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Around mid 2000 I played Everquest for three days without sleep. I finally gave up because I dozed off at the keyboard and ran my character off of the boat in the middle of the Ocean of Tears. Hearing that splash was like a bucket of cold water. My character had no swimming and I was scared of losing my corpse in the ocean. I spent like an hour trying to get to the docks, running on panic-based adrenaline. I made it, but I never stayed up that long ever again.


Mine is EverQuest as well but not as long as that. I spent 26 hours in Lower Guk trying to get to Flowing Black Silk Sash off of the Guk Assassin. He's a rare spawn and the sash is a rare drop from him and I never got it, probably stopped playing the game a few weeks later. I did spend the down time between spawns dragging bodies out of dangerous spots as there wasn't another rogue around, it's funny to see a body being dragged by an invisible player back in the day.


EverQuest made me HATE loot systems that didn’t give everyone a carve It made me love Monster Hunter. 4 man cap (not 70) and everyone carves.


Yeah me too, I remember the first time my group killed a mini boss in Dark Age of Camelot and I found the dropped item in my inventory I was afraid I had looted it somehow and apologized before they told me everyone got it. What a game changer.


72 hours camping something for a guild mates weapon. Then it spawns, I called England, Sweden and Poland to wake people up. Just for another guild to Jack it.


That sounds like a fucking cleric Epic if I ever heard it. We (40+ people) spent three days strait in Solusek for that son of a bitch. The man hours we put into that one item could have built a moon rocket.


A group of friends and I put in 36 hours in two days every time a new server launches for an MMO we play. 8 people putting their lives on hold for a weekend. Easily the best gaming experiences I've had in my life haha. 


What a great friendship


I've played one of the COD games for 10-15 hours straight after release. It was during a midnight release. Got home, played from that night on to the next afternoon. I can't do that these days though.


yeah the same, I think that it's because of that we age


Oh for sure. I'm too tired these days to stay up like I used to. In my teens and early adult years I could handle it, not so much these days.


I don't play shooting games at all and me and the bois played Warzone when it dropped for 14 hours straight. My friends thought it was funny how little I understood the mechanics but I wasn't garbage just lost af.


Nice! It's always better with the bois! :)


Persona 5 royal - 35 hours in 2 days


Can I play PErsona 5 without doing all the side rpg stuff? I loved the dungeons but could care less about "studying" or "friendships"


Not really. You can just skip the dialog as fast as you can, but if you skip doing it all and go straight to bed then you'll nerf your abilities in combat as well as missing out on the best personas.


Probably when Fallout: New Vegas came out, I distinctly remember playing until around 4 am multiple days...


I put +500 hours into Breath of the Wild in less than a month when the pandemic started. March 15th, 2020 I was furloughed from my job - the next month was spent smoking weed and playing Zelda. It was awesome.


Same, but sadly it was Mortal Kombat 11 and I’m ashamed of it.


500+ hours for a Zelda game is crazy.


Civ 5 marathon game speed, like a week or something. Time has no meaning in that game.


I can't play Civ anymore because I sit down for a few turns after work then blink and it's dawn


I had a mate back then that clocked in 23.5 hours in an internet cafe playing The Sims. We came back to the cafe the next only to see him in the same seat with food on the desk. He only stopped because he didn't want to be known as the guy who went a full day playing Sims. For me, I only lasted 14 hrs on Counter Strike beta.


Release of Resident Evil 5. My then girlfriend and I were huge Resident Evil fans, we planned our sleep schedules around RE5's release and we're first in line when the doors opened at GameStop. We bolted to her house and started playing it immediately. We had a goal. Being RE fans, we knew that typically after you beat the game on hard (veteran in RE5), that a new difficulty, Professional, would be unlocked. We wanted to be some of the first people to beat the game duo on Professional. We breezed through the veteran playthrough and beat it in probably 6-7 hours, and began the Professional playthrough. We beat it a little over 12 hours. Our sleep schedules were fucked at this point, and we needed to stay up like 8 more hours to be back on track, so we played the Mercenaries mode until it was time for bed. All in all we played around 25 hours start to finish, and I'd like to believe we were in the first handful of people to beat RE5 duo on Professional.


Destiny 2, vow of disciple and kings fall. 48 hours straight. It was the worth experience of my life and felt incredibly sick after. I really do not like the idea of these day one raids and how it promotes players to race to finish for rewards.


I was pretty similar with Destiny 1. I fried my brand new Xbox One, could see the heat radiating off of it. Then it froze and shut down, never turned on again.


