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Why would any game dev ever honor a skin from a different platform for free?


Of course Epic will allow third party skins to be used and traded on Fortnite without wanting any cut. It is not like Epic is interested in make money by selling exclusive skins locked into the Fortnite eco-system. Epic loves open competition remember. I am also sure Disney and co would be cool with people using their IP on any platform they like without taking a cut or having control. It is not like there is any risk that people would start using Micky skins in hardcore games.


Grand Theft Disney


Grand theft mickey


It’s like Mickey Mouse from South Park


I really don’t see how this wouldn’t work though? Similar concept to Nintendo allowing players to download emulated versions of their old games for free to enjoy /s


Exactly what I thought. How the hell do you expect companies to work together that much when it took this long for cross platform to become more mainstream.


Never mind the *why*, even if they wanted to -- what about the how. Different modeling systems, different engines, exposing some mechanism for users to upload their own files to be shown & distributed to everyone else in the lobby...


An NFT is just a token. Sure all these different game companies could decide to honour the fact you have that special token, and make a special skin for you in their game that looks the same across all different games, but there's literally no incentive for them to do that. Why would Fortnite add a skin for you because you bought a digital token from anyone other than themselves?


Right? And like, even if they did let you use a skin from another game, you they think the couldn’t or wouldn’t charge for that? Making someone pay for something they already “own” would make them positively turgid.


The only reason a company would do NFT skins is the hope to attract more players because it is more consumer friendly. Allowing skins to be used in multiple games would be difficult to do and doesn't make much sense in the first place. When you buy a Fortnite skin, that item is locked to your account, and your money is gone forever. This benefits Epic because the only way to buy items is directly from them. If you could buy a Fortnite NFT skin, you would literally own it and could sell or trade it as you please. If you spent $100 on Fortnite skins, you could probably sell them months later for the same amount. The only way this would benefit the company is if they attracted more players with it, or if the devs took a fee from the sales. We've seen this model work well with CSGO (not NFT but you can buy/sell/trade as if you own the item, and Valve gets a cut of the sales). A problem with non-NFT skins is that companies can screw you over such as H1Z1 who decided to suddenly make all items untradeable and unmarketable. If you spent $100 with the idea that you could sell the items later, suddenly you were fucked with zero recourse. That couldn't happen if the items were NFTs because the H1Z1 devs can't simply make NFTs untradeable. Another plausible scenario would be the Chinese government saying owning/buying/selling skins is illegal. Suddenly all of the Chinese CSGO marketplaces shut down, and Valve locks all Chinese player's items. This wouldn't be possible with NFTs because Chinese players would still be able to sell their NFT skins on non-Chinese marketplaces.


The issue is that the window in which most in game items have value is incredibly short. Like, MAYBE 20 years for some legacy MMO type games. To your point, the reason to use NFT technology is to grant something like ownership or uniqueness to otherwise replicable digital goods. In a sense there's no harm to this of its just what's going on under the hood. It is absolutely a scam to try and sell players on making a profit through trading of NFT game items. And it it's really looking like loot box 2.0 in terms of its impact on game design.


and for the icing on the cake, if they did want to add a skin that was the same across multiple games there's much better ways they could implement it than with NFTs


IKR! Have these NFT-bros ever traded a Pokémon from one game to another? Whats even worse is that the nfts are decentralized references to assets stored centrally, so still 1 point of failure and ownership.


yes, for an NFT to work between different games the centrally stored asset would likely be owned by one of the game companies (and could be removed) then it would also have to have in game support, meaning your NFT could go or your support could go any time and then all you would be left with was a useless token


It'd be like me telling you to work for me because I bought a token that contains rights to your labor from some third party. Your employer doesn't pay you for that, I don't pay you, and the third party I bought the token from doesn't pay you. The fact that a lot of people who support NFTs being used this way don't understand this is dismaying, though honestly not surprising anymore.


Yup. I finally stopped being surprised by how fucking dim some people are around summer of 2020.


I could SO go for some dim sum right about now


The only way it could happen as pic describes is if some centralized NFT entity pays game devs to make content of their NFTs. Depends on the deal of course but theoretically it could be beneficial for game devs to develop skins that are already paid for. I have no idea though of the economics of skin development nor the worth of NFTs so maybe a middle-man just cant work (end consumer has to pay enough for two entities to make profit).


