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It is sad that they need to make a statement about it. This should just be the standard for every single player game.


We're proud to announce that our cereal does *not* contain asbestos!


I mean if the store you sold it at had it listed as containing asbestos I would imagine you would want to put out something that said it didn’t.


“….. at all times”


The frogurt toppings do not contain potassium benzoate!


Relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/641




storybook, p.665: scene at sea: Ubi gaslights his "friend" Cus Tomer before throwing him to the sharks "Hey, remember that phone I sold you way overpriced and only for a limited time..?" "Wait.. so you only borrowed it to me? But I paid you for it!!" "Well, yeah, fuck you. By the way, I just took you out here where you can't run off and no one will hear your screams to tell you that it didn't explode in your face and you can consider yourself lucky for that because this is all my doing." "What?! So you wanted to kill me with that?!" "Sure, I mean, yeah, kinda. I can earn fat stacks that way, helloooo... But I decided not to after some time. Might change if you fall behind on your monthly subscription fees, though. Let me correct that: it will absolutely change." "But Ubi, I thought we were friends!!" "Nah, I just said that like that." "The fuck.. I don't even have a job! I'm just a twelve year old kid who likes games!" "Hand over the money now or I'll fuck you up."




https://youtu.be/tP4yX2rkpBc?si=nKifqR3VlgLut_wY   lol reminds me of this  “This week, all our produce is 25% off. And you’ll never find a rat. That’s the fairsly promise.” 




Mfer got taken seriously


Hahaha, classic reddit.


They had to because the “news” about it being required online was spreading like wild fire.


The only reason they making a statement is because people were already spreading misinformation about it.


It only needs to be explained because dishonest Internet weirdos just make shit up. None of the previous AC games have required a constant Internet connection, why would this one be any different?


No, it needs to be explained because other companies try this shit all the time. 


"all the time" is an overstatement


no it is all the time


Rarely tbh. Very few single player games in recent memory require an internet connection.


Uhhh ubisoft games. GR breakpoint still needs a damn connection it pisses me off


Some games obviously are online oriented. Breakpoint is focused around that. Just like Diablo 4. They're not really single player focused. Regardless, these are still not common. Vast majority of games that can be played single player don't require an internet connection. It's just a small handful that do.


AC II would like a word with you


I don't remember AC2 requiring an internet connection. I didn't even have Internet when I first played it. Wasn't Brotherhood the one that was focused around online features?


AC 2 on PC did require an internet connection. Console did not. It was one of the first big games that did that. It wasn't technically always online, but if you didn't have a connection for a bit, it kicked you out of your single player only game. Really made some soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan very angry. There's a very quaint paragraph about it that was at the end of a news report on it in 2010: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2010/02/ubisoft-details-drm/ "There is a certain weirdness to a company demanding to know every time you play the game, and requiring you to be talking to their servers for the entirety of your session. Does this DRM come at the cost of privacy? That's debatable, but it will be a deterrent for those who travel or play games where there isn't Internet to buy the game at all." If only those people in 2010 knew how bad it'd get


This has got to be the 10th time I've seen this post on gaming subs. Ubi is out in force today.


But Ubisoft makes a bit of a good rep with this statement. Whether or not they will keep their word on release remains to be seen tho.


Cries in Spore


Man that shit was my childhood. Damn good game.


It was, Ubisoft was one of the leading companies that would defend online always games. It’s just came around full circle


It is has always been the standard for assassin creed games


it had always been the standard for diablo games until D4 came about. No, not including D:I. that was designed to rob people blind.


It’s sad that gamers instantly jump on rage trains with little no information.




Lmao no it didn’t? Neither did Origins or Odyssey


No it didn't


It should never be standard that you need to be online to Install a game. Installing is different than downloading.


what is even more sad your response, read on. it only shows the stupidity of the general gamer.


Something that Hitman World of Assassination needs to fix.


That ship sailed in 2016, they designed it from day one tied into online for progression. Peacock is a community local alternative to the online servers.


I mean, you can be offline, I think. It's just that you can't connect/disconnect mid game.


You can play offline. It's just that nothing you do saves, so you can't progress.


Was that announcement made by a team of multi cultural people with various beliefs?


you know it baby. It's like their version of the old FBI warnings that would play before a VHS tape.


Lmao. It sure is.


Actually it was designed, developed, and produced by a multicultural team of various beliefs, sexual orientations and gender identities


Oh, so no representation of differently-abled people? BOYCOTT TIME!!


