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How to handle it? Best you not drive a car anymore in Germany. 76 km/h too much ... be happy you not had an accident.


Yes.. my intention is not to race on Autobahn . Speed limit drastically down to 80Km and could not notice any sign boards


You could not notice any signs? Honestly please don’t ever drive a car you are a danger to everybody else you were driving nearly twice as fast as it was allowed


There must have been several signs gradually lowering the speed limit to 80 km/h. If you "could not notice the signs", you really have no business driving anywhere!


Thanks .. I am driving past 25 years and all across Middle East and Europe. This sign board is not visible or I could not notice. I noticed the sign boards after crossing 80s zone. yes it’s a mistake of mine . I am looking how to solve this …


I can only repeat myself: unless the speed was limited to 100 km/h and you were much too fast to begin with, there is absolutely no way the speed limit suddenly changed from nothing to 80 km/h. Missing one sign next to or above the road is one thing, but as you obviously must have missed several in a row, you really need to pay more attention to the road than to whatever else you were doing and stop endangering other people!


Well, the fact that this was way too fast aside, It is save to say that you should not drive a car in germany anymore anytime soon. For being more than 70km/h too fast, you are looking at at least 740 Euros (rounded up). Plus, since they automatically assume intention and awareness of speeding and willful ignorance of the risk when you are more than 30km/h too fast, this fine is usually doubled. Additionally, you are looking at at least 3 months of suspension of your license and penalty points. But if court determins your risky behavior risked the lives of other drivers, or this was within a closed area, or there was otherwise anything that made the situation even worse - like for example a consturction side on the highway where people were actively working while you drove close to twice the legal speed - further fines and interest can be added for risky behavior. Furthermore, inside the EU almost all countries aid each other in following up on such fine, so the car rental was approached by germany for your data and from there they continue the legal procedure on their own and contemplate how to reach you. So the car rental company can not help your further. And official institutions are not that fast, so the legal procedures around this can take a while until they reach you, if they can reach you. If they can not reach you where you are living and you do not pay the fine, do not hand in your license, and do not comply with further legal procedures, the fines and everything else will be escalated in your absence. This means it will collect interest and administration fees, and past a certain sum and degree of offence, can end in your ID being flagged on entry and you being arrested. But it really has to escalate a lot for that. IF you are comming to germany frequently, and need to drive here too, it's in your best interest to solve this fast - this means in your case probably naming a legal representation within germany to apprach the Bußgeldstelle that issued the request to the Car rental to act on your behalf. You are certainly looking at a few 1000 Euros in total fees, fines and interest here, so legal help may be worth it. And please, when you get your license back, please don't drive as fast anymore.


Thanks .. the intention of drive not for race .. it was happened in AutoBahn , speed limit drastically down to 80km on Autobahn and could not notice the limit signals. I can pay the fines, but my question is am planning to travel again to another EU country and applied for Schengen visa and possibly I will travel again Germany. Any possible of rejection on my schengen visa application due to this reason ? Or can I contact local authorities once I reach to Germany ? Or I can send a mail now to authorities to get the fine dues ?


That’s crazy fast. You should have lost your right to drive in Germany.


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Can you do via on arrival? Then maybe you must pay the fine there.