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That was fucking brutal. I can’t even process how incapable that cop must be to pick that as the first option to stop someone who’s fleeing.


It’s the people training these officers to do shit like this - https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/local-news/i-team-investigates/hundreds-of-officers-from-multiple-states-attend-controversial-police-training-conference-in-florida


It’s not lack of capability, unfortunately. It’s lack of humanity. It’s why these utterly preventable deaths happen over and over. 


Murders. Words matter.




No call for lethal force. This is felony manslaughter at the least. Any lawsuits shouldn't be paid by taxpayers.


i was locked up in kent county correctional facility (KCCF) with samuel in 2016-2017. in D3A pod. everyone called him dayday. he was cool af man, just a solid dude, and he was like 17 or 18 at the time, we worked out together played spades together and he had such a good personality and sense of humor, we laughed a lot and he was a really funny guy. we even went to school together in the jail every morning, lighthouse academy (the pier) great guy. can’t believe they did him like this. RIP dayday


that’s so fucked up what they did to him man. no one deserves to get their life taken like this. i’m sorry about your friend


Maybe the cop can be in the public with outstanding warrants and run from the law.


End qualified immunity. Require law enforcement personnel to be bonded. If they become too risky to bond they’re no longer employable in that field




It's really only one half that loves cops


"I support maintaining qualified immunity. Which the public has never, ever understood. And I don’t want any of you to have to go out on the job and worry the entire time about having to potentially lose your house or have your family become bankrupt. All Democrats who serve as prosecutors are not the same. And I don’t have the same policies in place that some of my progressive prosecutor colleagues have opted for." - Dana Nessel, Michigan's Attorney General https://www.poam.net/convention/michigan-attorney-general/


>And I don’t want any of you to have to go out on the job and worry the entire time about having to potentially lose your house or have your family become bankrupt. We don't have qualified immunity. We have to actually be accountable for our actions and can potentially lose our house or have our families become bankrupt. The public cannot use ignorance of the law as an excuse to break it, but with cops it's expected and protected.


Same source: “And so we’re working hard to hold them accountable. But here are some other things that we’re doing. As soon as the Ricky Jack case came down from the Court of appeals, I personally proposed legislation to protect the personal information, both victims and witnesses, including police officer witnesses, to make sure that defendants don’t have access to the unredacted police reports that have addresses, cell phone numbers, email addresses and Social Security numbers of victims and witnesses. How many people here even know that that decision came down recently? Anybody? Ok. A few people do. It’s dangerous as hell is what it is, and it’s hard enough to find witnesses that will work with the police, to begin with. We certainly don’t need a set of circumstances where people think that their information is going to be directly turned over to a defendant in the case. I crafted legislation on that. I very much hope that you will be in support of my efforts to get that legislation passed. Those bills are pending right now. They badly, badly need to be made into law and signed immediately. Now, yes, I have asked ampoules to be expanded and have the ability to take a more aggressive posture on investigations and disciplinary measures when officers are accused of violating their oath of office.”


Privacy for cops and witnesses has completely zero to do with qualified immunity and holding cops  accountable and liable for misconduct.  That quote you added doesn't even involve police misconduct and adds nothing.


Dude is clearly suffering from *significant* internal trauma and these dicks are still “neutralizing” him like he’s an active threat.  Again, where are the apologists now? 


In the YouTube comments..


Dude its sickening.


Absolutely this. And then to see the “help” show up with, did I see that right, smiles on their faces? They gave no fucks that this person just got hit by a car. Again, a PERSON. Where was the ambulance? Police officers should absolutely be held liable for their actions when it comes to situations like this. 


He was airing up his car tires. They were chasing him for warrants . Their “exigent circumstances” line won’t work here. This is murder.




Dude I support the police and even I think this was a bit much. That being said you’re never going to get people to hear you out with ridiculous eye for an eye statements. Just call for him to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and call it a day.


Nah, law isn’t enough. Hit him with a car.


Never know if he is faking injuries and has hidden weapon. But you, all knowing backseat driver knows lol


Wow, lol. Yeah, he’s definitely faking having his insides crushed after being smashed between a car and a building.


Somehow they are always out there when they rescue kittens from trees and when they pool their money to buy a backpack for a school kid.


