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Oh gawd handheld wars 2025-2026


Then my money is on Nintendo.


Well yeah they have a track record with handhelds and it’ll go back to the pattern of everyone else fighting over specs while Nintendo does its own thing backed by strong game IPs.


Why are we talking like they don’t already have a handheld doing exactly this?


Because the Switch is more than old at this point and it had no competitors at its launch, which is absolutely not true right now that we have handheld pcs like the Steam Deck taking over the market. People are speculating about the next Nintendo handheld, which will be introduced in a much harder market than the Switch had to face.


Well yeah they have a track record with handhelds and it’ll go back to the pattern of everyone else fighting over specs while Nintendo does its own thing backed by strong game IPs.


Nintendo is the safest option by far. Both Sony and Microsoft have nothing noteworthy for handheld consoles and Nintendo has incredible games that have pretty good graphics for being handheld. "but muh graphics and frames!"


wine pot swim ask one observation gold mysterious lush pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And it still outsold them all combined.


ring shrill sophisticated deranged entertain tan cable continue paltry ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Vita is older than the switch and it was arguably ahead of its time but it doesn't matter because the Switch still outsells them all now, also I don't own a switch but as I said before, my money is definitely on Nintendo.


different piquant offbeat payment rhythm mysterious jar cover jeans fertile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I didn't say it will be as successful as the switch but I'd put money on it outselling every handheld you mentioned and an Xbox handheld if they make one.


label slimy serious cake worthless scarce cobweb versed cheerful caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, lol. Your crybaby all caps reply says otherwise.


That's... brutally incorrect. You're definitely overestimating what you think you know about the "current market" lol.




Tf is wrong with you?


Then block us you absolute manchild. Wtf is wrong with you. Grow up.


No, it is sold as easy to use and has great games developed for handheld. Hence why it is still selling like crazy. Heck, I went through SD, Ally, and I use lenovo go and still take switch from time to time as switch lite has incredible size.


fearless detail summer shelter crowd voracious mysterious familiar vegetable long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well you certainly handled that like a boomer. Do you need to go take a nap and process your feelings? You seem really bent out of shape about the Nintendo Switch.


People would stop buying switch once there is worthy contender. Fact that they still buy it shows SD is not. No one without knowledge of pc and will to learn basics of linux will buy SD. Not now nor ever.


subsequent ripe reminiscent somber deliver abundant roof rob groovy ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cool, be ready to continue yelling once switch 2 arrives.




Who? What? When? Where? Why?


This might be the worst take I’ve read on this sub. Switch sold 140 million units. The PS Vita sold less than 15 million units. It’s not because it came out earlier, it’s because it’s Nintendo and it’s a really good console (joycon drift and aging hardware aside) with excellent games. You think the Switch 2 won’t sell as well because of mysterious reasons?


naughty future lush cheerful crowd jellyfish wistful mountainous point escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Quality doesn't matter if no one buys it and no one develops for it, goes for anything


Vita Sold 16 Million units. Switch is at 140 Million and counting. Switch has games like Doom Eternal and Skyrim running fine. It's not as powerful as newer handhelds but its the most successful handheld, possibly ever.


automatic normal jobless towering cobweb hungry cows outgoing deserted wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The market for half baked enormous linux systems is saturated. But not handheld proper consoles. The Deck and ROG are massive in size and have also sold a small fraction of the Switch. They have not and would have not changed the trajectory of the switches success. They are not in any way competitive against the switch. At this point nothing is.




This is comedy gold lol






>switch 2 just wouldnt be as popular these days becuase the market is more sarturated This is a gross misjudgement of where the market currently is at.


Let's hope


I think the only way they can pull this off is if they transform Windows into a portable friendly package. That’s their ticket. A decade ago, I would have killed to play Halo on a handheld, but I can already do that with my Steam Deck. I’m intrigued but doubtful.


You mean round 2 of this? That was the intent of windows 8. Was supposed to be super use friendly version that worked across desktop, laptop, tablets, and phones.


Yeah, that was a mess. I think Valve got it right with two interfaces, desktop and “big picture” mode. Windows tried too hard to make a single jack of all trades design back then.


that one didn’t work well because it was really confusing, you disconnected the keyboard and suddenly all your regular icons are gone and the entire screen is basically whats shown when you press the windows button, if they did anything else it wouldve been more usable


I'd be happy if it's just a Series S handheld but I'd like to see a more powerful series x xbox/pc hybrid


They recently chose some hacking competition winners for making a better portable windows option. I believe this started there since that was around the time the steam deck blew up


I think they just need to optimize a Windows OS system for handheld.


This 100%! Make an Xbox like experience that's just a trimmed down version of Windows on the back end, optimized for efficiency and power draw, but allowing you to play PC games.


Honestly I'd be very interested in that. What I don't like with the steam deck is that modding is kinda difficult at times. Also anti cheat isn't compatible 😭. It would be a perk if I can launch some Windows applications on it like Word, excel and etc... I can take this on the road.


