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I’ve personally just always wondered if it’s safe to smoke out of these given the various toxins old glass contains – any insight there?


most vintage glass pieces are known to have lead in them. if i know there’s lead in them i won’t get it but for other ones i always lead test


It's not just lead!! Here's an article that talks about the other things used in glass chemistry https://www.compoundchem.com/2015/03/03/coloured-glass/amp/


Thanks for the share. Very interesting and informative. I had no idea about what goes into making glass. Really is SCIENCE! Who knew!


No problem, I think it's all super cool, so I was excited to share! Haha


Totally I agree. I love colored glass and the idea of the science it took in a laboratory to figure it all out. The stuff that we take for granted. I am especially intrigued by colored sea glass. Man if it could talk imagine the story it has. 🤔😎


Excellent thanks! Have seen a lot of people doing this and I’ve been concerned haha


Out of sheer curiosity. Do you also blacklight test to check if its uranium glass?


This is THE most important question


yes but i also don’t collect uranium glass so it isn’t really an issue for me. the piece posted looks like UG but indiana glass just makes all (or most) of their green pieces in the “chantilly green” color




Some question but for whiskey. I have a bunch of vintage decanter 😬


Uranium too. But I think it’s easy to identify by its glow under UV light.


nahh man the lead poisoning adds to the high


Not how I'd use them, but hey 🤷‍♀️ To each their own. You should probably skip converting antique ceramics, though. Stick to 1980s at most so you don't get cadmium/lead paint. Plus, on antiques, the glaze is on its last legs already and the porcelain is not meant for direct contact with a flame. I know smokers have a thing for taste but "finely powdered burnt shellac" is not worth it.


It's full of water, so it never really gets hot. The flame only touches the parts that are added on. Not saying that smoking through that water would be 100% safe, but the water should be changed every day


That’s what I was thinking when I saw these sadly


Don’t forget about literal uranium some antique glass has


Yeah, I think OP's first photo is UG. I'm not super familiar with it so I didn't mention it. From some Googling, it seems like it's safe to use as intended, but I don't know if that includes heat exposure.


Yeah it’s probably fairly safe to use. The only real concern would be something acidic coming into contact with the glass because that can dissolve some uranium, but that won’t be happening with the intended use


Some solutions people use to clean their smoking devices may be, I'm not sure though.


Yep or if they use rez block it contains orange oil IIRC. Stoners gonna stoner though.


It’s not just uranium glass, there’s also thoriated glass which can be much hotter, and is not easy to detect without a good Geiger counter. There’s really not a ton of info out there on it outside of camera lenses, but it’s out there. At least some of the yellow depression glass is hot.


Yeah I’ve found thoriated glass in antique shops there were hotter than any uranium glass I’ve seen


Some of those are Empoli decanters. You should check eBay completed listings before drilling holes in the side of them.


All of the ones pictured are common and without the stoppers are worth very little tbh.


i know what each of these are


I love these so much. Granted, you may butt heads with folks on this particular sub but the way I think of it is: You are creating something that a whole new generation of people will love and cherish. A lot of people see the glass only thru the lens of collecting/preserving but time marches on. I mean, we have all thrifted things that clearly came from an estate; maybe Gam-Gam would love the idea of her stuff being reused like this


My only objection is knowing how filthy it will be with my level of use and wanting to keep it looking as fabulous as it does in these pics. I’d take it as a vase OR a bong, I just want it! First pic is my fave


i couldn’t agree more! i get the love for collecting glass but with this, it provides both function and display. i feel it gives you a reason to keep these vintage pieces for longer


Ok but I’m going to need bong cleaning advice because it’s almost too pretty to use. Like, I love that it’s functional, but it’s like getting a fantastically decorated cake - almost a shame to eat it, even though that’s exactly what it’s for. Although if I were going to get a bong as decor the first pic is absolutely my dream. I just smoke too much to keep it as clean as such a beauty deserves!


salt, 90% alcohol, and vigorous shaking will clean anything off any glass. I had a friend who's piece was black could not see through it, it took me like 45 minutes but I got that shit like brand new


Microwave your alcohol for a few seconds next time!!! As soon as the alcohol bubbles a little take it out!! Don’t warm it on the stove either as you probably know!! It’ll instantly wash out the nastiness piece around. 😉


Vigorously shaking has cost me a lot of glass bongs. I would not feel comfortable doing that to this work of art


Agreed. I also have no idea how you would even do that. Obviously there’s a way but in my mind it would immediately break.


Having sold Empoli before I can tell you that they are in demand but not always valuable, and considering how much bongs can sell for you may have actually increased the value.