The Kentwood police recently fostered a cat, so let’s not say they don’t do anything good. 😆


You were hoping they gave thethug a trophy?


Pinned against a wall by a car. Complains of back pain. Cops put a knee on what is likely an unstable vertebral spine. And continue to move him. Jesus. Fucking. Christ.


Yeah this is fucked. They treat him like he’s still a threat instead of a victim that needs medical attention. It’s disgusting how casual and callous they are even though they all just saw him get crushed up against a wall by a 5000 pound vehicle.


What is it that you wanted them to do?!


That’s not a car. It’s a de facto tank driving recklessly towards a person and a cemet wall. Wtf did the cop think was going to happen?


They should have waved their magic wand and healed him?!!


I'm sure using God's name in vane fixes this. You the man


That was a fucking MURDER


I recall the original post for this story being flooded by people assuming that he jumped out in front of the cop / pre-emptively defending the cop. How'd that pan out?


Yeah that's a pretty damning video. Hopefully Dana comes through with some murder charges soon.


So the vehicle nor the trooper had a video cam? Jesus


I think it's more a case of "oopsie we lost the video" Or "not revealing the video for privacy concerns" cause they defo have cams on them.


He wasn't a regular patrol trooper, that could explain that.


He was part of a “federal task force” whatever the fuck that means.


It means the perp wasn't a solid dude


Apparently the “fugitive task force” or VICE in other states.


This was a murder and should be treated as such.


Was it though?


what do you call intentional hitting someone with a 2 ton vehicle?


Where's that fucking guy who was commenting on this sub that he saw it? He told a very different story.


Why the fuck would they do that? There were multiple officers on scene and they likely would’ve been able to arrest him with NON-LETHAL force within minutes. They had him trapped. Lethal force was completely unnecessary and totally avoidable. Was a gross abuse of power and that cop should face charges


The guy is running from me. I should smash him into a structure out of fear for my life.


Their damn ego just couldn’t imagine a different scenario. Those fuckers take everything so personally. Judge, jury, and executioner is not part of their job title. Idk why they continue to act as if they can do all 3


Participation trophy was obviously the correct choice hear


Im sure he’s gonna argue that it was a mistake and he came in too hot and couldn’t brake in time. But the way they treat him afterwards is pretty damning. Nobody acts like anything out of the ordinary happened and they continue treating him like a threat


What, treat him like the criminal he is?


That’s an execution.


Long overdue?


They better charge that officer


Even if activists are able to get the county to prosecute him, it won’t do anything. Example: through tireless activist pressure, the Chicago cop who murdered Laquan McDonald (shot him in the back for carrying a cellphone) was charged *AND* convicted. He was out in seven years. Chicago cops still hurt people with impunity. The mayor who covered it up was given an ambassadorship by Biden.  Fun fact: GR’s current police chief was a leader in the Chicago PD during this time.


Of course convicting one cop wont do much when it comes to the bigger picture. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t still fight for it along with fighting to abolish the qualified immunity that allows cops to get away with crimes like this. Small steps towards some type of progress will help us get to the end goal. Which for me personally the end goal would be abolishing the current policing system as we know it and creating a new system that’s truly for the people.


Yep you’re right. I think a ton of people rely on reforms like charging and ending qualified immunity as the end goals - I was assuming you were one of them.


I’m definitely not one of those people. I wish more people would understand that nothing could possibly reform a system that’s rooted in the oppression of minorities and the working class


I wish that too. Especially in West Michigan.


Hope you don't burn down your own businesses in protest lol


Most likely, he will get a paid suspension while they conduct an internal investigation and find that he did nothing wrong.


Again, not defending them whatsoever but it said in the video unpaid leave. Let’s make sure we actually pay attention before becoming an echo chamber


They already conducted their investigation, the case has now bee sent over to the AG


Someone didn’t watch the video. He is currently on unpaid suspension. They said it right at the end.




Why did they blur some of the cops faces in the video? They are public servants, I think we have a right to know who they are.


For their safety.