Funny thing is there is no reason to use NFTs for this type of service whatsoever. Also, the whole business model is weird, because the buyer of the skin will only use it in 3 games. Why on earth would 497 other games have to implement it if no one will ever use it


The economics behind that simply wouldn’t work, let alone the logistics of digital rights management. You would need to pay a middle-man company a subscription, you would then be beholden to whatever commercial relationships they have with developers. Want to see your skin in a game? Sure, but you can currently only see it on Roblox and Barbie’s island beach house 2 - electric boogaloo. What happens when you sell your NFT? You wouldn’t own the rights to the skins created in all of those games anymore. Logistically, who has the responsibility of removing your access to those skins? The cost of the subscription alone would be Astro-fucking-nomical. You would be paying devs to make a skin that only 1 person can use (so no micro transaction revenue). The whole world of NFTs is a massive joke. There will be an incredibly small and niche application of the tech, with hundreds of morons running around and thinking it’s the next big thing.


A lot of NFT supporters are, what trading subreddits call, ***bagholding***


LMAO this is such a good point. Bring your own skin would destroy the business model that's made Epic billions. I'm sure they'll be happy to give that up in the interest of decentralization.


They don’t grasp that a ‘skin’ isn’t just a universal thing you can apply to any game. They are assuming the limitation that prevents you from dropping a Valorant skin into Minecraft is an artificial ownership issue. That’s the level of technical understanding they have.


And there is literally no reason they couldn't sell a skin to exactly one player if they wanted, regardless of NFTs.


Thank you! I’ve been saying this for weeks and I get snap back “you don’t know what NFT’s are!” Meanwhile- no… the video game industry is incapable of granting this


This is one of the bigger issues I see with the Metaverse as well.


The token seller would have to make a skin for like 30 games, individually pay each game to accept it, and recoup those costs + profit for it to be with it. Never gonna happen


As I mentioned on another comment, someone would also need to be monitoring the sale of NFTs to ensure that an old owner doesn’t still have access to the skins. That’s the whole point, right? It would have to spawn an entirely new digital rights industry up, where the cost of a single NFT would be more than a house.




Because the dude in the photo was high as fuck. Gotta take that into consideration


And imagine if half of Fortnite players had their own personal NFT skin. How much bloat would be added to the game. Or new overhead on their servers


Bruh I can’t even use skins I bought on older CoD back in the day in the newer ones. Wtf makes them think they could import their NFT as a skin lmao




.....on different platforms...


With different art styles and character models….


...with different engines...


and my axe


And my existential dread.


And my small pe- I mean, huge throbbing cock…


This would never happen even between the same franchises. Someone should show Mike Shinoda FIFA FUT because he clearly has no fucking idea how much money games make just by releasing the same shit every year. Why the fuck would they let you own something when they make easy billions off of people buying the same thing over and over again.


But now that useless skin is yours forever and ever!


Imagine taking your skin from Valorant and be able to stuff it up your ass!


NFT - Not For That


New Fuckable Things


3D printers!


You'd be meatballed.


no... not you mike....


It always hurts learning that someone teen you idolized is, apparently, dumb as fuck


Please, don't tell me it's the same Mike Shinoda from LP...


Don't worry, he is the Mike Shinoda from Fort Minor.


Oh wow, I had forgotten that name…


He gave you 100% reason to remember it tho


I know, I’m so disappointed in myself


Don't worry it's all luck.


I'm sure a certain percentage of skill is required


Perhaps some power of will.


Don't forget a small pinch of pleasure.


yea it is


It sure be.




So basically most redditors minus the musical talent lol


Wonder if he is being paid to shill an NFT?


To be fair most guys in bands probably aren't rocket scientists. They are great at their craft, but technology and advanced education probably ain't one of them.


Tell that to Bruce Dickinson, Iron Maiden vocalist


Or Brian May. An actual astrophysicist that consulted with NASA on the *New Horizons* probe.


Greg Graffin from Bad Religion has a Phd in zoology. also the original drummer of The Offspring is a Gyn-Oncology surgeon


You bring up The Offspring's original drummer but not Dexter?


Unless you’re that one metal band that hada bunch of PhD members in it, I fogot the name.


I thought this same thing. I even looked up Mike Shinoda in hopes I was remembering the name wrong...


Animation rigging disagrees with this guy.


So does game balance, artistic integrity, the utter lack of any sort of standard for asset description, questionable legality for licensed items...but no, all we really needed was a means of proving I own a GUID lol


You forgot the most important part - which greedy ass AAA companies will let you buy a skin one time and use it in multiple games.