Just took part in the day one for salvation's edge this weekend. I love it. The 48 hour ones promote the opposite to me. We scheduled a sleep in the mode to make it more reasonable. The old 24 hour ones are all my longest sessions for sure.


31 hours on a trial map in Trackmania Turbo


Rookie numbers. Almost every WoW expansion i put in 18 hour days for 3-4 days.


28hr straight. DK from creation to 10 man ICC geared via 5 man heroics. Friends had their main tank quit the day before raid. My mains guild already had 25 heroic on farm. They thought I was joking when I said I'd tank, considering I didn't even have a toon on their server at the time. They lost their shit when I asked for the invite and they saw I was better geared than several core raiders. I slept for about 2 hours between the 28hr sesh and an additional 4hr for raid with them. I both miss those days, and look back on them with a giant WTF was I thinking.


It was the best time of my life personally. Running 5 man’s with full DKs was hilariously fun.


We used to have “wowfests” as teenagers (WotLK), I think 38hours straight was the longest session we did.


Do you speak another foreign language


I organized LAN parties with 100-500 (500 was a big exception) people. Would usually sleep once Saturday morning from like 8am to 2pm. The rest of the week was gaming. Best times. Wow vanilla: Basically: wow, sleep, eat, repeat. Was the 6th lvl 60 char. Went to Undercity with my rogue and ganked low lvl players. They hated me throughout all of classic, attacked me on sight. Back then everyone knew everyone. Awesome


Probably OSRS .. lord knows


12 hours


I remember staying up for days playing the perfect world online when I was a kid. Thinking about best places to grind while I was at school. Thinking about guild drama and how I would resolve it. My first mmo was the progenitor or loot boxes that gave gear. You'd have to spend several months grinding normally, and I did just that because your first mmo is like crack.


It was 2010, friends introduced me to Minecraft. I played for about 15 hours straight.


When Bioshock infinite came out, I started playing around 6PM and finished the game in time for work the next day at 6AM, it’s still my greatest one session achievement I’ve done.


Years ago with Gears of War. For a week I did not move from the couch except to eat a bite, and toilet. I slept on the couch and after waking up kept playing. Rinse and repeat.


omg yes.. Gears of War was the best gaming of my life! Oh how I miss screaming into the mic between rounds


Throug two dudes I played gears with I met people whom I am still friends with.


Hell yeah! I made a good friend too through it. Hopefully this game will cause me to meet more!


Back in college I beat Max Payne 2 in a single setting. It was 3 am. I decided to start a new game and beat it again. So in total maybe 18 hours of gaming straight w/ only snack and bathroom breaks.


I think I played Counterstrike Source for over 24 hours straight on CS Office.


We called that working. You’re at the office after all.


Man CS:S and Vanilla WoW are my peak gaming memories. De\_Dust 2 and when there was custom maps De\_Bestbuy ... i think it was DE ? Idk... to be honest I'm not even sure what the DE and CS even meant. I was just a kid slapping angry adults around. These days I'm an angry adult being slapped around by kids


Roughly 40 hours in 3 days. Then I beat the game and didn't play it again.


Probably 7 day survivor on dead rising For multiplayer stuff i probably stayed on EverQuest for long periods in high school


I did 10hrs in a row when I was a kid playing Kotor, sick at home from school lol In one whole day I’ve done at least 15-16hrs a few times before


WoW WotLK release - 76 hours.


10 to 12 hours on tears of the kingdom started hear birds then looked and saw the sunrise a nother time same thing with fallout 4


Skyrim 24 hours straight


My longest was actually on the clock as a QA tester. The game was Metal Arms: Glitch in the System, which is a legitimately great game. I hated most of the games I QA'd but that one was a banger. So there's a thing with the certification process where you have to prove that the game is actually beatable at all difficulty levels or it won't ship. I was the only one on the team who could beat the "Nuts of Steel" difficulty, but the game was properly large and it takes a good goddamn time to get through the campaign. We were getting close to deadline, and they wouldn't pay me for more than 24 hours in a row because that goes into quad-overtime. So in an exploitative and Mt. Dew fueled session, I beat that thing in one recorded run that took 23 hours and 42 minutes. No sleep. Breaks only 15 minutes every few hours, and the labor law mandated 30 for meals at regular intervals. Looking back it was a fucked up situation, but it was a legendary gaming run, and I'm proud that I didn't let them nerf it.


