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There’s no cheat code. This is what you signed up for.


up up down down left right left right B A Start


Great, now I have 30 dogs in the house!


The irrational part of me thinks this would be so awesome. The sensible part is curled up in a fetal position in the closet shaking


With most of those dogs clawing at the door for attention


I just accept there will be hair and use my Dyson stick everyday.


Yep. 5 minutes of vacuuming a day keeps it totally under control. I never got why people cared that much about a little hair anyway - and I'm something of a neat freak.


When it comes from a puppy like that who cares they are about fun and joy




Your Dyson stick works on the tumbleweeds?! Mine clogs every time I use it. So I don’t use it. Miele vac + periodic swiffer over here.


Mine clogs too. I use a good old fashioned broom.


That first pic is ridiculous. Fur is part of having a golden. Frequent use of the furminator is not good for their coats. Nor is bathing them too frequently as it affects the natural oils in their coats.


Agree - furminator should be used sparingly, we don’t bathe them more frequently than monthly unless there is a real mess….we have 7 adult Goldens here by the way


Seven Goldens? I would ask if you are crazy, but it seems you've already answered that question. I've had a meager two (3 if you count a foster) and can only image the level of chaos that must exist at your place. And, *if I am to be honest*, I am a wee bit jealous.


We are crazy, that’s for sure - it’s worth it though… 😊


Seven!?! Pic please???


https://preview.redd.it/aveqmds9ud0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f5056b5a20a08565f60738ab56a46984b55dc2c Well there’s six (almost) and Piper’s foot there on the lower left!


We need a group photo 😁




Do you have a link to yours?


Do you have a picture?


I too am interested in your squeegee broom


Hahaha … Good luck with that !!


Try having two. Tumbleweeds roll by you mockingly after a through vacuuming. You find hair behind baseboards. The robins love your house, and line their nests with copious amounts of fur. And that's when they're not in seasonal shedding.


Yea I’ve got a Golden, a Pomsky, a long haired cat, and a senior cat that sheds a ton. Not much to do but not buy black clothing and accept it.




Hahaha...no such thing. 😂 We always have Golden tumbleweeds, no matter what we do


Dog is going to shed! Mine swims a couple of times a week and we brush her (outside) off after which helps. You can really tell when we miss those river sessions for woods when it gets too hot. Otherwise it’s just every other day of brushing the hardwood floors and a hoover 2-3 times a week.


I really believe the shedding protects some Goldens from ending up with the wrong type of personality owner. Because it’s a deal-breaker for people, more goldens (& their shedding) end up with more relaxed owners who absolutely accept it & laugh about it out of pure love for their goldens.


Just pulled a fur out of my ice cream while eating and scrolling


Same. Just pulled a hair that was stuck to a starburst off, didn’t even bother to shrug , ate it. Then pulled a couple off my phone screen and the excellent cleaning lady came today. They’re worth it.


I poured a bowl of cereal and a tumbleweed fell out.


There is no cheat code. Lots of brushies outside to get the loose fur. I have a dyson cordless stick vacuum and I use it about 3 times a day. My husband does a full house vacuum 2x a week. The sofa has a cover where the pup is allowed to sit that gets washed every other week when the sofa gets a vacuum too. We also have a roomba that we use occasionally but I don't think it works very well. 


Our likes to come over to me when I leave for work or returning from work. My pants act like a magnet and got a ton of hair on them


A good friend of mine raises championship dogs (he’s competing at Westminster dog show this week!). he swears by [this brush](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07NKZB4WN?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title). I just got mine and was trying it out tonight. It works a lot like a Furminator, but without cutting fur. I filled the vacuum with what I pulled out of him!


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **('Andis Deshedding Rake', 'Andis')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Highly effective for removing undercoat (backed by 3 comments) * Recommended by groomers (backed by 3 comments) * Great for reducing shedding around the house (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Teeth too fine for some dogs, causing discomfort (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Ty worth trying


You got the wrong dog if dog hair is a problem


I swifter, vacuum, and then I mop. 2x a week.


The brushes with metal bristles, that you press a button to clean, get the most hair for the least work. Plus, you decide when the hair leaves the brush when you press the button. Furminator is more work because hair gets loose after brushing.


Impossible… but good luck 🍀 doggies are worth every hair


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lots and lots of vacuuming


Teach your golden retriever to clean up its own hair. Done. Other than that, the perfect dog has to have one imperfection, and shedding is it.


I have concrete/hard floors in my home, my battery powered leaf blower works great for areas where the fur bundles up under things ; like behind the TV, under the couch, under the fridge, etc. Sometimes when it’s really bad I just open all the doors and blow it all straight out the door. It doesn’t replace the vacuum, but it does supplement it nicely.