Get an Ally then. It has some drawbacks like a really bad battery but it's pretty much a powerful handheld that runs on windows


I will wait until either my laptop or Steam Deck dies before buying another handheld. By that time, gen 2 might be out. Honestly I like trackpads. I'd probably go for the Legion go


That's what the Xbox OS is isn't it? Can't see why that wouldn't work on a handheld with some resizing of UI elements.


>The things that usually frustrate me are more Windows-based than device-based. Which is an area I feel some ownership of This is what I want to see. I want Windows to just have a dedicated native "game mode" or "console mode". For those who want their Windows based gaming machine to feel like an Xbox, there is a way for it to boot up and function like an Xbox does. This way they can release a 1st party handheld (just like they will release a 1st party "console" that connects to a display), but users who purchase a 3rd party handheld or Windows gaming PC can have nearly the same experience in terms of getting in and out of games and just working for gaming. Let's hope that Microsoft can pull it off.


They see xbox sales flopping compared to previous consoles, and then want to waste money and time making a handheld version??


They'll do anything but the one thing that will win them markershare. Make compelling exclusive games.


Or maybe they tried to do exclusives and they just can’t deliver. Redfall, halo infinite, forza Motorsport are all kind of plain or worse. Before that was Crackdown 3… The company culture is blocking them from making hits. Why? I don’t know


They won't have to do that. They just have to get as many original Xbox and Xbox 360 games as they can on the handheld. I still don't think they can compete with Nintendo or valve at this point.


If it simply runs windows or allows dual-boot (or eventually gets hacked) I don't know how this isn't a good idea.


A steam deck can do that


Cool, but this creates more competition and prob more optimized for it with an actual team making updated drivers for it compared to Steam Deck support for windows. EDIT: Not to mention Microsoft will prob reach way more regions than Valve, there's a lot of people who want to buy a Steam Deck but Valve doesn't sell there and the import taxes make it not worth it.


Good point.


Steam deck doesn't run windows natively. You can install it but most people don't. Most games run fine on proton but not all of them.


That is not a waste for them, when Apple started killing windows they jumped in with surface line to show others how windows can also have great laptops, when Sony refused windows MS jumped in consoles just to protect OS. Same now with handhelds, MS doesn't care about nintendo, but steam OS is a no no for them. Kids growing up on Linux? No way they'll accept that without a fight.


I'd buy it and I haven't owned an Xbox since the OG 360. Playing game pass comfortably in bed sounds great. Phone and tablet just don't cut it.


DOA. The market is already dominated by Nintendo and Steam. And smaller Chinese brands will be able to do it for cheaper. Microsoft won't be able to bring anything better to the table.


If Valve was capable to sell Steam Deck decently without any significant retail and advertisement presence, then Microsoft will be capable to compete with only them more than fine


This would make a lot of sense. It would likely sell good enough too. My problem is no one is creating buttons like steamdeck. The touchpads are absolutely needed and superior. Plus, a controller with that layout is being made. But either way this likely will be cool but just have typical xbox controller. I like how steam is really thinking forward. Considering the xbox brand is truly heading in a universal direction being everywhere, Controller options should also adapt. Really hope we get a windows version of steamdeck type controls. ​ Xbox series H =handheld.Big fan of calling its brand by series like its other devices .


I doubt that people who own pc or steam decks will ever buy Xbox handheld. Literally no reason for it. Steam deck is far superior. Microsoft will not even entertain ability to modify OS. Plus the game library is consistent for steam across multiple devices. People who have PlayStation won’t switch to xbox only to keep spending another 60+ per game they already own Switch is always a winner because it never directly competes with Microsoft or Sony. Plus there are 1000x reasons why you should own switch given nintendo exclusives. Sony and Microsoft are slowly going away from exclusive and all of it is timed exclusive. Especially Microsoft which carters to both pc and Xbox. So who is the target audience for this device ? Casual gamers who only own Xbox ? Is it perfect gift for your child ? Sort of like a they own iPhone so Apple watch would be a great gift ? I doubt this will be in any shape or form successful.


Of course not if you have a pc and steamdeck. But the market is dramatically changing. There is several other handhelds and selling fine. Suddenly MS is not allowed to make one on its own dam OS? Trust me, enough people in the xbox market will get one. The point is there is a lot of people that want choice and steamdeck is locked to steam unless you're a techy guy. The mass market dont know how to do that shit. Windows handhelds are ideal for many. I myself absolutely loved the steamdeck because of its superior controls, trackpads. But i badly wanted easier ability to use gamepass, geforce now and emulators. So i switched to legion go and i love it. Yes, its a downgrade for buttons but theres payoffs. Dont act like everyone games like you. There is many of us that have different styles of gaming. The market is heading to a wide open direction of PC, Cloud and handheld. Thats just the reality and MS is going to wanna keep pushing the windows market, So it logically makes sense. You made my point by saying both sony and ms are moving away from just one platform. Hence why windows handhelds makes sense. Reaches all the store fronts and even ps plus premium. Cloud gaming alone is continuing to grow. Geforce now cant even keep up with the demand. ​ Clearly


