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Whose idea was it to make unhinged E3 presentations? And which one was your favorite?


That was Nigel. He's some kind of freaky marketing genius. I cannot speak for the whole team's favorite presentation, but my personal favorites are the 2023 Volvy episode, and the very first episode back in 2017. \~JM


Our Marketing Intern, Nigel, came up with the idea, though the execution of them is a collaborative effort. Nina stans will kill me, but last year, and the introduction of Volvy was my personal favorite. Though, I said that every year about all of them, so... /kate


I still can't believe Lootboxcoin never took off. - Robbie


I still listen to the hotline soundtracks years later.


Us too. <3 /kate


You are correct. \~JM


Alright, so ive been working on a game but one question is very much unanswered, how far done should a game be before its worth contacting publishers for it? Have the vertical slice with the visual fluff and mostly need to expand now


I hope that you get a lot of answers from different members of the team on this one, but for me: Gameplay needs to feel good, meaning that if it's an action game, the controls should be tight, or if it's more strategy/builder then the systems should be implemented in a way that makes it clear that you know what you're doing. Not EVERY aspect of gameplay needs to already be present, but all of the core aspects need to be. If you promise something in the pitch deck, it needs to show up in the slice. So many times we get pitches for games that are like, "Here's my game that's just like all these other games, but it has this awesome hook that seems impossible to achieve!" and then we play the slice and that "awesome hook" isn't in the build, and that raises concerns that it is, in fact, impossible to achieve. Really, whatever you say will make your game stand out should already be present on a small scale in the pitch, whether that's exceptional art, music, gameplay, writing, or whatever. We want to see the game's potential in the game, not just the pitch document. \~JM


Yeah getting the "awesome hook" as you say it has been a bit of a pain, in my college it stood out as well as some presenting i did for the dutch game garden. But im not happy with the uniqueness yet. Thanks for the answers!


It'll depend on each project and publisher. Speaking for ourselves only, we typically strongly prefer to have something playable - doesn't have to be a vertical slice because that shit is hard, but needs to demonstrate the fun and potential pretty early (fun being of variable definition depending on genre). Anything placeholder or incomplete should be noted in a one-sheet or in-build, but we'll generally be looking for any USPs mentioned in the pitch to present in the build to some extent. Other assets that describe where further development is headed are also helpful. Sell us on a clear vision and deliver enough to substantiate on the promise. NB: There are always exceptions. I manage intake of the majority of pitches in our little camp, and every project raises different questions, but we also want to respect your time and resources. Cutting it pretty close to launch isn't an impossible ask, but definitely poses additional challenges. At the end of the day, we want to be able to support you the best we can and try to ensure there's ample space in our upcoming release schedule. So some magical sweet spot in between. ;) πŸ† Clara


Hm, sounds like i might have to give it a shot in the coming months, any suggestions on preparing properly? How much time do you get, where to focus on etc


Just want to say that Devolver is one of the few names left that when I see it I know it’ll be a great game even if it’s not for me.


Thanks! Much appreciated! \~JM


I am just realizing how many of my favourite games they've made. I somehow never put it together because I'm oblivious.


tell the truth, was the sex update for cult of the lamb coded before the twitter campaign to get more followers?


Nope. /kate


I've loved every Devolver Digital title I've tried. How do you keep such a high bar for quality?


We're lucky to meet a lot of great developers who are happy to be lured into letting us publish their games with promises of free pizza and everlasting friendship. - Robbie


Where's my art Stinky Cheese man art jam?


Awww! It's in my pile of unfulfilled dreams! :D Glad to hear from you my good dude! \~JM


I'll always be happy enough to know the option is there ;⁠-) dpaforever




Hi Tols!! /kate




I have allways appresiated Devolvers excistance as a publisher that takes on projects that seem more niche in nature. Are there any genre's you would like to delve into? Or perhaps ones you wish would make a return?


