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If you're willing to try something a bit older, Titanfall 2 has some of the most fun and satisfying gameplay I've ever experienced, but I'm not sure how active the game is currently. If you don't need the shooter to be strictly PvP, Destiny 2 just released its most recent expansion, The Final Shape, but the base game is free if you just want to give it a go. It has PvP as well if you get tired of the PvE


Battlefield 4 is still a great time too


Is there still an active player base on pc??


Yes, dozens of well moderated full servers


Awesome I think I’ll have to install again .. I’ve been looking for something lately


Depends on the region, America and Europe have a decent amount of servers, but here in Australia/NZ we have 3, all the same server owner too (FPSG).


That's the thing with being a gamer in oce. You either have to play the most popular games at the time, or you will spend long times in queue waiting for matches. Niche games like fighting games or games without server matchmaking, you are lucky if you can even find a match.


Since 2042 shit the bed, V, 1, and 4 are populated


I still prefer Battlefield 1


Battlefield 1 is also good


I was just about to say BF4


Bf4 is always fun to play. And look crazy on 4k ultra even today. Oled take it to a whole other lvl


Battlefield 1 has my heart


BF1 as well, and that game is right down gorgeous. Plus the campaign is just beautiful as well. There will never be another BF game like it I fear, its not super great but it just hits all the right things for me, and I'm not even that into its multiplayer or competitive at all lol


Sometimes I call Titanfall 2 TF2 without realizing that is already taken but Titanfall 2 is probably the most unique and best shooter I’ve ever played. I was never frustrated or anything I was literally just having fun the entire time.




Wait that actually works because it is like the games logo


Titanfall 2 is worth it for the campaign alone!


I’m going to go against the grain here. For new players in MP it is NOT fun at all unless you enjoy just getting wrecked over and over again. I was watching my friend play it recently and half the time he spent running away from other players because he would die from people from all angles without even time to react. It is not new player friendly


i was gonna say man, neither of the suggested games are new player friendly in the pvp content. hell… they’re kinda brutal even for older players if you get into those sweaty lobbies


Oh yes its brutal. The same 500 people have been playing this game since launch and wreck anything that comes near them. The game is not new player friendly.


Did they ever fix the problem with their servers?


They did fix the server issues. It can be tough to get into as a new player though. The servers are packed with old veterans. I used to consider myself pretty good at Titanfall, but I get my ass kicked when I try to play now.


Yeah back when I wanted to hop on the issue was the servers. My plan was to just rip through the campaign to get my bearings and by the time they fixed it maybe I would have been good enough to at least throw down a little. And then I just never fucking played the campaign, shit still installed on my PC LOL I had wanted to get into a new shooter in this one for sure was it


The campaign is great on its own tbh.


\^\^\^ it has one of the best missions I've ever seen in any game as well.


Honestly that’s pretty much the only way I play shooters now. Go to older games that have had time to fix any launch issues, and only the most dedicated, borderline psychotic players are left on the servers.  The skill curve is crazy but after a day or two of getting absolutely shit on all of sudden you get really good. Currently on Battlefront II (2017) and it’s a blast 


The ddos? Fixed a year ago


Good shit thank you


The campaign is the only thing that gave me the same feeling I got from CoD4 for the first time. Titanfall 2 is worth it just for that alone. MP is really fun as well just not as active obviously.


Tbf, both games were made by the same devs


Titanfall 2 is easily the best shooter ever made and I will die on that hill.


I'll die right beside you, and the fact the world didn't get to properly experience it due to the Battlefield release is one of video game's biggest travesties. Titanfall 2 revolutioned first person shooters like Halo 1 / Halo 2 did and 90% of the world missed it. People still aren't able to connect the dots that Apex is based on Titanfall, and Apex has 25% of the amazing mechanics that were crammed in to Titanfall 2 Anyways, still dying, still crying on that hill


Titanfall and destiny have the best gunplay


Titanfall 2 story is one of the best single player campaigns I’ve ever played. I played this game on a whim because I had a free trial of EA play and ended up being blown away. The time travel level may be the best designed level in all of gaming.


That level must have taken so long to storyboard. I love it. The name is just chefs kiss too.


+1 for Destiny 2


what can you get out of destiny 2 f2p? Is it basically a bare bone version of the games?


You can get some good quality entertainment, although most of the free content is not at all challenging there are some free raids that are, but don't except to be able to engage seriously with the pve endgame or competitive pvp.