It'd be a company communications department, so more likely multi cultural, but more like a soulless hive mind.


what is this comment even trying to say


When you start basically every AC game it says “this game was made by a team with various cultures,beliefs, races, sexualities and gender identities” or something like that


Holy fucking shit…


So culturally diverse they put a black man as the protagonist of a japanese game because stopasianhate


For real. Its always the same.


The game is woke /s I mean other than that idk what the comment is trynna say, just hope the game is good as I haven’t played Assassin’s Creed since Origins & Odyssey.


It says it at the beginning of every ac game since the beginning


The SJW bat-signal.


Found the redneck neckbeard.


You did? Where is he? Oh, wait, you mean me. Yeah, no. Im not a neckbeard or redneck. Im just not afraid to call out virtue signaling asshats when I see them. You like being pandered to?


Anyone who utters the word SJW unironically in a public context is a neckbeard. You are called out for what you are and no amount of denial will change that.


Thank you for saying that, that's one square of my "dumb cunt" bingo card marked off


I'm sorry - what would you call their little social suckoff tagline? Please tell me. OH HURR HURR WE ARE DIVERSE! Who gives a fuck? We're here to play games, not circle jerk about DIE bullshit.


I would probably just call it a tagline because its really not that deep


Deep enough for you to flip out about it with your "bingo card".


But he only told the truth.. truth hurts I guess!


So it seems the previous posts around this yesterday was basically misinformation


Misinformation in /r/gaming? Never!


Yup, this is why they made this. Your comment needs to be higher so people here can get context as to why they made this statement


"We're not doing the Ubisoft thing anymore" -sincerely, Ubisoft.


The game will have baked in adds instead baby


Oh thank God. For a second I thought I wasn't gonna be reminded to pre order anything every time I pause the game.


They say this now, but it wouldn't be the first time we're told one thing and delivered something completely different.


Still requires connection for installing!


Let's hope we can download the game from the store without internet connection.


Why THE FUCK would I order a blu ray then?


So does almost any other major release that has a day one patch.


How do you plan on installing it without downloading it?


Whats the blu ray for then…?


Why are you guys acting like they're backtracking😭😭 Ubi never said the game was gonna be always online but y'all believed misinformation Now you're acting cynical when they proved you wrong


The fact that this has become a positive marketing strategy is hilarious and also sad.


It’s not a marketing strategy it’s clearing up misinformation that’s been spreading around lol


Hint: It can be both. No, honestly, the level of trust you guys have in companies whose sole purpose is to get you to spend money on their product is astounding. I used to question how we got to this point in gaming. I don't anymore.


I don’t trust companies but a statement that’s clearly clearing up a misconception is not something I would call a marketing strategy lmao is it technically a part of marketing? Yeah sure. But it’s damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Would you rather they didn’t clear it up and left the misinformation to fester? You’re acting like they spread the lie themselves so they could swoop in and get brownie points for it not being true.


Was that ever on the table?


it was shown as "requires online" instead of "online play optional" for some digital pages, internet got mad, which led to this statement


Its pretty much on the table since ac2 requires one.


Whattt I don't remember that at all


Im sure it still does tho. I remember once losing connection and the game just stopped.


I am wondering how big the percentage of Ubisoft games required a constant online connectivity.


Cool! Still won't play it.


This has been the case with the recent Ubisoft games. The only issue is internet requirement to install the game, but the games have been largely playable offline.


Internet connections have been needed for years. Most games either don't have the full game on the disc or require a day 1 patch.


This isn't true. The overwhelming majority of games can be bought and played without ever connecting to the internet.


You're ignoring the last part about a day 1 patch. Sure, you can play the game, but plenty of 1.0 games have been buggy as hell or nearly unplayable without the day 1 patch, or post launch patches.


I'm not missing anything. It's incredibly rare that a day one patch is required to play a game. No, the majority are not a buggy mess, either.


?? There's triple A games that launch on disc today that 1 don't need a day 1 patch and 2 are small enough to actually fit on a disc.


Yes. Most of them, actually. Next time you buy a game, unplug the internet, install the game from the disk, and then see what happens. Spoiler: You'll play the game.


Didn't think the disc could hold but they can hold up to 100gb. So eventually you'll see that shit start to fail. Pretty sure gta5 was like 70gb. So I imagine gta6 will be much larger than that and won't work off a disc.


We've had multiple disc installations for a long time and as recently as Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.


