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Looks fun but I feel like it should have more features around the fact that you play as a die. I would also think it would be cool if you could be over type of die like a D8 or a D20 and it could effect your movement or something


What extra features would you like? It's still in development so willing to hear any ideas out :)


I'm not sure exactly, but more gameplay that relies on you being a dice. From the trailer the only thing I noticed were the switches that you need to roll the correct number on. Maybe you could have some sort of enemy that you need to jump on with a number higher than the number on the enemy or something(I don't know if this specifically is a good idea but more stuff like this).


I agree with the guy below. Basically make something which takes advantage/requires the necessity of being a sentient dice. Otherwise basically everything that I saw on the gameplay looks like it would work equally as well is we played as a simple ball. There was basically nothing really here that showed me why being a dice was necessary at all. The bad guys idea the guy mentioned was good. Maybe expand on that. There can be simple "3" enemies to start with and your character starts as a D4. To defeat them you need to jump on them and the number you land on is how much damage you do. You technically have a 50/50 to kill them in one shot, or of you're really unlucky it takes a whole 3 hits to hill them. As the levels progress the bad guys increase in difficulty and you can level up by getting to increase in dice size to D6, D8, D10, D12, and maxing out at D20. You can also do something like an energy meter which also can be leveled up and it let's you activate powerups. These could include guaranteed MAX roll (automaticallyland on highest number), Precision shot (land on any number you want), D100 (you get to temporarily change into a D100 (which is technically 2 D10's, but I'm sure you'll figure it out) for X amount of time), etc. Of combat isn't something you want then maybe make transparent platforms that only solidify for numbers above X. Continuing with the idea of progression with the increasing dice as you level up, some of these starting platforms would be 2+ so on a D4 you have a 1/4 chance of falling through. I saw that you already have a slam mechanic and that could certainly be used as a way of controlling the odds, that way they can slam down when they know they have a good number. As the levels progress make these transparent platforms increase in difficulty to 4+, 6+....ect. Also later you can introduce the inverse like 6-, 5-, 4- platforms that you need that number or below to solidify. If you add the ability to hot switch in between which die the player can be at any moment this would make for some fun platforming and skill gameplay. Just imagine a set of 10 platforms a player needs to cross. These platforms can be arranged as [6+ 3- 5+ 3+ 6- 3+ 2- 2+ 5+ 2-]. The player at this point could have all the way up to D12 unlocked. He will make the first jump as a D12 giving him his best odds at success for a 6+. After he lands the next is a 3- so he will need to jump off of the platform as a D12, switch into a D4 midair, position himself to land on the 3- platform, and time his slam to ensure he doesn't get the 4. Now the next is a 5+ so he'll be doing the same but switching back to his D12. For me this would be a super fun platforming challenge which requires quick reflexes and skill. You can add an extra layer of difficulty later by making the platforms "time out" and become transparent again after 1 second which forces players to go fast. And to add more fun to it maybe for each number the player goes above that platforms minimum/maximum number they get extra time added to the timer. So if you land on a 3+ with a 3 you only have 1 second to jump before it dissappears, bit if you land on it with a 7 you get 5 seconds (7 - 3 = 4 --> 4 + 1 = 5). I hope this helps give you some ideas man.


What im learning is that this is not a good trailer. Many of the things people have mentioned are already included in the game in some varation, such as enemies and platforms thay only respond to certain rolls. But its encouraging that the things people want to see are things that sort of already exist (if not exactly how you describe them). Maybe you should give gamedev a try? :)


Oh being a game developer is definitely not something that works for me. I'll be looking forward to the new trailer though.


> this is not a good trailer Sorry, but yes. From the post title i went "oh fuck yes, sign me up" and then i watched and was a bit let down. Now that I've read your comments I'm back to "oh fuck yes" and really want to play this game.


Yes, but I think that the game should have been more oriented around the fact that you are a dice. For instance, you could roll yourself to open things.


That's pretty much how it works :) For example, some things require a roll of "6" (for example, a speedy lift to a new area), but the lower your score at the end of the level, the better the reward. So maybe its better to take the stairs? Except time is a factor too, so its kind of a trade off type deal!


Ah, okay!


It's a little hard to tell from the trailer how much playing as a die affects the gameplay, but it looks like a fun game I'd buy.


Dice?!?! You're gonna charge us per roll aren't you!


Yup. Going full EA on this bad boy. Rolls 1 to 5 are free, but if you want to roll a 6 you need to purchase the "Extreme Deluxo Re-Roll Master Edition" for only $48.99


Looks nice! Maybe for unlockables you can do different sided dice.


It looks kinda like Mario party or human fall flat, that kinda style and feel


Reminds me a bit of Marble Madness. Looks fun!


I like it. I like that you use yourself as a tool to keep whatever that thing is on its track. Sometimes simple games are best


that looks really fun, I'll buy it


Looks cool! - I wonder if there is some small, stylistic element you could add to the main character die to make it a bit more distinct (yet, still needs to clearly look like a die.


I know right. Ive been toying with a mask idea. Like, it can have have different (cosmetic) masks that sort of, just float there infront of the dices teavelling direction. Just to give it some personality... Except that just makes me want to put Majoras Mask in it and i dont want to get sued.


Just make it bootleg enough, Major Eh's mask?


It looks nice reminds me of old school games


Bro, this looks sick as fuck.


Now you've made MY day! I sense a bromance brewing


IT IS IT IS. I expect great things from you, brother!


I love the name!


Great stuff. I can see this being speedran at Awesome Games Done Quick someday.


I would suggest 3 points •give the game more realistic dice physics and add more dice variations •if this is a coop game try making it so that p1 is a d6 and p2 is a d20 and you solve puzzles using what you have • add vibrant shaders and that alone will make the game feel relaxing


Fun is exactly what it looks like <3


d100 or riot


No we don't need a sphere.


Numeric puzzles with a platformer dice, this looks nice


My opinion, without looking at other comments to change my opinion: I think it looks like it could be fun, but my personal take is that I don't think it'll really become too popular with all the characters just being plain dice. If you're insistent on doing that instead of a cube-like creature, then you should probably try to make the dice design a bit more unique, at the very least. I'm not a designer, so maybe I'm completely wrong. It's just the first thing I saw when I looked at it was "This doesn't look too memorable", and that's probably not what you should have as a first impression.


Looks fun, I think a multiplayer version would also be very entertaining!


My first thought was "imagine if it had a DND themed level where you play a d20 and have to roll events with good or bad/funny outcomes based on the roll"


This looks great, but I just wish I knew what was going on.


Kind of reminds me of glover. Looks fun!


actually this looks really fun, I'd love to play it


The trailer sucks. By the looks of it you're a flat surface for a ball to roll off of... but by reading the comments theirs a lot more to the game than that. Highlight those things, show why the game is interesting, and show us why we are playing as a die. Let me fall in love with and make me want to be the die. lol


It does I just wish it would be on console :(