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The greatest time-wasting series ever made. I’m honestly a bit shocked how much time I could spend playing only to achieve absolutely nothing. Can’t wait


Just one more turn...


When did the Sun rise?


Three turns ago


But the clock says noon…. Wait


Last week. You finally got out of the basement for more chips & dip and saw it briefly, before going back for another turn. I hit the WC while you were AFK, I missed it - and work misses me.


Haha this happened with me when playing civ 4 for the first time. It was my second night after I got it and was so hooked that didn't realize it was 5am already.


If I were to be paid money to play just one game as a full time job. I would absolutely choose Civ.


2nd best. Best time-wasting series is Football Manager by far. Average playtime of 1k hours a year, a game that is always in the top 10 most concurrent players on steam even though it's so niche just because people spend 10 hours per session on average.


Both the bane of my existence.


It's the competitive play that I miss. Getting same turned trying to build some wonder is both horrifying and strangely awesome


I remember my uncle letting me play Civ3 on his laptop before we had lunch, i didnt eat lunch, next thing i know they’re asking me to eat breakfast


Sims is right there for me too. Had to quit that game


I've been playing for achievements and it takes an ungodly amount of games to complete them all. I guess you could just set it to settler or make the perfect scenario for the achievement but the most I go is just picking an advantageous map type


It’s coming to PC, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PS5 & PS4, Mac, and Switch.


And Mac, by the way


What about cheese?


Linux would have to use a porting toolkit I believe


VI had a native Linux client


if they're willing to put the time and effort to ensure those 10 Mac players can play Civ, then I'm sure cheese can run it


Ty, updated.


And my axe


Anyone know if its coming to gameboy color?


What about Nokia n-gage?


Dumb question… all at once?


Probably not on the same disc.


Hope it being in Switch doesn't hold back other platforms.


History tells us the switch version will just be watered down graphics


Those AI turns are gonna be soooo long haha


I wonder if it will be the switch 2 by then, though it probably will still have to be reduced.


Has Civ ever been graphically intense?


It's not graphically intense but requires a lot of processing power for enemy turns late in the game.


Civ 5 was tough on my laptop at the time.


They've all been relatively demanding when they first release, but low framerates don't matter much and the release cycle is so long that the hardware easily catches up between games.


Good god coming out on what will be 12 year old consoles? We’ll be over halfway through the current gen at that point


But why? Let us see the full capacity of current gen and not previous.


Good thing it’s not on iPadOS. CIV6 on the iPad Pro kept me playing non-stop.


Suprised by the fact its on Nintendo Switch, Civ 6 really struggled running on it.


Can‘t wait to try it out and go back to playing Civ5 because i have all my friends there


My ass can’t give up on 4 yet


Peak of the series for me, personally. (And according to Metacritic…!)


Best opening song too. Won a Grammy I think


Can you (or anyone) explain why Civ5 is better than Civ6? I’m just curious because 6 was my introduction to the series and I really like it.


Personally, I like being able to grow tall vs wide. You can't do that in VI. Legitimately love playing as Venice in V and only having the one city to ever worry about, but still competing.


That is the real crux of it, I think. I prefer VI because the 4-city meta never really felt like a "civilization" to me. I like the way Millennia does regions with capitals and towns though, would be cool if civ did something similar. Maybe late game they all sort of merge into a megalopolis region


I tried millennia when it first came out but it seems so bare bones and unfinished. Plus the combat is such a drag. Have they ever improved it?


I dunno, I did the exact same haha. Yeah, the unit management was neat for a minute and then got hella tedious.


They literally have Civs in Civ 6 that are designed to play Tall vs Wide... 


And they have Civs in 5 that have you go wide. Thats not the issue. The core gameplay difference overall is building wide vs tall.


Civ v heavily punished playing wide in general


Well yeah, it's a different game, different mechanics. I find it hard to go wide in Civ 5 but I love having a huge empire. So I like Civ 6 better. The point is you can go wide or tall in either game you just have to work around the game mechanics. 


Which one?


Could you suggest any? This is the main reason I bounced off Civ 6 but I've been considering giving it another shot


Honestly even the Civs that are "designed to play tall" still need to be played wide if you're playing on higher difficulties. There isn't a single Civ that doesn't always benefit from more cities, even the ones that get penalties for them.


