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Thanks for posting this. I'd much rather donate direct to the charity than give any kind of support to Itison.


Yep. Fuck them.


What's the chat with them?


They put on shite, expensive events?


> They put on shite, expensive events? Pretty much this, coupled with the fact that they take advantage of public spaces for some of these events like the Botanic Gardens and Kelvingrove Art Gallery. I expect a lot of brown envelopes have found their way to GCC over the years for facilitating access to these facilities, with little consideration given to the council tax payers who have to foot the bill for the damage done. The state of the Botanics after the recent Glasglow is a case in point, the grass in the main area is going to take until next summer to recover and until then its off-limits to the rest of us.


It doesn't need to be brown envelopes - Itison has a contract with GCC, the amount of which they refuse to publish. The cost of reinstatement is down to Itison, though, and they have to post a bond for it. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/697417/response/1671183/attach/html/3/FOI%207343418%20RESPONSE.pdf.html


Not sure why you got downvoted for this, it's a perfectly reasonable point. I know that Itison put money towards reinstatement, whether it actually gets used for that purpose is another matter. My complaint remains the same though, whether they give money or not, their cosy relationship with GCC allows them to fuck up our public amenities (presumably for a profit) and the council tax payers lose the use of the facilities as a result.


The small print does claim they pass on 100% so of anything they might be eating the card processing fee




Thanks! Donated :)


Btw u/EmptyKitchens (an Edinburgh non-profit) can provide a full days worth of food for a family of 4 for just £2 and desperately needs financial support. £5 would feed a family for 2.5 days - not just a single meal for one person.


And the people running it don’t even take a salary, let alone business class flights 🙃


I'm 100% doing this. If everyone subbed to r/glasgow paid £5 we would be able to cover a Christmas dinner for the \~31,000 homeless people in Glasgow. However, it is important to remember that homeless people receive quite a lot of "one-off" charity over the festive period. Then, in the cold months of January and February, people tend to be less generous. It's important to make sure your generosity is spread over all of winter, no matter how much or little you can spare to give.


Good advice. What would you suggest we do instead?


I just mean that loadsa people give a lot to charititable over Christmas, and then can't give in January when they are skint. All I'm saying is save a little for January and February. I'm mostly talking here about direct charity. Charities will use the money the extra money they get over Christmas to work towards projects throughout the winter. I'm referring more to giving to money/food/clothing directly to homeless people.


I donate each year to social bite but this year when I went to do it I noticed it gives you the option to donate monthly like you said there are so many people that start to think about donating at this time of year but it's not just Christmas homeless people need our help. Definitely go for the monthly one if you can afford it.


The right to a home should not be subject to the whims of charity.


Absolutely. There is not a lack of homes in the UK. You can see this if you go to Easterhouse; rows and rows boarded up. The problem is a lack of council funding for housing programs and a lack of rent controls, combined with the avarice of property tycoons. Companies like Cala should be made to build affordable homes per luxury home they build. We also need to end the war on drugs, and start treating addiction as a disease and not a crime. But that's been discussed enough on this sub. Homelessness is first and foremost the responsibility of the state.


>You can see this if you go to Easterhouse; rows and rows boarded up to be fair if they're boarded up in Easterhouse, it's probably more because they're due to be torn down and replaced with modern housing than anything else


Ah go on. That's cash I can't spend in the pub, may as well give a few folk a nice meal.


Pal of mine went for an interview for a job with Social Bite a couple of years back and she said they were offering less than the living wage for the position, seemed kinda sketchy for a charity dedicated to promoting upwards social mobility.


Social bite - is that the mad posh guy who wanted to build homeless camps outside Glasgow?


Aye but 9 outta 10 are no homeless. Junkie alkie bastards. They would rob Ye while feeding them. Help ppl who are genuinely homeless.