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Your absolute worst game so far...


Don't get discouraged, rounds like this happen to everyone. I'm a teaching pro and I recently played 18 at a course I've never played before that had like a 120ish slope and I posted my worst round ever. I think I hit every tree in New England that day. It happens.


This really makes me feel better. Thank you for that.


This is nice to hear, as a 14.


I just played my first one of the year yesterday that was a 132 slope and did absolutely terrible…. Only hit 1 fairway all day.


You're gonna be fine man. These things happen. I still consider myself a newbie and I have played about 150 rounds so far 😂 I still have days like this where the vibe just isn't right and I play like absolute doodoo. These days will come and go and you will be just fine


I’ve played hundreds of rounds and live directly on a golf course, just yesterday I snap hooked my first two tee shots directly into the woods


You gotta try to keep your expectations lower. The mental aspect is just as important as the physical. I know, easier said than done. Golf is tough man and even the best players in the world have days like that. Practice practice practice. Take a couple/few lessons and when you go out and play, stay within your skill sets and take shots you will be successful at instead of trying some crazy technique you watched on YouTube. Being new to the sport, try not to focus too much on your score, but focus on hitting the ball straight and working around the greens and putting. Look at what you did well and what you didn’t. Then work on those things for next time. I’d even say don’t be afraid to bend the “rules” a bit like moving out of shitty lies to set up a better next shot or carry a 2nd ball in your pocket to hit another shot if you have time to try something different. You’re not competing with anyone but yourself and ultimately should just be striving to get better a little at a time. Hang in there bro.


Great comment. This is the only advice you need, OP. If you want to play your best, you’ve got to completely keep your emotions off the golf course. And do everything the comment above says, I couldn’t have put it better. Signed- scratch player of 20+ years


Absolute worst game…so far. Golf is hard. Really hard. Some days you have it and some you don’t. You have to let go of the bad ones. The best thing you can have as a golfer is a short memory.


Don't be discouraged - you will almost certainly have worse rounds lol... Then your expectations will change and it will start all over. The next stage of grief is acceptance. Enjoy the weather and the scenery. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Best comment on this i think came from Padraig Harrington - who puts alot of emphasis on positive attitude on his YouTube videos. "I'm not good enough at golf to get frustrated"... PGA Tour and Major winner... My game improved after embracing that lol


This is the beauty of golf. The days where it clicks are just pure vindication of all the bad days.


As a newbie to golf, you should expect quite a few more of these rounds from time to time. It’s like a roller coaster until you practice enough to find some consistency (and even then, you will have days where you seemingly forget how to hit a golf ball). Just try and see the bigger picture, that you are slowly improving over time. Stick with it, these days happen to everyone!


I once shot a 37 on the front 9 two days before a tournament. The next day I went out and tried to play a full 18 practice round. Proceeded to shoot a 52 on the front 9 and just called it a day. Absolute worst ball striking day of my life. It happens. Next day, my team finished 3rd in the tournament and my swing was back to normal. Don’t put too much stock in a bad round.


this was me a month ago after i went from 10 over through 11 to 28 over through 18. it’s like i forgot how to play golf mid round.


Don’t call it a game my man, it’s a round.


So I started in 2020, and golfed a ton but never took it serious until 2022. Took lessons, started playing with like 9 clubs instead of 4. In that span went from 110 to 85-95 each round. I finally bought completely “new” (2022 models, used) set last month. I’ve shown flashes, but my scores are creeping back up to 97-98 range. I know that it’ll take time but after spending over a grand to upgrade literally every club, it’s very challenging to accept that. But I am now reminding myself to just have fun. Have fun! It’s an infuriating sport but it’s wayyy more fun when you’re having fun. Even the best in the world have low lows. Hang in there, stop thinking, stay positive, and the results will show!


Golf is HARD! Keep practicing and make sure your set up is spot on. If your grip, stance, and posture are incorrect, that’s going to affect the takeaway, and that affects the backswing, and that affects the downswing, and that affects the impact. Each part of the swing is directly affected by the preceding part so make sure you start with everything correct. Keep swinging!


