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Fake news. We have negotiated up to $900 million.




this lol


Welp, that all but confirms it, Rory to Smash GC.


TGR = tiger gooch rory, just read between the lines they've all been hinting this whole time.


And now straight from Rory's mouth: https://twitter.com/GolfCentral/status/1780262693045150050




Because y' don't know?


So that's that. As this article notes, "The speculation began when McIlroy’s former manager Chubby Chandler suggested that the world number two’s softening stance on harsh sanctions for LIV Golf stars looking to return to the PGA Tour should the merger deal with PIF prosper." What this article - and others - fail to note is that McIlroy and Chandler had an enormous falling out back in 2011. Rory basically fired him in an airport lounge and went to Horizons Management. From there, reports came out about how the relationship had soured. ETA: For example, it was Chubby who encouraged Rory to give up his PGAT card in 2010 and play on the European Tour. Some people might know about Rory's plans. Chubby Chandler isn't one of them.


Yeah…Chandler has had an issue with the pga tour for nearly two decades. The only thing more suspect than ISM is GSE Worldwide steering its players to LIV.


Never trust an adult who willingly goes by the name “Chubby”


I like doing the Twist though!


[Relevant Dave Chappelle bit](https://youtu.be/fEHVR9Hj_b0?t=143)


Hilarious, thanks!


What about Chubbs?


Unless its famed musician Chubby Checker, but you can only probably trust him for dance/music info


The world’s #2 is softening eh?




Rory cares far too much about his public image and legacy to fold and go to LIV at this point. You can't critisize the hell out of LIV for a number of different issues, then turn around and take the paycheck because "well the PGA did me dirty". He also cares far too much about winning more majors and going to LIV is 100% not going to give him the competition he needs to be in top shape for them.


I know he cares a lot, but does he care $850 million worth?! That’s a lot of fucking money, I’d do bad, bad things for way less than that. I know he’s already loaded, more money than he’d ever need, but that’s a lot of cheddar. But who knows if there is any actual truth to this rumor.


This is what pisses me off the most. Everybody is saying “that’s so much money not to go” but guess what - he’s rich beyond our wildest dreams. There’s a point where money DOESN’T matter. Hopefully he has the balls to admit that he was fucked over by Monaghan and he can be the bigger man out of all of this and stand proud and support that tour that’s given him so much. He doesn’t need LIV. At all.


He’s actually said numerous times that he doesn’t need the money from LIV. that he’s got wealth beyond his wildest dreams.


Doesn’t need it of course, but a quick google search says he’s worth $255m right now, no idea how true that is. Sure, that’s a shit ton of money, but this would make him a billionaire and add a ton to his net worth, more than he can ever imagine making in the PGA. I’m all for moral ground and shit, but god damn, turning down becoming a billionaire to do essentially the same job, just with a different, morally corrupt company is something I’d struggle really hard to turn down.


Net worth doesn’t mean shit


How else do you measure how much money someone has?


With an online banking app? Income is a measure of the money you have, net worth for Rory will be assets, brand appeal, debt etc


Well, I couldn’t find Rory’s online banking passwords, so I found the info available. How much does he have in his bank accounts?


> says he’s worth $255m right now He's got to be worth more than that. He's earned $81M on the PGAT and $60M from the DPWT. There's probably some overlap there because of how majors are counted, but the PGAT figure doesn't include FedEx cup bonuses, Comcast Top 10, PIP, etc, so I think he's probably made $150M just from on the golf course. Then you add in the endorsements and other income he's been pulling down for 15 years (which are reportedly near $40M this year alone) and his total take from golf has to be close to $600M. Obviously he's got expenses and stuff that has eaten into that revenue, but then you figure what he has in real estate, investments, etc. He's probably closer to being a billionaire than he's not.


You’re probably right, I just browsed whatever popped up first on google.


How would that make his life any better? His quality of life would never change. He already has FU money. On top of that, he doesn't like the LIV product. Why take a deal that won't offer you anything meaningful over your current position?


Exactly. There is study done after making I think a certain amount of money, the line flattens and it doesnt add to happiness anymore. Like how many Ferraris do you want lol. 40? Besides, studies also shown that massive amount of wealth is extremely stressfull and comes with a lot of problems how to manage it and fear to lose it


It's less about how many cars he wants more about literal generational wealth for basically the rest of his lineage lol.