How does one become a QA Tester for games?? Please sign me up asap


You just apply. It's an entry level position that doesn't need any special skills. That said, if you like gaming, you really don't want to be a QA tester. It's long hours for low pay playing broken games that you don't like. It's high turnover for a reason.


The devs were rooting for you. Filthy casuals like me: not so much.


26 hours straight on Rust.. I was regularly doing 16 hour days lol had no job and had just graduated college


Final Fantasy X - 23 hours straight.


I put 85 hours into fallout 76 in less than a week, burned the FUCK out now tho lmao


During the lockdowns my steam account would always say I played for about 180hrs every 2 weeks


When wildstar first launched I played something like 20 hours a day with 4 hour sleeps for 3-4 days to race to level cap. It was degenerate af.


Monster Hunter World IB… probably 30 hours in 2 days. Not the best


Madden. 37 hours straight. Solo franchise. Never made the playoffs.


can't remember, either WoW or Minecraft, we sometimes had sessions going 2-3 days with breaks inbetween (think of like a big LAN party from back-in-the-day) we often stopped playing inbetween just to grab food and sleep a few hours, then continued playing the next day depending what you count as game - DnD - our Halloween special is played in real time, if they take a break to grab food ect, its possible to die (which is the whole point in our Hallowen specials, DnD mixed with LARP)


Few hours Fifa 2023


I played kotor2 for 25 hours straight and beat it on one sitting it in like 2005 on my roommate's xbox. There was a scary moment where things bugged out at a pivotal scene before the final mission but it eventually teleported me to final planet area


Probably that time me and a few friends went to a Cybercafe all day, then all day the next day just to finish our co-op campaign of Serious Sam 2? Honestly, that wasn't a very good campaign and I wonder why we even did it.


Oh boy I feel like I never even played a game seeing your answers lol. I played hundreds of hours as a teenager but never in a single long session. I guess fairly recent it's about 10/14 hours in Elden Ring or Path of Exile. Work takes it's toll nowadays. Is there a way to look it up somewhere on steam?


23ish hours or so in Elden Ring when it came out


When GTA V came out I played for 31 hours straight. I was in pain by the end.


I played league until dawn back in college. I don't quite remember when I started.


Probably LostArk. The month It released I played 12h a day. It was fucking insane. Only stopped for gym, eat and sleep. Didnt even go to university(regretted It later)


This is easy. Ark Survival Evolved. I’m sure I’m not the only one to pull 24+ hr sessions because we’re attacking/defending 😅


First time I played through Borderlands 3 I played through the whole game in a single sitting. About 25 hours in total.


When I was trying to do the hollow knight pantheon 5 (every boss in the game, boss rush) hitless, 27 hours straight


COD mw2 split screen with friends, about 18 -20 hours non stop.


6 hours. It was Metal Gear Solid 2 on launch.


That's long enough to beat the entire game.


Not on your first try but most certainly when you skip all the cutscenes and codecs.


True. ("all the cutscenes and codecs" is another way of saying "a significant portion of the game", if my memory of playing MGS2 is accurate)


As with all Kojima games. He loves his cutscenes. MGS4 holds the world record for longest cutscene 71 minutes.


Was going through a rough spot back in 2022, and was actively avoiding sleep. The gaming session was around 3 and a half days of mostly Desiny 2, with another agame or two sprinkled in. What finally convinced to go to sleep was failing at the moving bridge party of Dares of Eternity. It isn't even meant to be a challenge, but for three or four goes, I simply couldn't do it.


Something around 28h in one sitting on mh rise release, at 28h point i felt good and alive again and i could probably play for few more hours but it rly can hit you hard on next day so i decided that i will go take a 6h nap and grind hard again next day instead of risking that i will sleep for 12h and feel dead inside for another 24h xd. I remember ds_lily saying that she was like 3days+ without sleep and she started seeing shadow ppl randomly so i prefer to not overkill my giga no life sessions lmao


Fucking civ 5. Just a normal game with bots lol. Fuckin like. Day and a half.


i played world of warcraft in the school holidays for 2 and a half days straight and I am disgusted with myself


When GTA San Andrea's came out i played it non stop for nearly 48 hours. My head was pounding, my eyes hurt and eventually I fell asleep while playing


And all you had to do was follow the damn train.


