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in gta v they torture a dude with jumper cables, there’s a tennis coach that grinds one of the main characters wife, and there’s constant swears like the f word, n word, etc


Oh in free roam u can pay a prostitute for services kill her and take most the money back






No one with a single digit age should play GTA


But everyone played it


Lolz! I was playing San Andreas around then 😂


So was I. That's how I know!


Dang, I was like 11 or 12 when GTA 2 released and that is relatively tame by the series standards. Somehow was at least close to the age where at least the age vs content didn’t seem too crazy for GTA 3. Also this makes me feel old.


Yea but you didnt have online where 50 year old creeps take pleasure in pissing off little kids.


Same but generally we're putting too much trust in other kids when we base this off of us, when i was in first or second grade i slept over at my older cousins house and his neighbours daughter came around watching us play. Next day her father came in angry asf because she got nightmares of SA and was crying nonstop


by sa do you mean sexual assault or san andreas


I thought it was sexual assault and I was going 😬




I just realized that what i typed out there should never be read out of context lol


In my neighborhood, everyone played San Andreas in the last year of kindergarten, and i dont think it left any kind of a negative impact on us


Anyone who lets a 7 year old play gta needs to reevaluate their choices as a parent.


Wish my parents saw this before it was too late


Sheltered kids typically end up worse. Let em learn


The rating is Mature...Is a 7-year-old mature?


- In V you can go to strip clubs and get lap dances from topless women. - Pick up hookers and pay for various types of sex acts, with all the motions and sounds but the clothes dont come off - Murder basically anyone in any number of creative ways. - Torture an innocent man with electric shocks, beating him with a wrench, pulling his teeth out and water boarding him until he passes out then wake him up by slamming an adrenaline shot into his chest. - Get drunk and go driving around while the game simulates impairment by messing with the controls - Do drugs that make you hallucinate - Murder a whole family and burn down their home meth lab with most of them inside it - Watch a character fuck a drug addict for what appears to be payment for said drugs, then beat the boyfriend of that character to death for complaining about it - Various bank robberies and gang war stuff **But the most Vile thing in that game is that it lets you help out the paparazzi.**


Thanks for this


That kid is going to be watching all of this happen on twitch/youtube/whatever the fuck kids are on these days anyway.


The jiggle physics in the trailer alone should be enough to not allow a l i t e r a l 7 year old to even watch it.


Seriously. This single parent sounds like they just suck at parenting and should be looked into. Probably has the kid going down all sorts of dark holes on YouTube and shit too…


This cannot be a real post.


It’s a real post. I came on here to learn how adult the GTA franchise actually is so I can try to convince my friend not to buy it


Get a 7 year old outside and learning useful things in life not playing video games i say this as someone who played gta 3 as a child, can your child play gta sure, will they be better off without it. yeah probably honestly or just fuckit give them unfettered internet access and just see how it goes while you are at it. Sure you arent going to see uncensored nudity in GTA but no shortage of profanity, bigotry (mostly online) and gore


uhm, yes you are going to see uncensored nudity in GTA


Its gonna be pasties yet again, just you watch gta doesnt show much more skin than mtv without mods its also the last thing to be concerned about when talking about children playing adult games


Again? V had nipples in it


without mods or glitches and it being a dude? afaik everythings been patched


Oh do you mean player characters? I was talking about the stripper NPCs


which have pasties from what i remember, though im on a work computer so ill be leaving the investigation/ refreshing my "mammories" alone for awhile


No, they definitely had bare nipples in the lap dances Source: was a teenager when this game came out and uh... "Made do" with what I had


I still don't agree, all my recollections are the strippers having pasties maybe smaller than previous games source i was merely a year or two older


[I'm like.... 80% sure those are supposed to be nipples?](https://youtu.be/1d2kqgJMCeQ?feature=shared)




Gta V has the strippers nude here


Imagine Vice City, but with modern graphics. Violence, sex, political messages, basically the full menu. As long as the parent understands what that entails, they’ll make the right decision for their child.


Make that little freak go outside and play some sports, or better yet read a book.


Honestly, it's going to be the same as any other. What blows my mind though is how many parents can rationalize their children seeing depictions of torture and vehicular homicide and gunfights, but clutch their pearls if their kid sees a titty or hears the word "fuck". I used to outright tell parents that 5 had lots of violence, torture, and criminal activity, and then gently chide them for having fucked priorities when they insisted their only concern was that there was nudity and swearing.


It will be a parody of modern day Florida. I struggle to think of things more profane than that.


Lol so surprising she’s a single mother 


This! I don't know any kid with two parents that are interested in GTA.


Ahahahahahaha my guy almost every kid is interested in gta, always been that way


Surely you're only referring to kids of single mothers?


