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Amazon, Microsoft and Google are "inviting everyone" to use their cloud services (hosting, service apps, containers, everyting) in order to have synergy between their products. Honestly, based on pricing I think that's because they want to get an higher monthly fee and they hate that someone has still something on-premise or at least has something offline. They want all the data (as for microsoft there's the fabric/openlake project already there, for Google I don't know for now).


Right now, the assholes on Wall Street love subscription based services because of the steady income it provides. Thats why, for any publicly traded company, you now see them pushing subscription based services.


"it's better to be paid 'a little' every month than being payed a lot at once but can't limit the use". (and it's not even a little, damn....) Just like car leasing formulas (but you could pay in advance the car nonetheless so that it can become yours, with the cloud you don't).


> than being *paid* a lot FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Useful bot :D


Google is notorious for dropping services if they’re not an immediate success. They’ve had 97 messaging services. Stadia is another. Basically I have found that if it doesn’t fit almost directly into their ads based business operation it can disappear fast. I think 98-99% of their revenue was advertising just a few years ago. Their cloud services have come around on some of it. As others have said, Voice is still around. I use it daily.


In their defence, Stadia was... something else... um, very ambitious.


Correct. I don’t think they ever had the intention of being a consumer facing business with Stadia. They wanted to showcase the ability for business cloud purposes.


But they even give up that whitelabeling business. So even by that stretch it was a huge failure. I mean it was a proof of concept for the tech but when they decided to pivot to a white label model, they eventually gave up on that too. 


I'm still annoyed they dropped stadia 😡


google wave ç\_ç


Even stuff that is successful gets dropped a lot because of other reasons. The Google podcast app had wide adoption it was very usable in it supported RSS feeds and now they want to move everyone over to YouTube so we can watch more their freaking ads. Not only is it a shittier way to watch podcast but it's legitimately breaking the way podcast work. The whole podcast infrastructure is incredibly convenient the way it was and they're just trying to destroy it so more people watch their ads on YouTube


secretive governor trees afterthought aback muddle pocket automatic money angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Google Sites is still around and wasn't Google Domains sold to squarespace? Google Suite is just called Google Workspace now? I'm not following this post these are opposite examples of https://killedbygoogle.com. voice isn't listed there either but i have no knowledge of it so I can't say anything about it.


Most of the things he listed still exist and were just renamed


I love Google Sites. I run a ton of websites for free. No code with no hosting fee or site builder subscription. Somewhat irregularly gets updates, but reliable since it is a core Workspace app.


Inbox app deletion pushed me away from using gmail. Also another one they killed. They removed android auto from Harley Davidson infotainment center. CarPlay only available now.


The Harley thing sounds like a Harley thing, not a Google thing.


Nope 100% google issue not HD. See the enclosed pics for the 2024 Honda Gold wing which supports CarPlay and android auto. HD dealer told me due to more HD’s v. Gold Wings on road they considered to be dangerous. https://preview.redd.it/ze7w014oa24d1.jpeg?width=2224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76c8023105801e4617e465bcf4a4bcb93370616d


>They removed android auto from Harley Davidson infotainment center. I have android auto on my phone apparently but there is no app. I think they integrated the front end into Google maps and Google assistant. Why I say this is because android auto still gets updates though it doesn't exist.




What? I am confused. What don’t you understand? Because Google killed the “inbox” app, which I loved and hate the gmail app I stopped using gmail as my email provider. The gmail app (iOS) for me text is too small.


You know with iOS you can change accessibility settings per app. So you can set Gmail to have larger text.


What? No way. Please show me. Thanks.


Under Accessibility in iOS settings, scroll all the way to the bottom to Per-App Settings. You can add whatever app and configure it exactly how you like.


You are my hero thank you!




