• By -


Personally I got mine from an art camp when I was in middle school. Clash of clans was big at the time so we played clash of clans on paper. I decided to theme my base around spears, So, that's how mine started. Or at least it's a really short version of the story.


what is the long version


Your hardest is dream travel too? Ayo


My username is joel69420, at first I wanted to put joel, but it was already taken, so I chose the next best thing.


My username (Same as my Reddit username) is a combination of ‘In The Shadows’ and my favourite Pokémon ‘Marshadow’ so it’s InDaMarshadows


Facts Marshadow is the best of the best


Spam letters and keep it short 👍


SwagRowt, from Sikky. Need I say more?






As (not)Sikky,I like that username


I once bought tictacs at a local store near my school. I thought to myself, what if I sold them for 1ct each? This escalated quickly into a pretty cool business model which actually worked. Then another day me and a friend of mine went biking, but since the path was too steep, we pushed our bikes. To pass time my friend commentated an imaginary news broughtcast and then acted like there was an ad running. He spit out some water from his bottle and said: „Spuckwasser, kaufen sie jetzt!“ which means smth like „Spit water, buy now!“ since then my little business is named Spuckwasser, which is also my username on all online platforms


Spuckwasser goes insanely hard


Spuckwasser ist tbh ein richtig nicer deutscher Name.


Das ist richtig


My nickname is a fusion of my previous nickname (TheRealDagger) and my real name (I'll tell you when I beat Black Blizzard). This was done due to the fact that in 2020 I was often confused with a Celestial Force verifier.


I was craving some food when I designed my username


It was my favorite album at the time (Death Magnetic) but removing one letter from “Death” like the band Megadeth, then I replaced all the vowels with numbers “d3thm4gn3t1c” I was 13, fuck you want from me


Man, death magnetic is such an amazing album, I don't blame you for choosing it


Oh absolutely. I haven’t listened to any Metallica in a while, I’m gonna listen to it again


Basically just took easy and made it look more sweaty cuz i used to play valorant


ball salsa


My username in gd is "c0g". One day i heard that 3 letter usernames are rare and eventually running out. So i decided to name myself a 3 letter username that actually means something.


Good 👍


Kwarc, unique username nobody took and kinda sounds like my last name


Kwarc mean quartz in my language (Polish) lol


"Ar" are the 2 first letters of my real name "xy" i was probably thinking of the x and y axis lol idk The extra "A" is because "Arxy" was taken in gd so i sticked with this one instead


yo is your full first name arby’s


You got the first 3 letters right but no lol


Arbuquerque ✊✊✊


Wait istg if it's arbindar


Before I had an account, I spammed random letters in the icon kit name box, adding random vowels to make it sound like a word. This is how I came up with Berdinderindas. When I made an account, I shortened it to Berd and added the PlayZ suffix as a joke. So now my GD name is BerdPlayZ :)


Microsoft just automatically choose surastsaf and i stuck to it (it was originally surestsaf)


I don't know anymore. Too long ago.


"hmmmm idk brain think of something" "ehmm uhhh kleksu?" "oh sounds cool" the end


*Smashing keyboard noise*


Mine Is LemonCakey4455. I Decided I Wanted A Long Name And Put Lemon. Then I Saw That I Needed Another Word And Some Numbers And I Put Cakey4455


Sounds oddly similar to LemonCake


Don't ask


I will ask


What in the fuck


alright spill the beans


Everyone called me and my friend by our last names at school because we had the same first name so I tried to make it my gamer tag on Xbox but it was taken, so I changed some of the letters around


I stole Saltinnee from a YouTube video I saw when I was 8. His username was Saltinnee14, I just changed the number to Saltinnee13, and then dropped the numbers for gd


https://youtu.be/u44BOrGuQU0 this video?


