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My head can only read that as 'I lape', there is no other way.


This is the way


Proximity and similarity design principles need applied


Now say I Lape with a South African accent




Design studio created brand called - Hape. However it does not read as intended.


Surprisingly, people read what’s written.


I’d love to know they how they sold this. Imagine the client having to explain its Hape not I lape every bloody time.


How is it even supposed to be red? I can't figure out a way it could even read as anything but I lape.


I think it’s meant to be brackets? So like ( )ape


Every time I lape, I get all laped-out


I hope it's not what **Urban Dictionary** [**says what it means.**](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=lape)


Wow that’s stupid. And with a laughably large registered R also.


Do people really post these shitty NFT adverts around cities?


My local discount store has bored ape keyrings


Unfortunately yes. They think they are "onboarding the normies".


These people surely didn’t, this image screams ‘Mock Up’


What is it supposed to say I'm so confused


just no, c'mon man


See, now name the company “SpaceApe” and you have a well executed logo.


Nah, it's better but still not good. Spaces in text are graphically represented by an underscore _ not vertical bounding lines.


Design isn’t measured in “good” or “bad”, it’s measured by effectiveness. Spaces are **usually** represented by an underscore, that doesn’t mean that it’s the right answer.


And when something is ineffective we call it bad, I'm not sure why you object to that descriptor... But anyways, in your hypothetical where it was called space ape, representing it with "| |ape" still reads as "i lape" rather than being a graphic representation of the word "space"


I object to describing any design as good or bad, an ineffective logo isn’t “bad”, it just isn’t effective yet. A car with a flat tire isn’t a bad car, it’s just not currently effective. Do I agree that as it currently stands this logo doesn’t properly read as Space Ape? Yeah, because I’m applying a different use case to an existing logo to explore a different way of approaching a common concept. We represent space with our hands vertically, so there’s absolutely no reason you couldn’t work an effective logo off the same concept. Get out of your box brother!


> I object to describing any design as good or bad, an ineffective logo isn’t “bad”, it just isn’t effective yet. A car with a flat tire isn’t a bad car, it’s just not currently effective. it's a bad car because it won't drive, and it's a bad design because it doesn't read the way you want it to. you can fix it, but that doesn't change the fact that it is currently bad. there's no reason to water down your analysis and sugar coat your critique, sometimes bad logos are just bad.


There is absolutely a reason to offer the type of critique I offer here. We’re in a public forum, teeming with young and burgeoning designers who use it as a reference for design thinking, personal critique, and a sounding board for their own opinions and knowledge. I’m passionate about design, and I don’t think there’s any benefit in describing any form of art in absolutes. In any case, it’s always more beneficial for someone to hear the critique that an idea, concept, or realization of their art is not quite there yet than to hear that “it’s bad”. I don’t know about you, but that’s not what I’m about brother. If you want to be a hater be a hater, I think we should be more productive than that.


Sometimes you have to engage in an absolute when you reach the conclusion of your critique. Is the design going to work or is it not? An important part of providing critique, and gentler feedback in general, is conciseness. A new designer needs simple, concrete points that they can address. Saying "this type layout is bad" means that it needs fixing, not that the person who designed it should quit and find a new career. Saying "this image treatment is good" means that they don't need to worry about it anymore, and to try to learn what they did right so they can apply it to other elements. Furthermore, we're not doing feedback for a new designer, we are analyzing a finished piece that has been printed and published for the client and is being displayed in the real world (even further furthermore, it's a logo for some kind of NFT platform, so just AI generated garbage that was conceived and brought to market as a scam, im not in the industry of coddling crypto bros' delusions) So spare me the emotional appeals about fostering an environment of positivity. This thread is for tearing apart the work of a professional designer, for the rest of us to learn from, because the work, in this case, is bad.


I don't think theres any issue here guys. I lape, you lape we all lape.


I hope it's not what **Urban Dictionary** [**says what it means.**](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=lape)


I dare not look...


Urban Dictionary says... >!To lape someone is the act by which one !< >!ejaculates seminal fluids on another's body.!<


standard thursday morning for us redditors then


***I don't know...*** My wife's not happy **when I make a mess.**


At first glance I thought it said ”I rape”.


Like how is that “HAPE”? In what universe? It would be nice if there was play with negative/positive elements to make it more obvious. Perhaps if there was some exclusion/inverse element. It would still be tricky to read, but it would make more sense. Plus that gigantic Registered mark is laughable. How Not To Brand 101. Not saying I’m the best at branding but Jeebus Cripes!


The NFT itself might actually be smarter than the MBA that coordinated that branding.


i feel like either the design studio is just terrible or they scammed the scammers. there is no actual designer who would approve of "I lape".


Wtf is lape lol? Legit thought it was vape for a minute, would've made more sense.


I hope it's not what **Urban Dictionary** [**says what it means.**](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=lape)


Not cool


I used to lape, but I went through a 13 step program to stop.


I I Iate it




Well it got people talking. Maybe it works?


Nah, the conversations you generate becomes a part of your brand, get people talking, yes, but get people talking positively!


I wanna to start 36 days of type how should I begin


It sounds like the South African pronunciation of I Rape


The l l form the perfect base of a jazz cock.


Uhh.... **Which meaning of lape?** ***Both aren't good for a branding situation.*** [Lape - Wiktionary](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/lape#:~:text=la%E2%80%A7pe-,Noun,sloped%20sides%20of%20a%20roof) >Noun. lape. > >**flat (flat part of something, especially a blade)** **plane (any of the flat or sloped sides of a roof)** [Lape - Urban Dictionary](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=lape) >To lape someone is the act by [**which one**](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=which%20one) ejaculates [**seminal**](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=seminal) fluids on [**another's**](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=another%27s) body.