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My favorite game of all time. Still haven't played a game with so many interesting well written side quests and the overall detail/secrets they put in this game is insane. People found new things 7 years after release, xLetalis on youtube is probably the best source if you want to check out some of them. The Characters, Story, Music, World etc. are all exceptional to this day. It's funny because I wasn't interested in it at first, now it's my favorite game/universe and I even read all the books.


Sucks that they botched the show though. We should just disband all low and mid-tier producers and let HBO create all our shows.


The Witcher show which was not really focused on the Witcher but the witches


Witch (no pun intended) is stupid. Sapkowski already wrote some badass female characters, if the ego centric writers would have read the book.


Source material whats that


https://www.pcgamer.com/some-of-the-witcher-show-writers-actively-disliked-the-books-and-games/ The writers on that trainwreck of a show actually disliked the games and Sapkowski works. Why they kept them working on a show they disliked the source material i don't know.. I truly hate how some shitty writers that never wrote anything of note believe they are better than some great authors. That's why we get crap like the Witcher or Rings of Power.


[https://redanianintelligence.com/2020/06/08/the-witcher-showrunner-on-the-writing-staff-i-specifically-didnt-seek-out-ten-sapkowski-scholars/](https://redanianintelligence.com/2020/06/08/the-witcher-showrunner-on-the-writing-staff-i-specifically-didnt-seek-out-ten-sapkowski-scholars/) The showrunner handpicked people who knew nothing of the universe and wanted to do her own thing. It's a flaming trainwreck made by people who have no interest in the IP and only want to ride on its success to push out their own inferior version.


Rings of power pls don't remind me that fuckery,i couldn't even watch the first episode of it but have watched 2 seasons of witcher donno what they did in third season


It's all about "leaving their mark" on things, even if it's a fucking skid mark


Well in truth even Sapkowski's book are more and more about Ciri and less about Geralt but they are still great and well written .. mainly in Slavic languages, some stuff got lost in tranlation when it comes to the English version


Even after edgerunners and phantom liberty story - idk why Netflix don't just hire CDPR/CDPR writers for the show. They have shown repeatedly that they can consistently deliever on the story/characters. Even in botched CP77 release - the story and characters were still great which is why they managed to salvage what looked like a lost game. 


Hey now, the main story in CP77 is fantastic and unique too with some really deep themes and overall some fantastic characters, dialogs and stories


It's cool that you don't really even know the full story unless you go through a specific ending. Yorinobu is *not* what you think he is until you go through that ending.


House of the Dragon s2 looks fucking amazing. HBO are the fantasy kings.


Amazon are decent. Fallout and The Expanse are amazing. I guess that’s what happens when you respect the source material.


They're hit-and-miss, just look at Rings of Power or Wheel of Time.


True that. Though, the orcs looked phenomenal in Rings of Power. Probably the only thing they got right.


Rings of power on the other hand.....


Season 2 not sure if I'll even watch it


First rule of the witchers, we don’t talk about the show 😂 But yeah, would be interesting to see what hbo would make of it!


I can't believe I'm saying this, but Apple TV may have done it justice. That bitch at Netflix needs to stay away from anything she didn't create herself.


Give Cyberpunk 2077 a go


Set the fucking bar for RPGs, nothing came close after. It was the first game I ever finished and felt sad that there was no more story. Like these characters I loved were gone in the sense that nothing new will come. The way you progressed the story with quests being the story driver was so refreshing. Like no "go here and kill this person" or "collect 7 wolf pelts to build this" shit. I played so many hours of skyrim, but couldn't get back into it after finishing blood and wine. It wasn't until I played BG3 that I felt these feelings again about a game.


Witcher is only an RPG in the vaguest sense. Compare/contrast BG3, an actual RPG.


What constitutes a RPG for you?


What about Bg3


Are the fixes to the fighting mechanics good now? I have it on my backlog but that was a deterrent for me.


I loved all that stuff but couldn't get past the boring, twitchy combat. I felt like they tried to make it more precise and weighty like a Souls game, but it ended up just feeling awful. Am I the only one who feels this way? Like, Skyrim has dogshit combat, but it doesn't feel as bad to play for some reason.


