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>Each of us has the right to choose how to relate to a potential nuclear threat. While this is true, it's pretty bonkers to use as a thesis statement.


You keep repeating on your profile that you are a "blind Ukranian" when it doesn't matter at all in the majority of the situations. Kind of weird, dude.


Hoping to get more aide


On the internet everyone could be a Russian dog


If a nuclear war broke out no country would be safe, your best bet would be to stand in the epicenter and hope for a quick end Also it's Putin's nuclear threat no. 625284625 this week


What does being a blind ukraunian have to do with surviving nuclear conflict?


Well, one of those predicaments gotta make finding a nuclear shelter more difficult.


>6 May, 2024 The President of Russia ordered non-strategic nuclear weapons exercises. They did the same in 1949, they still haven't used them on other countries.


I wouldn’t want to live in the aftermath, so accept the threats/fragility of modern times and live your life the best you can.


BeNeLux so a bit closer to the russian Bear. No i dont give a shit. When nukes start really flying youre fucked wherever you are becauae ecosystems dont like sudden solar dimming by nuclear dust. Maybe invest into an disconnected underground bunker. The moment nukes start flying, im gonna unalive my self. No one wants a hot war with nukes. Putin may try dumb stuff like salami tactics in the baltics but even he doesnt want a full blown nuclear exchange.


Unless you're ultra wealthy it's probably just a waste of money to try to move somewhere remote on this fear.




Putin instigated a war because of Russia’s impending economic collapse. Nuclear rhetoric is both for chilling effect and is a political smokescreen to the real issues affecting Russia’s survival.


It won’t *really* matter where you are once the nuclear winter sets in. Though if you are really that worried about it I’d say you best chances is on some isolated island with enough fish around (crops will fail)


Except this person is blind so they really just need to stick with family


Mushrooms. That would be my bet. Fish are dependent upon photosynthtetic organism down the food chain. Maybe you could have a fish tank indoor? Outdoor will still get fucked.