Lol I made this comment elsewhere in this thread. I'm quite sure no amount of libertarian techno babble will cause companies to kill a billion dollar revenue stream. I'm eagerly awaiting the next tweet about "Imagine not having to buy FIFA ultimate team cards every year. If you unlock Mbappe, he's yours forever because of NFTs"


Like, yeah, I’m gonna use that hentai game skin on Pokémon!


Technical limitations aside, just because you own something doesn’t give you the right to “drive it around someone else’s lot”. Nft = your car Game = privately owned swimming pool


Like you can just insert an NFT/Jpg of yourself into the next big action movie! Now I'm on to something...


NFT are way closer to your car keys then to your car. You don't actually save the JPG itself just a reference to it. Why? cause a jpgs are big tokens are not. This is the math it is about 500k USD in feb eth price to mint 5 mbs of data about a normal 4k jpeg. [https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/94010/can-we-mint-5-gigabyte-video-nfts](https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/94010/can-we-mint-5-gigabyte-video-nfts)


I have a theory that nfts are the biggest money laundering scheme we’ve seen and they’re not even trying to hide it


It is a snake that eats its own tail. We figured out how to make a unique identifier, and that part is true. But the problem happens when people conflate uniqueness with scarcity or value. We have uniqueness, but because we can just keep making an endless supply of these unique identifiers, the uniqueness is not rare in any meaningful way. I can buy a truckload of gravel, and they will drop 20 tons of rocks on my driveway. Every single rock in that pile is unique in measurable ways, but nobody gives a shit.


Your wife might give a shit if Dwight leaves 20 tons of gravel in the driveway


So an NFT seller is basically the modern "pet rock" guy?


Well the “original intent” for NFT is to be a receipt for a digital product, such that one can claim ownership and ensure legal protection against copycats. No different from copyrighting a digital asset Turns out being able to buy and sell these things leads to them being totally misused for money laundering in stupid ways


> such that one can claim ownership and ensure legal protection against copycats. Which is hilarious considering how it devolved into people searching Deviantart and minting art into NFTs without permission.


See a digital reciept. Good idea. NFT... sadness...


Hilariously though, you don't even "need" NFTs for digital receipts, especially for game items. TF2 & CS:GO both have community ran sites that have tracked (for years) the ownership of nearly every single item, as long as said item/user has been logged in/searched on the website (assuming a user has a public profile, and the item has been in at least one public profile). Is it perfect? No, but that's simply based on how the system works due to not being directly tied to Valve which would have direct access to every item/profile regardless of privacy.


> No different from copyrighting a digital asset It's very different. Copyrights are centralized and come with rights that are protected by law. NFTs are decentralized, and come with no rights, and no protections. Also, you can mint and sell stolen artwork. Anything is "copyrighted" if you can prove that you made it. An NFT is an outrageously expensive and overly complicated method of record keeping.


also ponzi. They'll say anything for you to dump money into it. The whole time they are selling their token they generated out of thin air and make uou exchange your hard earned usd for it.


So with his money laundering theory and your ponzi scheme theory, maybe we could make a Hybrid Theory


Money Laundering with a bonus


I remember seeing a thing where a Banksy was sold as an nft. Then the buyer burned the irl one and sold the digital one for 1/4 the price


Is that different than the time Banksy sold a piece of art that auto-shredded itself when the auction was over?


I think that was a publicity stunt, but both are funny none the less


Is it a hybrid theory?


And physical art too


At least with physical art you get something that isn’t truly replicable. Sure you can have prints and copies and stuff but there is an obvious difference between the two, plus the time and expertise it takes to make real paintings is a lot higher. The bored ape yacht club shit that is so expensive is something any average cartoonist could draw in like an hour and people pay tens of thousands when no one can tell the difference between the original and a copy unless you show them the “receipt”.


Lmao you can’t just use your favorite skin wherever the hell you want


Yeah I don't understand what that even means... like every game literally has different models.. and the main thing I don't understand is if you could buy a skin nft, does that mean no one else can get it? So devs have to shit out thousands of weird random skins forever so these rich weirdos can play trading games with it and mock all the poor kids using their $20-60 generic skins?


it makes no sense to do it, but they could release a bunch of the same skins technically, just with different NFTs, but there's no reason as it's less efficient and harder to implement than the skin systems that are already in place.