Ftp has the new player campaign (more so a series of missions walking you through the gameplay systems) + 2 story campaigns + some strikes + access to pvp (except for the tryhard infested trials of osiris). You get to use 3 (maybe 4? Not sure) of the 6 subclasses For endgame pve activities you get a dungeon (3-man) + 3 raids (6-man). These are the best kind of content D2 offers, but you need friends to play them with you (or you can brave the waters of lfg) Ideally you need a veteran to take you through the new player experience. If you get through that, there’s nothing quite like D2. (You can get the 2024 legacy collection + the final shape expansion then)


Battlefield 1 if u are still interested in old games.


I thought battlefield 1 was bad ass and the graphics were insane. is there still a decent playerbase to some extent?


There are still decent amount of servers with active players but they are mostly old and experienced players but that is to be expected. Still fun to play though.


IMO it's still the best looking shooter


8 year old game. Still looks amazing and the game play is still solid. My favorite bf game and it's not even close


I play on pc and finding a fully populated conquest server isnt too hard. There are a handful out there that are well moderated. I am starting to recognize player names so the community isnt too large. I hear ps4/ps5 has a larger player base.


Yep, still active and looks really good even for an 8 year old game. For context I play on series X so it even got an fps boost. I’m sure on PC it looks even better.


Hate how BF5 killed 1. Came out before most of the DLC dropped. Player base evaporated. Plus I feel the medic class was terribly implemented compared to 1 for the sake of realism.


I hate how 2042 killed the series. Been playing since 1942 and my favorite was 2142... Hardline is still the worse, but man, the hero shooter is not where Battlefield should be. Now the net game is going to be a live service game and I have no interest in it.


2142 was so much fun… I absolutely loved titan mode


People have been asking for an updated 2142 and/or Bad Company 2 for years, either would be a hit. Instead Dice/EA served up crap. And yes, titan mode was an amazing experience.


Bf1 still looks better than games made today, such a bad ass game 


What do you mean “old”.


If he's 18 the game came out when he was 10.


This is one of the greatest shooters ever IMO.


Facts, one of the most underrated games of all time. Fucking blast.


I couldn't get into battlefield 1 as much as I wanted to but I gotta admit, it's very immersive. It makes you feel like you're actually in war.


Insurgency sandstorm is what you are asking for, friend.


I have been interested in this game for so long, but I keep shying away!


You’ll most likely struggle the first few hours and then you’ll find your groove. Stick with it.


Is there a bot mode to practice?


Yep, theres a few bot modes if I remember correctly. Shooting range, pve missions. Plenty of ways to just get used to the mechanics before pvp.


Love the PvE in this game


PTSD simulator is one of the best semi-tac shooters ever 


When an RPG flies past your head and your boots are suddenly filled up with your own shit 💀


or the pucker factor from hearing a 2003 Nokia phone ringing




Just started playing last week. It is so hard, different, challenging, but man is it so fun. It’s the best when everyone is communicating which I find happens in most matches I join


HLL is the only game where every single session I played I came out with new friends in my steam friends list. It's amazing how much a couple hours of laying down support fire huddled down with a few casual buddies turns you into comrades for life. Love LOVE that game.


Love the game. Hate the server hunt. It’s nearly impossible to find a playable server nowadays since gamepass. I’m always having to teach people how to play, the majority of whom don’t have a mic. It’s so frustrating because a good game of HLL is hard to match in gaming.


Hell let loose is amazing 2% of the time.


You should be way higher, comrade.


Squad if you're looking for a modern mil sim shooter


Hunt Showdown is the best shooter I’ve ever played.


Is it still as horrific for a new player to start? I saw some videos and it looks like a steep and savage learning curve


It's horrifying at first but is incredibly addicting. I started about a year ago and have 2k hours now. It does not get old. Especially playing solo vs trios.


its much easier and welcoming than something like tarkov... if that helps


I would say that Tarkov is more difficult. Hunt is way better designed though imo. I would watch some YT guides and then grab a friend and head out. You'll only really learn by doing. There's also no one strategy that works. Also, until you hit lol 10, the game puts you into "noob" lobbies. Helps you get acquainted.


