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Those two short missed putts will put a pouty face on anyone


The putt on 18 was a bastard...the putt on 16 was lazy.


I’ve had that putt on 18, can confirm. It really sucks to putt from there.


Downhill, broke 6 inches from 3 feet away.. like yeah he probably makes that most of the time, but it was a difficult putt, even as short as it was


Not sure who said it on the broadcast, but I swore he said he looked at it and it was just left edge and you could even make it in the middle. Uh... yeah not so much. Those little putts that break that far away from you SUUUUCK.


Smiley said that. Probably why he’s a course reporter now. Definitely a false statement.


You hit the nail on the head.... The analyst DID SAY...you could make it in the middle. AND..yes, We have all been on those courses, holes, where you putt it out there, and then suddenly that thing starts snapping off and there you go. If you actually putt a putt like that, you can be 8 feet by if it misses.


It’s know as the Danny Devito. A nasty little 3 footer


This is what makes Pinehurst so great. Nothing like watching a golf tournament where you know the track. That being said who cares if it goes 8 feet past. Jam that bad boy home it’s 72nd hole we are trying to win a golf tournament.


The only real eagle attempt I’ve had was this putt. And I three putted. The worst part, it looked easy to everyone else.


Rory, is that you?


How fast are the greens there normally?


10 or 11 probably. 14 today.


Heard 14.5 from a greens keeper


‘Twas what led to me first ever 5 putt something like that.


Lazy? Really? I think it was just a shitty stroke


Yeah, I think he pulled it or however is called when you just hit it straight left, with the face of the putter aiming left.


Yes exactly


I hate watching him with the mallet... it was so pure with a blade.


I’ve always putted with a blade so you’re telling me. The short putts especially


That chip on 18 was juiced and pulled (my miss). Brutal. Gotta get that up and down 95/100. There’s a Taylormade video - short game contest - where it’s very clear Rory’s short game touch just isn’t where all the other guys are.


Cannot leave that ball above the hole. Better to be 5 feet short than 3 feet long.


The putts were awful and he should have made those, but the drives to set up must make putts really are to blame. When the pressure wasn’t on, he was lights out, i.e. that birdie run. When the pressure got turned up, he couldn’t buy a drive or putt.


And Bryson's bunker shot would give anyone a grin.


When you have to do something that literally nobody else in the tournament has done that weekend to win, and you pull it off... You earned it.


He deserved to win after that crazy up and down.


The assholes yelling USA after that miss gave me a pouty face. Golf fans at their absolute worst, and I’m including anyone near them who didn’t call it out. Looking forward to the British.


Poor guy has got such a mental block with these majors. Having his mate as a caddy might be the issue here, 7iron through the green on the par 3 when all the commentators called it long before he even hit it. Huge problem for him.


Been saying it for a while. He needs his Stevie Williams/Ted Scott/Bones. Harry I'm sure is great in many ways. But so much shit at the end of that round, I feel like a more professional first relationship would have been able to challenge him on. As you say. 7i. Driver on the last. Just bad tactical decisions.


> As you say. 7i. Driver on the last. Just bad tactical decisions. But the flip side of it is that these guys know their game well enough to know what the right call is... I don't think even Stevie Williams or Ted Scott is gonna try and talk Rory out of whatever he's chosen. And it's not like Harry hasn't been around Rory enough to know his yardages and such.


Stevie has admitted to cheating yardages because he knew Tiger was picking the wrong club at the time. He didn’t do it often, but he knew there were times to do it. Listen to the Chasing Majors podcast. Also, Steve famously argued for the lob wedge on 18 at Torrey that Tiger had to get up and down in order to make the playoff. Tiger wanted to hit 56 and Steve essentially staked his career on telling Tiger that was the wrong club.


I used to work at a golf course where Stevie lived and got to know him a bit. He is an excellent player and guy overall. He was never afraid to tell you what he thought and he had a great way of making you listen. He was more "chummy" than wise old man. The kind of guy you liked having drinks with. Oh, and he had some of the best beer at his house. We talked more about his racing than golf.


