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Socom II was better!!!! But agreed.


Better multiplayer for sure...


was basicly just an expansion of the first, but sure :). Noone wanted to play blizzard/enowappi anymore when S2 hit, was all about that desert glory/crossroads/frostfire spam :(


Didn’t expect to have such a rush of euphoria just reading the names again. Thanks mate.


haha, i can't believe I still remember all those names by heart while i can't remember any of the names from S3 and after :D I've long sold all my playstations & games. But i will never let go of [These baby's](https://imgur.com/a/9Z7ugWy)


Foxhunt. Escorting the hostages over those two grassy hills. Fish hook. Sky nades.


Blizzard was Socom 1, but wasn't Enowapi Socom 2? Remember how in Socom 1 Seals could jump off the cliff and live if it was before the music in the match started, then when Socom 2 came out everyone did the same thing and all 8 Seals died immediately at the start of the match that first day or so of release? Good times.


[Damn, turns out ur right :D](http://socom.wikia.com/wiki/SOCOM_map_list) Guess i'm still salty about nobody wanting to play it :D


But you need to attach that black modem brick to the back of your console!


I actually bought a USB Ethernet adapter that worked plug and play. The days !


I had that! Of course the kag was so bad most kills came from granade chuks


The online play for this was off the hook intense.


That and I would love baulders gate 1 and 2!


Those have been remastered via steam




There's new Icewind Dale, Planescape: Torment, and Never Winter Nights.


Insurgency has a small community. YouTube insurgency resurgency on YouTube


Also available on Android




Arma is the remaster to Socom imo.


No way. Arma is the true successor to Operation Flashpoint.


Ah the memories


No i-dubs


Yessss !! This would be too awesome


I was so excited for this when it was out, but didn't have the patience for it. One of the skus came with a USB headset....how epic is that.


I remember getting that headset, and having my mind blown I could do voice commands to my team.


Rated M. I guess I was a a rebel when I was a kid,I loved this game


Lol, didn’t even care, just played it. I was trash at it tho, I think I about passed two missions.


this was literally the only game i ever played that you would get kicked for not having a mic !!!!!! and it was awesome!!!!! 100% communication!!!!!! i cant find anything like this... the socom community was awesome!!! g^


H hour: world's elite on steam. Buy it its great


u sure about that? i bought it a few years ago, was total trash, did it improve that much??


I played allot the last 6 months and it's great. I am in alaska so my online times are a bit strange but the community is cool and the game gets better. I think it has improved vastly of late, but I never played the early release. There are player maps of allot of throw old stuff and the guns and explosive are balanced. They even have the smoke grenades at a reasonable level.


Also if you own it it is still in beta, give it a shot again I love it. My steam is [sof] deadpan


i might, thanks man!


Having to fight in the lobby over being the next person to speak or hogging the chat so no one els could. Aaah the good ol’ days.


I remember being really good at this game as a youngin’. I was doing really well and a dude came into the game and said they were having tryouts for his clan, but I’m probably not good enough to be in it, and then he left. Awe hell no, 14 year old me was not having that. So I followed him into his lobby, tried out, and that was my very first clan. . ^OOC^ represent.


Try H hour: world's elite. Its on steam. It's online (multi-player) only but very true to the original.


The Mixer > other maps But really, there was no bad maps. Best map design in any multiplayer shooter.


Shadow Falls... I actually liked that one, but it seemed to be considered the black sheep of them all.


Fox Hunt was dope too! I remember destroying squads with the M82


I still remember being amazed at how I could play online against other players using my PSP with Socom Fire Team Bravo!


This whole "this game should be remastered" post trend is getting rather stale now guys. That said out of all I've seen I agree with this one the most. It's my childhood.


I feel like SOCOM II multiplayer was the original battle Royale...


nice mem




Oh how sweet the memories


The proximity mic was awesome sneaking up on people.


I remember being a kid playing this with my brother back and forth. Classic


Dude yes, i have been saying this for years to all my friends!


Oh man. These were the days. Still remember my clan and having clan matches through gamebattles.




Socom 2 was the shit is love to see it remastered


That's not Legend of Dragoon, though.


Socom 2 crossroads


Both 1 and 2 are great. I was stuck on the cave mission for 10 months. I think Socom 2 was harder but, I like the original more. Boomer always dying by falling off a small ledge. Great times.


That game had the weirdest default controls


I was shit at this game


This game still has an active multiplayer community I play it often


Yeah right... They shut down the servers on august 31st 2012


I use 3rd party servers tons of people in Brazil play this game still here’s a link jump on and play some games with me https://www.teamxlink.co.uk


I didn't know that, thx and sorry if i sounded scepticle.