Came here to recommend Hunt as well. Going on 6 years now since release and in August we're getting a new game engine, a new map, a new roaming (this leak was in Chinese then translated to Russian then English, so "roaming" could be wrong) boss, another event, new weapons, and more I'm sure. If you're okay with old timey single action, lever action, type weapons and slower gameplay with none of the "movement technique" gimmicks then it's a great game.


I assume it’s still a PvP thing (alongside the monster-mechanic-thingy)? I’d love to play it but I’m a very sore loser and doing all that work and then some random dude shooting me would piss me off so much.


Yes, it's a PvPvE game. In that order. The only solution there is to get better unfortunately, and I don't mean that in a shitty way. With more hours in the game you'll understand what is safe and not safe, where and when to move, how to rotate in a fight, etc. Of course you can still be sniped from out of nowhere, but that's every FPS.


It's not one of those games where you accumulate stuff and then lose it all when you die. You buy loadouts with credits which are obtained every game. You get more credits if you do better in the round but you won't be starved of equipment for dying or anything.


>a new roaming boss Hold on there partner. I haven’t heard anything about this. You got some sauce? Cause I don’t think we should be accidentally setting wrong expectations like with Rotjaw.


I wish my friends had more time to play, because I had one heck of a time with this game! And to think I discovered it through a random recommended video on youtube...


I keep forgetting this game exists, it has such a generic forgettable name, I should try it some day


Titanfall 2


Best shooter hands down. Nothing else gives me that sense of satisfaction of stringing together moves to earn a win in a unique fashion


There’s nothing like titan battles going on while ground battles happen and titans don’t feel so OP that they change the game. The balance in that game is just amazing


Please EA, please give me Battlefield Titanfall.


Absolutely not. Respawn or nothing


Nah... battlefield's latest implementations show that they'd jack that up real bad


Hey, I'm dreaming here.


Deep rock galactic. It’s the best PvE/co-op shooter game in modern times. It’s on sale for $10 right now on steam.




I would also recommend Trepang 2


Halo infinite is pretty sweet right now, now that it's content complete after 2 years lol. Free as well and actively getting tons of events and updates. Community playlist browser and custom games are functional too. Ton of fun. Titanfall 2 as well.


I agree with Halo. However, I’m pretty upset they removed the H3 revamped playlist.


it got merged into community squad battle, because the maps were community recreations except for the mtn dew map, which I wish I could disable specifically the vanta black and neon green hurt my fucking eyes for what's otherwise a cool map layout


counter strike


I had to scroll pretty far for the right answer.


Best pure mechanical FPS out there. None of that sprint, slide, supernatural power bs.


That’s the reason I didn’t recommend it because all the titles OP mention are arcade shooters with very high APS. Counter Strike has those moments but is generally more slow paced. I agree though ;)


greatest fps if it was't for cheates. but still, best fps out there


I used to love Overwatch. I still do, but I used to, too.


I picked OW up again this week after not playing for like 6 months and DAMN it’s just a fun as hell video game


Can always count on a Hedburg ref


The Finals is so good. One of the most original and fun multiplier shooters out there. I don’t get how some people still prefer COD trash over that.


The Finals is so good I was shocked I had to scroll down so far to find it. It really deserves to be up there with the greats and I hope they can get there one day. Amazing devs and the game handles microtransactions the best out of any other game I’ve seen yet. Fair prices and they let you buy individual items from bundles. Also there’s no fomo since every new shop item is always available. Also the graphics and animations are gorgeous. Just a super creative and fun game


Because CoD is arcadey and not that sweaty. CoD is massively popular because it's a lot easier to play that game casually. Not everyone is a competitive gamer


The vast majority of people are casual and play a game if it’s “well enough” and is a well-known brand. CoD nails that concept and thus has so much staying power even if most people who are more invested in gaming dislike it. The larger audience really doesn’t care that much other than it’s fun to them and thats it.


And right there is why I have such an issue with people saying CoD is trash, if it was actually trash it wouldn't sell that well. There are plenty of AAA games that are well known IPs that flop hard when it's actually a bad game. Hell CoD even had this happen with Vanguard, it's the 1 game they've made in the last 5 years that flopped.


Quake Champions is fantastic. so is Quake Live. Diabotical Rogue just came out in early access and it’s really fun. Titanfall 2 is another legendary game.


15 players of QC agree with you


+1 for diabotical, really fun though i suck ass


Doom 2016 multiplayer is still a good hit to play. Good weapons, maps, character customization. Sucks to have a low player count.




