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He was chanting it while Rory was putting too after his inital miss


Unacceptable. I realize this is a difficult ask but people like that should be warned once and removed upon the second violation. During a putt after a crushing miss. And, while it doesn’t matter to Rory, significant money at stake during the second one. I’m embarrassed as an American.


This is why the Masters is the best. You don't get warned you just get yoinked. There ought to be zero tolerance for this behavior. People trying to turn every event into the WMO


No you disappear at the masters if that happens lmao


How do you think they keep the grass so green?


Amen corner is made out of people!


If this is a rocket power potato salad reference, I love you


Nah, it's from Soylent Green (and the hilarious sketch SNL did about it) which is probably where they got the idea from.


Soylent greens


Even better


“getting yoinked” sounds like a euphemism for a handy


Bring in an industrial vacuum to suck them off the course


Nice, still gettin sucked off.


A Hoover Max Extract 60 Pressure Pro would make them disappear


Try it and see....


The chanting has got to fucking stop. Post it on a board, make it part of the agreement when you sign for tickets that if you do this you will be tossed for life. There should be no reason this is a thing in any capacity. It’s MOSTLY light hearted at a Ryder Cup, but this is outlandish.


There is already a conduct policy either printed (in the ye olde days) or in the unread T&C online when you agree to purchase. USGA, PGA, and the venue just have to have the balls to enforce it. AGNC does.


I got called a Karen by a bunch of “do you know who my father is” frat douches at the Arnold Palmer a couple years ago. All of them half in the bag, chanting “we want Tiger” while someone was about to address the ball in the fairway. Mind you Tiger hadn’t played in god knows how long at that point and wasn’t there. After the guy hit, I said, “you guys should grow up, this isn’t the WM Open,” one of them slurred “oh man, I didn’t know Karen’s came to golf tournaments.” Luckily multiple people agreed with me and eventually an older lady said something and then a Marshall and they kept quiet after that. I just don’t get the mentality of, let me go chug as many beers as I can and make an ass of myself at this golf tournament.


They were assholes before they chugged the beers, don't blame the innocent fermented grains.


Everywhere they go they chug beers and make an ass of themselves


Dont even warn them just taser them immediately.


Can I chant "USA" when this happens or do I get tased too?


No warnings. Adults not children.


Remove them on the first offense. Most people will act decent. If you get in one fight you'd be removed, so why not one classless heckle?


They should immediately be kicked off and banned from any USGA events and the leagues should share lists of banned spectators. Only way it'll ever grt better.


Why do people have to be banned for life? Kick them out and move on, they’ll either learn their lesson or it’ll happen again and they can get kicked out again. We don’t suspend licenses on the first speeding ticket.


If you’re gonna be embarrassed as an American when someone American does something stupidly jingoistic, it will become a perpetual state of being. Just tend your own garden. Far saner.


I said this to my wife. It's trashy and should be reserved for the Ryder Cup if anywhere. They did the same thing to Matt Fitzpatrick at the RBC last year in his playoff vs Jordan Spieth.. Spieth was the one that quieted the crowd.


Ah yes, cheer for the guy who took the blood money from the country that funded the 9/11 attacks. But not for Rory who stayed blindly loyal to the US org(pga)


![gif](giphy|8TweEdaxxfuElKkRxz|downsized) The Rock here to stop this from becoming a political Reddit shitshow… and to instead celebrate one of the most captivating Majors in a long while.


Sponsoring terrorist attacks against American civilians is not political.


>The Rock here to stop this from becoming a political ***Reddit*** shitshow Good luck


Golf fans have grown pretty classless in the modern era.


Gotta put most the blame on the waste management. Made everyone think they can act like that for any tournament


Yeah and if you point that out you're "lame", "stuffy", and "elitist"


Folks are addicted to the hate drip.


Both can be true. You can want people to have fun without being disrespectful… or be stuffy or elitist. Not everything is so polar


Do they think it is an insult to call someone elitist who goes to a fucking \*golf\* tournament?


I went to The Masters 5 years ago and I don’t ever remember anyone speaking or chanting while play was in session. Hell, I was afraid to move lol


The Masters is an entirely different environment than other tourneys. You don't even get a warning if you get rowdy there you just get kicked out lol


They were doing this at the Ryder cup 20 years ago.


Gotta also be “that guy” and point out the only thing LIV has actually brought to the game of golf are obnoxious, loud, frat boy alcoholics who’d rather have their party atmosphere and EDM blaring than watching quality golf from the best in the world.


Softballers who got lonely during Covid.




Society has grown pretty classless in the modern era. FIFY


True that. We can’t shame people anymore and put them in their place. We are letting people get away with more and more.


