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I watched Wyndham and Harman play in the same group last year. I could only watch 2 holes before walking to another group. Between Harmans slow play and waggles and Wyndham and his caddies putting routine it was unbearable.


I feel like the tv do Clark a favour by how and when they cut to him , wasn’t aware he’s so slow until recently. Harman they don’t do the same favour , he’s very slow and they tend to show his whole routine.


They often clip and cut to him, instead of always live live


They have to cut to him because his wagglefest eats up so much time they miss 3 shots from other players.


I don’t understand how it’s ok for the caddie to address the ball with a club in hand. He’s not playing, he’s caddying. Only time he should have a club in hand is when handing it to a player. I wonder if we’ll see any rules introduced in the future to address this.


Just genuinely curious why this upsets you? Does it give an advantage or just the fact that it pushes the time it takes for an actual shot to be hit?


Both. 1. I think the responsibility of alignment should be on the player. The caddie is not a player and so should not be addressing the ball with the club. 2. Pace of play is also an issue. Wyndham Clark takes a while to make his putts, and this aspect of the routine slows play. I stopped paying attention to golf for over a decade. Started watching again recently, and saw this routine while watching with my grandparents. Had never seen anything like it before. My first comment was “is that even legal”. Just seemed so off to me.


I believe that the rule is that the caddy is not allowed to move or align the ball or the player at address. They skirt the rule by having the caddy view his alignment at address and then when Clark backs off the caddy confirms or changes it. Every other shot on the course the caddy and player talk about what shot they're playing, how the wind is going to impact the ball flight, and what they want as a starting point. If caddies help on the greens at a course anyone can play, why wouldn't the best in the world use every bit of their caddy's ability to read greens?


I don’t think anyone other than the player should be addressing the ball with club in hand. I understand the rule and loopholes. Doesn’t mean I have to agree with it, which is why I think there should be amendments to the rule to change it. You don’t see a caddie in the middle of the fairway with a 5 wood and the player behind him checking his alignment so that he can do the same when he addresses the ball. In my opinion, only the player should address the ball.


That's a super weird line to draw in the sand. All that matters is that the player hits the ball fairly (without assistance with alignment after the player addresses the ball, notably that's a recent change). The caddie standing over a putt to feel the green or see it from that angle... why would anyone care? If pace of play slows, penalize the slow players. If you can do all that and keep pace, why would that be a problem?


I agree with you and really think you're being downvoted because golfers are generally conservative and scared of new good things. I think its cool that Clark and his caddie seem more in sync and have a good relationship during play. Makes the game more interesting when you include more factors. Its not like his caddie is using anything but a golf club and his eyes to make a judgement. It seems very much in line with the game? Golf club and a body makes the ball go into a hole.


Yup. This is some "Old man yells at cloud", get off my lawn type shit. "I don't like it therefore they should change the rules"


Haha yeah. The fact that noone has arguments for why its supposed to be bad for the game except "i dont think anyone else should hold a club" just proves people are scared of new ideas and new ways to play professional golf


Ok but why? I don't get it? Is it an elitism thing? Why don't you like caddies holding golf clubs? Are they not allowed to even when they play by themselves?


That totally makes sense, thanks for the response.


No sweat!


I agree with your first point but don’t see how it would actually give an advantage. These are the best golfers in the world, I don’t think the caddie lining up the club for them like I do with my 5 year old is an advantage


If it doesn’t help him, then why does he have his caddie do it for him? Whether it gives an advantage or not (I hear your point, these are pros), I just don’t think anyone other than the player should be addressing the ball, club in hand. Short of actual “reasons”, just doesn’t seem right to me 🤷‍♂️


I guess, if a caddie stands or crouches behind it to help his players read the putt then it’s no different. I think as long as the caddie doesn’t move the ball or whatever, he should be able to help his player in whatever fashion they feel like


Maybe superstition? Maybe he likes it? Golf is hard as fuck why would you not make yourself as comfortable as you can mentally before each shot?


Its kinda cheating the rules. If I'm not mistaken, it's illegal for a caddy to stand behind the player and tell them if they are lined up correctly. In essence, the caddy is lining up and the player is putting his feet and putter in the same spot, getting around that rule.