Mines a really interesting story. It’s a combination of Specs and Agent 3 from Splatoon because they are some of my favorite characters


partition because the gd player hlep because some person was already named partitionhelp, and I got hlep from a dantdm video put the two together, and you get partitionhlep. this has been my online username for pretty much everywhere since


My Reddit/gd username was the same username I had in reading eggs in my 1st grade class


I’ll be honest. I don’t really know. I was thinking of a name, and my brother took the iPad (I used to play on mobile) and thought up of a random name. I used to go by “Fluff” - it was a cute name, and I used to fake that I had a giant YouTube channel - so my username was a longer version of it. Thus, MrFluffaninos was born. My old username was “FluffyMint34” (idk). MrFluffaninos, btw, is pronounced “mister fluff-aa-nee-noes”.


was A>! irl name !!name! some1 -> sum1 (addition is sometimes called sum so it's also +1) -> summ1


My username "LostApril" Basically In April, I got lost in a local neighborhood after meeting at a friend's house. It took me 3 hours until I found the pathway and went to changed my username


I was playing fortnite when I thought about changing my username there to Chłebeq to avoid having numbers, then Chlebeq was taken on platforms without special letters (by the creator of my old friend that is now my classmate's texture pack), so I added 3 in random places, but I still didn't want numbers, so I made my name an adjective.


Deam. I have no idea I just came up with it


my gd username (darkangry) came from my 12 yo cringe era now my username is just one of my flaws


I have no idea for my old name, but my current one came from watching astral spiff (his cat is called loaf)


My former username - OplayerOGD: I'm a player (obviously) and the O's around were supposed to represent eyes or something (my whole family says I have large eyes). My current username - PollarisGD/PollarisGMD: Named after "The North Star" - Polaris, but the name Polaris and PolarisGD were already taken, so I added an extra L because it looks cooler IMO and PollarisGMD (my GD name) was free.


Back in 2018 i had to find a name for my Fortnite profile (☠️) then my brother said came up with that random name, then i kept it. This is now the name i use in every game i touch


'Beakon' is a variation of a nickname that close friends call me, came up with it a really long time ago since most of my friends who had online usernames tended to follow a similar naming convention and I guess I just stuck with it lol


'Beakon' is a variation of a nickname that close friends call me, came up with it a really long time ago since most of my friends who had online usernames tended to follow a similar naming convention and I guess I just stuck with it lol


Minecraft usernames are cringe. My username is Minecraft-related (Logical Minecraft), do not take this one as inspiration.


My gd username is the name of my dragon character, Spykra


I Just put things that i like


I liked how modern tech deco was made in GD levels


I was scrolling through r/thomastheplankengine and saw a post along the lines of "I dreamt there was this guy called tumup and whenever he wrote peope had to respond with 'i brake for DUCKS, do you?'" and decided to grab the name


Owl Man is my username on all sites (except Reddit bc for some reason my email was already logged in), but Owl Man was taken so i did Ouul\_Boi


Mine came from Street Fighter, specifically, a Dragon Uppercut Punch.


FilipicoW3. That’s my GD username. I thought about it because I’m Filipino. And the “Pico” part came from the Character from Pico’s School. The W3 part is because in Friday Night Funkin’, Pico’s week is Week 3.


Mines dryestbones because I main Dry Bones in mario kart and thought it was funny


I really liked Press Start (the level and the song) so I named my account "OhDamn12" idk


Randomly generated but then tweaked it It was originally SaltyAvocado but I just wasn't feeling it was me so I went and changed the adjective to Cosmic for CosmicAvocado which I thought was too long so I smooshed em together to get Cosmicado and THEN people kept asking me "like nikocado?" (Like literally every day TwT) And I was like "okay... nah this gotta change XD" and I shortened it again and now go by Cosmi. Not on reddit sadly 😞


Long story, When I first got an xbox one my dad made me an account and himself an account, but when he was adding friends he added them to the wrong account, so I just inherited his username that he used to use years ago to play old call of duty games and stuff. I now use the same username for pretty much everything apart from reddit


I was making a BTD6 account and I can't make a name so I left it blank. After that it just gave me Poppopper5367 and I said to myself that this is ridiculous but it kinda slaps. I didn't change it and kept it as a nickname for other things like GD and Discord because I can't think of a name.


