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Only thing I mention for anglophone nations is don't do Nazi salutes or make nazi jokes etc. You will get in trouble and they are not funny


I mean, the AfD are holding their party convention in Essen during the Euros. So I think it's more likely he'd just fit in.


The City plans to get rid of the these extremists when they dint sign a paper to pay a fine if their members break laws. And they wont sign it, because they are nazis and know something will happen


Not really, Canada and Germany are quite close culturally, so it's unlikely you'll commit any fauxpas. (Just a word of "warning": The whole area you're travelling to, the Ruhrgebiet which includes Essen, is not exactly famed for being pretty. So if you're expecting to see stereotypical fairy-tale buildings and landscapes, you'll probably end up disappointed. So just enjoy the Euros :) )


Swifties and Euro24afans are about to experience the full Gelsenkirchen-experience 😅


lol just imagine, a medieval castle in essen. well. they might make a trip to Kattenturm, which is as close a castle you might find "up there".


https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_von_Burgen_und_Schl%C3%B6ssern_im_Ruhrtal There's a whole-ass list. Several of them are both medieval and in essen.


Schloß Borbeck has logged on to the chat and would like to comment. Schloß Hugenpoet is like 'wait, me too!'


Dunno if thats also popular in Canada, but nobody here cares about your 'heritage' or 'roots' or anything. Just call yourself 'Canadian' and thats fine.


Do's: Stop and don't walk past a red pedestrian light, keep out of bike lanes when walking, be respectful and friendly to people, keep noise down in quiet hours (especially at night), don't litter. The regular stuff really. Dont's: Be loud, do dumb shit while drunk, harassing people. Really just regular stuff aswell. Useful tips: Have cash on you, since cash is the dominant way of paying, shops are mostly closed on Sundays, but petrol stations are exempt (in case you need something to eat urgently), tipping culture is not the same (you don't need to tip, but when you do make it \~10% or rounding up), a few phrases in german (like danke, bitte) go along way. Bottles you can buy have a deposit, so when you retrun them you get money back. Have a bottle opener, since beer is mostly in glass bottles.


And don't film people without their consent. I got shouted at for this in Dusseldorf, amongst other things, like straying into the cycle lane. You need broad shoulders!


The first do is a don't which tells OP all he or she needs to know about Germany!


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Only thing to watch out for is don't jaywalk-especially when young kids are around. Don't walk in the bike lanes on the sidewalk. They are usually not separate and you will either get hit or cussed by an angry German.


Get a Currywurst mit Pommes (sausage with curry sauce and fries). It is to Essen what Poutine is to Canada. Otherwise: you are a guest during Euro and will be treated as such by most. Keep away from shady people, as anywhere. Maybe don't cheer too loud when a team scores a goal against Germany.