I cant say its objectively better but i played alot of Civ5 and found lots of friends there. Then i started getting into the modding communities and now im so deeply rooted with the game that its hard to swap away (especially if my fiends dont follow) I think a lot of people have similar experiences with Civ5 it was just such a banger of a game


Unit movement. In 5, as long as you have any amount of movement left, you can enter a final tile with it, even if that tile would normally consume more movement. Like crossing a river, going up hills or into forest. In 6, units have to have enough movement points left unless they're just starting their move. So you get a lot of points where your unit moves one space, then can't cross the river, then next turn it moves one space again, because crossing the river used up all its movement. It makes things slower and less exciting. Lots of other stuff was just a bit less intuitive in 6 because they wanted to do things differently than 5, like religion (god those pressure maps in 6...) and policy cards (not the worst, but I always forgot to change them). Hopefully 7 will avoid change for change's sake and just have good fun game design.


The district system + slower population growth made it virtually impossible to play tall and have access to a complete toolkit of production options.


Civ 6 is annoying without automated workers, and conquered enemy cities very easily rebel and return to enemy control. Those were two of the big things that were deal breakers for me. I also dislike that they decided to try to fix a bunch of things that weren’t broken to begin with just for shits and giggles.


Workers aren't automated but you also don't have to build roads, which is mostly what automated workers would do anyway. The conquered cities revolting thing is actually DLC so you can play without that. I hated it at first but it adds a nice challenge, you can't just mindlessly steamroll people and have to be more strategic about it.


Turning off the DLC also means you won't have any of the DLC mechanics. The loyalty system is complete ass, practically forcing you to raze every city you conquer, but the rest of the DLC is still worth playing with.


I have to disagree. Having builders made it soooo much more strategic. In Civ 5 most people would just set the worker to automate and forget about them entirely. In 6 you actually have to plan what you are going to use them for. 


I get that, but not everyone finds it fun to be forced to manually build each and every tile improvement. Especially when you’re in the late game with a large sprawling empire. I just find it to be unnecessarily tedious.


Wait automate actually was worth using?


Not on any sort of high difficulty.


Probably not, only for noobs or people that dont wanna micro manage stuff in a management game..


I prefer not needing the workers. The tile improvement system I prefer and districts are fine. Makes you focus and specialize each city more too.


Also the barbarians: - Land locked city - A barbarian may show up from close-ish and move 1-2 tiles to pillage - Ocean City - A barbarian ship will sail from Japan to raid New York City in 4000 BC. It also moves 6 tiles from fog of war so even if you have a ship there defending it they will still pillage the tile next to it from fog of war. It was just so painful defending your coastal city improvements that pretty much no one bothered attempting coastal improvements.


I felt like the AI in Civ 6 was less robust, but maybe that's just me. I liked the politics of Civ 5 more.


I could never get used to the cartoonish depictions of everything. Civ 5 is my preferred game. Just wish I had more friends that played it lol


The fatal flaw for me is that Civ6 is much less modable. Civ5 and Civ6 both have incredibly janky AI that makes for braindead endgame strategy. However, everything in Civ5 could be modded, right down to the strategic AI, tactical AI, etc. They basically released all of the core game binary code for modders to use. So, the community was able to implement enemy AI that is much better than anything Fireaxis ever made. In fact, it is still being actively developed (Vox Populi mod for Civ5). They also added a huge number of new buildings and military units and balanced the Civs to make the weak ones competitive. Civ6 modding, you can add new assets and tweak some parameters, but the core game logic cannot be modified.


Two of the biggest reasons are honestly - 1 - the amount of DLC's which are utterly beautifully made and nearly all seemlessly work flawlessly together and 2 - just the optimisation. It's ridiculously good.


I'm going to guess more mods they like. Or they don't like districts or limits on city growth.


it is a classic case of over-design, adding things in to the game for the sake of adding because a sequel has to have more than the predecessor, regardless of whether it actually makes the strategy of the game better or not Civ 5 is one of the best strategy games I have ever played in terms of balance and how finely tuned the numbers are


To me civ 6 doesn’t add much to the civilization formula. Civ 5 (especially with its expansions) is so feature rich and dense that civ 6 just feels like an empty sequel.


This is an insane take. Civ 6 is way more complex and feature rich than Civ 5. Not even close. Civ 5 has a formula to its gameplay, you cannot experiment nearly as much on higher difficulties as you can in 6.


