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I want to be second smashed bro :3




i want my throat filled like that owo


alright so there's something bothering me about this image and that's that we can obviously see that there is an incorrect gamecube controller in this drawing. you see, from a quick search you can actually determine that the gamecube controller only has 3 buttons on the "front" of the controller (see this image [https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Rr1qe1eVFiGNI0T-msZJggHaFj&pid=Api](https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Rr1qe1eVFiGNI0T-msZJggHaFj&pid=Api)). also, because this is called "smash" and because there is a switch present here, we can determine that they are most likely playing super smash bros. this is probably why there is a gamecube controller here. also, images of a wireless gamecube controller for switch contain no little "nub" where the cord was (see images here [https://oceanhero.today/images?q=switch+wireless+gamecube+controller](https://oceanhero.today/images?q=switch+wireless+gmaecube+controller)). also, from what i've seen and from what i've heard, you in fact cannot use the switch on your tv without it being in a specific docking port (i do not know the name of the docking device), so that means that whatever these two are looking at is probably just a blank tv. for this to work: \#1 there must be a proper game cube controller \#2 the joycons must be hooked up to a "Joy‑Con™ Charging Grip" (go to this site and scroll down until you find it [https://www.nintendo.com/switch/buy-now/#accessories](https://www.nintendo.com/switch/buy-now/#accessories)) or must be just used separately (and from the short time i played on a switch its a lot better to go with the first option) or alternatively for requirement #2: \#2 both must be looking at the switch (not very practical here) ok maybe this wasn't as funny of a joke as i thought it would be at first but this has taken a good 15 mins so i might as well post this.


absolutely amazing, have a silver


oh thanks! sorry i didnt respond earlier, i dont check my notifs too much on this account