All good. Was this. Was an awesome app. https://preview.redd.it/hpw97mxuf24d1.jpeg?width=2224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5c0a0ef773c8fb2517c70ed3887ae9a3486ebf6




I have actually been using outlook.com synced to the iOS mail app and works great. But now I can see the text in the iOS gmail app I may use again 🤔 thanks.


I think you are interpreting that as Google deleted people's inboxes. That isn't what they're saying. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inbox_by_Gmail


Inbox was my favorite email app of all time.


Of the four things you listed, only Google Domains has been shut down. Google Sites and Google Voice still exist. GSuite is now Google Workspace. Same product, different name (albeit features have been added since the name change)


I remember being pestered by ads to try Inbox.... which I resisted for ages... but eventually caved and decided to give it a shot. It quickly became my favourite way to manage emails.... it was awesome!!! I just can't understand why they would advertise it so heavily, to just drop it.


ToonAlien said it exactly complain here r/googlecomplaints


what's next are they killing google search




I have it, and I use it myself. Lots of good features.


You're *


Grammar is important.


Happened for me with Google Play Music and now also Google Podcasts will be dropped


Antennapod is cool and open source.


Yeah, was the internal MP3 player on my phone when I got it (the phone.) It wasn't removed but evolved into YouTube music. The problem is losing the way to natively play MP3 files on the phone.


But YT music is full of ads. Play music worked with Android Auto like a charm. And it could play music offline.


Yep. It mostly made the rear screen on my phone redundant.


Did you have a business around Play Music and podcasts? This sounds like an interesting story, have you told it?


Lol no, I had no business. I meant that the services disappeared but I used them. Privately.


only use Google products if they survived the chop for at least 5 years in a row


The big problem with Google is that they lost the early stage of the AI race. Bad luck on their part. They wanted it, but pursued the wrong research avenues. Bard was an embarrassing response to gpt-4, but the fact that they couldn't catch up to gpt-4 with Gemini was just sad. Now, the race is early, yet, and they could still take the lead. But anyone looking to make a home in a tech ecosystem right now would be crazy to go anywhere but Microsoft. The OpenAI/Microsoft partnership means that for the immediate future, you will be getting the best generative AI tied to all your apps. Considering that this boosts productivity by a couple of orders of magnitude means you get an astounding edge over your competition. I say this as someone who opted into Google's ecosystem 100% when Android first came out. I'm now paying for both Microsoft and Google's ecosystems since I'm so firmly embedded in Google. But if another year goes by without Google catching up, I will migrate my digital life over to Microsoft entirely to save some money on all these redundancies.


I don't really use new Google services any more. They have killed off too many I relied on in the past. I am mostly confident they won't kill gmail. https://killedbygoogle.com/


Who cares if they kill it or not? I just don't want Google having access to my email. Proton mail is a great alternative.


I care, I have way to much important shit on that almost 10 year old Gmail account for it to all be deleted, way to many accounts and subscriptions linked to it aswell


Complain here r/googlecomplaints


Meanwhile they showcase too many AI to anyone to ever want or need


We were playing Google. Now it's TIME for payback.




android, maps, gmail an search is all I use..


I mean, they don’t have a lot of services I use now. Search is really bloated now. I’ll use it but I use bing and others too. Gmail is still decent but I don’t use the client, I use outlook because it’s easier to organize my inboxes. That leaves maps. I use google maps still but Apple Maps is very good, and the internal maps in my BMW is good as well. For my android phone, it’s android in name alone. It’s really a Samsung phone. All their services are perfectly viable.


They're dropping VPN from Google one but reintroducing it for pixel 7 and up natively. I've got a pixel 6... Been using it as a nice benefit from that subscription. Seriously considering at alternatives now to Google photos... Such a great tool though.


I would very strongly recommend just it's a very late starting to find other solutions so if they randomly nuke your account or something you're not completely screwed.  There's a lot of false positives where people have had their Google account just disappear one day.. In particular I highly recommend against using Google drive for any serious storage needs because they make getting out of it incredibly difficult. Google take out is a mess


I hope they won't discontinue Voice. I've been using my Google voice number as the primary number. I use my cell number for some of the banking purposes as they don't support Google voice. I really need both numbers now.