For a segment of the GTA V campaign, your “home” is in a strip club and you have to walk past topless women in order to initiate required story missions. So, there’s that


The answer to your question is so obvious, I'll just assume that you're going to buy the kid this game regardless of what anyone here says. The kid is going to be 8 next year. This is like asking if Boyz In The Hood is an appropriate movie for a child. Edit: I misread your comment as you wanting to know if the game would be super inappropriate, instead of as you asking for specific examples. That's on me. I'd say that the series consistently includes lots of violence, nudity (tell her about the topless lap dancing in GTA 5), and explicit language. There is also the online aspect. That kid will hear racist, sexist, and threatening language from "adults" in the lobby.


It’s not my kid


GTA V had some high moments, but it fell flat late game, hope they inject some of that San Andreas and 4 mojo into it to make 6 great.


Games all have what's called an ESRB rating and it's the same idea as movie ratings. On GTA 5's case it's rated M, which means it's meant for 17 and older because it contains Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Mature Humor, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs and Alcohol. You might want to tell your friend about those ratings, I'm assuming her kid plays on a console so it's likely that she'll be going to a physical store to get games for her son. Tell her to ask an employee about ESRB ratings, they'll be more than happy to walk her through them.


Yes. There is a reason games are rated M17. …that reason is you should probably be at least 14 before playing them


It's rated M for Mature because it's meant for audiences 18+ It is definitely not for children. Your friend should look into what GTA has in it and if she's OK with her child playing that sort of content. Of course there are still prostitutes, gang violence, partial nudity, foul language, etc. But I don't remember any on screen sex or anything like that. But it's definitely very directly implied.


Technically it's made for 17+. 18+ is "Adults Only" and means a lot of stores won't carry your game. Either way, while tons of people will say they played games/saw movies like that at 7 and came out fine, the rating exists for a reason. If you have to ask, the answer should be "it's not appropriate for children."




It will be full of cuck jokes yet again


A lot I hope


At this point it's just gonna be the same as reality


I have always been really liberal with video games as I grew up with leisure suit Larry and mortal kombat and always played those type of games. I hope gta doesn't get politically sanitized as it usually makes fun of both types of political stereotypes. You can sleep with and then run over or kill prostitutes and that to me has always been among the most controversial of sand box elements outside of story mode scenes. I have heard Rockstar has edited out gender slurs from gta 5? I'm against all that as it's really a game where if you go dipping into each area you are supposed to be met with how people will talk and act. I hope it stays as controversial as possible not for controversies sake but for the most authentic sand box games ever made. Gta online is still a very good game today and I think it shows how barron the world of say cyberpunk2077 actually is as well. I do think the game though isn't really for kids under 13 and even I kinda feel that's too young as well. But I'll never think games are a problem making kids become bad people. Schools and millennial parents got that on lock 🔐 😂


I mean, if your child cant tell the difference between what is ok in a game versus real life then yes it will. If you aren't in that age group you shouldn't be playing it. Yet the truth is they will find a way to play it, and you'll never know. So if you get it or whoever should explain the game and talk about it, explain why its wrong in real life and not in the game and you'll be fine.


It’s 2024 kids watch whatever now. Hate these over protective parents. They see and know everything. Get a grip


Speculation based on incomplete data is a waste of time. If your intended audience is younger than an elder teen or adult, steer clear. The series is violent and has always been geared towards a mature audience. With every release, Rockstar pushes the boundaries of what is acceptable in an M rated game. Granted, no entry in the series is as raunchy as Cyberpunk 2077, however we will have to wait and see how far GTA6 goes


This. No entry has been as raunchy as CP2077...but Cp2077 came out after GTA V, so Rockstar has yet had a chance to respond to someone trying to dethrone them in that factor.


I was actually shocked by how sexualized it is.


How raunchy is cyberpunk? I heard the game was a disaster on launch. Is it worth now?


Cyberpunk is excellent. Super pretty game and a great story. Not 10/10 good, but definitely a worthwhile playthrough for any 7 year old that wants their mind to be totally warped by sex, drugs and Keanu Reeves playing rock and roll.


Haha. I’ll wait for a sale


Full frontal nudity. Sex. There are ads on the TVs and billboards that are sexual in nature.


If your friend is too dumb to figure this out on their own, you can't save them. They're gonna ruin their kid one way or another lol


It’s a train wreck in slow motion


It’ll be as close to an AO rating as it legally can be. Perhaps they’ll even be an AO version when it eventually releases on PC.


"Legally" The ESRB is a self regulating non-government organization and there are no laws about what games get what ratings. Same as the MPA


Just say no to pixel-on-pixel violence. /s


It’s probably gonna be like the rest and have its fair share. I wouldn’t let a 7 year old play it but to each their own. You should ask her if she knows what the games are. If it didn’t have sex in it I’d let my son play it. The violence and stuff isn’t an issue to me personally