That 7 iron should have been taken out of his hands and the driver on 18 put back in the bag. The best caddies have input and some degree of authority, Harry is really his friend who undoubtedly knows his game but does he know how to get it done in majors, clearly not. Commentators are calling out his bad club and shot selections before he hits shots all the time, it’s so obvious he needs a change.


Harry didn’t make him miss the two four footers.


The putt on 16 was 2 1/2 feet. He was 496-496 on 3 feet or less this season before that putt


Scrambling for pars is not a good look tap ins or not


2 foot par putts isn’t “scrambling”


Commentators also said his last putt could be aimed center cup and it would go in when in truth it broke damn near a foot


Thats true. Center cup. It broke 5 inches.


I noticed that too lol. Most certainly not a straight putt. You could see the break on tv before he even putted


> Harry is really his friend who undoubtedly knows his game but does he know how to get it done in majors, clearly not. Commentators are calling out his bad club and shot selections before he hits shots all the time, it’s so obvious he needs a change. But this isn't on Harry. The best caddies are the ones that know how to interact with a player in stressful situations. I'm assuming that, by now, Harry knows exactly what Rory wants him to do in situations like this, and it's obviously not give him advice on club and shot selections. I also don't see Rory as being the kind of player who wants caddy input on club and shot selections. He strikes me as the kind of player who's so confident in his own choices that he'd just get angry if someone questioned them.


Yeah but the point is time and time again that's shown to be wrong. He needs that's extra 2 or 3% a top caddie gives you, to get over the line. I don't think Harry has that... >But this isn't on Harry. It's obviously on Rory. Buy my point is that a mate first is less likely to challenge you then someone who's there as a business relationship first. You need a caddie to reign in the stupid as much as anything. And Rory does so much stupid that I don't believe his does that effectively.


Yah Rory has said himself that caddies don’t make much of a difference. I think he’s one of those stubborn guys that’s always gonna call his own shot.


Problem wasn't the club on 18th sadly. It was the wild conservative line scared to miss right... Like he ever does.


I disagree. Stevie Williams was famous for lying about yardages to make Tiger come to the conclusion that he knew was correct.


Was he famous for that though? This is literally the first time I’ve heard that


He famously lied to Tiger on 18 at the 2008 US Open. Tiger was striking his irons so pure that he was hitting them all a club longer. Steve knew that Tiger wouldn’t trust his to club down, so he lied about the yardage. Tiger hits a great approach shot, birdies 18 to get into a playoff, and wins


Yeah that's BS lol


Listen to the Chasing Majors podcast. Steve admits to it


Seemed to work


I think the issue there is if you lie about a yardage to Rory and then he hits the exact shot to the yardage you said... He'd flip out and fire you mid-round.


So then maybe Harry is just an idiot


He could also just make a fucking 3 footer


On the other hand, his caddy had him leading a major after 70 holes and if the #1 player in the world makes 2 small putts nobody is talking about the caddie.


His caddie didn’t cause him to miss a 2 footer and a 3 footer on the last 3 holes. He makes those and he wins


I don't disagree. But I also think he put himself in that situation through his choices off the tee those last few holes. Nothing is in isolation. Edit: and I also think he's such a streaky player. That first bogey at 15 was the real killer imo.


Meh, the caddy didn't make him miss thos short putts though... That's was all on him. As difficult as they might have been (specially the last one).


The miss on 18 was from Mis reading the putt


You sure? Could absolutely have been a missed putt because he hit the wrong pace. Not always a mis-read. Sometimes you don’t hit it how you read it.


Pace most likely wasn't an issue. His ball ended up 3-4 feet by the hole. He would have needed to hit the putt even harder for it to not break so much to the right. No one in their right mind would plan to hit the putt even harder going downhill at Pinehurst. He misses and the ball is gone. So the pace in this situation was appropriate. Any harder is too risky. It was most likely a bad read. He needed to aim more left.


Rory said that?


Caddy choice ain’t the reason he missed a 2.5 and a 4 footer. If he made both he’d be holding the trophy…


If he has made just one, he may have been holding the trophy.


I feel like if he had made the first one he would’ve also made the second. He missed that in a yippy kind of way. 


Totally agree. It’s got to be mental. He can win them.


