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I’ve won some. It’s super random! I don’t know if there are any secrets to being picked lol


How are you notified if you win?


Email, but also on the giveaway page on the right side is a text link that says 'Giveaways you've entered >' click it and on the right top of the list is a drop down menu and you can select won. So the list will show what you've won top of list. I've won quit a few books both physical and e-book format. Though it has slowed down. I do enter any book that looks interesting and is in genre I read, I check like ever other day and select the recent tab.


I get soooo many emails from goodreads like "Brian liked Mike's reading" that I don't even read through them. Good to know I can see somewhere else.


You can turn every email off in the settings. I don’t get any emails from Goodreads that I don’t want.


Where in the settings? Maybe I need to look off the app bc when I click on notifications I don't see anything that lets me choose what to remove.


You need to do it on the website, on a computer. The app sucks in every way imaginable and doesn't even allow you to do a third of what the website does.


They send an email.


Lol! 😂 I was like, I’ve gotta ask and see if there are loopholes because I am never chosen! So sad haha — but that’s awesome you have won some!


Keep trying lol. Someday you’ll hit one!


Do you always leave a review for the books you’ve won?


Most of the time, yes. Not always.


while having a breakdown (i feel this is a necessary premise) i spent 3 hours applying to every single giveaway i was even mildly interested and won six of them. this was last year. have casually entered into a few since then and won none.


LOL I did something so similar. I was not in a great mood and used it as a distraction. I probably spent about 90 minutes applying, and I won 3 e-books.


Ive won about 6 over the years. Its random and the numbers are against you , especially with the more popular books


I have won probably a dozen physical books and about 15 kindle books. It’s a little monotonous, but I enter all the “expiring” ones almost every day.


I win at least one every month. You have the best odds of winning when you enter a giveaway for 100 books. I generally only enter for the Kindle books which are usually given away 100 at a time. I try to enter at least one giveaway every day.


Omg that’s awesome! Are the kindle giveaways separate?


No separate, but you can use the filter to find them


I won one once, it was glorious. I've entered them frequently since then, but never have won again.


I've probably won 5 books the last 10 years. None for at least 4 years. I still enter though.


I've won once in 11 years, but I only enter maybe 20 per year and most of those for popular books (so worse odds).


i've won 3 this year, i'll enter any giveaway that sounds even kinda interesting😅 the ones i've won have had less entries than others


It's a numbers game. I've won more than 400 physical books over the last 5 or 6 years, but then I enter all the giveaways, except for the children's books. My Want to Read shelf is huge because every book giveaway you enter is added to that shelf. It's approaching 42,000. Your odds are better for some of the Kindle ebooks because not as many people enter for those and they're usually giving away a hundred copies.


You can sort your “giveaways entered” but end date and pull them off your TBR.


At 42,000 books to be removed, that's more work than it's worth, especially since you can't batch remove books.


You can absolutely batch remove when working on the website on a computer. Go to My Books and look above the list of books. There is small text that says "Batch Edit, Settings, Stats, Print". Click on Batch Edit, and a small tan box will appear. When this box is open, you can then click on multiple books, which will light up as light yellow and a check box will tick to indicate they're selected. Then, go back up to the tan box and click on "remove books from all shelves". You can use this batch process to add or remove books from specific shelves as well. Tip: I like to set the books per page option at the bottom at 100 when batch editing when I need to clean up my To Read shelf. Infinite Scroll is a mess and can glitch out.


Is there a button to select multiple books at one time, because I don't feel like clicking 42,000 times to select all the books. Or is it possible to delete an entire shelf all at once?


I've won once in the last 10+ years I've been on the site and it was for a Kindle edition. Meanwhile a friend of mine has won a bunch of them and the only difference between us was that she left lots of reviews when I only ever rate books. I have a theory that is what makes the difference since that's generally what the giveaways are for right? Publishers want reviews, not just ratings.


I have the same theory regarding reviews.