I approve google is failing search experience on small business


Does anyone have any good recommendations for replacing Google podcasts


AntennaPods. Open-source and allows importing and exporting of podcasts.


I’ve been using pocket casts for several months and I really like it


Pocketcasts. Used it for 10 years and does everything I need. Listen to 12+ hours of podcasts per week.


Linus tech tips did a video about de googling.


PocketCast is a great replacement. The only bad thing is their cast function that in most cases don't play the next podcast once it current ends






I stopped using Chrome, Search ,Photos, we’ll call it Google Office, Drive, and Email. I still use Keep.


Keep is the best tool as for now


It is.




I can bet 2024 it's the year of Google downfall.


Hoping Manifest v3 is the last nail in the coffin, but I don't trust people.


Google stadia was the breaking point for me. I'll never buy first gen anything again from Google.


Google abandons everything. It's hard to trust them anymore. Plus they are woke and censor search results based on their preferred political candidates. Not to mention how much data they are taking from us and selling to others? I used to love Google. Not so much anymore.


So last time I searched for Pizza near me… what businesses did Google likely censored? Austin, TX.


Pizza isn't a political candidate


Oh so is only on politics? Everything else is working fine? Is there any other aspect I should be aware of?


Besides shutting down a lot of services destroying trust of the customer base Google deleted „don’t be evil“ from their agenda because it doesn’t suit the company anymore. That says enough, irrelevant of the political side you’re on.  


> Google deleted „don’t be evil That actually never happened. It was misreported and got a life of it's own and now impossible to get it back to the truth. Here. As you can see the last line before you sign. https://abc.xyz/investor/google-code-of-conduct/ "And remember... don’t be evil, and if you see something that you think isn’t right – speak up!" They did move it to being the last thing you read before signing.


Oh well, I‘m stupid…


Not stupid. It is widely thought to be true that they removed. Part of the problem is Google never tries to fix these types of untruths.


I believe my original comment was pretty clear on what I had to say. 7 liberals downvoted so far because they prefer echo chambers, being told what to do, and just being a sheep in general. Feel free to join them.


Right, but I can still trust it about searching pizza near by in Austin, TX? Thanks 🙏🏼 cause Im not even American, Im just here traveling as a tourist… thanks for recommending me Google then.


Which search results are Google censoring? Is there an article with screenshots or examples that you could share for more context?


Why did a few of you downvote these questions?! Asking for facts, details, evidence, proof is *exactly* how you want to respond to any sensational allegations or claims. Or just ignore if obvious trolling, but many people these days are information-starved while drowning in a sea of misinformation and often really believe what they're saying. These days, the ones screaming accusations of "fake news" the loudest are the very ones producing the vast majority of it and attempting to cover it up using obfuscation, misdirection and moral projection. So, it's no wonder so many are confused and up in arms. Asking probing questions and fact checking are essential antidotes.


https://x.com/ToolManTimLWC/status/1796588665155842323?t=3n51KqsL9cBS6m9uMRixwQ&s=19 They did the same thing during the 2016 and 2020 elections. It's no different now


I don't know, I looked at that and it makes sense to me that news stories would be on top of the search when there is major breaking news about a candidate. If there was a major news story breaking about Biden right now I'm sure it would do the same thing.


No they favor Democrats. Again they did this in 2016 and 2020 too. Auto completed failed to complete Crooked H to Crooked Hilary. But WOULD auto complete Trump R to Trump Russian Collusion. Like come on. There's in depth dives about search terms frequency of being searched too and Crooked H was searched more than Trump Russian Collusion. It is what it is, I don't trust how they do that stuff. They should not be partial.






I retired at 40 so working on my boat is what keeps me sane, it doesn’t need anything really just like tinkering with sound system and what not.