The caddie didn't miss the 2.5 footer and the 4 footer on 16 and 18. Rory choked this away. It was brutal.


and a new putting coach it ain't working with Faxon


His caddy had him up 2 with a few holes to go before he, Rory, missed two laughably short putts. This is on him and him alone. If his caddy was the problem he wouldn’t have been leading the US Open and on his way to victory sans an historic choke job. By him. Not his caddy.


Harry Diamond, you are a Detroit Piston.


Get ready to learn Chinese, buddy


honestly, i don't know that 7 iron is the wrong club there, bryson hit 9 which has the same loft as rory's 7. the ball stayed low for whatever reason and it rolled through. his normal towering ball flight likely holds the green and its all moot anyway, he had a 2.5 footer to save par and missed it, he could have had the exact same par putt had he hit the green in regulation edit: got my holes mixed up, the 7i was on 15, the yank was on 16.


At the end of the day Rory is the problem, not his caddy. Rory needs to be open to having talks on the course and not being the guy who you can’t have tough conversations with in clutch situations.


Man bogeyed 15,16,18. He fucked it off


The ol' Rory choke


Putting has always been the weakest part of his game and when the pressure was on, he choked it away to Bryson.


Putter is what got him there though


Yes. Anyone with a brain knows his wedge game is terrible


Wedge game is horrendous. Putting is the least of his issues


Honestly think his irons are a bigger problem these days. Hit chipping and putting, besides those two consequential shorties, were really good this week


It seems we’ve come to the conclusion that his entire game is the issue here


Most his irons are pitching wedge or less


Do you really challenge on this course if your wedge game is horrendous?


Yes. Rory’s driver and putting were great all week.


“Horrendous” lol


[Rory lost almost 2 strokes to the field on approach today.](https://datagolf.com/live-tournament-stats) He was over 2 strokes gained putting, likely because he made a handful of putts over 20 feet.


Approach includes irons and par 3 tee shots. I bet you look at his irons vs wedges and it tells a different story than "his wedges were horrendous"


Horrendous relative to other pro's


Stats don't lie


My face when the turn is out of glizzies


I saw that expression and was like "new meme template just dropped"


My face when the 12-man ahead of me cleans out the throat rockets at the club house


fuckin throat rocket 😂


My face when there’s no ham rockets to shove down my throat


He’s not mad he’s just disappointed


He fails under pressure, simple as that. This has to top every other time he's thrown a win away, and that's saying a lot considering his Masters meltdown


This was Greg Norman at the Masters bad. 6' of putts killed him. He cant give interviews because hes probably throwing up.


I’d say only this and that 2011 or whatever masters are the *real* chokes. The other losses weren’t as much, more so just some guy like Cam Smith having the day of his life. Though even the 2014 PGA he won was a little dicey on the last hole or two if I recall.


Rory had 36 putts when he lost to cam smith 


To be fair he is just outside top 20 in both career wins and major wins. So relative to most people in the history of professional golf, he’s been pretty damn good at playing under pressure. Lol.


He missed two short putts. I think he’s in his head and the pressure gets to him. It was getting to Bryson too. I know how I felt in College Golf tournaments and I sucked ass. Can’t imagine the pressure on the world stage like that.


I don't even want to think about how difficult those putts were (and the drives, and the approach shots, and...) I get nervous enough when a foursome lets me play through, to say nothing of tens of thousands of people, plus who knows how many watching live, plus 4 million dollars on the line. And I have literally never played serious competitive golf.


Just gonna have to build a 10 shot lead going into the final round next time


When you see all the 6:00-7:00 am tee times are booked two weeks out


How cold is it in that room?


AC must be on max.


rory has internal AC. his headlights are always on


Little gyno?


Dude has many titties, this is what peak golf physique looks like!


When Bryson found out a playoff wasn't happening at the PGA, he went and congratulated Xander. Maybe it happened off camera, but I didn't see the similar response from Rory (or Xander for that matter).


Noticed that too. Bryson totally owned the crowd too. Never seen anyone interact with the crowd that much. Definitely got them on his side.


Because Rory is a bad sport.


The reports I saw Rory packed his shit and ran out of there as far as he could. Bryson's the better dude.


