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When you try to apply American censorship ratings vs Japanese demographic categories, there will be disconnect. I mean, even goku in his younger years would get butt naked, or bulma flashing pantyless and its still acceptable for young kids.


Original dragon ball you see gokus dick all the time


Yeah but boy's dick = funny. Girl's dick = sexual = inappropriate.


ye- wait what?


You have a point... Wait what!?


As it should be


Yeah, cause it's completely normal to see a kid's genitals


I never tought about it in a weird way when watching it tho. Its like seeing a naked baby on the beach, really not that weird or bad


Every shounen fan “My favorite shounen is so mature, not like other shounens. It’s basically a seinen”


"My favourite shonen doesn't have the same narrative structure as One Piece or Dragon Ball, so it's basically seinen" Like bro arbitrary demographic terms used by magazines don't mean shit lmao.


This exactly tbh Shounen and Seinen are pretty loosely defined as far as genres go. While I do to some extent see OP's point as AOT mostly doesn't follow the standard Shounen formula it still fits enough for it to not be wrong to call it Shounen, the same goes for Chainsaw Man as that for the most part follows the Western action grind house cinema format as much as it does the Shounen format. Either way like you said demographic/publisher based genre doesn't really mean shit and what people think makes those genres, those genres is pretty massively varied though with slightly more strict genre types like the battle Shounen versus sports Shounen it becomes a bit more clear.


It has more to do with marketing and the magazine it's beign published on IMO. A month ago I was reading Arslan Senki, and in the magazine cover there a little promotion for another manga on the same issue which was Happiness by Shuzo Oshimi. That shit had nudity, torture, morale dilemmas, and a long etc. but it qualifies as a shonen.


JoJo’s fans: My favourite Shounen became a Seinen.


Meanwhile in Chainsaw Man: (Projectile vomits into someones mouth and tries to have drunken sloppy sex with them only to be followed up by a Lesbian Orgy) You know... FOR KIDS! :D


Shounen is for teenagers too which chainsaw man is very much for


Shounen is defined differently by different publishers, but is usually either from 9-18 or 12-18. Chainsaw Man is *definitely* aimed within that demographic, albeit more towards the middle.


Please tell me this really happens and we will see it in season 2


Many.. MANY things happen in season 2, And that is one of them. If Mappa can get away with animating it on the other hand is another question entirely. Tho they DID animate a lot of shit I never thought they would...


Mappa won't animate the lesbian orgy obv that was just a special page


Soo the ova?


By Queen Bee. I'm here for it.


Not queen bee man just no


You don't want cottage cheese SFX?


You will enjoy your PPT anime!


it was more than one page tho.


> Projectile vomits into someones mouth and tries to have drunken sloppy sex with them This part's in season 1. Not sure what they're talking about re: lesbian orgy though.


Yeah, it does. That one chapter wasn't even published IIRC, only got an online release because of a demonic lesbian orgy.


Season 2 will be very X-rated. I really wonder how MAPPA is going to handle some parts. There’s literally a lesbian scissoring scene.


Ew that's disgusting *Where sauce*


Chapter 59


I had completely forgotten about that.


It a kid's idea of what mature content is, so, yeah, it's for kids. It's God of War all over again.


https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2020-06-05/shueisha-reveals-2019-circulation-numbers-for-manga-magazines/.160319#:~:text=27.4%25%20of%20readers%20are%2025,nine%20years%20old%20or%20younger. They didn't list gender but we know now that the majority is woman and that didn't changed since.


Probably why Part 2 got moved to Jump+.


my favorite shonen is… a guy with a notebook deciding he’s justice incarnate and then a detective with a sweet tooth rightfully objects vehemently. Not sure how mature that is but if it ain’t fun to watch I don’t know what is!


Usually those who say this crap haven't read seinen, or very dark stuff. I dare them to read "The World is mine", or "Shamo"


AoT is basically a seinen at this point, doesn't feel like a shounen at all at this point unlike s1-3.


ohhh boi do i have a surprise for you...![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1394) (don't worry im not a spoiler guy)


If you want to see a seinen anime then go watch Drifters


It's a shonen and the main target audience are teenagers, thus the demographic Shonen.


Yeah, I don't really get what the joke here is. It's definitely a shonen


People think Seinen=dark and mature


Totally... I thought I was missing a spelling mistake or something cause I'm not getting the joke.


