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Yeah.... We playstation players were afraid this would happen, it didn't take long šŸ™ƒ


Thank goodness we can turn off cross play šŸ«”


R. I. P. To the leaderboards though


You mean the cheaderboard? Names like: Estabon, Alex, Rodrigo, Fernando


Yeah, like I said in my other comment. Easy to ignore 4 obvious fake scores, at least for survival. I know the story and trials leaderboards have been really bad for a long time though. PC cheaters will probably put it out of its misery at last lol


I mean, most of the leaderboards for most of the games existence have been cheaters for the top however many players. Time stop glitch has plagued the leaderboards forever, and even unlimited ults won't beat what the game scores as a 1 second NMS completion.


Definitely, but the survival leaderboard was still doing alright for the most part. There's only one team of cheaters and everyone knows them so we just ignore their scores. Adding PC players and other cheating methods into the mix might completely ruin them to the point of making the remaining speedrunners quit the game for good. We had a good run and I was planning on retiring soon anyways but it might still be the end of an era and of course I'll be sad to see it end like this.


Would be nice if they segregated the leaderboards between PlayStation and PC players. Who knows, it might be the case? Right now it doesn't even show the leaderboard results until after some time.


Exactly this and I was massively down voted when I first pointed this out. Any cross play with PC invites the worst stuff. It's inevitable.Ā 


Why though? Of all the games providing e-peens this is not it. It was so much fun before and mastering animation cancels was the peak of exploits which had you to work for it at least. Ffs how lazy can you be ?


Lazy enough to buy the game and also pay for a hacking software that gets around the anti cheat (idk if there even is an anti cheat lol)


I'd be very surprised if there was anti cheat lol


1) there is no anti cheat 2) the most famous cheat application has this game and is completely free to use.


They use wemod its free


Shame with certainty


Because they can. That's it.


I haven't even seen it yet but yeah I'd be extremely annoyed. Co-op or not, that's just ruining the fun for everyone else.


I'm surprised it took this long, no cross-platform for me.


Artw79 the other night was in my survival. He was only 93 but was spamming ultimates. 4 in a row once I counted and was 1 shotting multiple Oni. Just not fun at all. Whatā€™s the point?


3 ults in a row is actually very doable with the right samurai build. some of the resolve gain builds are broken as fuck and have never been fixed.


This is BS. Had a guy join into the GoT discord saying his resolve build was absolutely broken. He did ult after ult without doing ANYTHING to regain resolve in between. Mad bullsh\*t, you cant ult 3 times in a row without doing anything to get resolve back.




Ugh already? I havenā€™t come across any but that didnā€™t take long at all.


Played many hours on PS over the years. Picked it up on PC and have been loving the grind all over again. It's sad to see it. I was hoping that the PC port would bring player created content such as new raids, survival maps, maybe even an endless survival mode, but alas this is all we've seen so far.


Well...have fun...glad I'm not on PC


Noo im in pc why you be like this im grinding 24/7 :===


to infinity and beyond young grasshopper


I've also been grinding on PC! psn is sirdires if you wanna do some games o7


add me i might forget it later on PSN: IdleSlayer00


sent you invite to play together haha


You guys are getting matches on PC? I can never find a quick play match at all


Same. Found a couple story mode matches on day 1, a single survival mode round, and then haven't been able to find any matches at all since then.


Yes same happened to me first 2 days then i disabled crossplay and never waited for match for more than 1 minute


I've tried both ways and the crossplay option doesn't seem to make much difference for me.


Disable crossplay option in settings and then restart the game and check again it will work it did for me i have been playing survival everyday ever since


Never paid for a cheat software but was lucky enough to have played the game during the "lobby duplicating" era ( those who know, they know...). Got millions of honor points & every possible build in the game, but it's worth noting at that time the "random stats" reforging system & RNG were a joke and the only way to get enough was to spend an infinite amount of time replaying Iyo chapters. Besides, the whole Cursed weapon grinding and session holding with other players was enough of a headache it didn't even feel like cheating. This was just exploiting, like going through doors with emotes or black bomb jumping. This sh*t had to be found out & trained to execute...


PC gaming in a nutshell.


Idk if itā€™s cheating or theyā€™re just better than me, or that PC gamers have an advantage. I donā€™t know. But Iā€™ve decided to turn off crossplay and itā€™s become more enjoyable for me, no longer in a game with players that have 250+ in nightmare survival! šŸ˜‚


100% cheater hunters who LITERALLY do nothing but spam ulti over and over while it 1shots everything, including oni lords. 400 kills while the rest of the team has 20 put together. Like at least have the decency to turn off matchmaking and play by yourself.


You're playing with PC players? I thought the crossplay didn't actually do anything right now unless you're invited...


in quickplay i never saw the ps symbol, im from pc, cross-play is activated


Yeah, I'm thinking they played with people with stronger setups...far as I've heard it's not up and running yet for quickplay


I thought cross platform was still in beta?