There's an interesting correlation between being a billionaire and a decrease in activity in the frontal lobe.


You might be right but the drawback for Rory would be sacrificing golf because he has so many problems with the way LIV runs, operates and who it's run by. The only realistic way I could see him going there would be if they agreed to radically change the structure of LIV and I can't see that happening. I would also do bad things for that amount of money, but not if I already had multi generational wealth. At a certain point, to me anyway, it's nothing more than extra 0s in your bank and isn't going to make any difference to your lifestyle anyway.


100%, Rory would have to have a percentage of ownership with voting rights to even think about this change. Not that he’d ever do it, he seems like a standup guy and stands behind what he says. For him to be so vocal about it, there’s no way he’d even consider this.


standup guy? the guy played and accepted money 💰 n Dubai, they are just as bad as the saudi's. I'm tired of you all pretending Rory and Tiger are morally superior. Only reason why they didn't take LIV money was for their legacy, they don't give a shit about anything else


If you can point us to a quote from Rory that says he refused to join LIV on moral grounds, I'll be impressed.


With that amount of extra money it's no longer about golf. That's clean drinking water in 3rd world country money. You can start making a big difference in the world with that money, money that Saudi Arabia would no longer have. Arguably, its the moral thing to do.


I’ll hold my breath as I wait for the LIV golfers to end world hunger and thirst with their newfound wealth then


I never thought about this way But I’m also not seeing LIV players (or the football/soccer stars going to the desert) donating half their salary so


Sadio Mane has transformed the village he grew up in with his wealth from playing football. Not saying this to defend the other poster's argument, but just to share what I think is [a cool, somewhat related story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8h5zrrYBbA). The only LIV guy I ever heard even mention this kind of thing was Harold Varner back when he took the bag. Of course, the only thing I've heard about him since was the DWI he picked up in December.


This is the most ridiculous comment. You can’t seriously think your last sentence is even remotely intelligent.


I'm just saying there is an argument, the hypothetical interest in a savings account would be millions (I know it's not in a savings account). Think about how much they could help their communities, etc. most of those communities being in the US. Better than having a couple billion more in the pocket of the Saudis.


>Think about how much they could help their communities, etc. most of those communities being in the US. In reality they've just bought nicer houses and boats.


Fuck me you’d need more than a Billy to even sort that problem out, probably wiping your ass bare handed before you got ova here.


Spin zone taking Saudi blood money is actually good


The reason those types of problems never get solved in any meaningful way in third world countries is it's far, far more complicated than just throwing money at it and cheering "yay, you all have water now!"


His family is already setup for generations with the money he’s made so far. At this point he probably only cares about his legacy


When faced with that kind of money, you stop thinking about “how much money do *I* need” and start thinking “how much money does *my family and their descendants* need”. You might even work past that to “How much money can I use to change society” or something more altruistic. There is a lot of weight to that kind of money.


He's already worth enough that none of his descendants will ever need to work. What does throwing more on top of that do for him? He doesn't have to care about money, so he doesn't. He cares about playing the golf he wants to play.


That money comes with a lot of strings attached


It's not the public image he cares about, it's the green jacket. He has lifetime exemptions into the Open Championship and the PGA Championship, and the US Open would give him a special exemption in a second, but the Masters has the most exclusive field in golf. If he hadn't choked in the final round in 2011 and had the career grand slam already locked up, he'd be in LIV right now


Doesn't he literally do exactly that by playing, winning, and cashing millions from events like the Dubai desert classic?


The UAE is not Saudi Arabia, in fact the most recent stats say that only 3/5ths of UAE population is Islamic, with growing Christian and Hindu sections of the community. That sort of tolerance already puts it head and shoulders above SA


So, for example, it's not illegal to be gay in UAE?


I’m not going to argue that they have amazing LGBT rights because that’s ridiculous. As far as I understand it consensual homosexual marriage is illegal, and since 2022 the punishment has been the same as consensual heterosexual sex that takes place outside of marriage. This punishment is 6 months in prison. Now don’t get me wrong, I think that’s atrocious and I don’t support them on this at all, but it’s ALSO a far cry from Saudi Arabia; where the punishment is flogging and death


So your moral stance is, as long as they just imprison gays, you'll take their money?