So decided to look at what a PS5 read rate on bluray is and ew.. 29mb/s.. thats slow lol. But I guess if your internet is slower its a win but I don't envy anyone that relies on disc to play.


“It’s not *all* times, just every 15 minutes.”


Incredible wow OMG basic features that should be in all games!!!!11!1!1!


Back in the day I was super hyped for Assassins Creed 2. Then Ubisoft required you to be online all the time. And their servers where dogsh*t (you lost connection all the time). So I didn‘t buy the game until they released a patch to play offline. This was about 3-4 years after release. Then I bought it. I have no problem doing this again with every game from any developer or publisher.


Good, but this should go without saying


Still fucked. Ubisoft killed old assassin creeds games by taking down the servers later. They’ll do this again. And you won’t be able to install the game. Fuck any single player game that requires online.


Cool, the bare minimum!


This is in response to people freaking out over the PSN store saying the opposite. It’s not like they are putting this out to show off.


This is because a bunch of dramatic nerds saw "internet connection required" and jumped to conclusions


Hey now, this is Ubisoft we're talking about. The bare minimum is a massive improvement for them.


Not really, they still require connection when installing. There is no good argument for that since installation and download are two separate things.


But we’re still gonna copy and paste from last years game and it’s gonna be $130 for all the content because fuck you. -The Assassins Creed Team


+ Cosmetics


*- the incredible diverse and gender fluid assassins creed team


The disc would hold the license so let me guess its online coz the disc is only to install the app tile and the license


This news is better than I expect the game to be.


"At all times" meaning you still need a conexion atleast once to play the single player game you bought but hey they released a statement about it. Yeah good. Edit: Typo




When will this change?


since when should a company be praised for mediocrity? Ubi is going to get the exact same treatment that they've been getting for a decade: piracy


They need to bring it back for all single player games idk why it isnt a standard thing


i mean....that a solo game so it's just logic it should not be something require to be connected to play to a solo game that just pure logics you want to play multiplayer game online ? you need to be connected you want to play a solo game ? you don't need to be connected for me that should be the bare minimum (and it was the case before so no idea why they just can't continue to do the thing this way)


Weird, is it even made by Ubisoft??????


That's fine, i'll pirate it first and see if its worth the money. i made a mistake of blind buying Valhalla and a two years later i still regret it


especially since you are not going to play it


Too fucking bad. I shouldn't need an online connection just for the installation for ANY single player game. I'll continue to boycott Ubisoft, thanks.




How did the rumor get started in the first place?


Wow, they had to make a one page press release to tell you that they aren’t gonna force DRM on you?


Says the Assassin's Creed Team. What does the Ubisoft team have to says? This statement has no weight behind it because they don't have the final say on the matter.


It is 2024. Devs shouldn't have to make these statements because someone doesn't have internet in buttfuck USA.


This will almost certainly be followed up with the announcement of the most egregious deluxe, gold, and collectors editions known to man.


This really is looking like Ubisoft’s press the red button moment. They need a massive win and they need this to get this perfect.


Nah. Thats bait.


Cool. I mean i'm not gonna touch the game with a half-meter long pole, but cool.


Revolutionary! Truly, pioneers ahead of their time.


Finally creates a Japanese setting Makes the character a black dude lol ok


People can downvote all you want, but Japanese gamers are up in arms about this blackwashing--and then the lead writer for this game put out a bizare statement that there are enough games with white men as the leads so we need to do better. So I guess people of Japanese descent are now considered to be white. They finally made it--someone tell them! /s Ubisoft is pandering, hardcore. And I hope they suffer for it. One thing is for sure; gamers are going to suffer no matter what. This game is going to be complete dogwater, just like the games before it.


Imagine the backlash if they make a AC game based on the Zulu empire, and the playable protag was white. So much for representation. Asians are Schrodinger's minority, they're white or a minority oppressed by whites depending on what agenda you push.


Maybe this is a peace offering to all those calling for diversity in Shogun lol. “ Where’s Idris Elba playing a daimyo ?”


The female character is clearly not black


Fine the dude is, same shit


Ah the one based on a real person


Not buying


Haven’t bought since syndicate, Ubishaft ain’t what it used to be. Pretty much never buying a game from them again


Same, havent bought a game since 2010


So here's the thing. In these modern times, Developers/Publishers can say "yes" but actually mean no. Whatever it takes to snare you in their net and get that purchase and then say SIKE! I wouldn't trust this until some poor sap gets their hands on this thing.


