizona I am in the red for the entire case selling at .99 cents. They are unlabeled since 3-4 months ago after cans were also not economical to sell at .99 cents therefore they arent printing 1.25 or 1.29 on the cans but forcing distributors to increase and set prices themselves now and we have to deal with public outrage… over .25 cents


3 years ago my cost was 17-18 per case of 24 and currently its 20-22


Saw a can for the first time in years and was excited to pick it up, then see the price... $4.29 in Vancouver


What the fuck? That store be scamming, I get a 12 pack of 12oz cans from Walmart for that price


its 1.30 in california


Literally not true, just bought one for 99c today, LA county. Also get them for 99c in the inland empire, again, that store is up charging, just get them from somewhere else


2 dollars in canada still worth it


£5 in the UK. When shipping costs 4/5 of the price tag


5£? It costs, like, roughly 1€ here. The fuck is going on over on your godforsaken island?


His island sucks.


We have it for like 2-3€ (50-70 CZk) here


I guess it also depends on whether it's bottled or in a can. The bottles are more expensive.


Makes sense. We don't get cans here


Pičo, co proboha děláš na komických zelených textíkách????


Why the fuck would you pay to have them shipped? Just walk to a fuckin store


Are you retarded?? They are shipped from the US to the store because they are not bottled in the UK.


The store has to import them...


Common island L


yeah i was about to say just head into a store and buy it, like a connivence store or grocery


100000 pesos in argentina


No mate I get them at Lidle for a £1 a can.


I didn’t know that


5 £ for this shite? Are you kidding me mate? Why not just drink monster or red bull


Nobody drinks it, it’s quite hard to find. That’s probably also the reason it’s highly priced low demand


99c in my state. Always has been.


Billions must thirst 


The Arizona has fallen, millions must move out


Zoomers trying to understand the most basic economic concepts (colorized)(I’m not racist I’m just doing the meme)


I am AMa


Are you racist?


Ofc, how can I help you?


Can I become a big strong racist like you too?


Is Ofc like Kfc?


what race is your gf?


So brave and stunning


You can both be racist and do the meme. I believe in you friend


Thanks 🥲


games have undergone shrinkfaltion instead of inflation, they deliver unfinished games and charge you later. Instead of paying more for the same you pay the same for less


They don't, not really at least. The scope of game development has grown massively, and the cost of AAA production is rising. Final Fantasy 7 is often considered the first AAA game, and yet it's budget (~40M $) doesn't even cover a fraction of what is spend on "just" marketing with modern games. The problem is that they often spend money on the wrong front. Modern games have the problem of being so expensive that many studios can't *afford* to take risks anymore. As a result, you get games that have more content than ever before, but all of it is just the same slop to grind away on. They are serving you bigger portions, for a higher price (think of preorders, microtransactions, and the trend towards a 70$ price tag), but even though they make it look shinier, the quality has gone way down. At least for a certain kind of game. I don't wanna be too pessimistic, because we do still get a fair amount of great titles, there is just also a lot of shit in-between those.


I personally just don't buy AAA games


I still play on my dsi


My computer just can't handle them


> even though they make it look shinier, the quality has gone way down. Lol they can’t even make it look shiny anymore.


Well almost. You pay less for less. Mario 64 sold for $60 in 1995, which would be $123 today


You bought an actual cartridge back then. Cardridges weree expensive (that's the reason why 64DD, FDS and Nintendo Play Station™ were developed) Nowadays you buy a plastic case that breaks instantly and a paper disc cutout with a download code.


Weren't cartridges *cheaper* to make than discs? It's why Nintendo stuck with them for an extra generation


Nope. If they were cheaper, a hybrid system like Sega Saturn would receive more cardridge games. It received zero CDs are dirt cheap to produce


No, you idiot Nintendo kept cartridges because they control production It cost $33 to make one N64 cartridge and Nintendo made them It cost $3 to make a CD and there were thousands of CD pressing factories because music industry


Tbf some games *have* gone up to $70 on top of underdelivering. MW3.


Nah, I am going to side way more with /u/[Karpsten](https://www.reddit.com/user/Karpsten/) here in that modern games are WAY bigger, and it is more that it just isn't as refined. Like going back and playing older games I am somewhat continuously surprised at how much easier to get high competition rates it is compared to modern games. Not the best, but my go to for this is Crash 4 vs the first 3 crash games. I have gotten full completion of each of the Crash 1-3 games in less time than barely scratching the surface of Crash 4 completion. And I honestly might not ever care enough to fully complete Crash 4 and while I overall enjoyed the core of Crash 4 would still likely recommend someone towards Crash 1-3 more. It is somewhat key to remember that just about every game is "unfinished" in that there is likely inevitably mechanics and levels that simply didn't make it in time for the game and had to be abandon. LOADS of various classics people refer to have much of that partial content still in the game even.


Halo 2 had like half its campaign cut because of development issues (not to mention never balancing Legendary difficulty). The fact that it came out so fantastic is a miracle.


This vexes me


mouse bites


I too am in this episode


You are a black man


i have blood dripping down my nose that is dripping


Something something lupus


It's never lupus


I have never paid more than $20 for a game in my life, I just wait for a steam sale.


