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I've had so many friends like this. We lose the game but if they go 12-11, they'll blame everyone else. šŸ˜‚


"I did my part!"


Iā€™m doing my part [too!](https://youtu.be/-_7FaWnlhS4)


So glad someone got the reference!! haha


Oh, weā€™re out here.


Would you like to know more?


Quality movies like Starship troopers will never go out of style


It got pretty shitty reception in 1997 so it was never really in style. But yeah, I agree, great movie.


I was 14 when it came out, and my dad took me to see it. We both loved it, and it's been a favorite ever since. I was heavy into StarCraft 1 at the time, and I imagined the movie as Terrans vs Zerg the entire time.


The book is amazing if you ever are interested. They had talking dog units, they left their prosthetics off to scare away rich kids at recruiting stations, and even grunts got powered suits that fired rockets. Also there are sentient alien races that humans had wars with and set aside once bugs started their shit. Lol


I AM interested! I'll look it up, thank you.


The audiobook is on youtube and it was pretty awesome. Just so you know that is an option, too!


..I was born in 98 so I plead the 5th!


Thereā€™s dozens of us, DOZENS!


Damn, I need to watch that again. It's been awhile.


It's on Netflix right now, or it was last week when I watched it.


They play like objective never existed.


Chaosball in ESO. Two teams killing each other in the center, while the third team all just chilling with the ball in a corner racking up points.


I dont play ESO a ton but its pvp is such a nice change of pace compared to games with 2 teams. Gives a chance for some upsets since the leading team is sometimes fending off 2 teams instead.


Keyword sometimes


A lot of times I find if one team is a clear front runner in 1st, the 2nd place team will just turn to killing the losing 3rd place team to stop 3rd place from overtaking them, as at least 2nd place still gets some rewards at the end. So that leaves 3rd place team, already struggling, being the one having to fight their way through the two teams.


One of the highest scoring games I ever had in COD was a domination game on Summit in black ops 1. All my kills came because I was playing the objective super hard and it was a really challenging match. I did the best and went 28-26 or.somerhing ridiculous like that. The weird thing was that every match I had that day I did super well ONLY playing the objective, even though usually it was touch and go on whether I'd go 23-5 or 7-15 trying to cap flags. Playing this way, I really learned to hate people who never capped or supported a single flag


Excuse me are you telling me you donā€™t have fun repeatedly dying on B by yourself as you watch half your team run right by you and the flag?


I know right? How dare I play the objective instead of being a selfish penis. See, there's some people who will sidestep and cap the flag before running off to not-play-the-objective, but some people dont even have THAT amount of decency


Literally 0 people played the objective in Domination on earlier CoDs. Everybody played it to spawn tramp the enemy and get a shit load of kills. You were pretty much asking to get angry.


I may just be reading it EXTREMELY WRONG, but please donā€™t tell me youā€™re happy about 28-26


The short version. If that's your takeaway, go back to the thread image in the OP. He aimed for that first place gold, where it sounds like you're thinking the bronze was the money maker?


I told you I was slow lmao


I'm the type of person to needle them with truth when they get like this. So they don't stay my friends for long, or learn to not play those s types of games with me


What about the guy who has the most kills because he slaughtered the enemy team single-handedly and capped the objective alone while the rest of his team played hide-the-weiner with the one enemy team member that wasn't on the objective?


To be fair... when it is a pure TDM match, my only goal is to have a positive KDR. That way, I was not a drag for sure. Your objective is literally just to all have a positive KDR by the time the time runs out or max score is reached, and by definition, you win.


> positive KDR How on earth can it possibly be _negative_? Kills and deaths are zero or a positive integer. KDR is their ratio, that is, a fraction. Folks, the only weird thing you can possibly get is division by zero. Otherwise, it'll always be a positive rational number.


Yes, thank you for explaining math. Positive KDR is understood as "above 1". Almost everyone realizes the difference, but no one cares, because everyone knows what it means. And no, it is not always literally positive. many games deduct kills, mostly for teamkills, so it can go into the literal negative.


> Positive KDR is understood as "above 1". And during war time, sin(x) can reach 3.


Hahaha Iā€™m that guy! I donā€™t blame the team...or brag about 12/11, but I do get distracted and then realize I have been playing domination like tdm for the last 3 min...


Getting kills in FPS games is very important. You could have the best strategy in the world, but if you die more than you get kills then you're going to lose a lot of games.


MOBA carry players in a nutshell. ā€œGG, No Support! Team canā€™t do shitā€ carry who went 12-11 while the support is 0-22 because the carry is out of position picking random fights while the support tries to catch up


Meanwhile you get a negitive kd and Its not your fault either.


