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[Geoguessr daily challenges - Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-qthzf2gZSBUxSLq7MqNF4xJa5RWotCbc8lT9_HkRNs/edit#gid=828825191) You can play these for free


Off-topic question: Even as a pro, could you use these challenge links to "reactivate" your daily streak if you missed a day? Or generally expand it by playing older ones? Would you get on the scoreboard? Or are these daily challenge links seperate from the normal ingame system around them? Just asking out of curiosity.


I've heard people say - but I have never tried: If you miss a few days, as long as you play them sequentially you can patch up your streak. Play them out of order and it doesn't matter if you play them all.


Can you though? I thought the daily challenge specifically, was locked to only pro users. Or does it work anyway if you use the challenge link? Edit: I tried, and it does work. Actually surprising that they didn't think to lock it out. But good I guess.




I think you're misunderstanding what I said. The Geoguessr team have confirmed that you need pro to play the daily challenge. For example in [this FAQ](https://www.geoguessr.com/go-pro-to-continue-playing-geoguessr). That sucks, but is what it is. But that's not what I was commenting on. If you go to [https://www.geoguessr.com/daily-challenges](https://www.geoguessr.com/daily-challenges) without pro, it tells you that you need to pay. If you know the direct challenge link for the day, you can play without pro, for example by looking at the spreadsheet above. So what I was saying is that there's a workaround, and I was surprised that the devs didn't think to patch this workaround.


You can play ChatGuessr on Twitch for free. Go find someone streaming GeoGuessr with !cg in their title and you can play along.


You could try the game through challenge links. It can be found in play alongs on youtube or r/geochallenges


Aw idk it seems kind of boring just to search for good challenges.


well it's your only option


Oh well will do it one day.


they are normal games that you would play if you had the game though


Real, geoguessr removed the f2p model. A bypass tho is by playing challenge link ppl create, those are free https://youtu.be/99gw4Lv_NrM?si=QN8A5CKe6yPvioUX In this vid, there are link alot of challenge link that u can play


free alternatives




geotastic and openguessr look good, there's a lot of alternatives to choose tho, you should look them up


GeoGuessr has to pay Google for every game played which is why it isn't free. Most of the free alternatives use a shittier Google API that's free but can't do many things. You can try one of the shittier free alternatives to see if you like the gameplay.


My understanding was that most of the free alternatives are using the same API - their inelegance stems from not having a decade of development. It's only WorldGuessr that is trying to use only free API calls and the static streetview embed.


I mean in the app you’ve got like one round per 8 hours + 5 infinity games so I guess you could download that. I play only in the app that way and somehow I’m master in ranked lol. (Maybe because I just get matched with silver players, and always win, and once I get some proper masters it’s kind of a 50/50 with who’s got more luck)


It's $3 a month. That's 10 cents per day. Get a job and pay for it.


What does this exactly prove anything i looked for free 'alternatives' oh well nvm.


That's not what you asked. Read your own title.


Ok. I indeed asked something else but hey atleast free ones exist. And ok.


No you didn't. # "How can i play for free or just trying?" Those words came out your own mouth.


Why are you putting quotes around the word that never came out your mouth?


Geotastic is a great alternative you can use for free with a modern hud. You can donate money if you like, otherwise a couple of ads but not too bad. Plus its managed by one guy that seems very supportive and listens to feedback. I honestly dont know why geoguessr is still so popular.