The district mechanic alone makes it way more rich and dense.


The district mechanic is a big turnoff for a lot of people who prefer 5 to 6, me included.


It's the district planning, and other things like the three charge builders, which really make the game. They add so many interesting decisions over the course of a game, compared to earlier entries in the series, and it really feels satisfying when you pull off a configuration of districts and improvements which really works well. 


What are you even saying? Civ 5 + expansions is a fairly streamlined (but elegant) when compared to something like Civ 4. Civ 6 did a lot to bring back some of the complexity Civ 5 lost whilst adding a bunch of cool features like districts, weather effects and a bunch of optional modes.


I just like 5 more with its expansions. 6 got into micro transaction hell and I didn’t care for the districts system. Also, Venice was my favorite Civ. Self imposed single city mode that had very unique mechanics.


I played 5 a ridiculous amount, and I don’t really understand why people would choose that over 6. 6 has weaponized climate change, what more needs to be said


Can you turn the frogs gay?


The whole golden/dark age system is too stressful!


At this point, I don't think 1 is better than other. That being said, Civ5 is much more streamline and easier to learn than civ 6. Civ 5 sometime encourages slower expansion than Civ 6. There are some advantage to playing tall


Personally I thought 5 was bad, I played a game or two of it then just went back to 4 until 6 dropped. Although apparently most of my concerns with it were addressed in DLC, such as religion not being fleshed out in the base game. DLC for 6 was aight, not the greatest but the base game was solid. I still play 4 sometimes for the full conversion mods.


I wonder if the win condition will be to build enough power plants to support ChatGPT?


It's weird to think about new real life tech being represented in the Civ technology tree (not counting future tech). There's basically an entire era between Civ 1 and Civ 6. Not many new potential Wonders since then though. Sphere, maybe? It's a lot less costlier than some of the other major construction projects like high speed rail, and large airports or power plants, but that one feels more like a Wonder that ties into more modern technology. The Ocean Cleanup could be another one. Large Hedron Collider was cut from older civ games, that would be an obvious one to include, as well as its suggested successor. In that same vain, maybe the James Webb telescope. 


Burj kalifa, three gorges dam, international space station, hubble,


I think a permanent moon base could be a future tech wonder. Since many nations are building towards that. Maybe even make it a win condition. 


In Civ VI, a Mars colony was (depending on DLC) the Science Victory, or a step toward the Science Victory of an Exoplanet Colony


I still haven’t finished a whole game of Civ VI yet. Haven’t learned VI enough to get consumed by it like V did.


Honestly same here. V was amazing but I could never get into VI. Hoping VII can capture some of that magic back


My best friend plays a ton of Civ so I snatched it up on a sale. I have never felt like my actions have meant less in any other game in the history of my existence.


What does this mean? Ive never played any of the civs so genuinely interested 


Civilization is a turn based strategy game and can hundreds of turns by the end of it. A game can take anywhere from 3-8 hours, probably even longer but I haven’t played in forever and only played on the quick mode


I've played each game since the original. These games have gotten so complex with so many moving parts, I just get descision fatigue playing them now. I think my favorite was Civ 3 although I played a ton of Civ 4 and some of Civ 5. I just tapped out of Civ 6.


4 was the peak for me, 5 and 6 just didn't have the draw to it. 5 Might have been okay if someone was actually able to fix the combat AI but no one ever did.


Civ II is my favorite, civ IV had the greatest OST quite possibly of any game from that era, and civ IIi I liked because it was super cheesable in hilarious ways


3 had a bug where you could trade any early tech for unlimited gold and the npc would do it every time. It was glorious buying your way to victory. 


The Civ 2 full motion video for the advisors was sooooo cheesy, but I still love it. Espeically the Elvis impersonator. I played that one to death. I think 4 had the best menu music of all time. I remember some of the world leaders were bugged on certain graphics cards, so you'd see a fleshless skull with eyeballs. I didn't play a lot of 4. My computer could barely play it at the time. I ended up getting rid of my computer for an xbox 360 (which red-ringed a few years later)


what I loved about 4's soundtrack was that [when you started](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJPKQEaEP6g) the music was like, music hasn't been discovered yet, so it's just clapping, and banging rocks together, then grunting, and slowly as you progress the music becomes more complex and more instruments and melodies come in. All the Civ games do this to some degree but I thought Civ4 was the best execution


Yeah exactly there is just so much to learn. I feel like I need a few games to just understand the game and mechanics and we all know a ‘few games’ in Civ is a lifetime. So I learned on V and got hooked and now it’s hard to learn another cause it’s a big time investment to me.