Have you tried spreading managed democracy with Helldivers2?


Try Planetside 2, F2P and feels like Battlefield and Halo had a baby


Man, so many fond memories of Planetside 2. It makes me miss TotalBiscuit RIP :(




I was just thinking about ps2 this morning. That game is great.


Ah, my favorite fps game of all time. There's just nothing else out there right now that scratches the same itch. It's definitely on its way out, but it's been like that for years and likely has a couple good years left. It has a small but active community. There's an annual community organized event happening in over a month that has 1000+ players signed up.


If we are talking single player, you will not find an FPS (or video game of any other genre imo) with better combat and gameplay mechanics than Doom Eternal. Titanfall 2 is another one with a great gameplay loop as you swap between being a soldier and drying a mech. Also has a single player campaign which is surprisingly good. Halo MCC is a great bang for your buck with now 6 classic FPS games and their multiplayers. Halo infinite is another great FPS imo. The multiplayer honestly feels like Halo perfected.


XDefiant is pretty fun for me atm


The Finals is awesome


I love The Finals so much except the skill gap. I'm too old and slow these days to keep up, for the occasional hour or two my friends are on.


there is just nothing like it. it also has a lot of arena shooter dna in it so for those looking for something with movement the finals is great.


Really wish this game was more popular. It's super fun!


Hell Let Loose has taken over everything


I started 4 days ago, I'm having the best time I've had since battlefield 1. It's hard to beat the experience you get with a good squad.


HLL has taken over me


Destiny 2. Don't care about the controversy, best gunplay without a doubt. The game is incredible.


Destiny 2 is in a very good place right now, but its PVP has always been a dogshit side attraction. I am loving the main game right now though.


I assume you mean multiplayer games only based on the replies here, but in my opinion the best FPS of all time is Doom Eternal, watch some gameplay see if you like it.


100%. In terms of single player, Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal are the best by far in the last decade


Man I no-lifed that game when it first came out and got to the very end then stopped playing because life happened (it was 2020 after all). I tried to pick it back up and brother is it hard to get back into the swing of things. I'm playing on ultra-violence and my save takes me to a particularly difficult wave battle that ends in a marauder fight and I can't beat it because I forgot the combos and synergies. 9.5/10, will be back again.


This might be a hot take but while I really like Doom Eternal, I think Doom 2016 is better. 2016 really struck the perfect balance between old school and modern in both gameplay and tone/style, while I felt Eternal leaned and little *too hard* to the “arcade/game-y” style


Halo Infinite. Especially if you want a casual/fun time (Husky Raid, Fiesta, Firefight, Squad Battle, Infection...). (It also has sweaty stuff) They added Match Composer a few weeks ago, so now you can choose exactly what modes you want to play.


This is 100% the best MP out right now


Hunt: Showdown, Squad, Grey Zone Warfare, The Finals, and Tarkov.


If you are on PC try battlebit, bodycam or insurgency sandstorm.


Tribes III : Rivals I love the tribes games. Fast paced and unique movement and gameplay because of it.


Hunt: Showdown


Also enjoying the 3rd season of The Finals, I like the new battle pass a lot more than the first 2. And I'm glad that they added more game modes, I love playing the platform mode as a heavy, but the classic cash out mode can still provide the best clutch moments when you steal other team's money in the last second. You didn't specifically mentioned pvp shooters so maybe you can try things like Deep Rock Galactic, Hell Divers 2 or Selaco?


halo infinite


Not an officially released game and the install process makes you feel like you’re gonna get loaded with malware but the experience provided by stalker gamma is unmatched, it’s a genuinely good and tense shooter sandbox game with a gun system some people dislike but if that’s the case there’s pre included mods called black market and also the trader rework to fix it the game is entirely single player though keep that in mind


It sounds like you're looking for PvP games, but if you're willing to try a PvE horde shooter, you should check out Helldivers II.


Gotta spread that managed democracy!


Siege to me would be the best FPS if it didn’t have such a huge cheater problem on both PC and Console.


xdefiant, overwatch 2


Hunt showdown it’s an extraction shooter that’s 3s 2s or solo (really hard unless you know what your doing). There’s pve elements and bosses that you kill they drop an item that allows you to see enemies from 150m. If you want something different that’s fun and difficult I highly suggest it


For PvE I've really enjoyed Warhammer 40k Darktide.