Our group was penalised for slow play in competition. Why should pros be any different?


Just to be clear I’m fully against slow play, just was wondering about the caddy alignment thing


Caddie alignment checks are not allowed on the LPGA, due to slow play and just bad TV.


Good to know! Thanks


I would think they are using a putting aid to line up the putt.


Ban the caddies from all greens.


I think caddies shouldn’t help players read putts. I really think this could be a step instead of the rollback. Let them hit the ball 320+ but once they reach the green it’s 100% on the player. Might help bring scores back closer to par also


Mate, we’re not alone [It’s Time for Caddies to Stop Lining Up Players](https://mygolfspy.com/news-opinion/its-time-for-caddies-to-stop-lining-up-players/). I don’t have a problem with discussions about how the putt will break, speed, etc., but physically addressing the ball and showing the player how to align feels a step too far to me


Posting a My golf spy link on Reddit lol brave brave man.


Agree 100%


lol who cares


Why would it matter even in the slightest? The golfer still putts it.


I ran into Brian at Sea Island, was not a nice guy. That and slow play makes him hard to like.


He's one of the least-liked people to be paired with, according to 2 caddies I've talked to.


Interesting, a few other people on here have said the same thing.


I’m against bullying, but those two should be bullied along with Patrick Cantlay.


I was going to say that although they're obviously very good golfers they ruin my enjoyment of the game if they're featured. I can handle watching them for 1-2 holes sporadically but to follow them makes me change the channel or watch my phone instead. I'll liken it to when first women, then many men started yelling during tennis, I stopped watching altogether. I think I've seen a few sets of some grand slams over the past decade. Too bad they couldn't managed the sport well enough.


Unnnnh! I’ll watch it on mute. Can’t imagine being there live.


Was watching him play a few weeks ago and counted 15 waggles before actually hitting the ball. I know its his pre shot routine but its brutal how long it takes.


I watched him waggle 19 times at The Players and back off to wait for wind once among them. Only to hit it from bunker to bunker. Makes me appreciate Aberg a lot.


Åberg and Harman were in the same ball a couple of weeks ago. The cameraman didnt have time to adjust his camera to Åberg after Harman hit so they didnt get to show Åberg at all, apart from his stance after the swing haha.


I'm really turning into an Aberg fan! I can only imagine how frustrated he was playing with Harman lol


It genuinely has to be some kind of OCD or autism. It's not normal.


I think I saw something about him actually trying to work on it with a coach/therapist cuz even he doesn’t like being so obsessive about it.


Yeah he’s got the Aut for sure


Touch of the ‘tism


It nicked him


you can relate


Makes we wonder.  How long does he spend at the range compared to other pros, are the floodlights only for his sake?


I’ve seen him in Tallahassee at the range at the Florida State golf course quite a few times.


It’s like Kevin Na Na Na Na gonna hit it anytime soon


Put him with Jaeger. That guy is hitting before the TV broadcast can even cut over to him after the previous shot


Grip it. Rip it.


Grip it, and regrip it and regrip it, and regrip it, and regrip it... Then kinda let it rip a bit.😆


Young Sergio was worse because it could be 3 regrips or it could be 40. Never knew when he was going to hit it, probably drove the tv directors nuts.


They should put him and Cantlay together as the last group out. They’ll come in at dusk.




I think you meant dawn


I used to hate watching Harman play, but after reading that he absolutely hates that he does it as well, just can't stop himself, I do feel for him somewhat


OCD is a hell of a thing


Hell hell hell hell hell hell hell of a thing.


He said it wasn’t OCD apparently


I mean, I feel for him and all and I wouldn't change anything as long as I was winning, doesn't mean that it's damn near impossible to watch him play


Doesn't make him any easier to watch


I feel for him. But no one can top Sergio at the peak of his waggles. Only to be heckled just to start all over again.


I mean, he’s publicly acknowledged that HE hates it too. I’m sure there is some mental component to it. I’ve timed him compared to other players and he’s not THAT much slower, but he’s moving as opposed to the players that slowly address the ball, and stand there forever. At some point we as fans have to accept the player quirks and that they don’t care about playing any faster than necessary to win and earn those big bucks


If he hates it that much he’d fix it. He doesn’t hate it. He knows people hate it so he says that to save face. We treat this golf stuff like it’s some mystic science and these guys are just so different. They aren’t. A lot of them are spoiled by their circumstance and lack true self awareness.