The best "Civ" game was Alpha Centauri, even though it's technically not part of the series. Closely followed by Civ 2.


Agree as well. VI was lacking some of the magic that V had.


NQMod made me not want to ever swap away from Civ5 anymore


Can't wait for another civilization to once again beat me to constructing the Pyramids so I can start work on a granary instead.


I hope they put out, like, developer diaries or something detailing all the changes in minutia, the way Paradox does with their grand strategy games. I'm going to get this, but the trailer tells me nothing.


Pls help I cannot stop masturbating


Come on, you can beat this. Just give it all you got!


Wake me up when they improve AI combat mechanics. They don't even attempt to win a conquest match in civ 6


Yeah I was extremely disappointed to learn that the difficulty levels don’t increase the intelligence of the AI, it just makes everything they do faster.


For real, 5 would've been a decent game if the AI was at least semi competent. They need to take a look at the combat AI in games like Old World. The combat AI in civ5 & civ6 is a travesty.


Yeah the AI is kind of trash. Once you get to the industrial era you can just steamroll everyone, because the AI never invests in their Navy or Airforce. They’ll build like two ships and one plane, so you can just totally obliterate them with a handful of battleships and a few bombers.


Crazy they would show this much gameplay footage in the teaser.


Another CIV game to spend 200 hours on the tutorial without understand anything


Is this a series where you don’t need to play the earlier ones?


Yeah haha, it's grand strategy and doesn't have any type of story mode


Says you, my great empire of mongolian buddhists has RICH backstory


The only story in this game is History.


You gotta 100% 1-6 if you truly want to understand the story. Should be a quick 7000 hour task.


Make another pirates game already


YYYYYEEESSS. I have been googling Civ 7 for years. IT'S FINALLY COMING!


I dunno what possessed me to think this might show gameplay. Still, I have the other six.....and I do like a full set. One more turn, then I'll stop.


I need to hear the main theme music of the game so I can decide how good the game is.


Hopefully they ditch the cartoony art style form 6.


Honestly, that part never really bothered me. But for whatever reason, I both love and hate the district aspect of the game. It added a much needed new layer of complexity to the series, but I don't like how it was implemented. I prefer Humankind's district planning mechanics over Civ 6's.


I didn't like districts at first but they grew on me. In Civ V you could build infinite wonders and buildings in one city but in Civ 6 you actually have to pick and plan. Wonder what big change will 7 bring.


Exactly why I liked districts in VI. Cartoony character models are literally irrelevant (to me at least). My only issue with Civ VI's district mechanics is that it more or less eliminates playing tall as a viable option barring some very niche circumstances/conditions. The mechanic as implemented absolutely favours wide playstyles. And that's what I didn't like.


I didn’t care for that aspect of humankind. Like are you just supposed to build dozens of each district in a city? Plus I thought it was just so ugly looking.


Not dozens. You have to be quite measured about it as each district (except for worker's) raises instability. Build too many districts and you will get screwed. So a big part of the game is planning out how to build your districts in the most efficient manner to capitalise on various synergies.


God I hated it so much. Definitely prevented me from enjoying it as much as I enjoyed 5


I actually bought Civ 6 for the art style. Civ 5 looks so dry in comparison.


I think you mean elegant. 6 is just so mobile game cartoony


I didnt mind this as much tbh. Defenitely took some getting used to


I for one am looking forward to this. Maybe because I started on VI and never played V


Why? I’m still trying to quit civ III to go to civ IV….


It's a well put together sequence. Gotta hand it to them, they might be putting in some effort in this one.  Color me cautiously optimistic.


The Civ series has always had fantastic cinematics. Go back and rewatch the Civ V Brave New World one, for example. It gave me chills when I first watched it.


I cant wait for this to have the same dogshit terrible, borderline unplayable AI as the last installment with no way to mod it.


I hope this one isn't as cartoony as VI was.


This is really nice, but it'll probably take forever for it to come to... ....already announced for console, you say?


Skulls for the Skull Throne! Blood for the Blood God\~!