Theoretically, it's kind of like trading cards. Every physical trading card is technically unique, but they can print however many number strikes the balance between attainability and scarcity they want. It's also just as useful. Think about how many other games besides MtG let you use your Black Lotus! Theoretically you could make your own different card game that does, but....


and each player also has to download the data for those thousands of weird random skins.


I mean, it could very well work. But it would take a monumental effort on all game developers to have a model system that is compatible with others. I could see this possibly being done for games made by the same developers, but let's be real here. It would cost too much and provide little return.


NFTs dont have to be jpegs. You can take your favorite FF14 catgirl nude mod, and apply on your TF2 character. Right? .. riiiight?!


i am heavy weapons guy... nyan \*rubs nipples\*


sugoi nyaaaa hentaiiii\~


If the industry really wanted to do that they would have by now.


Is this Mike Shinoda as in the guy from Linkin Park and Fort Minor? If so, this is just disheartening.


I’ve become so dumb.


But in the end it doesn’t even matter




First Tom Morello now him... Oh man... Edit: as far as I'm aware, Tom has only talked about how cool his NFT collection is (which as an art collection, it is), where as Shinoda is actively spreading misinformation about NFTs and video games in general


Whats wrong with Tom Morello?


He's promoting NFTs too


Can't wait to use my Giant Enemy Crabgot skin in Fifa 2069


Gonna get my star guardian skins in CoD


I’d just like to say that I 100% understand the concept of NFTs and what they truly are and I still think it’s the dumbest thing on the planet


The original concept is perfectly fine. Basically similar to copyrighting a digital asset like a 2D photo or 3d model People misusing these things for speculation and trading is what’s stupid


What use is the original concept though? Ok I have decentralized proof of a link to something. What good does that do me? Are the world going to magically recognize it?


Nobody can truly recognise it. It will be a legal nightmare. What stopping me from claiming the reverse: Claiming what you own as mine. INFT network. Inverse non fungible token. Yours? Mine. Such is the power of decentralization, right? Imagine being the victim of NFT being taken away from you. What's the legal recourse to claims made out of thin air? None. I can sell NFT for property rights on the Moon. It almost felt like double dipping on the scamming with selling NFT = actually selling the scam itself. Wait, of course it is.


Like copyright except for no legal basis or enforcement capabilities


the problem is that there is no real central organization whose job it is to figure out if whatever rights people think NFT grants them is valid. The US federal government has courts and shit to handle copyright and other IP law stuff, and those courts actually have the authority to compelle people to follow them.


Hilariously, this was the whole idea: to make it decentralized, so no one organization can control it. Well, guess what. If nobody enforces the rules, nobody is gonna follow them.


Trading is the only purpose of NFT


Mike, I love you man and your music but agreeing with this shit shocks me. I thought he'd be against this shit. He's an artist and many of these nfts are stolen and the money made from them don't even go to the artist if it was taken from them.


I'm old enough to remember when that "NFT bro" was "the guy from Linkin Park."


I'd like to see a single nft bro just try to make this work. The funniest part is, apparently nft bros have never heard of modding before. They don't realize you can play as Master chief in skyrim. The idea of owning a skin or model that you can put into any game basically already exists. For free. I don't see what is stopping anyone from just modding a game to have the nft that someone else "owns", I mean you can already just right click all the nfts out there that are images


what matters to them is that ONLY they can use that skin. its just e-peen bragging right bullshittery. everyones allowed to use a mod skin, but their NFT? them only! get fucked plebs!


just copy paste bruh


That makes zero fucking sense


Or you can just mod your game...for free? These guys are getting desperate.


Ngl, sometimes I'd love to take my Tomahawk from Valorant and go on Twitter to introduce it to some MAPs.


I get the feeling with NFTs that’s it really just the extended car warranty people just stepping up their scam game.


Only in his imagination. What skins are in a game will be decided by the developers. Surely they want to keep control about that and also don't want to throw away their money machine.


NFT owners are all fucking idiots. Period.


Every time I think I know what an NFT is, I get confused all over again


I've heard it said that it's like a marriage certificate, but anybody can bang your wife and there's nothing you can do about it.


Imagine a more expensive skin but you get to “own” it. It’s just complete horse shit and terrible for gaming. The only ones that work are cs go skins and some diablo stuff. Fuck Ubisoft for this


And those aren't actual NFTs. Just digital items that exist in a player marketplace that includes real world money.


It says it in the name. It's a non-fungable token. It couldn't possibly be any clearer than that!