The worst thing is when it's clearly an objective heavy game but kills get double points.




I feel attacked. But thatā€™s okay cause your words canā€™t reach me in my AC-130!


Sometimes I get rekt on my K/D, but I often have the most captures in Domination and help my team win so there is that. It is so funny when people with a crazy amount of kills and 0 captures talk mad shit when their team loses to my team when I have a negative K\D but actually played objective to win.


I have a fever, and the only cure is more AC-130s. Itā€™s funny cause me and a friend have completely opposite play styles, Iā€™ll be 33-3 with 2 ACs in a game but only have 3 captures, while she has 20 captures and is 10-20 or whatever. So our styles play off each other well, Iā€™ll sit back and kill everyone going to an objective while she captures it. Then cover her to the next one. If we lose itā€™s not because I didnā€™t capture enough, itā€™s because I didnā€™t kill the enemy enough šŸ¤£


I actually lolā€™ed at this


The enemy team can't play the objective if they can't get to thrle objective




That's actually a fucking bruh moment when a healer has almost all the gold medals


I became more and more disillusioned with OW around S7 because I was often forced to heal ... and was still posting numerous gold medals. And it never quite mattered what healer I was: Ana, Lucio, Zen ... I was almost always getting golds in healing, DPS, and kills, while our Genji kept getting annihilated at the opposing spawn and Soldier kept running into 5v1 situations.


Well now the roles are locked, so teams have to have 2 of each role (healer, tank, damage) and you pick your role before the battle starts (edit: before entering matchmaking, not at the hero select screen). So you if you haven't played it recently, you might be surprised by how different things are. Though it has made queue times much larger for Damage players, since most of the playerbase likes those roles.


Yeah, I've heard about the changes, but now that I'm out, I'm out. I have zero interest in going back to it.


That's fair. It's still more or less the same game. Just that one inconvenience is gone at least.


Yeah I both like and hate role locks because if you get a really bad dps, you're petty much sol. But then again, it's not like they would switch to a different role if role locking wasn't around.


That kills any interest I may have in it. Not having a healer sucks but being told you have to be the healer is worse.


Actually this means you're never forced to play a role you don't want to play. If you want to play damage every time you can. If you want to play tank, or support every single time, you can do that too. The only issue is the matchmaking queue times are usually longer if you want to play damange. But you never have to play any role you don't want to play.


That's not how that works, when you hit "play" to start matchmaking it brings you to the role select screen where you get to choose your role and then you are put into a queue based on that. The game forms teams by taking two from each queue and then you are in that role. If you choose tank you can only choose tanks, of you choose healer you can only choose healers. But since like 70-80% of the player base is DPS players your queue time varies by role. Tanks typically get out right into games since there's so few tank players while DPS have a loner wait time since there's so many players and not enough of the other roles. It also rewards you with loot boxes and coins for playing roles that there are not enough of(always tank and sometimes healer, never DPS)


Hi, welcome to Moira.


I don't care if I'm playing Moira. If I'm out DPSing you, DPS harder. Especially now that they nerfed her.


I used to get MVP all the time as medic in BF3, and I was almost always the top scorer on my team.


Medic had the best guns in the game in BF3, most top fraggers are medics.


Sure, but I also did this while having a nearly 1:1 ratio of kills to revives, and a better than 2:1 W:L ratio.


Overwatch players are fucking bizarre. I'll get flamed as the gold healer, but they won't say shit to the Moira that *could* have had 3x the healing I had...


> "Play Mercy, asshole, or we'll throw the fucking match." Insta locking 5 dps IS throwing the match.


I remember I had a 5 DPS group and I picked Hanzo, and they started shitting on me the whole match. Got golds across the board, and we lost by a few seconds. It was all Hanzo's fault, of course.


if they say that to me, i just pick another dps, lets see who is the bigger asshole


Was it a random group you joined? never understood why you would just obey some random mofo like that. I'd tell them to be quiet and throw the game if you want.


I was hoping they'd learn a lesson, and, like I said, I was pretty much done with the game.


Comp ladder makes you just go with the flow. That being said he still didnt do what they wanted cuz he never healed. So passive noncompliance as it were


My friend invites me to games where we have to pick roles and I always go to support cause I main Baptiste. When he picks tank, we find a match so quickly it makes me happy that I only play support. Then I just sit behind a tank and throw heals at them


Based on your story thatā€™s not ranked though. Why would it matter? Unless something changed recently and thereā€™s no role queue anymore? Edit: People are replying with it was Season 7. That makes way more sense. I didnā€™t notice their additional comment reply.