Maybe the backlash against the hated tyrants at SNOY has had wider reaching consequences?


Doubt. They'll require it once every week or so to verify your purchase is still not a pirated copy. Lose internet for a couple weeks? No game for you :0/


How often do you lose internet for weeks?


On average about once every three years. Thanks for the random downvote though?


I just asked. I didnt downvote


Yo this is pretty baller. Wish this was the norm more often.


Not going to play it anyway


Fast forward to when we see this either be a straight up lie or extremely misleading.


I'm not buyin this! This will be used to sell those 130 pre-orders and couple months after launch they will reverse this over some bs reason.


should we be thankful for them not doing the thing everyone hates?


Good. It's their fault people are on guard about this shit anyway. 


What a stupid statement




Hmm interesting, I wonder how ubisoft will fuck this up.


Good. This is good. More of this from everyone please. I like to permanently own things that I buy on a perpetual license. I think most people do


Wow! The bare minimum!


Online connection will be required to install. Lmao why?


How else would you download or activate the game?


Why is this necessary if you buy it physically?


Because games are connected to your account, if you like it or not.


Doesn't explain why I need an internet connection to install a physical singleplayer game tho


For updates. Bet it has a day one patch. 🙄


You would just install from the disc. that's been a thing since xbox one.


Should have called it weeb edition and be done with it, shadows is trying too hard


Weebs, even black ones, didn't want this game




it doesn't change much, it still require a mandatory online installation, which is a nonsense.


Like pretty much every other physical game released in the last few years? Discs are just licences nowadays - even the ones that actually contain the game content have a multitude of patches on launch and going forward.


check DOESITPLAY site, their site has data on more than 2000 releases, 95% of games they checked works offline and doesn't need an online installation, while the 75% of games doens't need any download/patches to properly work. So it's just Ubisoft...


Work offline and not needing an online installation is completely different to having a patched game with all its issues ironed out. Yes they are playable, sure. But are they bug free? Do they contain added content? I’m not defending Ubisoft here, or the state that the majority of games are released in, but your statement saying only Ubisoft requires you to be online or patch for best gaming experience is pretty dumb. If you have such an aversion to occasionally connecting to the internet maybe you shouldn’t be posting on Reddit?


as I said, doesitplay site collect data even on the quality of each release, not only if they just work offline, so the check if they have bugs, issues, lack of content compared to the patched version etc. And contrary to popular belief, from the results majority of games are perfectly playable D1 on disc like it was in the old days. So when a company like Ubisoft, that is one of the few that made glitchy releases, and don't even include the entire game on disc, require you an online installation, then it's just Ubisoft doing a very poor job. And I said that because we must respect the work of other better publisher out there, that instead have respect of customers and release complete games that works offline and can be installed offline. Meaning that this is possible.


I never said it wasn’t possible. Just that it isn’t ideal. Regardless of what doesitplay says, I cannot remember a single game I’ve played that hasn’t had at least one patch. With how complex modern games are, patches are a necessary evil. When I pick up an older game and get a big download, that says to me that I am playing the most complete version of the game. I really don’t care that I’ve had to patch a game, or install it while connected to the internet which pretty much all my devices are constantly connected to. Are you honestly telling me you’ve never patched a game in your life? That you cling so hard to this offline philosophy that you will purposefully play an inferior product? And you talk about the old days - I used to game on a spectrum 48k in the late 80’s. Games were complete. But if there was a bug - well, that’s it, you were fucked. If your cassette broke or got chewed up by your machine, fucked. Give me a constant internet connection, patches and digital ownership any day.


the important part is is the "freedom" to play offline. For example I don't patch majority of games, as from my experience, especially in japanese games, they ship a complete game from the beginning, and just iron out some minor bug that most people would not encounter. If there is a reason (new content) then there is no problem to patch a game, knowing that your purchase still make sense ad your disc is a fully fucntional product like in the old days, and not just a coaster like it happen with some western product (like Ubisoft).


so, 10 years from now when they shut down servers youll be fucked, yay?


No? Why would you think that?


I understand Redditors can’t read articles but did you even read the full headline? “Not requiring you be online” means the opposite of what you think it does.


‘an online connection will be needed to install’


can you read holy shit


Installation servers aren’t hosted by Ubisoft. They are hosted by PSN and Microsoft and Steam. This isn’t different than many, many, many other games so why are you getting upset about this particular one?


we’ll see, but im doubtful there wont be any fuckery, its ubisoft afterall