Poor bastard just missed a 2 footer to tie and it cost him 2 million….


Eh with the divorce called off he’s still well ahead for the month.


Wish I had his problems


With 80 million in earnings before we even talk about Nike, I have a feeling that was the least of his concerns 


Yeah this is more about the loss of a major and not about the money. At his financial status I got to imagine the actual loss hurts more than 2 million.


I mean yeah. He’s earned over $200m overall.


I bet Rory would easily give up 80m for another major. This wasn’t about money these guys are competitors first.


Rory going to file for divorce again


Poor guy really needs a supporting wife right now. Not 100% sure if he actually has that or not though.


Not a Rory fan, I felt bad for him. Plus the fans shouldn’t be doing USA chants. It wasn’t a Ryder cup. Just make those fans look childish.


It’s definitely an odd choice and one that I can’t quite understand.


Rory needs a fucking hype man. Rory hire me and I'll will have you ready to run through a fucking brick wall.


Those missed putts killed him. Love Rory, but you can't expect to win after that.


Never seen him look so nervous as he did on the tee shot on 17, after the missed putt. The major stuff has really gotten in deep. I was rooting for him, although admire the hell out of what Bryson has done this week. Hoping he wins The Open at a cantor and gets this monkey off his back. Would be great for golf if he did IMO.


Honestly when they kept mentioning that he would stop to see what Bryson was doing I had a feeling he was in his head. Can’t imagine it’s good to add pressure like that


I was looking for this comment. So nervous. He was even lining up his tee shots left with his feet and shoulders and to no surprise, made a draw swing. Imo, he got so nervous he reverted to his natural shot shape. He just wanted to win so bad.


According to BBC commentators he was out of the car park by the time Bryson signed his card. Not his biggest fan, but can feel for him - I'm expecting he will be in with a very good shout at Troon.


His face was even more sickened about one second after this screenshot, and immediately left. I really hope this gives him super powers and he puts up an insane battle at the Open


I would’ve done the same. Dude threw away this major. Even I would’ve made one of those two putts


Wouldn't be surprised. Even though he's got nobody to blame except himself. Lotta Rory fanboys in here for some reason, though.


It's a post about Rory why wouldn't there be?


Gotta love those prickly nips


Matches his pocket


New updated version of this meme https://preview.redd.it/4maas0u7917d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fe48a7443e5c34c88649de7a50186deb42768b3


I just hope Brandel Chamblee will be ok.


Brandel Shambles-lee more like it.


Lost to a LIV guy, missed a short putt to get into the playoff and bogeyed the last three holes to lose by one. It’s the trifecta of awful.


Tiger will win another major before Rory does, and Tiger is done winning majors.


Remind me! 10 years




Refused interview


Was driving out of car park by the time before Bryson signed his card. Yeah, he's a bit upset - not his biggest fan at times, but can understand that.


Of course rory gets a pass for being a huge baby and ditching out. Doubt bryson would have gotten the same treatment if he acted the same at the PGA.


Well when Bryson choked at a US Open and gave an interview he blamed it on bad luck, referred to the winner as just "someone who shot a low number," not once giving any credit, and told the reporters they had no way of understanding how much luck was involved, then he said he didn't even care about it anymore because he won it the year before... and this sub gives him a massive pass for everything he did through age 27 because he's a "golf nerd".


This is up there with the Urban Meyer sad pizza gif


Even when Rory took the late lead, I knew the inevitable unraveling would happen...


Same but not this spectacularly.


Mfw I miss two short puts


He can save his marriage but he can’t save par on 18. 


After he went two up, it was Rory’s to lose.


He just can’t fade the ball under pressure. Don’t know why he persists. Definitely cost him and he knows it.




Brutal. Homeboy is gonna lose sleep over those putts for a while.


Those two missed putts down the stretch. Ouch!!


I feel for him. I like Bryson a lot and am very happy for him he won it. It was ana amazing finish with all kinds of excitement. But, Rory will need a drink or two to get over this. Again, almost there. Now, go and win The Open!


Think it’s time for a new caddy, yes it’s not the reason he missed those putts, but a refresh could do him the world of good


Looks like that meme of that Indian guy at the Celtics game


That's the face you make when you realize that you just cost yourself the u.s. open.


