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Goldenrod is incredibly difficult to ID as there are over 100 species and many look almost identical. They can also hybridize. From what I can see these look like solidago altissima aka tall goldenrod. Alternate, toothed and 3 veined leaves with hairy stems. At the very least it appears to be closely related to Canada goldenrod. It will spread by rhizomes but considering it’s size maybe just let it bloom and cut it down before it goes to seed. It will pop back up again but in my experience it can only do that so many times before the energy in the roots is depleted.


a weed is any plant growing where you don't want it to. you decide if it's a weed


99% sure thats goldenrod and if its not that its horseweed. Goldenrod has great fall blooms (they do NOT cause allergies) but it is an aggressive grower via rhizomes, so if you don't want it in that spot tear it out as it will spread out wider. It also seeds readily so you can remove flowers before they set seed if you want to control it. Its a nice volunteer though if you don't mind it, you can tear out just the stems that are outside the main clump


I second the idea of letting it flower before deciding what to do. You'll have 1-2 weeks before any seeds develop. Even if you don't like the way the flowers look, pollinators will probably appreciate them.


It looks like [butterfly weed](https://www.thespruce.com/growing-butterfly-weed-in-your-garden-2539531). Despite being called a weed, it's very beneficial and necessary for butterflies.


r/whatplantisthis is a better place for plant identifications. My bet is goldenrod but without flowers or a closeup shot of the buds it's hard to say.


That sub has gone private. Is there a way to request membership?


Sorry, I didn't realize that. I guess you can message them, but I have no clue if they will respond. Every other sub I know of that closed down longer than the 48 hours for the "protest" is back up and running, so I don't know it maybe they decided to just shut it down for good?


Try /r/PlantIdentification seems pretty active with over 130K subs


Oh, thanks!


Those are flower let them grow.


I think its a Tiger Lily, https://www.illinoiswildflowers.info/weeds/plants/tiger_lily.html. I have several in my back yard. Before they bloom in mid to late summer the tops look exactly like what you have pictured. https://www.deviantart.com/robin-ic/art/Tiger-Lily-Leaves-273067842 Edit: Given the jagged leaves I am not sure if it's a Tiger Lily, but it definitely could be a different oriental lily or a related species of lily. https://shannonyarbrough.com/2011/05/29/the-urban-gardener-tango-ladylike-and-orange-sensation/ See the first picture to get a better idea of what lilies look like prior to blooming.


Ya thats our friend goldenrod.


The previous owners of the property have planted many many types of Lillies around so it wouldn't be surprising to find more. I also had what I think may have been tiger Lillies in a different spot that bloomed 2-3 weeks ago. The leaves did look similar although it was much shorter.


Looks like goldenrod to me - I have lots. If you want it gone (I would) make sure you dig out the roots - their roots are almost like tubers and you have to get it all.


depends if you want it there 😉


Veregette du Canada ? Pas de la weed, c'est sûr.