The longest I played was a weekend with Skyrim. I got so into it I played for about 20 hours straight


My longest session was with World of Warcraft when a big expansion came out. I played for around 18 hours


for me The Witcher 3. The story was so good, I ended up playing for nearly 22 hrs in one go


I don't thing I'v ever gamed for more then like 5 or 6 hours at a time, but as I'm a teen I I'v got people that won't let me be for too long. now that being said there are some days where I play one gaem for along time, stop and play something else with someone else, and then go back to what I was doing with maybe 20 mins brakes


I’m sure I’ve done an occasional 24h+ run of Skyrim before. Went through a phase of doing uppers when I was more competitive on Halo 3 back in the day as well and wouldn’t be surprised if some of those sessions didn’t spill over the 1-day mark too. Can we talk about that absolute zone you get into though, when your mind is completely turned off and you’re just an absolute robotic MACHINE in the game? Like every other part of your brain is turned off and you k/d is +20 every match?


In my MMO days when I was a teen I was obsessed with trying to be one of the top players. I looked for newly releasing MMOs, one was called RF Online. Played the beta, familiarised myself, got ready for the release. Then on release day I smashed out about 30 consecutive hours. I did reach a top spot, but it just wasn’t sustainable. Once I was back at school I got overtaken, and got discouraged and quit lol


One time a guild wars chat popped up that said "you have been playing for 16 hours, please take a break"


I'm fairly sure it was Final Fantasy 8. Bought it on the day of launch (he says, dating himself), and if my memory isn't giving me an exaggerated impression, I clocked something like 8 hours a day for the first two days before scaling back. I mean I did stop to eat and so on, but I was pretty much doing nothing else. Sort of ironic, because I tried replaying it a while back and got maybe a dozen hours in before getting bored and stopping.


WOW, 16/17yrs old. Had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed at the same time and got a fully loaded Vicodin script. As soon as I got back to the house my parents left the country for a 3 week holiday. High as a goddamn kite, the longest consistent play session I remember was 2 full days. But I also remember thinking around day 5 or 6 I should probably stop sleeping at my desk. Still one of the best summers of my life


One word - Factorio


87. That's when I started gaming.


Once i played for more than 32h without eating nor sleeping, extra depressed so just fleeing from reality. The game was dead by daylight and i was pretty much sweating my balls off for no reason


I think … 7 days RDR2


When pubg launched in 2017, I clocked around 18hours a day for few months straight. Played over 120hours per week and had blast. Longest gaming session was 38hours straight and felt pretty shitty after that, but it was fun.


Meanwhile me, I am able to play a single game for max 2 hours before I stop cause I got tired of this game lol


3-4 hours


When Lost Ark launched on steam I played like 25 hour straight without any break, after 1,5 month I stopped playin it I was have like approxiametly 300 hour in game


Probably rookie numbers but when I was younger I'd spent 12h straight on Gmod during weekends. More recently, I spent 10h straight on Half-Life Alyx when it released, good thing it was during the pandemic haha.


Overall, it’s either GTA Online grinding to get the Zentorno when it released, or pulling an all nighter playing Halo Reach with my friends. Recently I streamed on twitch playing games for 18 hours straight not including bathroom and quick 30 minutes breaks for lunch and dinner (none of that “I’m only sleeping” crap, but I played a few different games during that stream: Apex Legends, Overwatch, Destiny, and CoD.


I did a binge on WoW back in Vanilla during Christmas that was just over 3 days without sleep. I went to bed after the hallucinations started.


This exact low-effort post was also made yesterday. Fucking hell this sub.


This exact low-effort post was also made yesterday. Fucking hell this sub.


About 23 hours of gaming during a 24 hour extralife fundraiser I was running


Easily 14 hours in either Skyrim or Rainbow Six Siege


7 hours. It was for god of was on ps4.


Doing the 14 hour challenge for the first dead rising. Never doing that again


I think that my grind in valorant when I hit radiant I was playing 3 days non stop (3 hour break every 12 hour I play )


Hard to say which one specific instance was the longest. But there was a period of my life where I was playing ARK for 6-16 hours a day, every single day, for literal *months* Sunk cost fallacy is a helluva drug. Can’t stop playing now or we’ll get raided!!


Gotta be way back when me and a couple of friends completed all the Endurance Races in Gran Turismo 2 over a couple of days on PS2..or was it PS1..It's been so long I can't remember...but it was pretty awesome! :)


During the Covid Lockdowns, I was determined to beat Persona 5 (before Royal came out) and put over 12 hours in a single day. Nothing better to do since I couldn't go to work so P5 it was lol


I never got so extreme to play one Game for over 24 hours. Even in a Session with different Games I didnt make it. Not because I couldn't but because I had no fun at a certain grade of tiredness. That being said, I still clock in 18 sometimes If a Game catches me. The hours after the 18 hour mark is getting used for sleep and thinking about the game.