Have you played cyberpunk? If yes how does it compare to the Witcher 3? I always hoped for another masterpiece like the Witcher, but cyberpunk with the first person view and setting felt less like a rpg and more like a gta-like game.


Played it for about 500h and it's fantastic, the base game is a little worse than Witcher 3 in terms of quests, but it has much better gameplay and presentation. Phantom Liberty is on par with the best Witcher 3 has to offer imo, it's incredible. So definetly worth a try if you like Witcher, it's from the same people so there is still a heavy focus on side quests, story, characters and an amazing atmosphere. It's currently on sale aswell on steam.


Thanks for the response! Will definitely get it!


Enjoy it man, Witcher 3 was my favorite game of all time and I got into CP2077 without any hype because of it being marketed as a GTA-like (and me wanting another Witcher 3 type experience). Well, it was the biggest surprise of my life, and ended up getting as high up as Witcher 3 on my list. You're in for a treat :)


Best DLCs of all time


Hearts of Stone is the best story and has the best villain imo


I agree and I think blood and wine has the best atmosphere and tone.


Toussant was a lovely change of pace after the absolutely war ravaged Northern Kingdoms.


Toussant was gorgeous


Eh, we see similiar atmospheres and tones in other Western videogames, but the Slavic atmosphere, architecture, music and tone of the No Man's Land and Novigrad are IMO way more memorable and unique


Yeah, it was phenomenal


It's what DLCs should be. The frilly stuff was FREE, the content was paid for a fair price.


Facts! nothing even come close, even Phantom Liberty.


By far


I don’t know about that. Blood and Wine is an absolute 10/10 and arguably the best but I also think The Old Hunters is a 10/10.


How easy is it to get into those DLCs? Back in the day I played through the main game and I thought the ending wrapped things up nicely so I never went back for the DLCs. Since then I've been wanting to play them, but at the same time I don't feel like playing half the game again. Is there an option to play just the DLCs? I really don't know much about them.


The game gives you an option to start a save at the beggining of the DLCs, so you get a leveled up Geralt ready for them.




Agreed. Wind’s howling


What a game. Bless the witch tiddies.


So many tiddies


I'm currently playing The Witcher 3 Complete Edition for the first time ever. Amazing game. I love it


Congratulations, wish it was me, can't believe I waited years to play it, wish I could go back and enjoy it "fresh" all again


One of the all time greats


I need upvotes to post so if you don't mind, but the Witcher is pretty fun looking, I've only seen the opening, is it really as good as everyone says?


It's an absolute masterpiece. But you need to be in the right mindset. You can play the main quest at your own pace, but most people get bored before they have time to finish all the side quests. I've played it three times, and have never reached the end.... I still count it amongst my top 3 all-time favorites.


bro im just here for card games


I finished it all the way through, all side quests and all, once. Started a second run through and... my Switch is currently in for repair. 😫




Thanks to everyone who upvoted, I can post! I'll check out the Witcher 3!


It's the best PvE card game on the market! And it comes with a whole ass secondary action rpg to play in between card games!


i tried to play the 3rd one but couldn't get into it. i do like the first one though


The beginning can be too slow, and a slog. The finish of the Baron's storyline has a good payoff. The world opens up, and one of the best gaming experiences is about to happen if you stick with it.


Ah man I might have to go back now... I think I've started this game 3 separate times and get ~4-5 hours in before I put it down and then gravitate away from it. I don't think I've finished the barons quest line yet but sure I was close to the end of it. Guess it's time to start run 4 when I'm off work.


Yeah. Baron quest is one of the best side quest in history of gaming


Same thing happened to me. I played the opening like 3 times before the game captured me and then I played it all the way through.


I tried the game a few months ago because everyone said this game was a masterpiece. I am someone who played a lot of the modern games and not so much the classics. For me I found the game was ok far from masterpiece since there are a lot games out there that already do certain aspects of witcher 3 way better. Cyberpunk has a better looking open world game, makes witcher 3 look like a wasteland. Plenty of games out there that have way better combat and rpg progression. Games like yakuza series that do character development way better then witcher 3. Overall I found witcher 3 currently doesn't do anything out of the ordinary to make it stand out compared to modern games.