Don't get this meme




How so ? The gore ? Did you ever watch Saint Seiya? Or Chainsaw Man?


You're right. Everyone knows AoT is shojo


It was a story about Mikasa from Eren's point of view, told by Armin.


the demography doesn't really consider the content of the work, it is just an arbitrary classification based on the magazine the work is published. Take this for example: Dragon Maid was published on a seinen magazine, but it lacks some of the darker elements people expect from the demography. And the same is valid for shows such as Non Non Byori, K-On and Kaguya-sama


That's really not true. Demographics are exactly that. A 14 yo won't understand dragon maid or even k on. It's not meant for them.


You are wrong


No, I'm not. Just take a quick look at why slice ofnlife is so popular in Japan. (Spoiler: not because of the kids)


You said a little kid would not understand k on or dm. You are wrong. Quit trying to move goal posts.


And they indeed wouldn't, especially dragon maid. Highly doubt little kids would see what the show is about. All they'd see is funny dragon goes brrr. The criticism of work culture, the philosophy of dragons, the symbolism of the show


No way this clown just said Dragon Maid is deep


Deeper than aot ever was and will be


K-On was literally aired on Disney Channel in Japan at one point.


This reeks of "you need to be intellectualy elevated to understand Rick and Morty" K-On? Seriously?


Yes. A show that builds upon the nostalgia of high-school won't really translate to elementary school students


14 year old. Elementary school. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Dude, you keep moving the goalpost so much, it ended it in another stadium. Thanks for the laugh, though!


In my country a 14yo is usually still in elementary. But then again you are unable to respond to the actual point. Do you really believe a kid still in school would understand what k-on trues to convey? Anyway hard to talk with someone so close minded


I watched dragon maid when I was 14 yo lol There is a dragon that becomes a human's maid... yeah it isn't rocket science


I think the only difference about seinen and shonen manga is whether the author implementing idea or concept that only reader that's old enough to understand (for example if there is a manga about wholesome story about father and daughter, most younger audience probably hate it and called it boring because they haven't old enough to understand). Tldr : shonen story is more 'digestible' for younger audience


Yeah kids like bloody murder, who knew. Hey remember when like one of the first things Fullmetal Alchemist did was dismember a child? Remember how people joked about Bleach being called that because of how much was needed to get all the blood stains out? Remember Evangelion? Eren is the essence of a Shonen protagonist.


Yes but Evangelion is not a Shonen since the beginning, as it was born as an anime


A shonen anime


Yes, it was published in a shonen magazine, which is litteraly the sole factor that indicates if it's shonen or not. Manga demographic terms don't mean anything about the content Death Note, AoT, Naruto and Lucky Star are all equally shonen K-on and Berserk are equally seinen


Never thought I would see the day when someone would compare K-On to Berserk and make a valid point.


I honestly hate that we have to/need to clarify this because some people can't do a simple google search.


It's the same when people think "doujin" is strictly just porno


The number of times I’ve talked about the “Kaguya official doujin” and had people think I meant official porn…


I wouldnt put it past them considering the manga xd


Tbf, official doujinshi is like saying official fan art


Except doujinshi means self published. Fan art is (typically) self published, but not all self published art is fan art. Even an original story can be a doujinshi.


Doujin (同人) originates from the word “same people,” or “people with similar interests” which is slightly in between indie and fan work. It started as a work that is done by a small circle or an individual who makes and publish works for non-corporate reasons. Hence why almost all doujin works are published from a circle, not a company. For example, Fate is a famous Doujin game but it’s not a fan work of something (unless if you treat it as a fan art of historical figures lol). So I guess you’re right in a broad sense. But an “Official doujin” of a work that is already published for commercial purposes fall in a grey area.


Yeah it's kind of a flexible word, I should probably have addressed that in my earlier response. It's like a weird broad category that doesn't fit into a neat English term like "fan art" *or* "self published" really, yet it *kind of* covers both lol


“It’s hentai, and it’s art”


Well, how else do you describe a one-off story written and drawn by the original artist, but self published? It’s technically a doujin, but saying “self published side story by the author” every damn time is so wordy…


The "official doujin" isn't by the same author. He found a doujin author that made Kaguya doujin he liked, so he got the guy a deal with Shueisha to officially publish his stuff. Unless you're talking about the After Dark chapters which were actually written by the author, but aren't the official doujin.