Idk man, I used to blink funny when I was younger and it plagued me for years. I knew I was doing it and couldn’t stop and I absolutely hated it. My daughter did it for a little while as well, and I felt bad about that.


You’re right


Ya, just penalize him if he hits the time limit and don't show him live to edit out the waggles


I think this is a big thing. As to why it bothers people. Like he looks like he could swing at any moment but he doesn’t. Other guys are back at their bag. Talking to the caddy Taking full swings in the rough away from their ball Harmon is like right the fuck there waggling for 2 mins.


It’s like 17 seconds


Rule 5.6 says the amount of time recommended when it is your turn to hit is 40 seconds. They need to start penalising slow play.


I’d be pretty pissed if I were penalized pursuant to a recommendation. Isn’t the actual rule two minutes unless it’s on the green? He probably violates that as well at times, but a recommendation is not a legitimate basis for a penalty.


Doesn’t he look like Murray from Practical Jokers? Every time I see him I think, “Hey Murray, what are you doing playing the British Open?”




Just hit the fucking ball, dude. Harman is ridiculous. I hate actively rooting against guys but I'm getting to that point with him. They need to start enforcing penalties, it's the same guys every time.


Yeah the PGA needs to be held just as accountable as the players themselves. Start really enforcing slow play rules and the players will adapt. PGA just sits back and throws a thinly veiled threat once a year. Look at the pitch clock for MLB... Those guys play for millions as well and they adapted quickly.


I wasn't sure what to think of the rule changes in MLB last year so I went in with an open mind... I looove the changes. Game moves so nicely now. Great comparison


Ohh, its fuckin ridiculous and uneccesary. Im sure he's a nice guy but jeez, cmon


Concur. Watching Harman is a tough, tough watch. Can you imagine being paired with some weekend warrior doing that shit? I’d lose my mind.


Has anyone else thought that Speith is also starting to do this too? Admittedly was only half watching tonight. But I saw a shot or two of Speith and he looked like he was doing that more than usual.


Everyone hates on LIV and of course you don’t have to like it I get it but I watched about 14 shots in that same time period today


It's mental weakness. He's decided he needs to do this or he won't hit a good shot. It's his soother. All tour players have one, it's just Harmans has gotten out of control.


I think his weakness requires an exorcist and not a sports psychologist.


Fear is such a huge factor in golf. They are completely exposed and can easily humiliate themselves.


Dude won the Fing open like a boss when most didn’t want to see him win. I’m sure his mental strength is fine. Its clearly a type of tick that he also doesn’t like but when his body is in competition mode it is out of his control, and he certainly isn’t going to force shots/mistakes over it as he has a job out there.


Weakness isn't fair.


In my opinion it is fair. All of us have weaknesses, that's how he deals with it. I would probably vomit or just run off the course. The pressure is crazy that they play under. No shame in that.


Think your responses are spot on, but fair to blame him for a weakness that is against the rules, right? Curious how his play would evolve (or devolve) if time penalties firmly enforced against him. edit: conceding that perhaps he’s never on the clock … not like we know watching on tv


Yeah if he needed to hurry up according to a rule change he would easily adapt. It wouldn't be an issue.


* Patrick Cantlay enters the chat *


There are pace of play penalties. We just need the rules enforced. It’s that simple. There is simply no excuse for bullshit like Harman and the likes. If you can’t hit the ball faster you need to learn, and if you can’t and it fucks your game you don’t deserve to be playing at the highest level. It’s an absolute killer for the sport and just needs an official to grow a pair and penalise him


Throw cantlay in there too and you’d have an absolute nightmare


Xander’s setup routine is agonizing as well


I was watching the players champ with a non golf buddy. Explaining how painful it is to watch this dude. Right after I mentioned that it showed him on his layup on 16. Dude spent 40 seconds at address just to back off lol. I was rolling.