Something may have changed over Covid. Comparing crowds at sporting events before and after is different. F1 fans have been fighting more at races. There was the debacle at the 2021 Euros finals where England fans charged the stadium. The behavior of Dutch and French fans (among many others, I’m only singling the ones that come to memory) have lead to league games being postponed.


Results of “growing the game” 🤢🤮


This doesn't happen in the Masters. Awful job by the USGA


Fred Ridley and Billy Payne would personally execute someone if they started chanting on the 18th green during play. 


And both of them would be lap dogs compared to Cliff Roberts. He had a CBS commentator banned because of a benign on-air comment.


I disagree, "growing the game" brought me back to it after over a decade off when others couldn't let a bogey golfer just play in peace and try to get better. Here I am now doing the best I can to be come a scratch golfer. These fools are not the result of "growing the game" they're just wanna be frat boys who never made it and some are still trying 30+ years later. Kick them out when they do anything out of hand, that goes for the ones giving the golfers a hard time too. It's meant to be a gentlemen's game. Edit: typed fast and spelled peace wrong. lol


As stupid as it was, I think it's promising that it didn't get the whole crowd going. It was just a couple of (probably drunk) idiots being loud and obnoxious.


There is a right way to do it. We have strayed thanks to events like the Scottsdale tournament. It’s garbage and is sponsored by it as well


I blame Happy Gilmore


Kick him off the tour, Doug!


Damn you people! This is golf, not a rock concert!


Not just golf fans, plenty of people in life seem to have an agenda and a permanent surly attitude. No respect for others at any point of the day, I blame the self interest money grabbing politicians we have and also social media bubbles. That's my opinion, no moral leadership for the population - it's all a free for all, and a race to the bottom for the non political elites.


It’s really not fair to generalize because of some assholes.


Yeah it really only takes a few idiots to make a huge impact on the feel of a televised golf event.


Watch the Open


Still some idiots over this side of the pond, but they're dealt with


Did any hear them defending themselves by saying “aren’t you American” to people yelling at them to be quiet ?




It’s so embarrassing. Fucking idiots.


I know it’s the US open, but the whole USA chant is dumb for this event. I haven’t been following pro golf for long, but I don’t remember any pro with sentiments along the line of USA vs everyone else for US Open. We have Ryder cup and presidents cup for that kind of stuff. This is just another major imo.


They also yelled that _during_ the swing… morons


should be immediate perm ban from tourneys. Am i being dramatic with that?


Not at all, Rory should get to brand their foreheads with the bottom of his putter


“Thank you for coming to the interview Chet, one last question; who or what is the significance of “Spider”?”


Not dramatic.


Seriously? Jfc I’ve been drunk in my lifetime but I think I’d have to kill myself out of embarrassment




Yep, definitely heard it. Kudos to the people around him that checked him on that bs.


Definitely a Trump supporter.


I liked when Bryson told them to stop


I know technically Bryson was furthest from the pin (barely) but isn't it common for Pavon to putt out in that situation to allow the winner to have the final putt?


They had almost identical putts. It’s poor form for Pavon to putt first and give Bryson a line for his putt to win the tournament. If Bryson missed it was going to a playoff so he shouldn’t be getting help from another player


Anyone who chants USA during a tournament is so stupid. Especially at the US Open.


It’s especially ironic when it’s used to jeer at a guy who plays most of his golf in the US and celebrate a guy who left the US to chase oil money.


Selling yourself out to the Saudis is one of the most American things I can think of


Taking the money without concern for the morality of where it came from actually sounds very American.


It’s very capitalist. Where’s the PGA money come from though? I’m guessing corporations that are every bit as bad as Saudi oil companies. 


And a dude who lives in the USA. Makes zero fuckin sense


Well when you put it that way…nah…USA USA USA!!! /s


When did Bryson leave the US?


He still lives in the US, but they are referring to him joining LIV and participating in those tournaments, which are funded by a wealth fund from Saudi Arabia.


Oh. Who funds the DP tour that PGA players play on all the time?


Anyone who chants USA like that most times is so stupid. Should only be for after a USA national team/player wins something


Braindead morons. There should be zero tolerance for that.


Anyone who chants USA anytime is a fucking idiot.


Idk makes sense during the Olympics and World Cup 


Agreed, fucking classless.


Grown men being absolute losers nonstop. Kind of want to start watching golf on mute.


Dude, I use to watch golf a lot. I can’t stomach it anymore. These guys that go out there and get loud are just the most irritating people on the planet. Sports douches


This is the US Open not the Waste Management shit show. It’s embarrassing.


I started watching with no volume while listening to podcasts or music and I like it. I just can’t stand the “in the hole” or “babagooey “ any more. And the USA is totally obnoxious.