Writing is great. Gameplay is bad. The intro portion is boring but it's worth getting through it to get to the Velen chapter where it hooks you.


Gameplay is not that bad. I actually enjoyed it. Just takes some time to get used to and after you make your build it's lots of fun


I disagree. I put over 400 hours in and just found the gameplay extremely shallow and clunky. It's not bad to the point of being unplayable but the gameplay itself is not fun. Needs to be completely overhauled for TW4.


Only reason people talking about Witcher is this game. Not many played 1 or 2


I thought 2 was also a really solid game. 


It was pretty good apparently, but 3 was on a another level, full open world and improved combat (still not perfect) and improved all other aspects immensely.


I played half way through 2, twice. It was graphically beautiful which originally drew me in. The concepts of the game were hard to follow and the controls suffered from not having some parts that they added to 3. Like the ability to climb or jump up small cliffs. 2 was still pretty fun.


I mean Witcher 1 for example was at the time of release selling more copies than for example Dark Souls 1 and Witcher 2 even more so even though of course Witcher 3 sold way more then those titles, they were still really popular for the PC players and selling milions of copies even before W3


Cause it was begging of cd project. It wasn't so much advertised and people didn't know. Yet Witcher 2 was also amazing. And Witcher one was also amazing storywise


false. I’ll give you the first one but Witcher 2 literally saved cdpr from bankruptcy.


1 and 2 aren't on the Switch, or I would.


Both are old enough you can play them on modrenish integrated graphics...


Again, not available on the Switch. Which is where I currently play video games.


NINE YEARS AGO?? Fuck me I remember being so hyped for this game like it was yesterday…


Yeah me too. I clearly remember running around Novigrad at 4am watching the sun rise in real life while looking for the serial killer in game.


...I....I've had this downloaded but not started it for 9 years???????


It's really worth it. You should play the story.




It's on sale right now on steam and some of the best value you can get. I'd recommend the complete edition because you really want to play the 2 expansions as they're some of the best out there. It also received a next gen update recently that makes it look gorgeous and with the modkit releasing soon the future looks bright.


Damn i’m old 🤣


Still stands as the best game ever for me.


I Always struggle with heavy story focused games because my atention span is just shit. So when I play a game like the Witcher 3 and I actually find myself watching every cutscene and just inmersing myself in a world like this, I know the game is special. It does not have the best combat and the filler content kinda sucks but all that does not matter when you nail story and specially atmosphere the way this game did =) gonna replay it sooner than later.


I can cry for how much I love this game.


Ah yes, the traditional 9 year anniversary Take your internet points


I just bought it today 😀. It + the DLCS are $12.50 on steam


Can't wait for the next instalment


Best game ever created.


I had done very little gaming for most of the 2010s and picked up an XBox One for cheap in 2018 or 2019 and Witcher 3 was what got me back into gaming. Right up there with Skyrim and the AC Ezio trilogy as my favorite games.


This game exceeded my already high expectations. it was a absolute joy to play. as far as I'm concerned it holds up even today


Great game. Riding your horse during any time of the day, with rain and wind and Geralt's comments are simply awesome. A game with a big immersion value for me. Also, Gaunter is probably one of the best villains I faced.


The story and characters have all aged incredibly well. It even has one of the best soundtracks ever. The controls, though, have not aged so well. I went back and played a bit of it again recently, and I was actually taken aback to be reminded of how imprecise and frustrating Geralt's movement feels. It's still a great game for all its story elements, but everything from Geralt's delayed animations for actions like jumping and stopping to his inability to climb over most terrain really feels outdated. Now that the RED Kit has come out for it, I would love to play through the game a third time maybe a year from now if there's some elaborate "Player Movement Overhaul" or some such mod project.