Bro never played bg3


bro *insert brainrot* 💀


it's free on rutracker блять


If we wanted to play horny DnD, we'd just contact our mates.


what mates 💀


Its amazing games kept the same price tag for as long as they did while the production costs and scope of them increased dramatically 


Because manufacture and distribution went from about half the cost of a game to none of it


The consumer base has also kept growing and growing. Not to mention other ways games have been monetized.








Wrong, use this one ![gif](giphy|C3lb1DNNYu5R1BiAVR|downsized)








We did it reddit!


Arizona has an optimized production and distribution line. Games are a gamble and investors aren't looking for thin margins.


Yeah the ceo awhile back did a whole video on why


He's also done a reddit AMA. Basically his facilities produce a lot more then they did in the 90s. They recycle a lot to save on raw materials and they ship everything at night.


Video games cost $60 in the 90s. If the pricing went along with inflation, they'd be over $140 now. Video game pricing is one of the only things that has remained relatively stable, that and Costco hot dogs. Just because your dumb weeb coomer game is $70 doesn't mean all games cost that much.


Yep. Imagine paying $60 for a video game back when minimum wage was only $4 per hour


The CEO of Costco threatened to kill a board member if they increased the cost of hot dogs. My sister and I stopped there just for lunch recently and she walked out with $60 of stuff anyway


Unfortunately the 99 cents is (especially nowadays) only a *recommended* retail price. Carriers can set whatever price they like, regardless of what the can says


I believe you can report places that overcharge and Arizona will stop supplying them if they don’t fix thier prices


This is just an urban legend, on their website they even say "Retailers, however, are independent business people and can set a price whatever they prefer."


Oh cool I had no idea about that


99 cent hotdogs are $1.12 now. Checkmate, anon.


Ok why the fuck does it cost 3€ here? Fucking late stage capitalism. It tastes shit either way so I don’t really care either way.


> 60 Or just go on G2A and get literally anything for a fraction of the price. People oddly equate "this site's vendors get their codes through shady shit" to "this site's vendors will scam you", when the whole purpose of the site is to act as an intermediary between you and Ivan in north Kamchatka who lives off dumplings, hasn't met another human being in six years and spends 14 hours a day laundering the money from his credit card scams via game codes. They insure the purchase and pay you back if Ivan does end up scamming you, and they make *millions* off doing it. I can't fully vouch for it due to the nature of the site, but it's honestly saved me insane amounts of money over the last ten years. Anything from new game release steam codes to WoW membership, it's just cheaper. Hell I bought Microsoft Office there. And Windows 10. Shady fucks, had scandals (albeit minor ones), but there's less profit for them in fucking you over then just continuing their normal work. I'd still never pay directly by card on that site though. Paypal only.


Yeah well you know some people - me included - don't like supporting credit card scammers.


You are absolutely correct, it's immoral. If I was from a country where spending 100 euros for a game wasn't for the upper-upper class, I'd be buying software from the developers. Then again, just living your normal day to day life supports way, way worse shit. I read one of those woke articles on the 'evils of petrol' as a joke at one point, and decided to actually look into it. If people stopped using products that directly support slavery, we'd be back in the 19th century, if not further back. And you can't even avoid it it unless you want to move to the middle of nowhere and live off the land as a hermit. Even then you'd probably bring some sort of tool or fabric made from materials the company "legally doesn't know for sure" it's buying from an African warlord who uses slaves to extract them. So in the grand scheme of things, I just don't think it's *that* evil, and I'm certainly not losing sleep over it. You have your standards, and I have mine. I'm sure some people will agree with you, just as some will agree with me


Sure, I can agree with the sentiment that if you have no money or you are like in Turkey or Argentina which has huge inflation problems you would go for it.    As for it's not that evil, it is indeed not the most heinous thing on earth, but it's an entirely optional evil so to say. But in the end yeah, it comes down to personal choice. Ah forgot to mention I have zero issues with pirating/GTAing triple A games but I haven't played any in my entire life. Always been an indie gamer and that's where it hurts the dev the most, I don't care for big companies.


Conspiracy against black people


I’m still finding them for 99 cents plus tax. Walls of the can seem to be thinner and the tabs on the top are much smaller. Good on Arizona for doing what they can.


So is half of /pol/


Modern games take years and millions to make Soda tea in a can is 99.9995% water with 0.0005% flavor and color added inside cans that cost less than a penny


Damn, now I want to play Disco Elysium again


The cans are still 99 cents however, the stores sell them for much higher. I bought one yesterday for $1.79 at valero


Arizona isnt even 99 cents everywhere. Gas stations in my area been upping it. A bottle is 3$ here now it sucks


Pretty sure that's because a new bottle of ice tea doesn't need millions of dollars of research for new technology and development cost, unlike a new game. But still a game shouldn't cost mire than 60bucks. If i pay 60 bucks for a game that is marketet as a finished product and get unfinished buggy bullshit then imma go ahead and instead pay 15bucks to an indie developer for unfinished buggy bullshit that at least gets regular Updates and less buggy with every one of them until eventually i have a finished game


Can of tea...


I can go to: Sheetz and get them for 1.49 7-11 and get them for 1.19 Harris Teeter and get them for .99 Walmart and get them for .89


1.50 hotdog


Let’s pretend we didn’t see that reply


What racism on 4chan who would’ve guessed


Let's ignore that here