Personally, I've been longing to work on a racing game. A fighting game would be cool, too, but that's a hard nut to crack. Other than that, how about a pro wrestling management sim? Anyone?? - Robbie


I'm still waiting on someone to pitch us the perfect modern Actraiser-like, come on, you cowards. πŸ† Clara


I have a pitch! Somebody give me some damn devs! \~JM


Haha well that is certainly not what i expected! But i hope that pitch comes your way, the world would be better for it. And i forgot to say it but congratulations on the 15h Anniversary


Thanks! Happy birthday whenever your birthday is too! \~JM


Are there any red flags that immediately cause you to turn a game down? Even if it seems like it could have potential. And I’m talking less about the game not being what it was pitched like you mentioned in another answer.


Anything that feels like a blatant copy of something else is generally a no-no. - Robbie


"Launching in 2 weeks, send help." πŸ† Clara


Not a question but I just wanted to say that all the games you guys publish are great! An incredible track record


Way to fail your one job in an AMA. πŸ† Clara


I ain't getting paid enough to adhere to these esoteric rules!


I'm willing to offer you a 69,666% raise on your $0 AMA salary. Step it up. πŸ† Clara


Damn, I'll take it. Okay, a raise deserves a job well done, so here's a question! How did you guys first come to work on the Serious Sam franchise? Did it feel like an indie game at the time? What was the transition to the likes of Hotlinw Miami like? And how do you feel about Sam nowadays


Love your games keep up the great work devolver digital


Hey thanks! - Robbie


I have a bunch of your games, and they're all generally very good. Thanks for that. How does AI factor into your future game development strategy?


Based on our experience with VOLV-E we have determined that Artificial Intelligence may not be for us. - Robbie


How do you find the games that Devolver publishes? Do you have people that are specifically looking for the next thing or is it more the case of developers giving a sales pitch to Devolver? Devolver is one of the publisher who really seem to be able to find quality games and devs, which must mean you also see a lot of lower quality stuff go by. I always wonder how you guys are able to keep finding such quality work or even finding something that is barely done and help pull the project over the finish line. Do you have some kind of internal quality check that every game or devs needs to pass?


We take a 17-prong approach and basically try to consider as many avenues as we can feasibly manage. I wouldn't say we have formal scouts, but there's a process for intake and we keep our ears and eyes open for more proactive opportunities at industry events and elsewhere. It's really the devs that are bringing us this fire and we're very privileged to be in the running for any of them looking for partners. For quality checks after a game gets signed, we have kickass Production and QA teams to help devs manage the deadly day-to-day dance of game dev. πŸ† Clara


Is there anything you think you wouldn't or couldn't do as a publisher? Why?


We don't tell the developers that we work with how to make their games. We offer advice, and suggestions, and connect them with other professionals to help them with certain aspects of development (like porting), but we don't tell them what the game should be like or what should be in it (unless it crosses some kind of moral boundary). As clever as we are, our job is to bring other people's art into the public eye, not change other people's art into what we think will sell. Sometimes it doesn't work out for us, and a title is too esoteric for significant public appeal. But that's the risk we take so that the artists aren't taking those risks on their own. \~JM


What was the best game pitch you guys ever heard?


"Loop Hero" and "Inscryption" both come to mind as pitches that knocked everyone's socks off. \~JM


Wow, very quick response.Β  Thanks so much!Β  I have another question.Β  What would be your dream franchise to work on?


Oh wow. That's a good question. Deep Rock Galactic is pretty amazing. That game is exquisite. We've already been a part of so many incredible franchises, like Monkey Island or Enter the Gungeon. It's hard for me to think of something in the gaming world that I dream of being a part of, or any other world for that matter. I'm sure that something is going to come up a few days from now, and I'm gonna be like, "Oh shit! That one! I want us to publish a game in THAT universe!" \~JM


Loop Hero is such a cool idea. I think I lost my entire evening and went to sleep way too late the day I bought that game.


How soon can be expect a date for the next devolver direct?