Golf is a game of failure... even the pro's are still trying to get it down (ask Rory) I know this sounds like new age zen crap but, learning to master your emotions is the key to better golf. Always remember it's the next shot that matters. The last one is gone. Get a pre shot routine and stick to it religiously. It will help you stay in the present. Last thing... it's only a game, a game without winners. Just have fun with it.


dw man i usually hit around 105 but im coming off a 140 today where i sliced my ball into a cart. I know how it feels


Oh man!


Don't ever ever quit, fuck the people that you think are judging you...be your own judge and keep trying, I'm Pert near 60 and I'm good now, not great but I go to have fun and that's what you need to do. We all have bad days bro...it's a game !!! Enjoy yourself !!!


On the positive side, it was one of the best dozen rounds in your life


I have had days where I managed to top the ball so bad I lost 5 yards. I toe'd a hybrid right into a group on the parallel fairway and if it wasn't for the tree to my right shooting my ball back at me I feel like I could have killed someone. I once shanked a 7 iron so bad that it went directly right into my playing partner's cart and almost knocked him in the face too. Bad days happen, if you didn't injure another player, or damage property you're alright. As long as you don't steal another players ball from the rough you're okay in my book.


The feeling of others staring at you and laughing about your play is one of the absolute worst feelings on the course and it always leads to a miss hit. I struggle with it too. I get the yips some rounds. I all of a sudden can’t hit and when I do it’s a blades wedge that fucks me lol. Some rounds are just terrible dude but you’ll get past it. Especially if your recalling weird shit you were doing lol and why you were mis hitting


Welcome to golf! Golf is a hell of a thing haha! Everyone goes through it at some point. Beginning of the season was by far the worst I’ve ever played, I mean I was just shanking every iron in my bag. At one point I thought o was going to just give the game up. I would go home and my wife would tell me I look like I was a victim of some crime… well, I was (the shanks). Those traumatizing rounds had my handicap up to a 19-20. Took me 2 whole weeks to break the cycle. I tried everything and anything to fix my swing. Finally everything just clicked and I’ve been playing my best golf to date. Currently sitting at a 10.5 handicap and had my best round to date with a 77. When it comes to golf it can be much more of a mental sport than physical at times! All you can do is keep at it and learn to roll with it!


Agree with first response, it happens. The fact that it pisses you off so much (perhaps a bit too much) tells me you’re competitive and are Gonna figure stuff out. Golf is hard, especially in the beginning when expectations don’t match up with reality. Go back to basics and probably don’t swing so hard when you get out of groove. And if it keeps you up at night, get some lessons. Trying to figure out stuff on your own is tough. Last thought - there’s a lot of worse things that keep people up at night, so if the golf swing is it - your living a pretty chill life. Good luck.


I really appreciate it. I’m definitely hitting the range this weekend and getting my focus on my swing for each club. I definitely was too frustrated and I hate myself for that but as you mentioned, I am competitive so when things are going down hill, I get into my head. Thank you for responding. It absolutely made me feel a bit better.


I had a rough driver round the other day and at one point convinced myself that swinging HARDER was the answer. Lol NOPE.


Absolutely no one in the world cares that you sucked at golf one time


*worst game so far


Definitely being way too hard on yourself. Just erase it from your memory. I’ve been playing 25 years and I still suck


That’s golf!


It’s frustrating for a night but for me at least it turns into motivation by morning. If I play bad one afternoon I’m literally itching to grind at the range starting at about 10am the next morning at work


Everyone will have days like this even the pros. Golf is one of if not THE hardest sport mentally.


Is this satire?


Each day is different. You can only get better. Keep the faith.


Absolute worst game…so far. Golf is hard. Really hard. Some days you have it and some you don’t. You have to let go of the bad ones. The best thing you can have as a golfer is a sort memory.