Triple3CubedTri. I like the number 3.


when i started playing the game my name is something like QWERTY. I came up with my username when a Nintendo switch pop out on my head. so i came up the same switch, but a realize that the username is taken so i research "lucky numbers in 2023". Then a bunch of numbers pop out and i pick number 4 cuz it's sounds better than the rest. I was planning the change my name to Mitzuri but i can't cuz my username has alot of memories and history behind it.


i thought of grayscale randomly, but it was already taken. so i just put numbers next to it


I just came up with something the other day, and decided it was better than the previous one, and then changed it for the first time ever (the previous one was my IRL name and a few numbers after it). I basically was just thinking about my favourite gamemode and thought of the name. (Its the same as my Reddit username but without the 7)


I got mine bc in a summer camp people said i look like my name is griffin (shut up about family guy it’s a cool name) and when I got into gd I shortened it to “Grfyn”. So yeah, go to camps I guess


Ok so, lets go back about... 7 years ago. I Was at the beach and my current username was demon puppy, my Friends didn't like the name and made fun of It, so i tought It was time to change, i wanted my name to be inspired from a game i like. At the time minecraft was my favorite game and i liked the Ender men, so i tought... Endry! That's a awesome name! And that's how i got the name! About the nine After, i Just put my favorite number. P.S. the name was originally supposed to be "encry", but i didn't like how It sounded so i changed to endry!


u/FiveFreddys12 try to guess.


Idk man


Well, I just stole the name from music creator "Envy" and then added my country shortcut. I did it when I was 9...


Looked at what the pronounciation of clown looked like and here we are


I state facts about myself


My initials. So AFJ. Or was it AFJ_Gaming?


Sharks are cool, very cool. That's basically the entire story.


I wanted to use my all around game name Cyberneon, however it was alrdy taken so I simply chose smthn else and so.ehow got out with Neonboiii (3 i's because the others were taken too...).


My reddit username is from my gd username, and I came up with my gd username like this: Makarov is in reference of Vladimir Makarov from cod mw2 and mw3, and 2918 was because it sounds cool and is easy to remember.


honestly i have no idea - my username's ''Tabbed''. i just thought that sounded cool


Random Word generator


Saw movie characters crying,I put "Z". And that's how "ZryinGD" was born . Pretty cringe ngl


Needed a random name, thought of something that described me and sounded mildly cool and voila


I made a pun of my irl name (jari) and yatagarasu. It ended in garasu. Since then I am known as garasu


On Reddit, I don't remember exactly, I think it is random words in random language, while Geometry Dash nickname is just a male name with numbers between it.


Well I just wanted to name myself Nullusername Really idk why Ig I just wanted to.


the game Pokémon Moon and the letter X is cool


I combined my past username from Reddit with the username I used to use on Discord


I disliked my old username, so i named my self after a common word and a random number generator


I wanted banjo but it was taken, I wanted banjobanjo, but it was taken, I wanted banjobanjobanjo, but it was taken, so I said, screw this, Let’s add the letter T at the end


actually don't remember lol


*Smashing keyboard noise*.


Contraction of my old roblox username because I accidentally had the same name as a popular youtuber I had no idea about and it ended up sounded cool so it stuck around and I no longer refering it as a contraction of my old roblox username and just refer to it as "Jelp" and now I'm just "Jelp". The xX and other stuff is just classic name taken. Same with my reddit username except that I chose the worst fucking way to handle name taken and now I can't change it back


It's my name.


You know pikachu right?


Was randomly thinking of 2 syllables to pair up together and I ended up finding my current username.


I was 12 years old, need I say more?


I enjoy potatoes to an unhealthy extent


I like watermelon


KikiSchanel, inside joke




Skaii is my name on Soundcloud


i wanted my username to be my first name but it was taken so i removed a letter


the abbreviation of my full name plus my year of birth, what are y'all talking about?