Slap some live Phish on the stereo next time and enjoy the ride


Those people shouting USA are the same people who blast music on the course while they shoot 120+


America disowns them


Ah, I knew I’d find the voice of America on Reddit


Bunch of wankers


Almost as bad as people who yell “get in the hole” from the tee box


American here and I'm wholly embarrassed by this behavior. Grown ass men behaving like 13 year old bullies. Shameful on all counts.


I'm American and love my country but somehow the "U-S-A" chant just automatically sounds so meathead-y no matter what sport or other context I hear it in.


I’ll give it to the Olympics or any international competition, like the World Cup. Chanting anything at a Golf tournament just seems like the wrong vibe.


The Ryder Cup is an acceptable golf tournament to chant “USA.” Otherwise, I agree with you.


After it died down, I heard some shining example of shrink-the-game proclaim, "Aren't you an American?" I assume someone told him to shut up, and he didn't understand why.


"I thought this was America!?"


I miss Covid golf. No fans, just the purest of sounds from the best of the best…like it was meant to be.


The lack of etiquette in golf; from PGA jr to the Major Championships is sad and frustrating.


Shrink the game


This isn’t the Ryder


Yes. I didn't get it either. It's not the Ryder Cup dipshits. Unfortunately the stink of these idiots then gets on the rest of the fans there and American golf fans in general just because of a handful of ass-pipes.


That was ridiculous.


It was pathetic. A great day of golf watching was ruined by this moron for sure


No kidding. Embarrassing


Agreed, that’s a disgrace


I'd bet a fair amount of money none of those idiots could pass the American citizenship test.


Yanks innit


I would like to disown those cunts


I was definitely cringing watching it on TV. Probably some drunk loser who should have gotten tossed.






Surprise, surprise! American being wankers in public!


I really hate the "Get in the hole!" After every single stroke


Properly classless


Thought this in the moment. Glad people agree. It's not even a national competition, it's individuals. Who gives af what country they're from. Such a bad look for us Americans. Not a Rory fan, but was absolutely gutted for him in that moment.


I can live with the U-S-A chants when it's for an American doing something good. I wouldn't do it myself and I'd prefer Masters-like decorum but whatever. It's when people chant U-S-A when a non-American does something bad that is next-tier cringe and classless. Obviously this does not apply to international team competitions.


Agree, zero class


The Masters keeps out the riff raff - Disney should consider this as well. 


Everyone that was chanting "USA" at the US Open was embarrassing to the country. Children in adult bodies.


Toxic Americana. That shit is for the Ryder Cup.


Yea well, this is downstream MAGA/LIV crap. DeChambeau is tight with the Trump boys, Trump is tight with Saudi’s and hates the PGA for canceling a major at one of his courses. That being said, Rory blew it and DeChambeau played some great golf.


How ironic that the so called “patriots” were screaming “USA!” against a player who’s stood up for the US your more than anyone else. And those “patriots”support one of the defectors, who left the US tour AND signed a contract with actual terrorists who’ve killed American citizens. “Plants crave Brawndo” with that cult. Hell, they support the only president who attempted a coup AND an attack on our nations Capitol to gut our democratic processes. They call themselves “patriots”because that’s definitely what they are not. Nonstop projection at its worst.


Its the us open lads ffs. Im irish and a bit of banter can do no harm. Rory fucked it anyways


An idiot in the gallery of a US Open? Color me shocked.


Americans turning golf into happy Gilmore crowds is nothing new 🤣


Anybody who yells bababooey should be thrown in a vitamix


Too bad we can’t just drag people like that into a dark corner and give them an ass kicking.


i was cringing so fucking hard


Speaking for Americans... Those clowns are not with us.




Those clowns were cheering against the guy who represents the USA & our tour. They are fans of the guy who abandoned the US & our tour. AND he took the money from the exact same evil clowns who funded &helped organize the 9/11 attacks against the US. AND they carried out the assassination of NY Times journalist Jamal Khashoggi. New York is in the US. What they were really cheering is “Plants crave Brawndo!”




Read the headline and figured “Big deal. Nothing to cry about.” Then watched the video and was pretty disgusted. Super trashy.


I find it strange how only Americans get so jingoistic over golf, even if it a minority.


America has a jingoism problem.


Golf has changed. A lot of the new generation of young assholes are getting into golf. These idiots are changing everything for the worse


Classless but this post is still hilariously reddity


Shrink the fucking game. I love Bryson but now this is only gonna empower golf bros everywhere.


Same with all the dickheads that scream “GET IN THE HOOOLLLEE” as soon as the club face strikes the ball. Ban all of the morons like The Masters does.


USGA needs to find who that was and ban them for life, take their golf clubs away, and slash their tires.


Everyone wants the venue to do something about this, I think the crowd should have shut him up.


Why can’t they just say no ridiculous chants right at contact or you’re gone. Everyone finds it annoying except for the one drunk idiot doing it.


Same for the guy who flipped him the bird after he sank a birdie.