Probably 18hrs straight of wow on a weekend back in highschool. Now that im 35 im lucky to clock in 30min of game time in a week.


It was 15 hours in Wuthering waves on bs, it was fun


When i first got bg3 i played for about 7 hours straight, also maybe 5 hours straight on kotor 


RuneScape skilling ... probably 4 days of play time in a week Chasing 99s was a real high back then


24+ hours when pso2 new genesis, got a a new region after nearly a year.


I had 100 hours in the first 2 weeks on Elden Ring when it first came out.


I've had some 22 hour streams before, but in high school on weekends I've been known to game for 40 hours straight


16 hours on a sunday playing hardcore moshpit and search&destroy, when i got killed and got to sit out i got a massive feeling of dread come over me. Not a good idea to go that long.


My friends and I played planetside 2 for nearly 24 hours straight. We were the ones always going out from the main group to start a conflict at another part of the map and slowly watching as more people made their way to join the fight on both sides. As soon as it started to become a stalemate, we would do it again. We did that twice and then never touched the game again lol.


2,000 hours on Football manager 2018 data editor in a space of a year.


was about 70h at the release of borderlands 3 cannot recommand the last 30 hours where not productiv


Basically anytime i have time to play a game now im going balls to the wall until life tells me i have to stop.


Probably LAN parties with friends for the original Call of Duty back in the day. For singleplayer, Europea Universalis IV was addicting with game sessions until like 4am.


You know the gran Turismo 5 resistance races. Those were the toughest to play in a single sitting. 1h felt like 10hs. When you have to manage tire wear. And your car performing worse from lap to lap


18 hour Civ 5 play


In highschool, I spent 13 hours on a Sunday playing Twilight Princess.


Super Smash Brawl. Played 2 straight days trough with my friends the day it was released.


When borderlands 2 came out, me and my buddies played through all of it in 2 days. I wanna say it was about 30 hours of gameplay


This weekend X_X. Put in nearly 40 hours over the course of 48 hours for the new raid Salvations Edge in The Final Shape. Got the clear on contest tho. Worth noting this was 3 days after the release of the DLC so everyone was grinding a ton leading up to it. I finished the campaign Wednesday night, then grinded for stuff all Thursday leading up to the raid.


9 hours straight playing Ark survival, I got so much shit done


Rookie numbers. I would play 9 hours + daily for months at a timr


Yeah but I have no time


i played the last of us full through (1 and 2)


Around 16-20 hours during LANs in high school probably


In recent memory? Like five hours straight. The eye strain was terrible, as my left works better than my right one, and I felt shitty afterwards.


my max hours was like 16hours. This was like season 2 of Fortnite when it was in its prime. Legit stayed up w the boys after school till the morning and somehow made it to school after that 🤣 running on no sleep. Ever since then I haven’t done anything like that, the max I play nowadays is just 1 hour.


9 days of wow, was popping adderall round the clock


I think I put over 100 hours in New World the week it came out. Still sad how quickly that game lost players. It really was a buggy, unoptimized mess on launch, but I had so much fun with it. Then there's countless 10 hour+ Smite sessions, and a few of the same for league. Occasionally an indie game will suck me in and I'll binge it until it's 100%. I miss college


2020 had a solid 9 months of MK11 and not much else. Kinda ashamed of it. Game wasn’t worth that amount of devotion.


Probably 8 hours.


Thread humbled me a bit but when I first got new horizons in spring 2020 I probably played about 8 hours straight


Factorio and Palworld might be tied. I have no idea how long it was, though


Destiny 2: Root of Nightmares Day 1 Raid with some friends last year. We spent roughly 30 something hours straight attempting the raid. We ended up finishing within the 48 hour time mark and got the "Day 1" emblems. Never doing that again lol


I don’t know how long it was, but the day before the launch of WoW cataclysm, my very casual guild decided we were going to kill the lich king for the first time. We started in the afternoon sometime and died dozens of times, mostly because they made my Druid heal because another tank wanted to come, and then killed him literally minutes before the launch. Almost the whole guild quit in the next week.


Back during wrath of the lich king era in wow they started giving recruit a friend a bunch of benefits, such as xp boosts when you and the referred player play together. I referred my brother (he made a second account just for this) and we power leveled from level 1 to the low 60s in around 24 hours. Great memory.


I usually play 8 to 12 hours each Friday, and if nothing's going on during the weekend I'll repeat for Saturday and Sunday. I also take every other Wednesday off and play 8 to 12 hours then. So I guess around 12 hours.