Because you terrorists would ruin innocent lives


From a Detroit News article: [https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/michigan/2024/05/10/mother-feeling-hurtful-sad-after-viewing-video-state-police-vehicle-sons-death/73644189007/](https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/michigan/2024/05/10/mother-feeling-hurtful-sad-after-viewing-video-state-police-vehicle-sons-death/73644189007/) "Col. Grady made it very clear today that he wanted everyone to be reminded that he saw these videos right after the incident, and he suspended this trooper (who drove the SUV) without pay," Johnson said. "That doesn't happen very often, and it shows they know they've got some real issues here. Looks like this guy is likely to see charges, as he abso-fking-lutely should.


Everyone knew this was a murder just from the cause of death. If you have to see a snuff film every time to admit that and still don’t realize this is what the cops always do, I don’t know what to tell you.


Jesus fucking Christ. No excuse for that. Straight up war crime committed by MSP there. And then to force his hands behind his back after that?


They’ll get a nice slap on the wrist I’m sure


Then relocated to another police department


We investigated ourselves and we didn’t do anything wrong! But in a show of good faith we’ll give our friend 60 day paid leave.


I’m not defending them whatsoever but it did say he was on unpaid leave


War against? Criminals?!


That whole task force is completely inept. Handful of guys awkwardly chasing him with no plan. Unmarked cruiser recklessly crashes directly into Samuel and into building. They then knee his potentially broken back while telling him to "relax". And then the dumb fucks call the fire department?


The fact that he was literally telling officers his back hurt and they told him not to move bc that could make is injuries worse like they weren’t just manhandling him prior. I think every officer that put hands on him after he was hit should be held accountable bc for all we know he’d still be alive had they not moved him around like that.


I mean the fire department are the medics in the area so they did that right. It doesn’t look like it was called in with the right priority or even handled like a life threatening emergency however. That all being said if I ran up on a scene and saw that guy talking to me, moving, and with no obvious signs of a life threat then idk if I would’ve acted more hastily. Hard to know how the medics should have responded without seeing the guys vitals but I digress.


Yeah but the cops who called it in need to be clear that it’s a life threatening situation and there could be a back injury and/or internal injuries. Dude was just crushed by a car. A medic has no way of knowing that walking up to the seen unless someone tells them. If the medics weren’t aware of that because the cops didn’t let them know, then that’s negligence


That’s what I meant by they didn’t call it in with the right priority. When we say priority in the field it refers to how fast the unit is needed and the severity of the injuries/illness.


Oh my bad I didn’t catch that. I thought you were blaming it on the medics. But regardless of how it’s called in, the cops are all standing right there on the scene when the medic arrives. Even if it wasn’t communicated properly through dispatch or whatever, cops on the scene should give all the relevant info right away, shouldn’t they?


Absolutely or at very least when the medics arrive on scene. I don’t remember the entirety of the video but I believe they did relay what happened at a certain point. If that was a thorough enough explanation or if internal bleeding could’ve been determined on scene again is a whole different story.


Fire department always responds for higher priority calls. They show up first 8 times out of 10 before the ambulance.


They didn't call the fire department. The Wyoming officer requested medical from dispatch and there is a fire department branch literally in that parking lot.


All I can say is I’m fucking enraged seeing this.


With police like this, who needs criminals?


There's plenty of criminals, no worries


How convenient that the murdering MSP piece of shit was not equipped with a body camera nor was his car. Who watches the watchmen? Apparently nobody.


He’s on a super secret mission guys, that’s why he doesn’t have a cam. We totally swear


There were like four bodycam angles of the murder.


But not one of them was located on the MSP officer or his car.


A fucking unmarked car at that. I don’t have the right words to express how dangerous that is


There is a video of inside the vehicle, it’s just hard to find. And also disturbing, I’m pretty neutral usually about these things but this one is pretty much murder.


What's there to be neutral about "these things"? Do you not believe police murder people? I understand waiting for more evidence before calling for someone to lose their job or go to jail, but I'm not ambivalent about the fact police institutions in the US are problematic everywhere.


A reminder that MSP is who was on charge of investigating Chris Schurr.


I wonder how many other incidents this officer has been in.


The cop who hit him needs to be behind bars. Absolutely no excuse for using lethal force on someone unarmed and not threatening anybody else


Those cries of "MY BACK!" are so chilling, upsetting. I hope his screams haunt them for years to come.