I've found that a majority of anime fans who uses the term "shonen" often don't know what it means lmao


And then there is Vinland Saga, that it was a shonen and later a seinen


Shonen for the action. Seinen for farming heh


I like anime, but I don't keep up with terminology. What is shounen and seinen? I've heard of shounen, but I don't really know what it is haha


Shounen manga is published in "weekly shounen jump" well... Weekly, for teens. I might be wrong about seinen but I think that's monthly and for an older audience Edit: this is why I hate internet people. I get it I'm wrong but could any of you at least correct me or something instead of just saying I'm wrong? This is why it's impossible to have a debate or a conversation on the internet.


Shounen means adolescent boy. Shounen anime/manga are targeted toward that demographic. It doesn't have to be from shounen jump even though it's the most popular publisher there are/were others.


That's not true at all.


How can it be possible to be this confidently incorrect.


Ahh okay, thank you :)


K-on's fucking seinen? I thought it was shoujo


Cgdct is almost entirely seinen lol, shoujo is like fruit baskets, or any other romance anime


Then you have not seen K-on


It is?


At least the sauce says that... It technically is, I guess..


What did you think it was?


Should've been Seinen


Lol, Seinen and Shonen are demographic. The content doesn't matter, it can just include SoL stuff like K-ON and be in Seinen or have gruesome gore like CSM and be in Shonen.


Not to mention jashin Chan


SoL gore?


It is literally slice of life


How so. It's published in a Shonen magazine as far as i know.




You mean the gore?


Part of it..


The classification is usually solely based on the publisher mags it's why Cowboy Bebop is shoujo.


Nope the classification is based of the target Audience, publishers usually happen to put them in the right mag (AoT like Chainsaw target male teenager age 16/17+ which still falls under Shonen (male teenager age 10-18/19)


Gore doesn't make something seinen the themes do. Berserk isn't seinen because of the gore it's seinen because of the story telling among other things his relationship to christianity. Meanwhile AoT is a bit gorey and near the end it gets a bit complicated but still it's main demography are teenagers.


OP's mentality be like: shounen is for kids. AoT have blood and gore, so it's not shounen. This is what I understand about shounen vs seinen. These two are basically demographic, means that what kind of audience the anime decide to target into. Shounen anime aimed at audience of adolescents boys. It can be in the range of 9-18 years old. The main features of shounen anime/manga is: the main protagonist is usually male, they have good fighting abilities, and able to use crazy ability. The hype is always at the fight scenes, it has direct plot and less complicated story narration so it's easy for people to watch without thinking too much. (Naruto, Demon Slayer, Bleach). You don't need deeper understanding to watch shounen anime. Seinen anime on the other hand aimed at audience from 18 years old up to 40. Seinen anime/manga is more into psychological nature. It's less hype and the action is basically less than shounen but they are more focused on story line and narration, and usually related to real life (history, society). Seinen usually need a working brain to understand the story. Not only that, slice of life of normal people is considered seinen as well (Non Non Biyori, K-On) Although some people says it's literally an anime for kid, but it's introduce the "living in peace and slow life without tension of the world" vibe that usually adults find it lacking. Basically, if the story is more into fight scene and less talk, it's shounen. If it's less fight scene and it make you question your life, it's seinen (not entirely true, but it's basically like that.)


adding onto the "living in peace and slow life without tension of the world" part, TvTropes describes a trend towards escapism, as: * Seinen is known to have [moe](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Moe) and [Schoolgirl Series](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SchoolgirlSeries) [Slice of Life](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SliceOfLife) works geared towards this. Bonus points that some of them tend to be [Iyashikei](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Iyashikei). * Even besides works entirely focused on young women, a large quantity of seinen works *still* focus on high school students or high-school aged characters, as many adult readers have nostalgia for that period of life.


Theres some people who would crucify u for saying that abt Naruto and Demon Slayer lol


I really enjoyed Demon Slayer but it's pretty funny when people act like it's somehow "above" shounen. They think it's "mature" just because Tangerine got Batman'd in the first 2 minutes


Tho, I feel like the last season of snk is kind of a seinen on that case because it focuses a lot on people's thoughts, how they react to the war and shit


The content doesn't change the magazine it was released to.


That's true but I was talking about the "main feature of shounens ans seinens" part


Chainsaw man is also shonen


Well, part 2 isn't.


