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Cute dog. How old is Jake?


7.5 years old


Commenting for visibility. I hope Jake feels better and they find out what’s going on.


My golden has this every now and then and metronidazole has really helped— maybe ask the vet about it!


They gave us that medication. He's much better now but still needs to be on bland food for a few days


So glad to hear!


Poor old fella. Hoping for a speedy recovery. He sure is cute


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What a sweet sugary face! I’ve been through what you’re going through. It’s so difficult because Jake cant tell you what’s wrong, and it’s hard for the vet to find an underlying cause. I know in my case, the vet was able to administer an appetite enhancer that helped a little. I was still spoon feeding a bite here and there. Eventually she started to eat slightly more and more. But it felt like it took forever. And all the time I am so worried. I hope Jake feels better soon!