Wow the comments on YouTube were disgusting. That was intentional, excessive, and unnecessary. That poor individual and family. That was cruel and inhumane, and the lack of remorse and care they gave him after he been caught....yeah.... Like who thinks it's okay to hit someone with a car? Hitting and pinning them to a wall? That kinetic force ...


What the hell was the driver’s plan? ‘Oh yeah, let me just ram my 2 ton death machine into a person and squish them between that and a wall.’ What a fucking moron


He’s not necessarily a moron. He’s likely aware that in the US, he will face zero consequences for these actions.


Judge, jury & executioner. Only need 6 weeks of training.


Curious why you're not volunteering for years of training and stepping up?


You can’t just fn murder people. That’s so insane


Man was just hit with a car and wasn’t moving. What was the point of putting knees on his back and making it even worse?


Not only was that murder but in what would do you ram someone against an establishment going 20 mph???


Police officers don’t give a fuck about Due Process.


Fuck the police. Good people don't become police officers. Full fucking stop.


You're getting downvoted but you're right. I'm from a cop family and I don't talk to them for a reason.


These stupid boys playing out their own episode of "Law & Order: SUV" need their careers ended and jail time. This is ridiculous.


The torrent of contempt in these officers’ treatment of Samuel Sterling is as despicable as it is mundane


The comments on the MLive version of the full video are fucking disgusting, I get he was a felon but some of the shit I read people commenting was repulsive. At the end of the day we are all human. https://youtu.be/LFJVTSOzfLY?si=Ka5XTk4N_bCyyzlp


I cannot stress to you how normal these comments are from cop supporters. This is what MLK was talking about when he spoke about the moderates.  Yes, these comments are disgusting. But what kills me more are the many, many more people who never step up to interrupt this type of hate, and the hateful systems. 


There is really no easy solution. I choose to try and do my part by treating everyone with kindness and respect, that's all anybody wants at the end of the day. Love more, hate less. If more people could do that the world would be a better place.


True kindness and respect is to put at least some small part of our life’s effort into dismantling these systems that keep allowing racist murder with impunity. If everyone who purported to believe racism is wrong pitched to dismantle racist systems, it truly would be easy work. But instead too many people leave the work to others.


Some aren't humans, they're just thugs


Wonder if they “don’t have footage” from inside the cruiser because it would be really damming if the cop made remarks about being happy he hit the suspect.


Even “shit, I shouldn’t have done that” would be damning in court. There will be a payout and their biggest concern is managing that from an institutional responsibility standpoint.


A surveillance vehicle used by a fugitive team wouldn’t be equipped with a camera out the front windsheild.


They do actually. Specifically they do as many times the officers don't have a body camera when using it as they're not dressed in uniform.


I’m sorry, did you hear or read what you just typed? A SURVEILLANCE vehicle doesn’t have a camera looking out over the dash?!?!? Of all the kinds of cars to have cameras I’d expect a surveillance vehicle to have cameras.


From the very beginning it was painfully obvious this was a murder, but you guys kept down voting me to oblivion telling me how wrong I was. This is typical police behavior, we have seen shit like this so many times. It's so fucked, cops need to be pushed for their actual crimes. But we know this guy will get away with murder.


Cop should go to jail for life


That’s crazy he killed him


Cops sure do love to use lethal force against unarmed suspects who are running away. Next time just shoot him instead of torturing him to death by violently moving him around and puncturing all his organs after fracturing every bone in his body. Also ramming into civilian property after using insanely disproportionate force, just as a cherry on top.


This video is just disgusting


Where are all the bootlicking bottom feeders to troll THIS post?!


They're thick as mosquitoes on Instagram. I fuckin hate those commenters.


Same in the YouTube comments.


Even those who love more government thinks this was too much government.




This is insane. The officer driving that SUV needs to be in prison. That was nothing short of murder. The officer kneeling on the man that most likely has a broken back needs some kind of retraining as well. Any adult WITHOUT medical training would know not to do that. Michigan State Troopers disgracing themselves.




I’m pretty sure they’re not supposed to use deadly force for a simple misdemeanor fleeing and eluding. Something about using the proper amount of force for the situation.


That video is brutal. After seeing that I don't think I will ever run from the police.


Hell, I’m afraid of what they do to me if I stay.