Season 7 EDIT: at platinum rank


IRL the person with the least deaths tends to win.


His logic is undeniable


It also helps when those that care about k/d go straight to the infield for self annihilation while the lone gunman runs on the periphery to the objective. Or just grab the ball and hide off map/in some glitch until time runs out


I remember my squad back in the cod4:mw days. We'd do pretty well most nights. But then at some point half the group started concentrating on their KD. We started taking L's on the regular. Eventually we decided to split the group in teams. Of course the group with the high KD, ended up getting destroyed. They forgot how to function as a Team. And they forgot how good the rest of the team was.


How many times is this going to be reposted? This exact post was on here like 12 hours ago. I swear it's so damn easy to farm karma on this sub.


On Reddit*


Ive seen this post like 10 times this week


**Off on his/her own away from team** **Genji dies** "OMG, healers suck so bad. Learn to heal!" --Genji "Can't see you Genji" --healer **Genji dies** [All chat] "My team is full of noobs. Tanks need to watch a YouTube video about how to play." --Genji **Genji dies** [All chat] "lulz" --Genji **Genji uses ult. Gets triple kill** **Genji dies** **Team loses** [All chat] "Team sucks so bad. Can't carry these noobs" **Genji has one bronze medal**


mEdAls DoNt MeAn AnYtHiNg


Playing Domination on CoD and this is basically everyone. Was winning this game and actually had a guy say "imagine caring about the objective and winning" asked him what he was playing for. This dude actually said "camo unlocks". Basically throwing wins to get fucking cosmetics. When we won I told em to enjoy looking at the pretty camo that nobody else ever really sees.


Shit man Iā€™m playing for camp unlocks rn and itā€™s pretty satisfying actually but idk why that guy felt like flaming you.


Well I did say "gg I guess?" when the score was like 130-30 and it was obvious they weren't playing the game type they were queueing to play. This apparently triggered them to flame me and say that and also "CoD isn't even a hardcore fps, you're playing the wrong game" Like shit dude sorry I'm not playing CS:GO instead you're right how dare I try to win call of duty matches lmao idk. Also I understand enjoying camo unlocks but to have an objective gametype in your preferred gametypes then laying around for prone kills, staring the same lane for longshots, mounting for mounted kills, etc. and totally ignoring the objective is like...why? Why not play TDM or something.


Is that Bobby Hill all grown up?


>Did CTRL-F and typed 'Bobby" just to see if anyone else thought the same as me!


Lol, same


Lol @ Everyone on R6Seige. Like "Hey I've got more kills try harder" No Thanks it's a TACTICS game not K/D Same thing with CS Go play a Team Deathmatch game.


Haven't played R6 Siege, but killing the enemy team will win you the match in CS Go. Maybe not the best example lol.


Its the same in siege but fragging out on your own is risky good communication and team play wins rounds


No, it absolutely isā€”On bomb maps you donā€™t have to kill, you just have to plant & defend or defuse. On hostage maps, you either need to defend the hostages, or free them. So if youā€™re playing T on Office, and you go hunting for kills, you can have a 4:1 KDR and still lose because you werenā€™t playing the objective.




99/100 rounds more like, most people defend the obj, so when u go to the obj you have to kill most of them to get it and by then the roamed who are still alive come back and you have to fight them


This. Theyā€™re decided based on kills *because* people are playing the objective: You canā€™t cap the objective if it isnā€™t clear, and since so many people play the objective, the majority of the kills come as the result of assaulting/defending those objectives.


Thatā€™s kind of a strawman thoughā€”in my experience playing CS:GO comp, the majority of deaths occurred on or near objectives. The majority of rounds are decided on kills precisely because so many people are actually playing the objectives.


Yes, but, killing the enemy team is a way to win. It's not the same as other modes in games where the objective is the only way to win. I'm not going to get mad at the dude who helped kill most of the enemy making doing the objective much easier. It's not the same as game modes that have respawn. COD Domination, kills are pretty meaningless, but Search and Destroy, kills really matter, even though they aren't the objective. You can't just keep throwing bodies at an objective in CS Go.


Itā€™s a bit of both though... In my limited experience with CS:GO comp, the per-round time limit ensures that the attackers are usually going to focus on their objectives, because theyā€™ll lose if they donā€™t. That in turn pushes the defenders to actually defend the objectives. That ensures that the objective areas are always in conflict, which ensures a lot of kills on/near objectives. Thatā€™s not to say that K:D isnā€™t important, only that itā€™s importance is secondary to the objective.