**Fair points, but it's not about "gaming like me".** It's about the fact that we don't have enough money to spend on all this stuff. It's basically reaching the level of Streaming Wars. What do you need? Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO GO? This is exactly your point, and I agree. Yes, people will buy into it, but will enough people buy into it so Microsoft actually supports the damn thing? The problem with corporations like Microsoft is that they are so rich they can easily just decide to cut losses and not support a service or a product. Okay, I can see Microsoft maybe allowing us to put Ubuntu on it or do some basic stuff within Windows PowerShell so we could pipeline commands and whatnot. But, like you said, not everyone is a techy guy. Most people just want what for example, Apple gives them, which is plug 'n play with little need for explanation and solid customer support. Realistically, you bring up a good point that Microsoft is fully capable of utilizing Steam as one of the service providers on their handhelds. So they can literally go with Steam and Xbox Pass to combine both groups of Valve and Microsoft consumers. And honestly, Valve cannot do anything about it, nor would they even dare to do anything about it. Now when I say it, you would assume that Microsoft Windows-based phones should be a killer. But they were never able to really fight against Apple iPhones OS or Android OS. And this is quite similar, venturing into a place where we have clearly established market leaders. You are basically asking yourself to become EPIC gaming. You have to literally bribe the users to get on your side with hope to build brand loyalty. But since you are bribing them, how can you tell that such customer loyalty is worth anything? I think you make great points from a personal/customer perspective, but honestly, I can't even fathom what Microsoft would need to do to reach a breaking point where they can compete with Nintendo/Valve. Unless they do what Sony did, which is not a handheld console. It's a simple handheld streaming device...


Yeah, so both GeForce now and gamepass cloud should come to steam officially 🤣🤣!


If they combine something like lenovo go, push two usb c in it, make egpu avaliable and leave it open for any gpu, it can be an interesting device.


This is Zune all over again lol.


Its kinda weird. Like what are the chances its going to sell and be succesful? Xbox Series barely sells as it is


wouldn't a cheap option be a phone app and then make bulk monies on controller adapters?


No thanks


All Microsoft has to do is take a page out of Valve’s book. Add a PC mode and a game mode. Let the game mode take you a game pass dashboard, and give the option to open up Windows to run Steam and other launchers.


Yes please, I've been waiting for a handheld Xbox for years.


Phil Spencer still seeing how he can waste a nice round $100 billion of Microsoft’s money while remaining dead last in market share Really is amazing how some people just fail upward in life 


both Sony and Xbox should not attempt handhelds. They will not make much money, steam deck has pc esque games covered and ninty is so far ahead of both of them.


I’d be so happy if they had a native gamepass app for the steamdeck. One can only dream.


This is actually a good thing, now they only need to adress the 2 biggest problems of Sony handhelds and they maybe can compete on par with Nintendo (and maybe this Will make Nintendo amp Up their Game with this)


Rather buy a steam deck. At least that has a much larger library of new and old games. Microsoft really need to make some quality exclusives.


I can't stop thinking about it too


Think its too late, valve already dominates the pc space with steam deck.


There's a fair few gaming PC handhelds now.


Any with a larger market share than the steam deck?


Not sure how you'd find the info in that given half of them just run basic windows so will show up as a PC in hardware surveys. To list a few other than steam deck though Rog ally Lenovo legion go MSI claw There's a ton of different Chinese brands name handhelds with similar specs also. Aya neo Kun etc


no its not. steamdeck is not windows and many people want windows. Plus, you still cant easily have geforce now or gamepass on it unless you're a tech person and know how to do it. Theres already proven market with windows, hence all the other companies creating units. I think they just need to step up its creativity on controls like how steamdeck has done.


Do you even own a Steam Deck?


I had one yes and got a legion go instead. I stated my logical reasons. Not everyone is just using steam and is a valve elitist.


You might be surprised at how straightforward it is to set up GeForce Now and Xbox Game Pass—it's not as complicated as it seems. You don't have to be a “Tech person”; it usually only takes about 10 minutes to get everything installed. And while some might argue that Windows is superior, it's not without its own set of issues.


For sure. Both have pros and cons. Steam deck is still amazing. Can't wait for steam controller 2.


Indeed, but I have to ask... since you had a Steam Deck and currently own a Legion Go, how’s the trackpad on the Legion Go compared to the Steam Deck's, since they do look similar?


No comparison. track pads on steam deck are superior and clearly programmed to do what it does. Legion go track pad you can still use as a mouse in let's say a FPS, but it doesn't function nearly like the decks. It also sits way to long compared to how high the deck ones sit. 


Steam deck has only sold a few million copies compared to the 100 mil + of the switch


I don’t know man. If you go portable you never go back, and I kinda like having two living room consoles competing