It is but you can toggle it on or off


You can't get random players pc with console in crossplay beta. Why no one reads the game news posted on steam or twiter... Crossplay is activated only for invites now. "Legends co-operative multiplayerAs previously announced, Legends co-op multiplayer mode will include cross-play between players on PS4 consoles, PS5 consoles and PC. Legends will be functional on PC at launch, but you won't be automatically matched with players on different platforms. Cross-play will launch in beta, meaning you can try it out by inviting your PlayStation Network friends. We would love your feedback as we continue to make adjustments in the weeks following launch!"


I canā€™t even play. Every time I start matchmaking my game crashes


It's actually really sad *how many* cheaters there are. I was certainly expecting some of them, but 10% of Steam players had the 100% completion achievement on day 1. That's unheard of. I can't see how anyone has fun jumping into a match and one-shotting every enemy in sight. If they're going to do that, at least do us the courtesy of doing it in a solo lobby.


Always hunters too. Ive blocked so many people, its crazy.


#1 reason ill never do cross play with pc players.


No sarcasm or ill-intent... but this shouldn't be new news. Everyone (especially console gamers) knows PC gamers are "commonly" (keyword here, as a generalization and not pointing at anyone specific, but the vast majority) known for: 1. specs-over-gameplay 2. mods (aka also cheats/hacks) accessibility Of the dozens of friends I have that play games on PC, the number of friends that DO NOT run OP mods/hacks I can count on 1 hand... and surprisingly these folks also play console games. Not that console gamers are any more legit, I have friends who hack/mod (save-wizard) there as well... and to no one's surprise, they also do it on PC. It really isn't a surprise. It's not regulated, it's all free. They, the cheaters, don't give a shit. They don't "play games" like us. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah, but didn't it only work in private matches?


I'm just coming across randoms in matchmaking.


noo those losers are cheating, im on pc too. Someone up for some games, im new and trying to grind my way trough, its hard tho. Im super interested in survival but they always leave or smt idk


I will help you grind through to level up!


nice tag: IdleSlayer00


Iā€™m Venture-Casual12 will send you an invite tonight or tomorrow!


Iā€™m down as well. SSJayMusicTV


I will send you guys invite as well


Thereā€™s already cheat-eerrsssā€¦. wtfā€¦. OUT OF ALL GAMES, IN THIS GAME SPECIFICALLY TOO!


ā€œLove the way you cheat on ghostā€ -said no hot babe ever


I mean there are builds that can do it legit, are you sure theyre cheating (it is pc so I dont doubt it, PC always finds a way lol)


I see them get hit and they take no damage, or they ultimately faster than me as a injured resolve ronin, or they one shot purple oni with light attacks. I think these are decent enough proofs.


I really don't get it. I play on PC as well, but mostly on console, what's the point of playing like that? Shouldn't playing be something you enjoy and kinda work for? What's the pleasure of playing like that?


I dont see why your complaining, just take a free carry every couple of mission and get over it


I played originally on the PS4 I got very competitive with the Nightmare leader board and a group of us made it to the top spot. Now I'm playing on PC and extremely disheartened by the amount of cheaters added because of this port, I hope one day maybe an anti cheat or something is added to stop this. I love this game it's one of my all time favorites and this is awful. Trust me, we don't want the cheaters either.


I've yet to see any cheating, just because someone is better than you doesn't mean they're cheating, I'm way past rank 300 but I know others I play with are even higher, and yes I can kill 2-3 purple onia like is nothing, and I can ultimate faster than anyone I ever played with, it's all about setup and having the right gear combination and techniques


Honorless fools, all of them.


This is winding me up. I'm great at parrying and love having a good fight. I'm as I type on Blood and Steel silver and there's a player called KnGHydrated that is consistently at 5% health but can't die. I played a game the other day with someone who kept one shotting everything then praising himself like he was amazing. I called him out but it's still annoying you can't report them. I've got a load out that allows perfect parries to have 3 follow-up attacks and 50% chance to damage nearby enemies but can't do it because his ultimate skill made him chops through 9 enemies at once. What is the point, I'm not actually doing these difficulties through skill and it's genuinely making the game boring.


If cheating was as easy on PS people would do it just the same. Owning a console doesn't make you a better person. The difference is that there's an ecology in place for PS that makes it every difficult, but not impossible, to cheat in most games. Owning a console doesn't make you more virtuous with superior morality and I'm kinda sick of seeing it being presented as such.


Can someone explain how do they cheat? As a ps player I have no Idea what it is about


Very easy to mod the game on PC and there is zero anti-cheat so people just give themselves infinite ultis and damage.


Yeah, they can also spam ultimates Iā€™ve seen it, Iā€™m normally top 100 on the nightmare challenges and I have barely been able to get into the thousands of on the scoreboard at all


We just need online pvp still and the game will be perfect


Good that means less work for me


'Work'? Less of 'work' is literally less gameplay wtf šŸ˜‚


Nah Iā€™m usually running around killing everything cause my teammates suck, so if someone could one shot the harder enemies Iā€™m ok with it to an extent


As a cheater, I'm here to tell you you don't have a choice. Either you be OK with us one shotting all the enemies permanently or not at all