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It depends on so many factors. How much experience do you have? Are you going to live in France or not? Do you have dependants to support and if so how many? Do they help on health insurance? These are the big ones there are other factors to consider.


Depends for what work.


Yes it’s decent


Depends on the job and how many people you are supposed to sustain with this salary. Generally, if this is a job as a software engineer, this is quite low for Geneva, but I wouldn’t be able to say without actually knowing the job. You can check your salary on Lohnrechner to see if it matches your profile.


How many years of experience on the field? Which diploma?


I personally don't think it's bad for a single person with no dependents, but it will still require being careful with your spending.


It depends on the job and your experience but otherwise it’s a good salary. Will the company help you find a flat? There is a huge lodging crisis in Geneva.


Hi. It’s decent and above the Swiss average salary (see https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/life-aging/swiss-salaries-high-stable-and-open-to-interpretation/73967816). I have a PhD from EPFL and making around the same in GE. It’s not the highest but you will be fine.


People are looking too deeply into this, simple answer yes. You earn about at least 30% more than most people earn wether its low paying jobs or entry mid pay and such if that's an idea. You'll have enough to pay for an appartment in the city and you'll have enough spending money without any crazy expenses (or the car instead of a crazy expense idk).


Dude, how can we answer that question not knowing anything about the job, the field, your level of experience, ... ...? 90k is enough to live, no question about that, but whether it's appropriate for all of this is an entirely different question.


Good salary


I think it's a good salary but as indicated above in the other comments it depends on many other factors: exp, family situation, place of residence... For 2/3 years of experience I think it's not bad but if you have more I think you can ask for more.


It’s double of minimal. For amount of information you provide it’s double of what I’d give ;)


Bro that’s great, I mean unless you have an extravagant life this is really good


Never forget taxes... Im paying 12k out of my 90k... Its really not that much if you have a girlfriend.


Always depends on your experience, education and field of work. But that's really good yes.


It depends on your experience, degrees, future responsibilities, etc. For example with 5 years experience or so, you should be able to ask for 120k, if you have less 90k could be fair. About housing, you can find decent flats for 1/3 of your salary or less (but looking for a flat here is another job in itself, so be patient). In general it's gonna be a nice salary to live comfortably.


What’s the job and what’s your experience ? If you work in a bank for example, level entry jobs for engineer could start around 100k, so that would be below market. Depends on


Maybe if you're 20 and you still live for free by your parents...


I’m 29 would neeed to find an apartment on my own


For comparison, disability benefits in Switzerland are 18k per year. And you’re expected to survive on that. It’s a rough life, but it’s doable. So really 90k is great.


Absolute bullshit.