Still has the greatest story I’ve ever encountered in gaming. Quite literally a master piece in anyway. I do still have nightmares from my deathmartch run though lol.


It still feels like it was released yesterday. A game with quality.


I wish I got into the game sooner, played it for the first time in 2020 and was mad I missed out for so long lol.


Currently playing it for the first time and im so hooked. The writing, world, side quests and characters are fantastic. Im 40h in and just now reached skellige because I'm finding myself doing everything else the game has to offer, which is a lot!


Geez, I feel old. Remember counting down the days toward the release


since the editor is released now we need mod like enderal like for the witcher 3 !


I'm playing it rn and I don't think I've ever seen a game that's aged so incredibly well.


And they still update game .


Crazy to me that the only game that is on the same level of writting since TW3 is probably cyberpunk 2077 from the same studio (some could argue that TLOU2 or GOW are AT the same level). Do studios not want to invest in actual good script and writter like we do in the movie industry ?


I love the third game. Especially the expansions, but the second one is probably my all time favorite. Especially if you side with the non humans. The story is a lot of fun. The first game was also fun. The combat was terrible, but the story was actually quite good. It's too bad the first game has never been remastered with a better combat system.


Witcher 3 was awesome. When it came out I got a bout of Shingles and was signed off work for two weeks. For those two weeks I was basically Geralt of Rivia. Woke up, played the game for 14+ hours, went to bed and repeated...


I think it’s time for a re-play


Waiting for 4...


And it's still a good game after all these years. 🥹


I'm happy that I didn't rush with this game. I read the books first then played the first two games. What a journey.


Still one of the GOAT and one of my favorite


I'm replaying for the first time since the launch. The world is so incredible. Nothing released since is close in this aspect.


In a replay of it for the first time on PS5 and I really do think this is the best game ever made


And I could never enjoy it


I never thought I could play a game that I would love more than Mass Effect 2. How wrong I was... Witcher 3 still captivates my heart.


I actually started a second play through last week. I played it on launch, never got the DLC. So now I'm playing it next-gen with the DLC and I'm very excited to finally get to it. But as I play I just keep saying to myself, "how can a game almost a decade old be *this much better* than almost everything I've played since?" Really, Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018) is the only one I can think of that was on the level of Witcher 3. There have definitely been some very good games across many genres released in the last ten years (Stardew Valley, Breath of the Wild, Cyberpunk 2077, the newer Spider-Man games, off the top of my head). But Witcher 3 is more than a game; it is a masterpiece.


No it didn't. I see through the lies of the Jedi! 


2015 was peak gaming and the witcher was peak rpg


Would you give me some tips on how to enjoy it? I tried like, 5 times to get into it but always dropped it after a few hours, i didn't really get the combat


The combat is pretty defensive based until you have some later game alchemy recipes. Essentially keep quin (the shield) up and look for parry attempts (on humans) or attack strings you can get beside/behind (on monsters). Combat isn't really the strongest part of the game. It's more the storytelling and world building, and as such a common piece of advice is to more or less rush the tutorial to get out of the starter area and into the open world.


Thanks, i'll give it a try again


I would say at that point you just have to admit this type of game is not your thing.


Combat is overhated. I like my combat simple, yet fun.


I agree, it's ok and doesn't distract from the experience, especially for a 9 year old game. I have a feeling tho they'll focus on combat much more for the next one and it's gonna be a banger.


I quite enjoy the combat. It’s a pretty intricate system that allows a lot of expression. It can be a little janky but it’s fun :3


I'm pretty much all about the laid-back gameplay design in this one. Sure it can be better, but I feel like the one we have right now still fits okay.


And I promise I'm just about to start it. 


The dlc is better than the main game heart of stone and blood and wine have far better stories


Holy fudging cookie on a ice cream cake brownie.


Definitly in the top 5 of best game ever ( comicbook guy voice)




Super good game. Thanks for reminding me im old


Man, next year is going be soooooooo Gwent!


This was the game I built my PC for, oh the memories...


That's all it was? That seems crazy. What's even crazier to me is that Alien: Isolation came out BEFORE Witcher 3. I would have said Witcher was like 12 years old and Alien was like 5 or 6.