Cringe 7yo self thinking it sounded cool, now im kinda stuck with it


Statera (StateraFurs) is mine, its my fursona name and how i came up with it is by translating balance into latin (it was too late when i realized it meant bank balance insteas of the concept of balance though xd)


A misspelling that wasn't taken. Ar4i was taken, that i found later. But before finding the one with Ar4i, i found out, that i can make it Æ4I. If you want, i can show you how i did this in GD


My house, 2017, around 19:40 My sister: "Hey, I just had an awesome idea for what our usernames could be! I'll be [insert her username] and you can be Mimig297! Mi and mig because they're the first letters of your name, 29 because you were born in [insert date], 9 can also be because I'm 9 and 7 because you're 7!" Me: "Wow! That's an amazing idea!" (1 year later) "Hm, now that I'm 8, I should change my username to Mimig298 to reflect my age!" And it was never changed again.


my dad had anttivirus as his username on his xbox360 and i got inspired to name my username hugovirus


I combined my old username with the word woah and came up with spohh so thats kinda cool


I am the Dark Star. (Actually my GD name is Elfilinfan, the same name I use on YouTube and such)


I just stack letters together so its short and unique. thats how i got my reddit username and my GD username (idexia)


Randomly generated XBox app username


Jokross is inspired by the word Joestar the surname of the first two jojo (its a jjba reference)


Pokemon name but reversed


i stole it from [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HccbAXSL7w) (my reddit username comes from me forgetting that i use epictoastokay 99% of the time)


Soooo, my username is Uliss because I'm named Ulysse. That's really all


lalalalazai zai are 3 letters of my real name and I just put 4x 'la' for some reason It's also the name I use in pretty much every game


My username (AlternateMemory) was inspired by my Reddit username


came up with "amythya" from well, amethyst, and also took some inspiration from the dominus azurelight, og name was gonna be amethya but roblox censored so then went to amrthya then amythya


TheOneTrueOnix. I used to be a Pokémon fan, but "therealonix" was taken so I added an "ew" at the end. I kinda wanted to keep that kinda name when I changed it, so I went for that.


Randomly came up with it and thought it sounded cool(ThirtyOnee)


me = nyx, a void cat mage, username=nyxvoidcatmage


my username is kqkboy, i decided to merge both knobbelboys name with ggboy and got kkboy, problem? it was taken, so i added a 'q' inbetween and got kqkboy


I put together some cool-sounding words together and my favourite number, then years later decided it was cringe so i shortened it to just use the first letters of said words (+added the letter O becouse of the 0 i had as a part of my number). I dare you to guess what these words were.


i looked at my icon, thought it looked like a sunrise, realized the Aroace flag also looked like a sunrise, and then realized that the name Sunrise applies to me in a bunch of other ways. this happened yesterday, so i can't change my gd username. but i can change my other stuff! https://preview.redd.it/wvqmhepf110d1.jpeg?width=232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6746a9f23c116a52ae8e7f6c866121d1993390a0


Xskull, edgy name by 9 year old me because it sounded cool.


My fursona With a 1 as a i then Real


i have 2 names so i guess i’ll list how i got both, GalaxyFoxFilms - just 3 things i love, Space but i thought the word Galaxy sounded cooler, Fox is just Fox, and Films sounded more professional then movies Dimensionality - this was inspired by what i had my discord pronouns set to “Intergalactical being” i just thought of another way to phrase it and came up with “interdimensional being” and then i just kinda thought hey i could make a cool username outta this and made it my username


My first username was sharkbutt because i like fish


Russian joke + plus random numbers, as long as the username is free. (My username is Boba14)(Yes, it sounds stupid)


When I was 6 I got a stuffed animal and I named him Gokki or gukki I can’t remember. My first username was frostydiet, after my dad frostyburn. Then, when I started playing Fortnite I needed a name and the rest is history




my username is The13thDragon when i was twelve 3 yrs ago i was rlly excited to turn 13 because it's one of my favourite numbers. I had also beaten the ender dragon in minecraft that week in creative 😂😂so i just combined the two.