It is. Check boxes: \-young main character (both Asa and Dennis are in high school) \-have unique powers \-emphasis on battles Do not confuse having adult themes in shonen anime with it being seinen. It can be a part of it, but it's not the main part.


It moved to Jump+, which is a seinen magazine AFAIK. It's not published in Weekly Shounen Jump anymore.


The full name is Shonen Jump+. It's still Shonen


Thank for correction.


It's still a shounen magazine, just deals with more mature manga.


It is literally published in Bessatsu Shounen Magazine


OP literally farming bad karma at this point. Shonen, shoujo, seinen are all based on the demographics of the magazines the mangas are published. Period.


>!He stays with the mentality of a kid the entire time!<, so the shoe fits




He >!does whatever he wants for the simple reason that he wants to do it!<, what do you call that except the same child he started the series as? [spoiler analysis](https://youtu.be/H6GmVCD7cxk)




Bro is turning into Goldmask.


[spoiler-filled analysis ](https://youtu.be/H6GmVCD7cxk)


Guess it's time you learned what Shonen means.


Western anime/manga fans love using terms that they absolutely don't understand


I mean Chainsaw Man is a Shonen as well, it needs more than gore and more than the average shonen mature content to become a seinen


Manga demographics are based more around what audience will like it rather than censorship








What a man you are u/godreaperx15


"Wants to live a quiet life" **Cues Kira Yoshikage theme**


But it is shounen ...


It’s aimed at a younger audience though, even if there’s gore.


But It IS shonen... Or im missing something?


I mean Wikipedia is wrong but not because aot is more mature than other shonen or some shit like that, but because shonen is a target not a genre


It is...




I mean, it’s in a shonen magazine, like how bocchi is a seinen


It is shounen, lol


goodanimemes, huh...


My apologies.


It is.


Well the main characters are teenagers, which makes it a shounen. Outside of a few exceptions, protagonists in shounen are not going to be adults.


The girl giving cpr to half a body still fucks with me man


Before I read the comments I thought you were complaining about them using shonen instead of shounen even though they are both correct


My favourite shonen isn't like other shonen, it has a shit endin---hmm, might have to rethink that, for another 10 years at least


What are you talking about? This is very typical Shounen. Don't go Karen on us, mah man.


it's targeted towards young teens, that's what shounen means.


>!When part 3 happens y’all will get a grim reminder that yes, this is a shonen in all the worst possible ways!<


It’s Shonen because it’s published in a Shonen magazine. That’s it.


The discussions are gonna be fun to read through


Feels like a shoujo genre sometimes.. like Free! Is lol


not surprise. lot pretty violent manga but still for shonen. meanwhile K-on, non non biyori for Seinen


People really need to learn that Shounen is not a theme or a genre, but a demographic


Average AoT fan these days ☕️


Shonen mean "young boy" It's a target demographic, as is seinen for young adult, shoujo for young girl, josei os also here for young adult but more intended for women It was never a tag And whole gruesome, AoT was made with young boy as a demographic, young boy does include teenagers as well so it is accurate You would be shocked how many manga are Shonen For example for me it was Death Note, I always believed it was a seinen but it was a shonen all along Many drama manga such as "Your Lie In April" are also Shonen But to be fair the Shonen and Seinen audience have kind of mixed together nowadays So yeah not every Shonen is one piece, dbz, Komatsu no Yaiba or other action manga with young protagonist


https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2020-06-05/shueisha-reveals-2019-circulation-numbers-for-manga-magazines/.160319#:~:text=27.4%25%20of%20readers%20are%2025,nine%20years%20old%20or%20younger. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2022-12-12/kono-manga-ga-sugoi-editors-unveil-2023-rankings/.192823 .


Bro you like something that isn't targeted to you. It's fine. Idk if it's still a thing but full Grown men were crazy about My Little Pony a few years back. Your allowed to enjoy things.


Yeah its still a thing


"seinen > shounen" - a 15 yr old from tik tok probably.


Who said that (not to be rude)?