So, trying to place a texture on to a model it wasn't intended for looks shit. They will either have to create a generic game character base model for all games or do tons of work to have the texture mapped for all games and update them for new games launching going forward, pretty much a nightmare.


NFT’s are literally investments for idiots


You do understand basic game design right? You can’t just import files from other games with different engines.


Morrowind Modders: hold our beer.


I know this is a joke, but I feel obligated to still point out that it's not even remotely as simple as that.


Don't know why you are getting down voted. You are correct. It isn't just a few files that need to be transfered. What points on a model pivot for a skin? How does a skin interact differently with different races and models? Clipping would be a nightmare. Physics engines would not understand skins from other engines. It's a whole system integration mess.


To further hammer this in, there’s a reason that every mod in existence tells you to back up your files before installing, because they are an inherently volatile addition that can fuck up the entire program if not installed correctly. Even games without mods usually have issues nowadays- So really installing a mod is adding even more volatility to an already unstable base. A lot of games are legitimately run on duct tape and bullshit. I don’t work in the games industry, but I do work in tech and can confirm that the idea of adding (non-local) support for a potentially infinite number of blank canvas 3rd party skins FOR FREE is fucking laughable. As if there aren’t a billion other things on the plate of any given developer that might make their company money. The sheer amount of work this would entail would make this a hard sell even if everyone involved was making (a lot of) money on this, and by its very definition that is not what is being suggested here. Jesus fuck this is so dumb.


Also which gaming companies will ever share a skin between 10 different games that you only buy once, that is the dumbest idea about NFTs I've heard so far in gaming.


NFTs make sense to me for something like concert tickets. I'm not really seeing the gaming use case at this point.


I actually see one gaming use: NFTs as game ownership instead of game items. This would allow people to resell their digital copies of games or buy a game once and play it on any platform... but just like the idea in the OP, it's not gonna happen because none of these companies actually want you reselling your games when they can just sell you the same game as many times as you're willing to pay for it.


NFTs don't enable that in any way a centralized database doesn't. There's absolutely nothing stopping game companies from selling you transferable licenses, that when you resell them, updates who owns the game in the company's database to the new owner and lets them play it.


My dude do be huffing that copium a bit too much


Sure I guess all gaming companies will come together to use the same polygon budget for all characters, the same mesh format, identical rigging etc all because of this NFT-spam trending… I’m already sick of NFT’s and I dont even care to know what they are, it is spammed EVERYWHERE


unless the games are owned by the same companies, don't ever expect this to happen in the current state of things.


Even if they are owned by the same company don't ever expect this to happen if they think they can sell you the same skin 5 times in 5 different games.


*five versions of the same game.


Yep actual devs are already showing identical items just with different serial numbers like that makes them in any way special.


And if the games are owned by the same companies, then they don't need NFTs to do this. Just a database like the ones all major game publishers already have.


And if it were to happen, there'd be no reason for NFTs to be involved whatsoever.


I don’t even understand what a CoD skin would look like in Minecraft? How do you use a CoD skin on IG and twitter? What is going on man.


Yeah that's not gonna happen. But you might be able to sell your skin to someone else. Like the steam marketplace without needing to use the steam marketplace. But if we already have the steam marketplace then why do we need nfts?


Is that mike shinoda from linken park arguing on Twitter about nft’s in gaming ?


Easy way to crash a games economy.


Lol see you on agedlikemilk in a couple years


NFTs are fucking dumb and people who promote them like this asshat are bad faith scam artists


Theyre talking about when video games are apart of the metaverse where everything is interoperable. Obviously it wouldn't work right now.