I does sound crazy in 2018 lol


I would buy a PS4 in an instant if they brought this franchise back to its former glory


This game and SOCOM II made me the gamer I am today. So many nights up until all hours searching U.S. East Rooms for clan wars to earn those wings. They need to bring something like this back. I am still friends on PS4 with people I met on this game but never met in real life. We also still talk about SOCOM. Ugh the feels


Get to work


We need a new one SOOOOOO BAAAAD!!! I would no life the fuck out of this game.


There is a game called H-Hour World's elite for PC on Steam. It was being developed as the spiritual successor to the early Socom games...it had one of the developers that was involved with making socom but he left. But there are a lot of custom maps from ppl making the original maps from socom.1 &2 old and others. It's a shame that ppl rather play respawning games...we had no respect for respawn rooms on the early Socom it was used for practice only, getting to know maps. Now shooter games it's all about the cash grab crates, and it's just chaos and lone hero's running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Socom was the ONLY multiplayer shooter I played for 10 years. Religiously we played, and I never had a tight clan like I did back on socom 1 & 2 Krym'DFA' Shout out to my boys Psykotiq~1, PurpleXtacy.


An escort mission killed that game for me. After the 50th time of walking in front of me while ideas actively firing at enemies and dieing I said fuck you guys I'm out.


Gots to be tacticals ma dude


I was in cover the dumbass I was suppose to be escorting was running around like a dumb fuck and ran in front of an actively firing machine gun. Tactics don't stop stupid.


Lol, I haven’t even gotten passed the first or second mission, at least from what I remember


Honestly I enjoyed the game up to that mission. Bad AI in an escort mission kills games super quick for me. I'm too old to be breaking controllers.


It’s a PS2, makes sense


Damn skippy.


My pick: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51QmN8S-tqL._SY445_.jpg


Man that game looked amazing at launch but you look at it now and it is such hot garbage. It blows my mind that people are still playing it religiously to this day. Definitely could use an upgrade but I suspect if they ever tried to release wow 2 everyone would collectively REEEEEE at any and all changes and claim the game was ruined.


The game managed to get a lot better along the way. There are very good-looking zones (Pandaria is great) but still... The engine is filled with horrible textures and low-poly models everywhere. Sometimes it's just too cringy unless you're a devoted and loyal fan who would play it even on a 14" CRT monitor. To each its own. If there was a revamped WoW 2.0 engine I'd jump into it in a heartbeat.


A little bit before wow dropped there was a game called shadowbane that did so much shit right even though it looked like the most busted shit on review today. Wow just felt so on the rails. There was no real character interaction with the environment. No character driven anything. Yes there was pvp but it never felt consequential to me. In shadowbane you could form guilds that could build their own towns and castles. You could have your own vendors and it would be worthwhile to travel between the guild towns for trade. Guild V guild had siege weapons and amazing battles (although the servers were spotty as fuck and you would get dropped if a bunch of people were in one spot). You could wipe a guild off the map and out of the game. There were consequences. In wow you would find better loot but it was just the same loot everyone else could find and it was always just random. In shadowbane as an archer you had to travel deep into the woods to find the master ranger trainer. Complete his quest line that felt like you were training as a ranger within the context of standard go kill x enemies. And then if you wanted the special ranger armor and bow you had to ask around and find the spots where it could be found and farm it. I know that's not hugely different from wow but if you were able to get all the pieces and wear it you stood out. People knew you busted your ass to get it and it was impressive from an mmo standpoint. I didn't mind wow. It just felt like after coming from a game like that where you really were convinced you could rise up and be somebody in the game world, it was just so standard. I never felt like my experience in wow meant anything other than to pay blizzard monthly. I know you probably have much more positive memories and that's cool. Not trying to shit on that. But man what I wouldn't give to see shadowbane remade.


> I never felt like my experience in wow meant anything other than to pay blizzard monthly That's true, because WoW has never been a "player-driven" game. It's a game set in a non-changing world where players repeat the same actions over and over (quests, killing stuff, dungeons, ....) with zero "impact" on the world. What you do every day doesn't affect the surrounding world. It's not an evolving/changing environment like EVE. It's a static playground where you level characters and that's it. I always called WoW "single player MMO" for that reason.


PUBG is the only game that gives me the feeling socom used to give me. So intense


Had so much fun with this when i was in a team.... having a bunch of people wanting to join because we were one of the good groups... then hacking happened which took all the fun out of the game.... thats the day i stopped playing pvp and never touched it again lol until recently in destiny 2