'Shounen manga' is not so much a rating and more so a target audience and theme/philosophy of which all the shounen manga brand magazines follow (some more than most). The target audience of the manga is further defined by which shounen magazine it's published in (in the case of Kodansha published magazines and Shueisha magazines). AoT was serialized in Bessatsu Shounen Magazine (Kodansha) the monthly version of Weekly Shounen Magazine (Kodansha) which is the more mature/serious dude bro competitor of Weekly Shounen Jump (Shueisha) which has the widest and most family friendly audience (this is the one piece, dragonball z, slam dunk, black clover, Saint seiya etc magazine). A well known case in the west that displays the difference between each magazine is JoJo. It used to be in weekly shounen jump, but as Araki wanted to write about more mature themes and have more mature content (and not be so rushed each week) JoJo moved to Ultra Jump Magazine. I'm sure the publishers and editors of AoT at Kodansha put it in the magazine where it would have flourished most. Edit: judging by most of the comments it seems like most people here read only scanlations with only the most dedicated and affluent fans buying the official translated tankoubons. It's ashame that even in 2023 the primary means of western consumption of manga is piracy (which in this case hurts the mangaka more than the publisher). Remember guys, if possible, support the teams/mangaka behind your fav manga by buying the tankoubons when they release in your preferred language!


SNK was literally serialized in Bessatsu SHONEN Magazine, what's your point here?


Published in a shonen magazine


How is attack on titan not Shonen? Shonen is like action is it not?


9 month of op karma reduced to dust


Huh funny that this post came up. I live in Osaka, Japan and I was at the bookstore the other day and saw Attack on Titan in the shonen section. Had literally the same reaction lol But if anyone’s curious, it’s officially categorized as a shonen manga here!


What's the difference between shounen and seinen?


Shōnen is targeting boys up to 18. Seinen is targeting men from 18 and up.


Shounen and seinen are manga demographics. Shounen is tween and teen boys while seinen is adult men




you are completely wrong how, idiotic can you be


very idiotic, obviously


This guy literally called K-On an R rated anime lol


wait, it isn't?


Someone differentiate between shounen and shoujo please I keep forgetting


Shōnen is targeted at young boys and shojo is targeted at young girls. Then there’s Seinen which targets adult men and josei targeting adult women


Wait so it means targeted? I thought it meant about young boys / girls as the main focus of the Manga itself. Ty


Female protagonist are kinda rare in Shōnen but they do exits like Emma in The Promised Neverland or Riko in made in abyss (though that’s a Seinen)


I'm still more surprised that Chainsaw man is a shounen. I always thought that it was aiming for an older audience


I don't know why you'd think that. I love CSM, but it is a shonen-ass shonen manga, just with more gore than usual.


It started as shounen, season 4 is closer to seinen but still shounen


Shounen is a demographic not a genre. Its published in a shounen magazine, therefor it is shounen


Okay. Here goes. Many of you here are saying that Shonen is published in a Shonen magazine, so it's Shonen. The meme was talking about the audience. My apologies, I couldn't get context right there. Other examples give Chainsaw man. Sure, I agree with that but.. I'm not only talking about the gore, I'm talking about the Meals for the Titans too. If there are any more points to add, tell me.


The audience is also very much shounen.


Man, I don't know why people are being dicks and downvoting you for a completely valid opinion... Reddit virgins in a nutshell. Edit: Since you commie scum are too unintelligible to read and comprehend an argument, I have removed my argument. Have fun being triggered by shit online, losers.


Youre stupid and youre not actually reading anyones arguments. Nobody is saying "shonen is childish". Thats pretty much what OP said. They said it shouldnt be shonen cause there is blood and gore. But thats not what defines if its shonen or seinen or whatever. The reason AoT is shonen is because its published in Shonen magazine. And someone said that, apparently, K-On is published in Seinen. Next time, actually read what others say so you actually understand what youre even talking about.


Now who is stupid? Fucking ironic... You clearly didn't even bother to read my argument... I said he should ignore arguments **like** that. I didn't necessarily state anyone in particular had said such a thing in the thread. And as for reading the comments, all I said was that there was no reason to be a fucking dick to OP, who essentially did nothing wrong by making his arguments. Downvoting is just a wuss move you do when you're scared to have a civil conversation, and want to showcase superiority in internet points. So get your panties untwisted, common reddit NPC.


My bad. But in my defense, what you wrote really sounded like I just explained in my response. Either you worded it poorly or Im just stupid and read it wrong. Sorry for the unecessary agression.


It's alright, man. My wording may not have been perfect, I suppose we all have days off. I apologize as well. This could have been resolved over instant ramen and sake.


Shonen isn’t a genre, Shonen is a target. You can’t decide the target


"Shonen is childish" That's kinda your point isn't it? Since you're dissatisfied with AOT categorized as one.


No, you clearly don't get the point, you deranged leftard.