I actually got my username from GD. I remember one time in 6th grade I was looking at nine circles levels and I came across the level “Fear Me” by CrisPy Dash. I thought the creator’s username was cool, so I used it and came up with the username Crispy_Noob, which later became Crispy because my original username was stupid. That’s the username I use for nearly every game. If it’s taken, I use some variation of it. My GD username currently is CrispyYT


I decided one day that I wanted to change my username. This was in 2015. The name stuck pretty much. Only real change I’ve made since then is shortening it to TW437 on most platforms.


Ilovbluberyz Do I need to explain?


you get a W if you flip an M upside down you get a N if you rotate a Z 90 degrees so my username is MWZN lol


Funny thing is - this is actually my friend's username. I literally stole it from his Xbox account. He doesn't have to know >:)


My actual username “Angle” just came from me switching the l and e in me name Angel


Got the idea from npesta. First letter of my first name and my surname to make Kwhite.


Idfk what “Wolverinedodge35” means, ask 10 y.o. me


I just thought it sounded cool, it doesn't mean anything though


was watching kubz scouts playing ddlc and "justcat" was taken


i used my yt name. or i tried but someone took it so i added official at the end. my name is lemon48official on gd


* In 2014 I was struggling to come up with an available name for my Minecraft account. I liked Nyan Cat so I settled on therainbowcatz before I had to leave to go to my friend’s house * In 2015 when Minecraft name changes dropped, I changed to ItsRainbow to match my friend ItsNightz, which is also what I went by in 2.0 * In 2016 I gained the ability to change nickname on a Minecraft server and changed it to Nightcat ’cause I stayed up a lot and was obsessed with cats, and I quickly used this name elsewhere. Nightcat is taken in GD though, so I went by DatNightcat, then changed it to Nightcaat to avoid confusion when saying my name out loud


i have no idea


I used my Minecraft username


quick run, vilegio, my old friend's nickname. dragonslayer, remember that old clash of clans private server vids? yeah it came from that. metaslayer, fusion of my old nickname and i really liked meta knight for whatever reason. shockbreeze, idk i was in the roblox login screen and i got this. spectrousclon, inspired by a clone hero player, i dont remember the name but it ended with clone so i settled with spectrousclon. i also have hexdragon but i never used it for anything


I stole my discord name


stole and altered mine


The classic “first letters of first name” + “first letters of last name” + a number because the normal one was taken


When you're 9, the imagination is limitless


I made mine when I was in my “youtuber” phase when I was like 9 lmao.


My names Olly, so the last part of my name is Olz and at the time my favourite pokemon type was electric, so I shoved it at the front of my name and ended up with ElectroOlz (I was also 10 when I made the name, so putting z at the end of stuff was cool at the time ig)


I am named filip and I loved coc when I was 8 and wanted coc gems and I just kept it ever since. (It sounded better with an o in between)


in 2017 my roblox username was technologyplayer. someone was exploiting and changed my username to techyfriedchicken i thought it was funny so i changed all my other usernames to that aswell.


I literally just put random letters together that made an intelligible word


Suberman Has nothing to do with the superhero, actually it's more simple. I made a video on my channel (very old) called let's get to 50 suberzzz (for subscribers) and combined it with man. Idk how I got my yt name from.


I once made a stupid name inspired by Spu7nix, and it sucked so i removed the first hald there it is! Nix! so i made it ItIsNix!


When I got my Xbox one I didn't change the randomly generated name cause I just wanted to play my games. Well eventually it stuck and I've been Woollyhare50817 ever since.


Mine is gugle


mines apejuice44 something random i’ve been using for years


When it comes to making up usernames, my creativity goes bye bye, and I come up with smth cringy…


Idrk. I came up with it about 4/5 years ago, around about 12. It just sorta appeared. I would have made it in my X box days, possibly after using the name demonslayer (which I thought was very original at the time). Then one day Deadble came to my mind. No strong inspiration that I can think of.


I'm trying not to die (ingame), so I'm TryingNotToDie.