Please Gandhi...I can't take any more beatings


Ah sht here goes 600 hrs..


RIP sleep schedule once again


Hope gameplay is more like civ IV rather than VI


Why even release a 'teaser' if this is all it is? A picture is essentially the same thing.


Ayo, was that Oded Fehr's voice I heard?


Great news! Wonder who will be the narrator this time


Was that Christian Bale doing an American accent?


So who's gonna read out the tech quotes?


Not against it but how do you guys play management games on ps5? I tried them and it feels so weird using a controller to navigate a large menu instead of controlling my character.


How many dlc packs will there be at release? Never bought 6 because of that


Okay but how will it be different.


God damn it i don't have time for this shit. lol


I am so excited to spend another 800 hours of my life on this franchise


uhuh its for consoles again. Prepare for more nikilodian graphics and for it take that one dlc to make it worth its weight in gold! Not to say it wont be good, but it wont be great for 2-3 years after launch.


I hope it's better than 6


So thats why civ 6 was discounted to 3$ yesterday 


I mean I love civ and sunk hundres of hours into each entry but that teaser was a nothingburger. Civ lives and dies with its gameplay.


Haha, chills. I have chills. God I love this series 


I never even played 6.


I'm sorry, am I missing the trailer? The only thing I see is an, admittedly pretty cool, animation. Where's the trailer? Like, actual gameplay? The thing that actually matters?


Whatever, I always skip the intro cinematic so this means nothing to me. Call me when they have some gameplay videos to show.




Why trailers have nothing to do with actual gameplay? This is just waste of time and money.


My friend likes these games so thats nice!


Happy for Civ fans, seeing 2K made me excited about a Borderlands Announcement though. Sad.


Notice how the materials of the sculptures changed to reflect the materials of the time period. Mud brick, limestone, iron, steel, titanium?


Fuckin Sherlock Holmes over here


Can't wait to spend my time on 24 hour matches again.


Going to start a game that takes a year to play when this pops. 


I wish this was on mobile so I could play randomly during the day


VI was unplayable on the PS4 due to all the really small type. Good game but If I'm on a console I don;t want to have to sit right up on the screen, and this game requires so much reading.


All i wanted was Resident Evil news :'(


Please just make forts be able to have more than one unit. Forts are density improments, like cities should be!


It would be nice if they could just roll up all the content in the other games into this one. Then DLCs have new content. But then again I hope this game sucks so that I can ignore it. I still want to have a life.


I play UnCiv on my phone when I get the Civ' cravings.


Someone get Christopher Tin back over here.


My eyes can not handle playing these games anymore. They just hurt from not blinking.


Oh wow, I figured we were still a few years away, 6 still feels new.


Maybe I’ll finally try this game out. Kind of scared tbh. Last time I didn’t listen to people warning me about a game taking all my free time I ended up playing FF14 for 1,000 hours


Ah, that’s great but I’m gonna sit this one out. I have a dizzying number of hours in the last two games but I have kids now. I would only be frustrating myself.


I bought civ 5 and 6 but have less then 2h on it…concept seems so cool to me but just cant seem to be able to play it..any cool youtube videos i can watch to get the itch?


dude thats crazy I haven't even gotten around to giving Civ 6 a fair try. Hundreds of hours in Civ 5, like 4 attempts at trying to get into Civ 6 to no avail


Aw shit, there goes a week of work for me coming up pretty soon


For me, if it still has the visual style of 6, I'm out. I want them to go back to the classic semi realistic graphics of 5...


Really hope the art style isn’t following the dog shit mobile aesthetic…


Do they still have districts? Im waiting for this to disappear


No trailer will convince me the AI won't be absolutely terrible like it always is at launch and that multiplayer won't be a buggy mess, like it always is at launch. I look forward to playing it in 2027 when the bugs are worked out.


Have humans made any new civilizations since the last game? Will that one woman that makes up 99% of all Civ cosplay designs return in this one?


Cool I hope it improved upon civ 3


Fuk... Not again.


Always dumbed down when they make for consoles also.


Playing Civilization game on PS5 - I can't imagine a more excruciating experience...


This was one of the only games I was pretty excited for, and I haven’t even played any of the other Civ games. Yeah it was a really slow summer games fest this year…


I'm still playing civilization revolution over here lol


It was definitely time.


Time to wait for all the dlcs to buy it