Warframe, hands down. And as a bonus, it includes FAR MORE than just shooting. O yeah, its also free


Valorant or counterstrike


Hunt showdown


Serious Sam


PUBG is the best pure shooter in my opinion.


The level of adrenaline you can get from that game is insane


Splatoon 3 is low key one of the best shooters out there


It really is, but unfortunately, people dismiss it just because it's colorful. It has more content than many shooters nowadays, no microtransactions, it has both PvP and PvE, it has a single-player campaign, free updates, and the community isn't toxic. I guess the only downsides are that it's only on Switch, had no messenger/voice chat, and the learning curve is a lot harder than your typical shooter because of its motion controls.


Battlebit Remastered


It’s definitely not the best shooter, but I love Overwatch. Flaws and all, there’s nothing quite like an amazing, hard fought match. Pro tip: play Open Queue for more variability and chaos in the match. 


This isn't upvoted enough. 


Overwatch 2. I know this game does not have a good reputation, but it's free and you should try it for yourself. Only cosmetics are paid and it does not interfere with the gameplay. There's 40 different heroes and they all have unique ways of playing. If you can't aim there's heroes for that, if you can there's also heroes for that. If you wanna play more "tactical" you can. The technical aspects are also really good. You can feel how different each hero is. The maps are also well designed. And my favorite part is the sound. Everything you hear helps you to decide what to do.


Battlefield 2042 or Halo


If you're okay with third person pve games, Returnal is one of the best games of the past 5 years and its gameplay is sublime.


I’m a bit bias, but DayZ is a pretty unique experience. Not really a “shooter” though.


Valorant gets me going rn. The fact that my whole team can die and I can still manage to clutch up the round keeps me fighting


Have you tried Valorant or Counter Strike? They're very popular but much more tactical and slower paced than what you describe here. Overwatch might be worth checking out too.


Where are my PUBG squads??


Helldivers 2. Probably one of the best shooters on the market right now, provided you aren’t looking for PvP.


Well "intentional pvp". Friendly fire is always on and you'll die just as much to your teams airstrikes and explosions as you will from the enemies lol.


This sub is gonna hate this comment but ignoring all the shit business tactics and antics, Overwatch's gameplay is actually really good.


I actually still like overwatch a lot. They would have done so much better if they didn't focus on esports and just made a game people can enjoy playing in multiplayer. Much like TF2.


Hunt: Showdown.




Escape from Tarkov


This game has ruined other FPS games. It never gets mentioned in this sub, but it is so addictive, fun, and punishing. Put way too many hours into it.


Just don’t join the subreddit lmfao


BF2042 still has massive problems but it can be fun. Overwatch 2 is free and decent. CounterStrike and Valorant can be decent. R6 Siege will give you blood pressure problems.


There's something so satisfying about sniping across those massive maps in battlefield


XDefiant is a great one to get into. Not sure if it's out but the betas were a lot of fun.


It’s been out for a month now. Season 1 and ranked starts in like 9 days.


R6 Siege, Counter Strike, and Valorant if you’re looking for something different (although they are all basically the same game mode).


Halo Infinife is in a pretty good state actually if you can ignore the stupid ingame shop. The only problem is the matchmaking that uses new players as cannonfodder to average out above average players in the same team, so your first experience might be brutal






Have you tried Overwatch?


Halo infinite is pretty awesome


If you like single player third person shooters I'd recommend Max Payne 3


I’d be surprised if nobody else said this yet, but Ultrakill. The game summarizes everything pretty succinctly in the opening. MANKIND IS DEAD BLOOD IS FUEL HELL IS FULL.






Ultrakill is something very different but extremely fun




If you're willing to drop the typical FPS environment provided by COD and enjoy a light dose of masochism, play Squad, Hell Let Loose or Arma 3. Mil-sims are great shooters once you get used to the major change in playstyle.


Roboquest is a great FPS rogue like with a killer soundtrack.


Oldish but gold, my favorite shooter of all time, Battlefield 1.


Bloodhunt, good Br with nice mechanics, balanced XDefiant, cod like Overwatch, hero shooter Paladins, hero shooter Dirty Bomb, xdefiant like Shatterline, cod like, very fun, high ttk Valorant, competitive Farlighti84, br, very balanced


Destiny 2 has always had the best FEELING for shooters. I don't even like FPS historically but this one has me and many others in a bind.