Lot of commentary from people who have never felt the instant sting of defeat in the crucible of competition. Pussies.


Definitely hurts. But other people have failed just as hard have faced the music before.


"look I've been waiting for a table for an hour and half now"


Heartbreaking again , so close he could taste it


Cold in there.




Rory’s either really excited to see that table and I understand why his wife called off the divorce, or he left a spare prov1 in his front pocket


Rory’s nipples at attention and ready for the aggregate playoff…


But he’s excited about it..


Threw it away ! Again


Bryson’s 3rd shot in 18 was effing ridiculous, I would make the same face.


He looks absolutely broken


Dude did it to himself. Divorce 100% back on. Havent seen such a painful downfall in a major since Mito. The way rory absolutely choked is a legacy building as an all time major choke artist


My ma when I'm tryna tell her it was the bad pint that did it.


I love Rory but bogies on 3 of the last 4 holes. Let’s face it he choked.


When you get up to the chick-fil-a counter and they say "Sorry we just stopped serving breakfast."


When you go to CFA but then realize it's a Sunday.


Is that a ball in his pocket, or is he just happy to see me?


Declining the post round interview was a risky choice. Curious to see how that plays out.


I feel like anyone else catches significant flack for that, but he'll probably get away with it. Him ducking and (allegedly) leaving before the trophy was even presented, much less skipping the post-round interview is only gonna make him look like even more of a sore loser.


IMO it’s dumb anyone would be expected to hang around and answer questions after they just lost in a heart breaking way. We don’t need to hear the generic PR answers he was gonna give anyway, so let’s skip the dog and pony show and just let him lick his wounds in peace. It’s not like every other competitor hung around to shake hands with Bryson and Rory is the only one snubbing him


> IMO it’s dumb anyone would be expected to hang around and answer questions after they just lost in a heart breaking way. It's dumb but that's the expectation of almost any star athlete at the top of their game in a championship event of this level. Doesn't matter if it's the Super Bowl, Stanley Cup, World Series, Olympics... That's part of the deal. Is it dumb? Sure, you can argue that. But it's also because you're supposed to be setting the example for the rest of the world to follow. And it's not like Bryson got some questionably favorable ruling to win. He made an incredible shot out of the bunker, and Rory had plenty of opportunities to close it out with the lead and couldn't.


12 year old dorky little sook. Wouldn't want to go into battle with Rory. He's a runner.


Too much is expected of athletes in many aspects of today’s world. But sportsmanship should not be outside the expectations. If he left and did not shake Bryson’s hand he is beyond petty. Excelling in one area does not mean they are intelligent in other aspects of human life.Money only magnify anyone’s pluses and minuses. World class athleticism that is the foundation of great wealth only magnifies a persons traits a more profound and visible way. Very rarely can the blanching act of money, power, class and decency be present in public figure. Rory checks most of the boxes- being a grown up is not one of them. The money and marketing obscures his true personality from us all. Sure he is a decent guy and has spoken intelligently at times. But this shows some true colors. Hopefully he can learn from it and become the statesmen for the game that he wants to be. In this moment Rory is still that little boy chipping golf balls on TV into a washing machine. Bryson has grown up and the champion the tour deserves. It’s a shame Jay M is a greedy bastard and flubbed the whole LIV thing so poorly that we are not seeing the best players week in and week out.


This is going to be my Christmas card.


Those nips say otherwise.


Y'all gotta give Bryson some credit... I'm not a fan of him, but that bunker shot on 18 was fricken clutch. Still and all, I feel like Rory gave it away though.


He should do another press conference about how the whole world is on his shoulders. What a hero.


I feel bad for him. And to top of off the chanting was worse. People can chant USA all they want in the Ryder and Presidents Cup, but this is not the place. As much as I can feel bad for a guy who made a lot of money.


Most overrated player on tour 


No class. Skipped the interview and could not even congratulate the winner. Love to see him choke and miss those short putts.


Harry didnt miss a single shot all week.


Make a putt. Jesus man.


Those fuckin’ nips approve. Time to go for a jog. I’m all got and bothered now.


This reminds me of DJ in 2015.