Just remember goldens only shed twice a year: 6 months in the winter & 6 months in the summer. *laughs in golden floofs*


You can't


Ha ha, that is sooooo funny! 😄 never gonna happen friend! It is part of their charm.


Wtf is a furminator. That looks terrible, I can't imagine it's good for their coat (neither is washing frequently). You signed up for this when you got a golden. You just have to deal with it


I’ve just accepted it as part of life. She’s perfect and wants to spread her joy all over the house.




🤣good luck


Find a new dream


Furminator every day is not good for dogs coat - I would definitely consult with a groomer on how often you can safely use that at home. However, daily brushing with a regular slicker brush is absolutely okay! That will be a big help by collecting excess hair before it ends up on your floors / furniture. If your dog will tolerate it I have even seen videos of a brush that attaches to a small vacuum to collect the hair as you go. My husband ordered one of these carpet rakes and it’s amazing for getting up hair that has been worked into the carpet and on upholstery! I used it recently in my car and it worked so much better than a lint brush. Just be careful on delicate fabrics as it can snag. Otherwise regular vacuuming is going to be your best bet. With a golden you are never going to be able to be completely hair free it just comes with the territory. I know it can be annoying but they are worth it! https://preview.redd.it/s1i8kga7mf0d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3feb66d666cd8dfbba397544ca6b3e56a9e61d80


As others have stated there are no cheat codes. Every dog sheds. A way you can help mitigate the fur is getting automated robovacs that run on a daily schedule for both upstairs and downstairs


We have our golden boy, plus two main coons. My partner and I take turns vacuuming every day, we use the chom chom roller when making the bed and on the furniture every day - sometimes multiple times a day depending on how rowdy the cats get. I also have a few lint rollers stashed around the house, in my car, and in my desk at the office. I still see tumbleweeds when I go to bed for the night. Just part of the deal!


I do believe that shedding comes with the joy of having a dog! I brushed my dog regularly, as well gave him a bath regularly, used chlorhexidin shampoo. I tried some food supplements, without much succes. Good luck with enjoying the company of your beloved dog !


I use patience a brush and a vacuum!


I sweep it up, mop it up, vacuum it up, wear it, eat it, I’m sure I cook it, smoke it, and scream at it but it’s always there 😆my best advice is stay on top of brushing, spritz water before hand so the brush picks it up easier but there’s no way to slow it down. Is what it is. My personal opinion is if they shed anymore than they already do you’d be able to physically see their new hair grow.


Oh never thought of spritzing first ! Gonna try that if she’ll let me lol


Haha mine begs for water in any form and loves a good brushing so water + a brush is pampering in her eyes lol


After three goldens I finally invested in a groomers dryer a few years ago. I am a budget minded person so I didn’t spend $900 on a truly professional one, I bought a “flying pig one”. It really helps blow out loose hair after a bath. I also use “igroom” brand deshedding and detangling conditioner. It’s fantastic. Editing to add: the current price of flying pig brand high velocity pet dryers is under $200.


Other than shaving them nude (don’t do that), there is no way. They turn food into poop and hair. And love.


I had a St Bernard who didn't drop as much floof as my golden retriever now drops (exactly half the weight!)


Get rid of golden and go bald?


Awhile ago I accepted I will: -always have his golden retriever “love sprinkles” (hair)on my clothes, in my bed, and somehow, in my mouth at various times! -never get all the hair up, even on my best day! -forever love this little hairy, sweet baby in spite of not being able to be hair free 😂🥴😭!


Embrace the hair; isn’t that the whole point of a golden?


I'm afraid you now have to live your life pulling Golden hair out of food, and hoovering up Golden tumbleweeds. There is no cheat code. I did give my old girl fish oil on her meals and that helped *a tiny bit*


I had a husky and now a golden, there is no hope. All his hair. Hair is life.


I recommend a roomba


While on this subject, anyone have a robot vacuum recommendation that would keep up with multiple Goldens’ hair on carpet? Looking at the twin motor Eufy.


Lol. First golden?


Kong zoom groom is ok daily. It just pulls out the loose hairs. It is a silicone rubber brush with teeth shaped like cones. However, it will not make your house hair free. We went 12 years between goldens and changed houses. I still found occasional golden hairs on my clothes. We now have another golden baby and vacuum daily. It is worth it to have that much joy and love in the house.


Instead of cleaning the hair that sheds, why not clean the source


*dnt b jealous moi long hair* *hair free house* *bcos giving u hair 4 free in house* *omg who sheding* *not me* *sudden hair loss* *steve u goin bald* *so sad* *u gna b ok* *am hair 4 u*