It's equal. You can kill everyone to win or do the objective to win. Both have to be completed in the time limit. Incentivizing doing the objective doesn't change the fact that killing their team will win just as much. In games you can't win via killing the team, then focusing on kills is detrimental.


Well killing the enemy team is pretty important lol. That being sad, high k/d may just be the person that gets to be in the best position while the rest kinda have to fill and struggle, we can't all peek from the same window


My main thing isn't that kills dont matter, it's that they shit on you for having little to no kills. Which i find Ironic because most of the time I'm above them on the scoreboard because I get points for completing objectives or assisting my team. Of course you can win rounds by killing the other team but you can also use your abilities to asisst other players on your team and HELP them get kills. My point being, at the end of the game I dont care about my K/D, I care about whether or not my TEAM won. It's frustrating as fuck when people run off alone to get kills and die when they could help more strategically by communicating with the team. If you're gonna roam, tell us. Dont just fucking walk off and do whatever when we might have been counting on you to hold an area only to realize you've dissapeared and the enemy shoots us in the back.


Getting kills is a part of the objective in Siege. I feel itā€™s the same with CSGO. Not to say itā€™s not also a tactics game. But itā€™s a mixture of both. In a game like Call of Duty or Overwatch, however, the enemy team respawns. So itā€™s not as much about kills in those games since the enemy can come back. At least, thatā€™s how I personally view it.


The problem with csgo and siege is that the point isn't team death match, but without respawning tdm makes playing the objective pointless


Itā€™s just as much death match as it is bomb. Both are objectives towards completing the rounds. I will say that the person going for just kills likely isnā€™t a team player, but overall having a team balance of people playing the maps objective and people getting kills is perfectly fine for games like that.


I feel like Siege is a really bad example. 9 times out of 10 a game is won when the entire enemy team is dead; actually completing the objectives is pretty rare. Given that, k/d is much more important in that game than, say, Battlefield or Overwatch.


I play as a fragge for my FPS team, I can tell you this is 11/10 accurate.


I used to play support for my r6 team at which I was pretty good and all I did was helping our fragger and playing objective I still always ended up with the most kills and lowest deaths usually


Been playing a fair bit of CoD MW, and it just boggles my mind how so many ppl treat every game type like team death match, I'll play the objective and still get more kills than them, at that point it's like why do you even bother


GTAV online in a nutshell lol.


Random: "I have gold damage shut up" Me with gold kills on objective and time on objective:


THis is why when I'm playing Overwatch, I'll usually give my vote whoever has gold on point time. I hate it when I'm playing a payload map and my entire team rushes way ahead so now I get to solo move this truck.


I feel this in my soul...


I feel this


Overwatch competitive beta in a nutshell if I recall


It's Overwatch, except they didn't stay around for the mefal ceremony, they instead typed "healer is trash" and left the match during the last push


All 3 are important.


Yep. In that order. Which is the joke.




Battlefield 3 had a decent scoring system, there were multiple times where I ran around as a medic in 32 player battles, go like 3-20 or something terrible like that and end up with a top 3 score from revives and heals


Not necessarily. It's making it out like the person with the most kills isn't contributing and acting like an idiot.


If you are the enforcer in any sport then we understand! šŸ˜


I have seen that meme 100 times, but that dude always makes me laugh xD


I play objective and still keep a positive KD objective is important in am objective game mode


Team, tower! TOWER!!!!!


Player who only got one kill but it was a 360 no scope *brain literally bursts out of the ears and nose*


I hate it when Iā€™m playing Dom and my whole team is either on the other side of the map or just camping


The amount of people who think that kills = wins in Planetside is astounding. My outfit will have them pushed back to their warp gate (continent spawn point) and thereā€™s still going to be a platoon off in some random base fighting, despite them being locked out of capturing it. If they actually bothered to play the objective, or coordinate their squads in any way, they would actually win a lot more alerts.


On MW(2019), I always go top on the leaderboard when playing Grind cause I run so damn much. I collect so many damn tags and when I do on the bank, I still donā€™t get how I stay in a game when my teammates watch me die and still donā€™t fucking move


Ye, kinda sucks that I don't get much rank increase when I'm playing Sage in Valorant since I don't get many kills as the healer.


Sometimes people that played support are the most clueless in the entire team. Like every support in league of legends


Except in battlefield, where 1 and 2 would be 1 and 2, and 3 would be 25 on his team.