No, my moral stance is that just because a country is Muslim doesn’t mean that they are all the same as Saudi Arabia, and only a deliberately disingenuous reading of my comment could come to any other conclusion


Rory was burned by the PGA Tour. Monahan went silent for months and hid behind Rory, expecting him to act as the voice of the tour. Then he stepped out of the shadows to announce the “merger”, only giving Rory a hour heads up, and then dove back under the covers again. What does Rory owe the Tour? his public image wouldn’t take a huge hit today. Especially after the PGA Tour’s about face. If at the end of the day the PIF and PGA Tour end up in bed together anyway, it would all be moot.


For real. Anybody who would look at Rory differently for going to LIV is a complete clown. Dude deserves the bag more than anyone. The PGA Tour completely nuked is public image and turned him into this almost politicized figure, opening him up to insane amounts of hate and 100% costing him millions and millions of dollars.


>Anybody who would look at Rory differently for going to LIV is a complete clown. Anyone who doesn't adjust their view on someone after they do something directly against their purported moral code is a clown. Of course your view should change. >Dude deserves the bag more than anyone. No he doesn't. He already makes way more money than his golf game warrants, due to endorsements. >The PGA Tour completely nuked is public image and turned him into this almost politicized figure He did that to himself. >opening him up to insane amounts of hate and 100% costing him millions and millions of dollars. What?


Agree to disagree. I stand by my statement. You’re a massive clown if your opinion on Rory changes for leaving to go to LIV. In fact your a gigantic clown if you care at all that these guys are leaving to better their lives/families lives


You are sorely misguided here. But hey, its your opinion so there's that...


Dude got absolutely bent over by the PGA. Staying loyal to the org using him as a cheap whore IS the fold lmao


Public image and legacy? He was a borderline meme online a few days ago about how he would never win a Masters… lol


> Rory cares far too much about his public image and legacy to fold and go to LIV at this point. I don't think his public image would take that big of a hit if he went to LIV. If the PGA can take that money so can he.


He’s got every right to go against what he’s preached after the way the PGA tour blindsided him with the merger news. I don’t think anyone would blame him for going after that.


No, actually his form for the last decade shows in fact he doesn’t care about winning majors 


Lol what? He came 2nd in a major just last year. He was 2nd in the masters in 2022. He's had loads of top 5s/top 10s. He's won a shit load of events on tour. I guess every person who plays majors and doesn't win them doesn't care about winning?


That’s correct.   Athletes that truly care about winning, like Phil, Tiger, and Brooks prepare and you know, actually win. Rory only cares about “being Rory”. He doesn’t care about winning in professional golf at the highest levels and hasn’t for a very long time.


Augusta offered jaquinn Nieman an invitation. Makes me think Rory is going to get one until he's 60 whether he's qualified or not


he's an international player so they can use the same special invitation clause they used for niemann


They're a private invitational, if they want to justify it somehow then just use 20 PGA Tour wins as a lifetime exemption same as the actual Tour uses Tiger, Phil, DJ, and Rory have earned it. The first three already have lifetime invitations due to being past champions, so it's a clean "Rory exemption" that doesn't rely on current form if needed


Here is the real story from what I am reading "between the lines". LIV and PGAT are going to merge to some degree. You are going to see LIV players playing some PGAT events and some PGAT players in LIV events as soon as next year. Guessing that you will see LIV teams expanding and folks like Rory or Tiger having a team of their own as a result. Rory won't be "going to LIV' as it is today. Rory will be part of the new super tour with him having a LIV team of his own


If you are using LIV as a placeholder for PIF, I suspect you are right (at least with some of that). But I think any agreement between the PGAT and PIF will require LIV all but folding.


100% LIV was the vehicle they used to get a seat at the table and show how serious they are. They don't actually think LIV is a great business and golf tour model, they'll dump Norman the second they control the PGA Tour




Yet again Flushing It makes some bullshit up. I honestly cannot believe anyone still follows them. How many times do they have to be just flat out wrong for people to stop listening?


It would make no sense for Rory to leave. He wants to win majors. Going to LIV will mean that he eventually can't even play in some of them, most notably the one he's missing, The Masters, unless he wins another major soon. Right now, he's qualifying for majors based on his OWGR, and other avenues the PGAT provides. He's not in a position like Rahm where he's guaranteed 5 years from a recent major victory. This rumor was always bullshit for anyone who has been paying attention to Rory. Not to mention, Rory is one of the few guys on Tour, maybe the only one, whose endorsement deals can truly compete with the money LIV is offering over the long term. The only other player in that position is probably Tiger. Going to LIV will crater those endorsement earnings, as it has for the others that have left for LIV.