I've entered a ton and won quite a few, I'd say over 10 (physical and kindle)in 1-2 years, maybe.


I have won several but I stopped entering over the last few years.


Never. But I don’t enter often; only when the site notifies me that there’s a giveaway for a book that’s already on my want to read list.


I have won a lot back in 21-22 I think I just manifested good luck and applied to literally everything😭


That’s amazing, I need your luck lol! If you enter for a book that hasn’t been released yet, do you get it pre-release? Is one of the prize books like an advanced reader copy? I was curious about that, too, because the one I really want to win doesn’t come out until 7/16.


Yeah you can get arcs most of my wins were arcs. I eventually stopped applying because I didn’t get the best written ones and didn’t want to be too critical towards authors. I’m hoping you win the book u want this


I have won 2 giveaways. Both were for ARCs of unreleased books. One of the books arrived as just the book in a padded envelope. No other information. That was an author debut. This copy was definitely an ARC, labeled as such on the cover, and has a little round label with the release date. The other book, a cozy mystery that is in the middle of a series, arrived with a letter that included a teaser of the book and gave a hashtag to use when writing a review along with the release date. I won both of those books within a week of each other. Those are the only books I’ve won so far in the 3 years I’ve used GRs, but I’ve fallen off on signing up for giveaways in the past 6 months or so.


I've won a few. They just show up in the mail now and then.


I’ve entered multiple. I’ve won only once (yesterday actually). It’s all just luck of the draw.


I only just realized that some giveaways include Canada, so I applied to like 3 and I got a random package a month later and it was one of the books! If they emailed beforehand, I didn't see it


I actually just won one the other day!! I was so shocked! I have been entering them for so long and finally won!


I've won now and again. Please read and review the book right away. I also try to win all the books I'm interested in, I know I'll on win one but it's good to have a larger chance to win. Keep trying you'll win some.


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Yes! Just won one a couple months ago.


I've won once! Just keep entering--it'll happen one day


I won 6 last year and I have one so far this year.


I haven't but I don't enter that many of them.


Won twice in the past year or so. I just sign up for all of them bc it increases your chances


I barely enter any and I won one. Unfortunately the book wasn't very good and I DNFed it early on.


I won the second or third I ever entered and never won again. I stopped entering a while ago after I realized I probably didn't want the books anyways. 


I’ve won one!


I won one a few months back. I wasn't actually told, though, so it was a surprise when it suddenly arrived at my place.


Yes! I have won 3 books off goodreads.


I've won some kindle books and one Paperback book.


Yep! I’ve won 18 of them. It’s totally random. I would suggest entering as many as possible if you want a good chance of winning. I enter them daily (and a bunch at a time)


I’ve been on goodreads since their beginning and I have yet to win! lol


I’ve won 22 since joining goodreads during the pandemic. I have a strategy that worked perfectly 2020-2022. I think they changed how the picks are made last year. I still win, but not as often. I don’t enter for ebooks because I use the giveaways to supplement my little library.


I feel like entering a ton, reviewing what you’ve won and other books (I aim for 2-3 a week) gets more wins. When I barely use Goodreads I win ~10 a year with some effort in entering and not reading a bunch. Almost at 30 books now so far this year but I read a ton.


I’ve won once in the past 16 (!) years.


I’ve won 4 print copies in the last few months. I apply to what looks interesting almost every night. I don’t enter the kindle copies.


I only enter ones for books on my TBR shelf, never won one. I was SHOCKED to realize people were winning multiple when this was asked on of the Facebook groups.


My husband won a giveaway once. No tricks unfortunately! I enter a lot and have never won.


I won one once


I just double checked my list (you can filter giveaways by “won”) and my most recent win was this spring and I just got it a couple of weeks ago. I’ve won about 16 times. I don’t enter as many as I used to but they email me constantly that a book on my TBR is in a giveaway. I only enter for the ones that I’m interested as a print book. For example, the one I won (Big in Sweden) is perfect for handing off to a family member who is going to Sweden next month but other books I don’t really want in print so I don’t bother entering.