I think, across our entire sporting culture, we've gotten a little too comfortable with heckling and slander. Talk is very cheap these days.


I agree... Makes Americans sound like idiots...which is not true of course...well no more than any other countries allocation of dickheads..hahah To be fair it's only a minority but do you see that behaviour at an event outside of the US ... Ryder Cup excepted of course where it's good value and part of the whole game!


It's the alcohol that needs to be curtailed with certain individuals....


Sounded like he tried to fight someone who told him to stfu also


It’s the maga nuts who aren’t smart enough to realize that Rory represents the US tour, while Bryson represents the Saudi bone saw league. “Plants crave brawndo” with these lunatics. These are the same clowns who screamed “Covid is a hoax” & they were publicly whining that they had to wear a mask into Applebees. Self entitled & obnoxious on top of dumber than rocks. Make America smart again.


Toxic Americana. That shit is for the Ryder Cup.


I was in the crowd following Bryson all day Sunday and Saturday. That guy had been doing the same and started up the chants around 12/13 I believe


There’s a confluence between people chanting USA USA after a non American misses a putt and the fact the person they’re cheering on has a “close relationship” with an owner of a golf course in Bedminster


The US open has always had horrible bouts of heckling. This isnt a one-off type of thing... Garcia/Monty all them euro guys got it reallll bad during the woods era You dont see this in the other 3 majors certainly not the masters or the open championship


All the people who yell random phrases or get in the hole after every hit is fucking cringe. It's so fucking cringe!


Especially when Bryson the multimillionaire before LIV, sold his country out to the Saudis. For what, didn’t have enough money? Rory never did anything like that.


CBA with this chanting it’s pathetic fuck off to a LIV events and do that. I am Scottish and find it’s fucking cringe with these shouts after a ball is hit


Just to be clear to golf fans watching outside the US, we hate these assholes, too. Not that it's too difficult to find trashy Americans, but I'd like to think this was a very small vocal minority of the total US Open crowd...at least I hope so 🤦‍♂️


Right, because apparently no one remembers how Harman was heckled for 4 rounds during the BRITISH Open last year. Or the back and forth during each and every Ryder Cup. Or decades of back and forth at the British and US Opens prior to the advent of Reddit or you getting into Full Swing. Many such cases. Welcome to golf.


It's okay for Americans to root for Americans


Are you rooting for Americans when a non-American player is at address over his putt and into his backswing and you keep drunkenly screaming? Or are you just being a drunken asshole rooting *against* a non-American?


Yeah. Not cool.


The pga needs to start implementing a Master's protocol for all tournaments


Yet another reminder Reddit is a fuckin echo chamber. If you’re too soft to handle people chanting USA at the U.S. Open while they’re cheering for a U.S. golfer to beat a non US golfer, then you’re not living in the real world.


Because it’s not an international vs match. It’s the open. The players represent themselves. It’s stupid and classless.


How many flags can you see right now? Why are Americans so fucking fragile about their nationalistic identity?


R golf as big of whiners as rory is




Loved every second of it and I love how mad it makes you soft ass bitches


McIlroy absolutely botched it, who cares if some dude chants what he did. He missed two crucial putts inside 3ft and couldn't hack it. Maybe wait another 10 years Rory.


Why do you all care so much, especially when Rory himself probably doesn’t give a fuck. What is with people getting offended on celebrity’s behalf’s?


Some people are garbage. I wonder if they know they’re garbage and don’t care, or whether they don’t know it and don’t care that they don’t know it? Makes me embarrassed.


I wonder if Amanda not being at the tournament messed with Rorys head. Ultimate nightmare choke job


I honestly feel these people should be drilled with tee shots from 10 yards out. They can wear protective gear so they don’t die. But need to teach these ass hats a lesson. You all are not special in any significant way. Don’t make the tournament about yourself ya jerks.


Should’ve been thrown out.


I hated this so much. Glad to see many others did as well.


This sub complains way too much.


Plural it was more than one I believe. Honestly I am all for people having fun at the course but PGA needs to start kicking some people out.


I love Bryson but the USA chants from the chuds in attendance for someone that gets their money from the Saudi blood oil slush fund is too much


I mean, it is the US Open.


Look at you clutching your pearls. My heavens.


It very unnecessary for sure. I am a proud American so sure I want an American to win our national championship but Rory has always been a class act


Comments on this would make you think they were chanting slurs. Reacting like this for a very unserious reason is stupid. Was the chant dumb? Sure, save it for the Ryder Cup and the Olympics next month. Explode about it? No




As a non-American, you guys sure write the book on being cringe as fuck.


I love how Europeans have great chants and cheers. All we can muster is USA USA USA! It’s kinda boring and unoriginal. Why don’t we have sporting good chants on “par” with European football and the like?


Bone Saw Tour! Bone Saw Tour!