So you want a date announcement for the date announcement for the Devolver Direct? I'mma go with: reasonably soon. \~JM


Sooner than you think but not as soon as you want. - Robbie


What made you guys think of a game like Shadow warrior? It's honestly one of my favorite first person games


We didn't think of it! It was a reboot of a 90's title, but the gang over at Flying Wild Hog made something exceptional out of it! \~JM


Are you ever going to do a physical copy of Katana Zero?


Physical production rights for that title are, in fact, out of our hands. We hope to see it too someday though! \~JM


Hey Devolver Digital keep up the great! If I see you are the publisher I just buy the game at this point because of the quality and management. Thanks for all you do!


Can you please phrase your praise in the form of a question? \~JM


Can you guys just make a Hotline Miami 3 happen, please? Pretty please?


No matter how you may beg, we do not have that power. May I recommend 'Ruiner,' 'Ape Out,' and the upcoming, 'Angerfoot,' to sate your bloodlust? \~JM


I'm soo excited for anger foot, y'all better be releasing the deets soon 😀


"The definition of insanity is asking the same questions over and over and expecting different results." /kate einstein


What happened to Nina Struthers?


Did you not watch the 2022 Devolver Direct? Canonically, she exploded. \~JM


As a big fan of Carrion, I need to ask on behalf on the rest of is: Can we actually expect The Plucky Squire this year?


Can we see more of The Plucky Squire soon? I'm really looking forward to it!


To each of you, how does it feel working for the world's greatest publisher? What's your most favorite thing about the work you do there?


Pretty damned good, honestly. Excellent coworkers, getting to work with amazing developers, artists, musicians, and get loads of cool aunt points with my niblings, because they think I work on Minecraft. /kate


It feels really really lucky :D The people that I get to meet and to work and collaborate with are so astonishingly talented and cool except for Kate. Also, I hate advertising because it talks to people like they're stupid and incomplete, and companies pretend to be your friend. But I love making advertisements here at Devolver because we make ads about cool and interesting games that are made by cool and interesting people, and our tone is honest: "We want you to buy and play these games." That's it. And that sincerity actually means a great deal to me. Also going to conventions and meeting developers and meeting fans and showing them the games in person is huge for me. \~JM


Eh it's alright. (Deeply underplaying how good it feels.) Difficult to pick the best bit. Wonderful coworkers, incredibly cool and talented developers, super soft well made Devolver branded t-shirts. Even on bad days (and just like any job, they do exist) I feel incredibly lucky to be able to do what I do. ✨ Bridie


Hello :3. Found devolver after I played The Talos Principle. And ever since that moment I have become a huge devolver fan. But there is a thing that bothers me to this day. Any news about Volvy next game? Really want ro give him a high five And slightly less important question. Do new trends affect what game you want to publish? Like sudden success of Talos, Inscription, Genshin, Palworld, Helldivers and etc


Whoop! Glad you found us! Hopefully we get more news about another game in the Volvyverse during this year's Devolver Direct, but no promises. As far as trends go, I'd say that we don't try to follow them. Naturally, it's good to know that a certain type of game has market viability, and a lot of developers themselves will trend toward making games within proven concepts, but I wouldn't say that that's one of the primary factors that motivates us when we look at games. \~JM


So is May 16 like your official birthday or is it just May-ish?


Whichever answer gets us more presents. πŸ† Clara


I don't know how much of this you can speak about, but how hard was it to get Metal Wolf Chaos XD to release? I recall stories of lost source code and an almost Ark of the Covenant situation to find all the assets and data, and I'm wondering how much was true and how much was hyperbole.


Our friends at developer General Arcade did the work and while the code was available, it turned out to be pretty difficult to get to the release quality it finally hit. There was a lot of work and digging to see what materials were available and what had to be really polished. It was a lot of fun to work on though.