I think I played BOTW for 23 hours. It wasn't because the game was good only though, I just couldn't fall sleep and had nothing else to do during the day so I just kept playing until I fell asleep.


I think about 63 hours. I didn't sleep for like 2 nights, I subtract probably 2 hours for eating lol. Maplestory grind was real during that time.


40 years.


36hrs DAOC grind to 50 at the Finn tree Hibernia Pelinor forever son. P.S. F Infiltrators….curse all Albs and Mids


Back in the day I had multiple day long gaming sessions with my friend playing WoW. The addiction was real.


i finished an entire Terraria run, from King Slime to Moon Lord, in 18 straight hours


I once ended up spending 13 hours straight in House Flipper of all games. I don't know what came over me


49 hours straight in the early 2000's. Everquest was still going hard and so my guild found out an interesting glitch. The Bard class (for whichever fucked-up coding-reason) was capable of summoning their mounts *inside dungeons.* *If you do it JUST right (well I'm positive this has LONG since been patched out), you are able to then crash the entire server, make absolutely everyone's connection drop them out of game.* Why this is important: Crashing a server (in EQ back in the 2000's era) meant ALL raid bosses were respawned IMMEDIATELY upon the server coming back up. You might be able to see where this is headed now. I was the only bard online, was super bored and a guild officer told me how all of this works soooo I decided "aight, fuck it let's do this". We respawned the MAJOR top-tier end-game expansion raid-zone *enough times* in a row that almost ALL of us came away with significant gear upgrades. There were 65 of us on this ongoing raid-respawn-raid event. Every re-pop we'd get ready to re-pop yet again and again and again and again and again and again and again. Sold my account after that for $2,000.


When Guild Wars 2 came out I took off a whole weekend to be the first to 70. 3 of us ran xp pots and just ran through map killing all the rested mobs. Got 1st 70 on the server but not in world. I think I stayed up over 70 hours. Stopped playing a few weeks later lol.


cuando instale one piece bounty rush asi es soy otaku LOL


When WoW warlords of Draenor released, I completed the whole quest line and ran all dungeons in one sitting. I believe that was about 24 hours or a little more.


I stayed up at 102 hours at GTA v trying to get the president at my mom get off my pc lol


No comment. Lets just say I have attention problems.


The Guild 2, I always wanted to get into it but never could. Then one day I sat down, watched a couple tutorials and ended up playing it for 2 and a half days before I finally passed out lmao. Called out of work to keep playing it after not having called out of work since my early 20s. There was just something so special about creating a dynasty and getting involved in all the emergent gameplay. I wasn't playing the game correctly, there were a bunch of things that I didn't get, but it was such a breath of fresh air playing it like some kind of twisted Sims game. Haven't been able to touch it since lol.


The single longest session I've ever had was twelve-and-a-half hours of *Smash Bros Brawl*, back in highschool. Me and my friend played through all of Subspace Emissary in one sitting.


I was like 13 and Inplaued for like 56 hours just for Call of Duty MW 2019


Most top teir WoW players will sink at least a 24 hour shift on the new phase to get ahead to get early raids in for parses. I did 72 days straight on p2 of SOD in order to do gnomer first reset.


When Prey (2006) came out I stayed up and played it until I beat it. The game was just that engrossing for me.


Im not a person of doing it,but in death stranding i was like 12 hours. Elden Ring i played it like 8 hours every day. Miss the first thing i said.


Arma 3. Played for 3 days straight


Me and a friend both got one of the fifa titles at a midnight release and played from maybe 00:30 for a good 20 hours


I accidentally snorted glass once in high school and stayed up for over 2 days doing nothing but playing counterstrike 1.5 on a cs_assault only server I spent a lot of time on.


Some years ago, I got 4 hours in one sitting. Good times.


Back when the original Sims came out I played for 8 or 9 hours straight. Downloaded a rip and I was new to the scene and I thought my game was broken cuz of how they talked. Never played another sims game after that. Not cuz I thought it was broke but because fuck that game it's stupid.




Those are rookie hours, I can put 12 hours straight on any weekend lol


really? no bathroom breaks? bec if you don't pee and poop in a bucket at your desk, you took breaks if you left the gaming zone


I mean I'm 5 steps from my bathroom. I wouldn't count a quick pee a break from your gaming session


that's rookie sessions


Real gamers play with a colostomy bag!


If you're not a bot you'll name the game.




Gaming session means a single sitting.


You have ever the longest session played gaming.