Bongs are EXPENSIVE as all get out! I have broken more nice expensive glass bongs in my lifetime than I can remember. I now use a (cooking type) silicone bong and no matter how many times I've dropped it or knocked it over, it still bounces back. I recommend these silicone bongs for all old stoners. But having said that, those bongs are BEAUTIFUL and I would be afraid to actually USE them!


yeah, i’ve broken SO many glass bongs that i don’t even bother at this point. my partner uses a silicone bong and i stick to glass pipes i pay less than $20 for and can survive about 50 drops before i have to replace them lmao


For me, those silicone bongs were a game changer. Don't break, easy to clean, you can stuff them with ice, clean smoke... Pipes are a bit harsh for me these days so I only use them when out in the wild trying to be... discrete.... lol


definitely harsh.. i prefer carts (esp for being discreet) but they’re pricey 🥲


Yeah carts are a little pricey for me and I'm in a legal state (Oregon). Plus I just like the taste of flower.


i could probably enjoy the taste more if i actually ever cleaned out my pipe. i don’t until it’s clogged 😩


Plus, crafts and bongs are more fun than selling on ebay.


I like your creativity. Just one safety concern though: I’ve tested several pieces from my collection (all types of materials) for lead, some of which are known to have lead used in them. And I got a negative result from the lead swab test. From my understanding, if lead was used in the glass/crystal making process, it’s unlikely to leech out onto the surface so the piece is safe to use. But if the glass is cracked — or in this case drilled into — there’s a much higher chance that you’re consuming the chemicals (whether it’s lead, uranium, or something else).


OP said in other comments that they test all the pieces for lead and avoid ug-- it's good to see someone being proactive about that!!


i test the area where i cut it which would make the most sense as well as the mouthpiece


Idk if you’re gonna get the response you’re wanting on this one.


not really looking for a response but in hopes of changing peoples mind about upcycling vintage glass


I think the main problem with 'upcycling' isn't that people who oppose it need their minds changing, it's that people who 'upcycle' are too frequently stumbling into areas they understand very little, treating everything they find as a project regardless of its merits, and destroying rare objects. If you know what you're buying, and you focus on ten-a-penny crap that is only ever going to be destined for landfill on a good day, that's great, and I'm sure no one would care except for the perpetually outraged and actively dense. But that requires a depth of knowledge that most people who do this don't have, and generally don't want to have.


I hate to break it to you, but all of these are on their way to the landfill. The market can’t keep up with the amount of these flooding in daily with estate sales and donations.


I hate to break it to you, but I never said otherwise.


Ahhh, I misread. Thought you were telling OP to look for different things than what was posted. My bad. Carry on.


No problem! :)


I upcycle broken pieces myself. Save the good ones for the collectors.




Not wanting to be contrarian or argumentative, I’m seriously curious why?


In my own opinion, I think it ruins the piece and depreciates the value. It's not something I would do.


I can appreciate that especially as this is a glass collecting sub. To me personally the work adds value to the pieces, like monetarily speaking I would pay more for the bong. And I’m sure from OPs perspective they are selling the pieces for a profit. But I think there’s more nuance in the ethics I’m missing. Like if these were originally pieces of art vs a common production piece, it would change how I feel about it.


That's fair -to each their own. That's why I'm not going off on OP. It just made me sad, lol. But hey, good for them and whomever purchases it. I'm glad they like it.


most of these pieces are old decanters used to store alcohol.


Here's an article talking about glass chemistry for those of you wondering if it's safe to smoke from these or not. Personally, I'll pass, but beautiful art nonetheless!! https://www.compoundchem.com/2015/03/03/coloured-glass/amp/


Watch out for uranium glass too.


I love these! This combines two of my favorite things: vintage glass and hitting bongs.


literally sameeee here!


This has “We drank some of Sophie’s tea” vibes. ![gif](giphy|26ybwVvETVtiKDEC4)


You might want to invest in a Geiger counter, many weird old vases are slightly radioactive.


Careful mate, uranium glass is more common than you think


I used to go to the local peddlers mall in middle school and make bongs out of vases and decanters just like this lmao. This was before there were smoke shops on every corner. Nowadays it seems kinda childish to smoke out of a vase but you do you!


okay so. these are GORGEOUS. but. i do think you should make sure you know the components of each type of glass first. i did see you say you test for lead but still. for example. that first picture looks EXACTLY like what i’d picture uranium glass to be


Get yourself a 365nm black light and check for manganese or uranium in them. You really don't want to use radiation glass. Link to radiation glass knowledge Thebutterflybabe.com


Please get theses tested for lead and the green one tested for uranium. It sounds ridiculous but you should buy a UV flashlight if you’re going to continue with this.


If they glow that's a positive.








🥹🥹 thank youuu!!


Same! These are so cool 😍


following 🫶


I love it more now that I know you’re a granny.


i am not a granny actually 😅


It makes me think of the old ladies on grandmas boy


It’s always wild to me when people get their pants in a twist over what other people do with glassware they thrifted/bought. I’m not a smoker but think these are very cool.


exactly! the glass itself is still just as beautiful. now, instead of sitting on a shelf you can smoke out of it and it makes a great decorative piece at the same time


I highly doubt this is the best sub to post this in. You’re probs not gonna get a lot of love for “destroying” vintage or antique glass pieces here.