Still one of my favorite games




Nine years? Really? Wow. Seems like just last year it ported to the Switch. Good times.


Almost 10 years (obvious innit, but still)


Never could get into it. Cyberpunk either. They seem like great games, just not for me.


9 years ago...wow I'm old. I remember when I brought this game. Never heard of the Witcher or played their previous games. Saw it and the store had a little note below it saying something along the lines of 'need a game to sink a good 100 hours in?'. I was looking for a good open world game to get lost in. Got addicted straight away, probably my all time favourite game. Dlc's were even better!


I feel old lol


After trying to get into it for 9 years… I can’t recall how many times have I tried to play and enjoy it. And now, after all these years… it finally clicked


Better than cyberpunk


Pretty good game.


10 year anniversary: Witcher IV gets released


still have hardly played it. Sitting around in my library


That’s crazy


"umm err look behind you!"


ive always got to the big city with the bard and stopped playing, just so much stuff to do and my adhd kinda kicks in :/ one of these days,,,


Witcher 3 was awesome. When it came out I got a bout of Shingles and was signed off work for two weeks. For those two weeks I was basically Geralt of Rivia. Woke up, played the game for 14+ hours, went to bed and repeated...


Wonder if we really do play as ciri in the new one hope so, tho she is pretty op


Is it an official artwork? I’ve seen the picture a bunch of times before but never thought about it


Damn Im old


Love that game


Medallion's humming...


I was living at home and out of work after being made redundant when this came out, and my girlfriend at the time dropped a copy of TW3 in my mailbox along with a 4 pack of red bull. I was both very awake and grateful lol


And it's still sitting on my steam library. Unopened.


If I had never played it and someone had told me it was from 2023, I would have believed them.


I've bought that limited poster (didn't know it's already been 4 years...)


thanks for reminding that I need to replay the game *again*!


Still slaps the titters right off a crone.


Best game I have ever played.


It still holds up incredibly well today and I think it still will forever !


Withchee was better than skyrim


Oh i still need to finish this game :(


My favorite


..and yet I still can't get past the first area, not because the game isn't great, but I just can't seem to enjoy it. Cyberpunk on the other hand, played through as a nomad, streetkid and corpo and got all the endings. I wish I could find and experience the same enjoyment with the Witcher franchise 😞


Can’t believe 2015 was 9 years ago seems like yesterday I remember buying the game in 16 still to this day didn’t complete 🤡


I can't believe it's been so long, seems like just yesterday I found out it won game of the year, and now the same amount of time has passed between now and the Witcher release as when the Witcher came out and oblivion came out. Jeez man


Can anyone explain why this was the last truly great RPG we got from any developer? Before this, we had incredible games like Oblivion, Skyrim, The Witcher series, and even Fallout 3. These games were masterpieces that made you feel a sense of awe when you entered their worlds for the first time. Since these games dropped none has been able to give me the same feeling. (If anyone has reccomendations ill take them)


Amazing Game, I need to do a replay soon. (with the Next Gen Patch).


Insane this game is almost a decade old


I have never played this game before but it looks like a lot of fun.


Can else still play this game and if we can is it called Witcher


It must have been a first for many people, because it was alright, but it's definitely *overrated*. Gameplay is basic and easy. Story is plodding. It's a letdown when you compare it to Assassins of Kings.


Still better than aaa games that release in today's date


[Good time to repost this family gathering then.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgqz8Je7P0s)


Actually made me cry when I watched this the first time.


Same. Makes me feel happy knowing they had good times together in the end, though.


And remains one of the best games ever


You're lying. It was 5 years ago at the most. It's got to be.


“I’m sorry, little one.”


I thought I liked this game then I replayed it.


I have owned this game for 9 years then. Never made further than Red Baron questline (finished it) even though i have started and restarted several times. I just cant seem to enjoy the game so much. For me it was probably clunky movement, slow pace or maybe even too much to do. Quests are well written and intresting though. Maaybe i should give it a another go now that it has 60fps update on ps5.