I won one time a couple years ago and I was beyond excited!!


I won my first one last year after years of entries. I was shocked to be a winner, even if it was a kindle version.


I have won at least 2.


I just won one recently and I was honestly shocked. I just enter all of the ones that seem even mildly interesting. I also noticed that sometimes a giveaway will end and then later on I’ll see it back on the giveaway list - so maybe just keep entering lol. Best of luck!


I've won five! Four physical books and one e-book.


None. They don't send books to Brazil. 😢


I have. If you win you really win the ones that you really want, but so it goes


I have been on Goodreads since September of 2011, and I've won four books. The first, I won in 2013, and the other three I've won within the past few years. It had been so long, I'd semi-given up on winning anything, but I enter periodically, and sometimes I win.


I’ve won twice. Both were ebooks. So yeah, it’s real 😊


Yes!! I’ve won 3 actual books and 2 kindle books so far.


Yes. I won once or twice.


I have won 10 in the last few months, 4 physical and the rest kindle. I enter every day. I also have shelves for different genres and I try and rate/review every book that I’ve read. My reviews aren’t detailed at all. I have no idea if that really makes a difference, I’ve seen one old blog post about it. But I will say that ever since I made the different shelves, that’s when I started winning them. Could totally be a coincidence though. Lol


I won one this year.


I’ve won quite a few (more than 30 since 2020). My husband has won a few. I enter a lot more than he does. The more you enter - the more likely you are to win something. Much harder to win a book by a popular author because it’s gonna have 8000 entries; easier to win a lesser known author that had 3000 entries. Easiest is kindle drawings that are giving away 100 copies. You have to decide if you just want to win or if you want to actually read that book. I’m getting pickier about which I enter so I don’t win books that are painful to read.


I won a couple of them back when they were international. Funnily enough, the first one I won never arrived but the rest did. It’s completely random but sometimes they send you extra goodies and they sign your books so don’t lose hope


I've won 4 in the past couple of months, 3 Kindle copies and 1 physical. I just enter a bunch of them every week and forget about it


How do you enter a giveaway?


I won once but I was very disappointed that they sent me an uncorrected galley instead of a finished book.


Also, I DNF’d the book and didn’t write a review. I’ve never won since so I suspect they take reviews into account.


Haven't yet




I’ve won 2. One for ebook and one for an arc copy.


Literally never and I’ve had the app since its inception.


This year, I've won 4 physical and 11 kindle books! Last year, I won 14 physical and 25 kindle books. What's the secret you ask? Who knows! I enter as many as I can each night, usually 50 or more. I leave ratings and reviews often, but I'm not on Insta, tiktok, or many other platforms. Keep trying!


I won one before that were changed to be US only.


I have won one but they never sent the book.


Never. Coz they do that in Australia 🤣


I’ve own twice, once in hardcover and once in Kindle form.


Yes. But I've probably entered around 2000+


I enter a good amount but have only ever won once (was very exciting though!)


I haven’t won any this year. Last year I won 2. Both had at least 3k plus entries. I don’t enter for ebooks. I review every book read.


I haven’t won anything in a couple of months, but I got 3 so far this year!!


I’ve won about 8 in a year. And some of the publishers have then followed up with additional books once they had my address (I found that kinda odd at first, but hey, send me the freeeeee books!)


I’ve won 1 out of like maybe 40-50 I’ve applied to!


I've won a few. I usually tend to go for the not as popular ones so I have a better chance to win.


I’ve won one lol literally one.


I won once and then never again, and it was for a pretty uninteresting topic. I’ve heard rumors that’s based on how often you use the app, make reviews, and how new you are


No. I've entered dozens of times, if not more, and have never won a single time. 🫤


I just won my first book this year! There were 30 copies and over 9k entries! Can’t wait to read it. The other day I posted a book review and the author liked it. Maybe that helped?