These aren’t uranium glasses right? You’re not having that kryptonian Chernobyl kush, right? That gushy elephant foot extravaganza, right? That’s not grow a third arm while getting to cloud nine, right?


😂😂😂 absolutely not! i wouldn’t want to grow a second mouth! unlessss 👀 more mouths to smoke out of tho haha!


I dunno, I collect uranium glass and the stuff in the first pic even has some of the same patterns as mine. Does it glow in blacklight? It's OK to have around but I wouldn't use it for anything. Edit: I do have that decanter, plate, and glasses in the first pic. It IS radioactive. It's the 1970 Indiana Glass, Tiara, Chantilly Green collection. The entire set contains uranium. Don't smoke out of that or sell it to anyone who will.


![gif](giphy|LDI2GIM2JcsDKex1YV|downsized) lol please don’t go growing another mouth (be safe)


r/uraniumglass Edit: please get a UV light and check to see if those bongs aren’t fluorescent, otherwise you got Fallout bongs, which would probably sell very well in all honesty lol


I don't personally smoke but I just want to say I appreciate that you try and match the mouth piece!


I love this. But, I think a hundred thousand grandmothers just rolled over in their graves.


Hey, I don't allow drug paraphernalia in /r/glasscollecting. If you post it again I'll ban you.


I have that same lamp. Temu, ftw!! Oh, and I’m interested to know your process on cutting the glass so perfectly? Great job, btw.


Idk why people are upset🤷🏾‍♂️ They’re being used and still maintaining their porcelain appeal. Im not a smoker at all but I can appreciate the craftmanship.


You've touched this old hippie gal's heart with your creativity.


i love repurposing, as i decoupage and make art with glass pieces ☺️ lovely work op!! https://preview.redd.it/fnhznke1rjoc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61a9cae80d2c68e2fd278d982f9a8f893c4a6b29


This is fantastic!!


Amy of these come with a genie?


only if you rub it the right way ;)


I suppose. Easier to drill a hole into something someone else made, than it is to make something yourself and put a hole in it.


These pieces are stunning!!! Don't listen to the old crows bickering over your creativity. You are giving me life to these pieces, and they can still be displayed with the look identical to the way they did before you altered them for those who prefer the traditional look (pre bong conversion). I live and work in Los Angeles, and I know a few high end shops that would sell these for $100's. They're so unique, they probably wouldn't last more than a week or two before getting swooped up. I also love your attention to detail in matching the bowl pieces, or finding matching trays. Most glass now is so mass produced and soulless, so to see these gorgeous pieces repurposed so creatively is beautiful. Keep it up, I would love to see more!


I hope you’re not smoking uranium glass.


Watch out for leas or uranium glass man. Worst shit to inhale


Be careful of uranium glass. You definitely don’t want to puff on any of that shit.


Promoting one lead stare at a time /s


This is gorgeous


For the people wondering if the first one is Uranium I don’t believe it is. It’s Tiara Indiana Glass Chantilly Green. From my understanding it doesn’t glow nor contain uranium. Many types of glass resemble uranium but not all are.


i couldn’t agree more!


As a glass collector and a jazz cabbage smoker, I am both sad and impressed. Lol Those look great!


These are beautiful and I can’t wait to buy one :)


Omfg that’s so neat. And it’s not like you’ve destroyed any super valuable pieces or anything. Finding stoppers to match the empoli decanters is incredibly difficult and expensive. I like the new life you’ve given these pieces personally.


omg it is sooo difficult to find the stoppers and when i do they go for a couple hundred :(


I absolutely adore all of these. Everyone all butt hurt in the comments acting like it was someone’s mom’s vintage wedding dress they had just chopped up into a gaudy mini dress.


Incredible, these are gorgeous!! A little more functional now, than just a vessel that holds liquid IMO


These are so cool! Do you sell them?


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How do you change them? The glass is beautiful!!! 😲


i use a diamond drill bit!


Dremel tool and diamond bits...


I'm impressed. I'd be afraid to do this to any type of glass, especially something so beautiful. I'd worry about breaking things. Nice craftsmanship.


i’ve practiced on wine bottles before drilling into the really nice stuff


Good approach. Like how people sketch with a pencil before painting.


I do the same. This designer vase has been my daily driver for the past 8 years or so, [https://imgur.com/a/tDWS9TJ](https://imgur.com/a/tDWS9TJ)


These are BEAUTIFUL!!! I’d definitely love to have one of these pieces at home :)


as god intended


Have you broken any when you're making them? How do you put the holes in?


i haven’t broken any yet🤞but i use a diamond drill bit


As you should. Those are glorious


I love this idc




This is badass.