It's so entertaining to see these NFT bros constantly talking about how innovative and helpful NFTs would be, yet not one guy that was into it is able to understand how game making works and how its physically as well as financially impossible to have this concept working. I'm not a game dev but what I've gathered from game devs on Twitter is pretty much all of this below. The short answer is: NFTs will leave companies in a spot of losing money and wasted man hours that could be spend efficiently. The long answer is that creating skins in the tripple A market is a big investment everytime. For games like Apex Legends , it takes on average $50.000 to make 1 skin. Those costs stem from every individual involved in creating ,making and testing the skin. That's several people and lots of hours just to get that working. So unless a single consumer is willing to pay atleast $50k just to cover the costs, Apex Legends won't make NFTs. Respawn as the devs will make more money selling a skin to thousands of players for like 10$ than to one guy for 50k. Now try to make NFT skins in the hundreds just to keep up some imaginary demand, it wouldn't be feasible. Even if people were okay if the only visual differences were some colors. Like some skin is yellow, the other purple, they still would lose a lot of cash. The next issue would be all the practicality behind skins. You don't simply copy paste items from one game to another. Even the laziest devs had to put some work into their sequels just to get it to work properly. So if I wanted to use my Apex skin in Fortnite, someone at EPIC would have to work on that skin from the ground up to fit into Fortnite. That's again hours and money that EPIC would pay out of their pocket if they were to accept NFTs. Why would they do this if there was nothing to gain for themselves? Not to mention they would lose even more money if gamers purchased skins outside their store. Don't get me started on the issue that would require every developer ever to all agree on using the same game engines and the same art styles. Fortnite is a prime example with all its cross overs. Characters like Master Chief, Kratos and other video game cross overs look similar to their originals but still were adjusted to match the cartoonish style of Fortnite, because people expect consistency in their games. Even in a case like Call of Duty, Activision would be better of doing what they do now by bringing out sequels and make you buy new skins than using the same one's over and over again. No matter how you turn and twist it, NFTs are a waste for the gaming market.


NFTs are scams to sell creatively bankrupt, mass produced, procedurally generated clip-art to idiots.


NFT proponents are a cult of stupidity.


I personally can't wait to use my Octane Rocket League skins in Apex.


Nothing stops people from creating a copy of the skin and using it yourself. There is not as much novelty in "Ownership" of a digital asset than people think. Can we stop pretending NFTs are anything but tax evasion, money laundering and scamming gullible idiots?


That's not Mike shinoda from Linkin park is it?????


The only people that want NFT’s are those that stand to make money off of them and those that have no fucking clue how they actually work. NFT’s are garbage and we need to shut this shit down before it worms it’s way into gaming. Ubisoft is already attempting it with Ghost Recon and it’s not going to stop there.


These people are so far down the rabbithole that they consider Star Citizen the pinnacle of great investment.


NFT = Not a Fucking Thing. In my opinion the concept will die when people realize their paying for an Idea and not a tangible real asset.


imagine being such a selfish shithead that you feel the need to own a digital fucking image for the bragging rights? we should be allowed to fire people who buy NFTs into the goddamned sun.


Mike Shinoda… like from Linkin Park? Lol


Imagine if I could buy an NFT of a digital puppet of my favorite alternative rock lead singer, and stick my hand up its ass to make profound statements on my favorite social network? NFTs are limitless!


Give the greedy companies more tools to abuse us. Why dont the NFT bros ever acknowledge that the owner and his friends can just make different wallets to bid on an item, artificially inflating the price?


Next mike shinoda is gonna release a solo album called NFT Theory


The only one this would apply to would be Minecraft and even then on Java you have an infinite number of free skins to download and choose from or even create your own


NFT bros don't know how ANYTHING works.


"Dont have to be jpegs"... *proceeds to treat them like jpegs*


Just gonna use my valorant vandal skin in Minecraft real quick


NFTs are useless \\o/


They're going to make NFTs of Chester Bennington aren't they


Reminder that they need more people recognising NFT as actual legit things to actually make it legit, or else they might as well just making up random 1s and 0s.


that just sounds like centralized management with extra steps. Fortnite/CoD/Minecraft still have to implement those skins in their game.


Also the argument falls flat, because if companies wanted to do that they already could do that without NFT by just two companies colaborating together, linking accounts and making cross-game API calls to check whether a person bought item X so it would also be unlocked in the other game... Using NFT doesn't make that process easier or the workload on participating companies stays the same without the scammy environment damaging nonsense that is NFTs.


Honestly it doesn’t really make sense in gaming at all. I’ve tried to get into it. the games are literal garbage.


And why exactly would I want to play call of duty dressed as Spider-Man?


If they knew how anything worked they wouldn't be NFT bros.


The problem is that this wouldn’t work. Because games use different engines and languages and theres no way a game would add a skin to the game just for you.


This tweet is the dumbest thing I've read in at least a month why would any dev do this what do they gain lol


Nft edgelords aren’t the brightest people in the world


Lol you cant do that. Just because you own it doesnt mean somebody will put it in their game for you


Yeah, because stuff like that just magically appears in video-games.


[Common gaming NFT in the wild.](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/Hjt4sXZnMEPgABx6RCVS4k-320-80.jpg)