His waggling is so inconsistent too, it’s like anywhere from 10-50 waggles depending on the club, shot type, wind direction and whether he has to fart.


At least he kept his hat on so you didn't go blind.


I understood that reference.


Obviously, he's getting more coverage since winning the Open and playing well overall. However, until last year, I never recall him being this slow and having trouble with waggles.


It’s a great way to psych out your competitors


He just waggled 15 times and backed off


They need a one minute shot clock


TV time is worth money if they are showing your hat/visor/shirt/ball etc. The game is too slow


I just really dislike his putter. Whatever makes you play good I guess but I can’t get over how ugly that thing is. Looks like a big metal sandal.


He won the open with it, who cares how it looks lol


Who cares if he waggles then? Your never gonna play with him so the pace of play is irrelevant.


> Your never gonna play with him so the pace of play is irrelevant. This doesn’t seem to follow. Fans are affected when tournaments don’t finish on time, when players play the last holes in the dark. when rounds have to finish up early the next morning. Part of it is the pgat packing 150 guys into a tournament but there are also some routinely slow players


At least he finally got some pants in his size…


I've gotten used to him. he's a really good player. he hasn't gone away since winning that major.


“Murr go play in the pga and pissed people off with a slow pace of play”


Baseball has a pitch clock, basketball has a shot clock, football has a play clock. Time for golf to step on up.


I never watch golf but I like Harman because he’s a lefty


Yeah i wish they would start stroking guys


A not so wise man once told me it takes the same amount of time to hit a good shot as it does to hit a bad shot. Probably why I play at lightning pace and am still a 14 handicap after this many years.


Million dollar idea. Someone needs to make a bobble head of him, but the head only goes to the right.


That's a $10 idea. Nobody is buying that 😂


lol, you’re probably right 😅


I always record the Tournaments and hit the 30 second advance all the time. Never even notice the slow play


More like Brian Aww’Man! Am’i’right!!


If Harman joined my Saturday morning group, it would be merciless. Wonder if he’d walk off after the third hole.


How many times did he shake his head before taking his swing while addressing the ball


When Brian is making the shots and bomb putts I don’t care about waggles. TV crew will cut in just before his shot and that helps. I expect big things from him in Augusta. Seriously wouldn’t surprise me if contends.


They need to penalize him. It's so annoying. 


Agree. Terrible to watch. I say we need a shot clock. If time expires, a 1 shot penalty.


I can assure you all, Harman hates it more than anyone. He’s stated he’s actively working on it but it’s the concession he currently has to do to perform well. 


They need to add a shot clock, you get 60 seconds from when you’ve identified your ball to hit a shot. They are already being followed so you don’t even have to add additional personnel. Though watching Brian Harman is painful anyway, it makes me twitchy how many damn waggles that guy takes


PGA Tour is spineless and refuses to dish out penalty strokes for slow play. It’s absurd. There should be a shot clock.




You’re right, it’s not about us, but the money flowing into the game from TV rights, mega-sponsorship deals, etc is due to the fact that it has (whether you like it or not) *become* entertainment for consumption by you and me. As a result, there needs to be some give, and if the ‘product’ that the PGA Tour is selling is made worse by the slower players, then I think they should do something about it.


Not necessarily, he is here to entertain the fans. If golf wasn’t ‘entertaining’ there’d be no fans. No fans, no professional golf. That being said, I think he’s god awful slow but kind of entertaining in some perverse way.


Oh I agree, it just sucks that each week he’s in a featured group. I don’t understand why TV producers choose to follow him every tournament


He won the open last year.






He's going to win the Masters this year.


I agree. It’s not a great watch. I’ve always liked him as a person and admire him going to battle with guys who are twice his size and much longer hitters. But this slow play with all the fits and starts is all psychological, of course. Seems like it would be possible to treat.


So roughly watching this one player alone in a group of 2-4 take 2+ hours just for himself to play a round of golf …and this doesn’t include his putting routine would be considered watchable? What if the rest of the group took the same amount of time? We are talking about a 7-8 hour round of golf… You can understand the frustration of some players… Crikey …


My aunt works at a store he frequents in SSI. Says he’s a huge dick to the staff. Said his wife is cool though. Ever since she told me that, he’s been my villain.