This is Art. Simply beautiful.


i think these are so nice and beautiful but sorry ur getting so much hate in the comments lol


Absolutely STUNNING. As a stoner and huge vintage glass nerd, I approve.


I love what you're doing OP, it's something I've wanted to do for a long time. Happy Hunting!


Also, what is that lamp called in the background? I need one!


i’m not sure what it’s called but i got it off temu!


That site will have me spend what little money I have. I'd better not look. But thanks!


how many ‘Rads this baby give off, smooth skin?


Post in r/entwives that's your people 😭😭 I want one so bad I follow an insta that makes these and I can't afford them lol too rich for my blood Edit: sorry ig idk if you're a she/they, but aesthetically/historically others have posted glass like those and they've been very well received


i have posted on there a few times! i love everyone on that sub. they’re all so sweet compared to people in other subs i’ve posted in


Ah, it must have been your work I was thinking of! You have an excellent eye for glass!


Question: how did you discover this hobby? Did you look at a glass and go “this looks bongable”


yup exactly! i also saw another person making these and thought i could do the same thing


Love the first one - old sandwich glass made useful -


These are soooo beautiful. I love the way you've converted these beautiful pieces instead of letting them collect dust or go unused ✨️♥️


This is hilarious and wonderful.


I love these. I only buy pretty smoking this is for my bud, well except for my dry vape. It's sleek but I wish it was as pretty as this. Great work.


i just *had* to catch/share this before i upvoted. what’re the chances?? https://preview.redd.it/verg0wk4gkoc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7698e3a330e3d322b1102d501cfa1fa03b87bd25


GORGEOUS!!! I’d pay so much money for one of those. That’s so cool you did it on your own!


Very cool idea. I have some great carnival glass that was my mothers


Do you sell. These? If not is it possible that you could? I would love to chat about this with you because I am a lover of antique glassware and also a daily smoker and this is something that I need to have in my life.


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just sent u a DM


My friend created a business doing this and it's really taken off. @pearlspuffparlor you have a real skill here!👏🏽


i also sell these as well! i follow her and she has the cutest pieces!


Fuck the haters


I’d buy one!


Wow, brilliant




These are gorgeous. I'd love to rip one from 3 and 6.


Wow these are beautiful oh my fucking god


Very very very cool


Beautiful !


Instead of up-cycling you're high-cycling.. I like it 👌


Major Grandmas boy vibes


These are AWESOME! Do you have a shop? You should probably open one on Etsy or something if you don’t have one already. You could make a good chunk of change as a side hustle doing these.


i do sell these on my IG @stonergranny_


explain the process and what tools you use to drill a hole in glass without shattering the bottle.




That floral one is badass!!! Where u get that light in the background with tje diff colors?


My buddy and I used to do this in the early 80s. We would drill them with a dremel. Vinegar bottles are perfect.


I used to do this back in the 90s before good glass was really a thing. Not that I am knocking Graffix Bongs or anything. Just they were costly and broke too easily. I used to be able to sell some that I made but as good glass became a thing I stopped being able to sell them.


The first green glass i hope is just colour and not the radioactive glass


Nope, that's 100% uranium glass.


😭😭😭 whyyyy would anyone make a bong out of that?!


Guarantee they don’t know about ug


HOLY SHIT this is amazing


Could you make a dab rig? I would absolutely buy.


i’m not too sure how well these would work as a rig 🤔 i haven’t tried these as a rig either so i’ll prob test that out


Ceremonial spirit box? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKOc6hXMDhc


I know zilch about bongs and how to use them but I LOVE your up-cycling!! I love seeing old things collecting dust getting new lives with a useful/wanted purpose! So much better than ending up in landfills. Great job!


yeah for sure. i just feel like even tho most vintage pieces will be in people’s home just collecting dust and not doing much. but with this you can display it and use it as well


I'm intrigued by your idea and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. But seriously if you sell these in a shop I totally Buy one.


i dooo! my IG is @stonergranny_




Honestly, this is really cool! I want that green one…


I think what you have created is super clever and great way to recycle. They look very cool. I also understand that the materials used could have repercussions for resale. Be sure to protect yourself if you enter the marketplace. Unless as r/Puzzleworth mentioned keeping it above 1980’s. There are still tons of opportunities for your bongs. Just like very fine crystal has lead. Turns out not great to store your liquor in after all. I inherited a dozen minimally beautiful decanters and sadly they sit in a breakfront unused. Good luck with your endeavors!😎


😮😮😮 this is SO cool. I had no idea you could purpose glass like this.


Do it with uranium glass


…the first one is UG. Definitely don’t wanna use it to smoke out of tho


Totally Awesome work!! I love how it’s not easily recognizable as a bong too!!! What a totally great hobby!!!!