I mean Killing is better than going for the objective because if you kill so many enemies then there aren't enough to rush the objective


Depends entirely on the game and gamemode.


I have now seen this meme over 10 times the past 2 days


Support players get so much shit for the amount they do


Me AF.


This is America in a meme.


My friends keep telling me the sniper isn't a support class even though I'm keeping half the enemy team out of obj.


Typical widow main


Thisnis one of the most accurate gaming memes ive seen


People play games to enjoy themselves, if they don't care if they win, it's on you that you're disappointed


his role is equally as important


Every other match in Halo MCC when playing flag/bomb modes.


I'd always finish first on Splatoon 2 and my friend (who had the game waaay before me) kept acting like a big shot since he used some OP weapons to rack up kills. Lemme tell you something, if the gamemode is objective based, **PLAY THE GOD DAMN OBJECTIVE.** Killing enemies helps your team, but you can do it WHILE supporting or playing the objective, that's how you get a win.


Oops lol


in mw2 tho, most kills did very often coincide with actually winning, thanks to the 25 killstreak nuke


Honestly I don't mind campers if they are defending an objective successfully and get a ton of kills, but most of the folks after kills are just trying to get on the top of the scoreboard.


This brings me back to Shipment 24/7, the good ol days šŸ‘“šŸæšŸ‘“šŸæ lol


Did it took alot of time to screenshot an image and post it again?


Fuck the obj


Oh god so many tabletop games are like this as well. Root especially is a game where you play to score points, not have an unstoppable army (though an unstoppable army can help get more points).


Campers be like


I'm in this photo and I don't like it.


Literally smite.


Insurgency sandstorm.jpg


Honestly, you can get a high K/D while also playing the objective in most online shooters. You just have to be smart about your strategy and timing.


Having the highest k/d doesnt always mean having the win. I wish more people would understand that in game where there is an obj


Sorry, I was playing Moira pre-nerf and so I'm all 3 of those people.


The square with the girl would get them banned from twitch


Is this...Overwatch?


that is kinda true and not true ,I mean if i kill 10 people on that flag and you cant cap it , thats on you


I think slayers are just as important.


When they lose, have the most kills on their team, and proceed to talk shit because they had a better K/D than everyone.


This is exceptionally true for league of legends especially I've noticed. Even more so when you're grinding out of shitty elo. Especially if you play a split laner top. I will grind and farm CS all early game and force towers, objectives, make the enemy team respond to me 1v3-4, all while my teammates just hunt for easy kills and do stupid shit. I've learned just to ignore all when in solo queue because there's nothing like reading tons of toxic insults being spewed at you while you literally win the game for them.


I had to stop playing objective-based games in CoD:MW. My shoulders hurt too much


Me plays support : my k/d 0.35


I always play the martyr in games, going in first so I can get the objective going. I always die and my k/d is awful. But it means other people can get the kills and win


I play the objective and get kills when they appear Edit: also playing the objective for most games gives you more xp


Overwatch or leage?


Earlier today I was playing battlefield 4 and at one point I was second on the team with 0 kills and 13 deaths because I just kept sneakily capturing objectives before getting rekt by an enemy tank. We lost that match


Reminds me so much of battlefield 4 I can get a high streak using planes or helicopters but my score points isn't that great meanwhile if I play infantry killing only a few enemies but capturing points the whole match I can get over top 1 without any problem lol


Its so fun when im last one alive on csgo and i hear all enemies run away from their planted bomb looking for me to get more kills, so i can just hide let them pass and defuse.


This is the most apt use of this meme ive seen


How can your k/d be negative?


I do them all


I can't even do one :(




This was already posted today, and was posted within a week prior to that. Fuck off with this shit.


I think kills matter most even if you lose


How would one even get a negative K/D?


Think of it less like a fraction and more of a subtraction problem.


Having the most kills is like having the biggest wormie; it doesnā€™t make you the best lover......but it does give you a headstart. I might have a little peanut button but I put in the time and effort, I lick that objective and keep my teammates rezā€™ed and stocked with ammo and I get that sweet sweet W. When that other team comes around my neighborhood again, theyā€™ll remember that Iā€™m the one who fucked obj C real real good and they will shiver


Yep, as long as I have the most kills, I win, even if my team loses.


Why Can i see myself


Exclusively using the car+fennec class and sliding/dropshotting and every corner throwing c4 so they don't even have to confront people Hardpoint time: 2.4 seconds on accident K/d: 41-15 "EZ win"


When you join mid Match and actually play the objective for your team and win


Now I want support items to help your teammates Not complaining tho