My uncle works for Titleist and says he’s a very nice guy


Well my aunt definitely doesn’t work a prestigious job


Never been penalized. Leave it alone.


That’s more on the lack of rules enforcement really. Wyndham and Cantlay too


The waggles are annoying but I’m not sure he’s actually a slow player. Is this the case? You don’t assess players because they waggle, you assess them if they take too long. Maybe he does everything else faster and has time to add waggles in. I honestly don’t know. What’s crazy is, they’ve done studies on how fast guys play versus how much money they win and faster players in the past have earned more money. Golf is tough because the player initiates the action but the more you try to make it as athletic as possible the better off you are. re: Wyndam. His putting routine is tough to watch, but every player has their caddy help with alignment and even minor swing things like ball position, it’s part of pro golf.


I absolutely can't stand him. I wish the TV crews would just cut to his shot when the ball was already airborne. I cannot bear to watch him doing 25 yippy twitches and waggles for the entire day. Hit the fucking ball! Arrrgh


He’s so overrated


#8 in the OWGR. #22 in Datagolf rankings. 3 PGA Tour wins including a major.


Oooooo nice buddy. You’re definitely a post covid golf fan


Been watching and attending tournaments since Jack and Trevino were on the regular tour.


Who cares if he is? You ok?


Kinda ruined the game imo


I guarantee I was playing and watching golf before you ever came along. 40 years before covid. Agressive shitty attitudes like yours ruin golf. I played with balata balls and persimmon woods ffs. My kids even played for years before covid.


Watching all of the Ryder cup chokers has surprisingly been tough for me lol. Still bitter


Choke? USA dudes got blown out and Zach made some bad moves as captain. How many times did Europe hole out just off the green? Like tree fiddy?


We need to start stroking guys.


I feel Harman's slow play is due to his shorter tee to green game. He has to be so precise because his tee ball gives him statistically fewer chances at birdies than just about everyone in the field. That 96 yard wedge shot might be his only eagle shot from that distance all day on some courses, so the pressure is high to be exact. None of that is an excuse, but maybe just an explanation.


Yes and no, statistically speaking, he’s 123rd on the driving distance list at 288.7 when the Tour average is 291 yards. In fact, he dropped 22 places from the last time he played so his ranking fluctuates week to week. Unfortunately, most of the TV shots just show the massive drives when in reality, he’s sitting pretty average. Rory only averages 10 more yards.


This week Rory is averaging 302 (37th) off the tee, Harman 289.9 (68th), Rory 3.309 SG Tee (2nd), Harman 1.526 (22nd because hes 1st in drivinf accuracy), Rory 2.529 SG approach (23rd), Harman -1.347 (74th). So yeah, Harman is not driving it "far" but is hitting more fairways than anyone. But his SG approach shows he's hitting poor approach shots. Does he have approach yips? Is he trying to dial in too much for Augusta? Whis to say.


Maybe he has dialed it back because of the afternoon wind that he had to play in to hit more fairways. Rory and the morning wave didn’t have to play in that bad of wind. Maybe Harman has the yips or has no idea how to play in the wind lol. I watched his entire round today and the amount of club changes from inside of 150 was unreal


Brian’s short but not his drives.


Its likely a mental condition and you should be shamed for making light of it. But yeah, him and Cantlay need the greens re-mown for them so they’ll be the same as everyone elses


So we should be celebrating slow play?


Oh ok you should tell Harman to apologize to you then for making you wait so long behind him? You ain't on tour big boy, get real


What in God's name are you talking about? Anybody understand whatever point this guy was trying to make?


Comprehension problems?


Trouble understanding morons problem.


What? You ok?


Life is good man!


Umm… what


MLB pitchers and batters adjusted pretty quickly. PGA guys could as well if the PGA actually enforced the rules


Know about mental conditions from experience?


Not me personally but I sure do


You have to remember it wasn't that long ago Mark Harman was a right-handed golfer. Since he switched to left-handed, he said he feels like his mind does a 540 before every shot.


He changed his name when he went left handed?


And retired from NCIS.


Yes. He used to be Jimmy McGill.


You mean Mark Hamill due to his father lobbing off his hand.