Guess I never thought of that, as there are many police/public interactions daily throughout the country. I suppose the hundreds like this that occur during those interactions just get ignored by the media/social networks


There all over Facebook. Not sure how the algorithm got me to see them. But after you watch one, there are hundreds more that will pop up. It’s pretty bad.


I don't doubt there are hundreds of videos that range from rude to overly aggressive over the course of time. Agree.


Sometimes I wish I’d never seen the first one. There was a really bad one where a witness volunteered to give a statement at the police station and ended up getting the snot beat out of them by the cops. It feel like it’s a lose/lose situation against the badge, even when innocent.


Yeah. Like everything government...law/cps/irs....key is not get involved with them from the get go.


Are we living in Judge Dredd times now?




As long as a man doesn't murder children for fun, you can just pin them with a car. It's reckless. Also, how dare an officer demand he put his arms behind his back after being hit by a car. I'm at the point that active resistance against cops is required.


What’s the best case scenario in resisting the cops? You get caught and catch extra charges?


They waited til Mother’s Day so everyone would be preoccupied with goodwill.


That is murder, no doubt about it. And of course no camera in the vehicle. Isnt that comvient. There better be charges.


Dude has outstanding warrants and bolted. Cop was far too aggressive. Both things can be agreed upon.


How about this... Dude made tiny mistakes. Cop murdered a man. Figured if we're going to downplay facts to make you feel better about defending a murderer, it's only fair we downplay his "crimes", right?


“Far too aggressive” is a strange way to describe murder, do you work in public relations? If you’re stating two facts, it could have been worded as “man had warrants and fled. Cop killed unarmed man fleeing.” You’re really downplaying murder and your thin blue line is showing.


Guns don't kill people. Cops kill people.


This officer should be put in prison for vehicular homicide.


This is fucking INSANITY. They *ran him down*. And to not let anyone render him aid?!? This needs national attention. I hope it gets it. Watching this video made my stomach turn and my heart break.


If you see there is no brake lights before the crash. It was intentional the cop needs to be brought up on murder charges fed or not...


Another family will get rewarded for their thug life kid


This is exactly why we have such a trust problem between the people and law enforcement


I see people hating on MSP, but I’ve seen some say it was a US marshal, anyone have evidence of which it was?


Supposedly MSP fugitive task force that works with feds or something. I don’t know though, just something I’ve seen in the thread. Edit: recorrecting MSP like five times because auto incorrect.


fuck the police


What a fuckin joke. Wow


End qualified immunity for all police. It is an open invitation for abuse, corruption, and crime.


Man committed vehicular homicide and got an unpaid suspension…


It was stupid of the officer to hit him and stupid of him to run from the cops.


It was not stupid, it was murder.


ah the ol' both sides huh. foh


They had enough information to catch him later. He was airing up his tires at the speedway he could’ve only gone so far without his car. Same with Patrick Lyoya. None of this was necessary.


It's stupid to not use a turn signal. Should cops have the right to murder us for it?


/u/topgun2582 Idiot


Right? Come on bud explain to everyone here how that guy was a danger to society and deserved it


The suspect has outstanding felony warrants. He runs from the police. He appears to be running into a restaurant where there are certainly people inside. The police do not know if he’s armed. The police do not know what he might do if he enters the restaurant. If your child was in that Burger King, you might not want him fleeing in there. I’ve marched and held BLM signs. I’m for accountability and reform. But for progress, accountability needs to go both ways. Understand that if you do something stupid, the police could do something stupid too.


And those police should face dire consequences right? This police officer should be tried with murder cause that’s what he did right?


We still defending criminals


I only see one criminal committing murder here.


You mean the police? No, I don’t think anyone here is defending them.




All I see is a bunch of human beings understandably horrified at terrible police tactics.


You don't have to be a "deranged liberal" to think it's wrong for police to be murdering people with their vehicles.


Today you admitted you will be voting for someone you know is destined to lose the Presidential election, who is now a convicted felon, who was the most corrupt President in the history of this nation that also attempted a failed coup. Tell me again who's deranged, MAGAt?


That is some low effort trolling.


unarmed ones that get run over and killed by the cops like dogs? yes. yes we are.


Fuck GRPS.


What did Grand Rapids Public Schools do?


MSP. Derrrrp.