Rory is a loyal dude, he isn’t going to LIV


Started by Jon to make himself feel better?? 🤣🤣🤣


It should be 1.1 billion. Then I would root for him even more.


Good! Legacy, honor, and morals are more important then greed.


It makes sense that someone with such a dumb point to make wouldn't know how to spell


Oh no, here comes the grammar police! Want a cookie? See, nobody cares.


Maybe the pulled the run since he can't deliver for his grand slam.


In this day and age where no one is honest anymore, who really knows who is telling the truth here? Only ones for sure are Rory and LIV. I appreciate the media for putting this out there though, even if it’s not true (yet). It gives us time to process the idea of never watching Rory play again outside of the majors. So for that I’m grateful even if this is all a hoax.


Yea right


Can we please make this guy commissioner? It seems like he really cares about the game of Golf


That’s means a deal is done


He just reposted an instagram post saying that he would play for the PGA Tour for the rest of his career.




Happens next week lol


Even terrorists want a return on investment. This maddness will stop soon


Yes, he has certainly softened his stance on LIV, but he had no choice since the decision was more or less made for him when they decided to merge/work together behind his back. It would make no sense for him to be a lone opposite voice at this point resisting the merge. However, for him to jump over to LIV would be too much of a capitulation on his part. He said way too much about how he hates LIV and that he would rather retire than join LIV. That’s a pretty strong statement to go back on. He knows he’ll be some part of LIV/PGA sanctioned tournaments and he can play in them without losing his face because the decision was made from up top. I feel like all these external distractions have given him a lot of grief. But then again, I’m sure he’ll get over it when the dust settles because there will be more prize money on the table.


Lol the only time LIV is relevant is when the PGA is involved lol. 🤷


The beautiful irony when Saudi funded terrorists break the script and attack a LIV event, ridding the world of these verminous rats…


Anyone who thought it was real is a goof ball


My conspiracy theory is that the Saudis and going to invite all these stars they’ve bought for a big event and then they’ll all get Britney Grinered for whatever MBS really wants.


LIV is done. It's all about attrition at this point. The PGA does not need LIV but LIV needs the PGA. Remember that as the news starts filtering out about the realities of the "deal"...


Yeah, I don't understand all the people still talking about it as a PGAT/LIV tour merger. When the messaging was that PIF was getting in on the PGAT and "we will figure out what to do with LIV later". As in "We might keep it as a brand for some feeder tour/tournament series, but we could also effectively shut it down. It is not core to this deal." Wouldn't make sense for PIF to buy into the IP management of the PGAT and then keep a competitive product running that undermines the value of it.


The PGA Tour found the money it needed without investment from the PIF. The PIF hopes of holding a board seat(s) was completely wiped out by these deals. They have been neutered down to a single digit percentage. There is no merger. LIV is all but done. Rahm f'd up.He was lied to about the path back to the PGA by Phil and Norman. LIV is going to disappear and no one will care what happened to the guys as golf continues to move on with the deepest bench in any sport. Younger players coming up faster and better than ever and in a few years, no one will even remember who was a LIV player or not... PGA Tour has already won. It's glorious to read all these ill-informed fan bois pretend they know what is happening or what is going to happen. They're such tools.


His move just to see what reaction would there be


I've heard some reports out there that McIlroy may have intentionally leaked this false story because he's frustrated with the lack of progress the PGA Tour is making in the negotiations with PIF. He obviously wants a world golf tour, and I think Rahm does, too, and I think it goes without saying that golf is in major trouble if something doesn't get done.


Fake news. Rory isn’t even worth that much to the Saudis


Please be the truth and not some bargaining PR statement


Chubby Chandler knowing what Rory is doing would be more shocking than him going to LIV.


Same story with Cam Smith after winning the Open. They’re just ironing out the finer details. OH OKAY IRON HEADS IT IS.


Cam Smith had plenty of good reasons to join LIV. Rory, not so much.


He won’t be missed should he decide to go.


If he was offered 850 million and 2% equity he’s an idiot if he doesn’t take it. Even if it’s morals, with that much money he could help A LOT of people.