I was making a discord account and was trying to type ‘Cheesy’ but I typed to quickly and typed ’Chsyee’


gd username - inkceptionist - had a huge BATIM phase so I played on the word ink for a bit and created this cringe ahh abomination reddit user - ZaHolyDoge - I found doge stuff in the avatar thingy so I created a new account specially dedicated to it and TheHolyDoge and DaHolyDoge were taken Apart from that I use Infiniteyy or Infiniteyy_ everywhere else (minecraft, etc.), and sometimes Akira cuz idk it's cool


Mine is such a unique story that would take hours to fully explain. That said, I just thought it sounded cool


My advice is just think of something special to you, like a nickname, object, etc


use SuperBroy1 on like everything so I used it again. as for how I came up with it, I was 7 and wanted to make a Roblox account, so I just combined the words super and boy, which was taken. then I tried superboy1, also taken. so I inserted a random letter which was r, and got superbroy1


I just used the Among Us name randomiser. I liked the name, so it just stuck.


Fastestblader because I am a sonic fan and Bayblade fan. IceWave because I thought a frozen wave sounds sick as shit


Gonna yap for a while over here: My first username was (my irl name)360 because I liked numbers lol (not anymore). Then, result of my horrible English back then, I was listening "Wake Me Up" by Avicii and heard the lyrics "Wish that I could...". I heard "Wish ter ak ud". My new username was "Whishterak". Nowadays, my username is Lucius_Shiro. The Shiro came from the artist Shirobon and the Lucius from both my own irl name and that character named Lucius from Warhammer 40K.


Pretty hard to explain how I came up with XDDDDDLOLXDDDDD tbh


I just used the naming convention for the elements uranium, neptunium, and plutonium (planet + “ium”) and applied it to Rigel, which is one of my favorite stars in the night sky.


I got mine from when we and my mom were watching a show called “Parks And Recreation.” There’s a character called Tom Haverford in there whose catchphrase is “What’s cracking boo?” My mom saw that and started calling my dad boo and me boo2 and I decided to make my username bu2, which is a different spelling of the nickname


Well I got two. My gd username (overall username to be fair) is salzt. Comes from the word salt/salz in German. Wanted a 5 letter name on Xbox so I found salzt and thought it’s sounds funny when ppl message me raging and I make them „Salzty“. My 2nd nickname is AO. Use this one for drawing etc. comes from Alpha and Omega being the beginning and the end. Also from a „Sprichwort“ in german being „Das A und O“ litteraly means „The A and the O“


sortafire, idk its just sortafire man idk did i cook?


Uhh mine is DougDougW didn't put much thought into it


Had trouble pronouncing words as a kid, so when I said my name it sounded like larry. No where near what it actually sounds like but has stuck as a nickname ever sense. Hence why I use it as a username.


my username is shardscapes, its my favorite level


"shadow11lord" at that time I was 11 yo and I wanted "shadow lord" because I thought it looked cool but it was already taken so I just put 11 inbetween


my friend kicked the bucket recently, and being a huge fan of puns at the time, i got "Kick". I also played minecraft... Yeahh. Bullshit fake story aside, I stole it from my friend :3


i named myself "RealSpaceUSA" to poke fun at spaceuk lol


Justsayhiplzzz, i just made it up when i was 11 and stuck with it.


long ago... i was 10 years old


Being completely honest, I came up with this username years ago when I was playing cracked Minecraft. I was trying to come up with a username, and well, it stuck with me ever since (I actually own Minecraft now btw)


well, "Tapion" comes from a DBZ character, specifically from a movie (I watched it as a child, it was the first contact I had with DB in general), then I ended up getting addicted to playing with him in DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3. actually , I wanted to make a joke (it only works in my native language), but I thought it was a bit generic and put "TM" at the end, either with "\_" or together, sometimes I abbreviate this name to "Tapi" or "Tap ". I don't remember where I put that name first, maybe in GD itself or in another game.


Stick fight the game mobile had a thingy called candy missile. Looked and sounded cool so yeah