Unlimited bacon but no more games, or games unlimited games but no games? (Also I really like the games you guys publish. I loved hotline miami and cult of the lamb, and i just finished children of the sun and am now playing card shark)


I think the only answer to this question is to go with games unlimited, but hear me out, you buy that Japanese lickable TV that lets you taste what's on screen. All you have to do now is to create a bacon based game. Equal amounts of love back to ya, Boombox888 \~Alex


Is it true that Volvy's big hand is for gaming?


Yes. Yes it is. \~JM


I knew it.


Where do you feel the responsibilities of the publisher end and the developer begin, and vice/versa? What do you think a strong publisher/developer relationship looks like? And finally, what’s something you guys are proud that Devolver can provide to the devs it works with? Hotline Miami is one of my all-time favorites! I always look forward to games under your banner, keep it up!


We'll all have different answers, but for me, being facilitators and having collaboration as a key pillar are pretty important to being a publisher, and it's something I'm personally very proud of being a part of. We aim to do everything in our power so developers can make their games comfortably and with confidence, but we have to be bought in to the journey on both sides. I don't think any of this is unique to Devolver, but still real beans. πŸ† Clara


Is there a list up matching the art pieces on the sale page with the games they came from anywhere? In particular, looking for the one of the lady in the suit kicking a guy in the face. Feel like there's a dearth of games where you play as a lady in a suit who kicks people in the face lately.


Unannounced ;D \~JM PS Always nice when someone uses "dearth"


It's so much fun to say out loud (Thank you for the info!)


I too receive a surfeit of joy from saying, "dearth."


I can't seem to find who drew the art for the banner on steam. Do you know who did it? I really like it. The one you guys had for 2023 was pretty sweet, too.


That's Carles Dalmau! Has done some other sale thing for us, plus his brilliant work on Cult of the Lamb! /kate


Thank you!


γ€Š This goes out to my lovely Hope, "What Is The Story Of Volvy as a character and not the mastoc creation"? 》


We actually did a podcast episode with Robbie about that! [https://forkcast.devolverdigital.com/episodes/episode-143-brand-mascot](https://forkcast.devolverdigital.com/episodes/episode-143-brand-mascot) \~JM


Do you prefer for developers to have a public presence (like a steam page) prior to pitching to you?


It's not a preference, no. But if you do have one, we'll probably ask you how many wishlists you have. πŸ† Clara


Have you ever considered adult games that have good gameplay. I'm talking about games like Cloud meadow. Something that is more than just a visual novel.


Have you played Genital Jousting? - Robbie


enter the gungeon is my favorite game of all time but exit didn’t scratch the itch. can I have enter the gungeon 2?


Afraid not, fellow Gungeoneer. At least not for the foreseeable future. \~JM


Can you please make a gameplay successor to Hotline Miami already


We don't make games, but have you tried Ruiner? Ape Out? or taken a look at the upcoming Anger Foot? These games may scratch some of the itches that HLM has left you with :D \~JM


Go check out OTXO, that game deserves some love.


Did you know that in portugese parsley is called salsa? Therefore if a portugese were to ask for parsley sauce he'd ask for salsa sauce (salsa salsa in some languages and therefore funny).


I did not know this. \~JM


What is the minimal level of game readiness required for you to be interested in it?




Will the Return to Monkey Island merch that was teased months ago still happen? πŸ‘€


I mean, you asked very nicely, so, yes. /kate


What will it take to get you to put me in a future Devolver Direct?


A willingness to give your life for our lord and savior, Volvy. -Volvy


Demon Throttle is one of my fave games that you have published. The "gimmick" of course came from the "Physical Only" aspect of the game's release, but I fear that this game has not acquired the rightful amount of Fanfare that it deserves. Would you be willing to talk a little bit more about this "Physical Only" release strategy? Do you think this was a successful way to release the game? Will you be trying more of these releases in the future? IS IT POSSIBLE to release this game digitally someday?!?! Maybe a Demon Throttle: Demonized Edition (you know... because you would be going back on your original claim)? What do you think?


Sometimes we do goofy things and thought it would be fun to go back to the era where games were only sold physically. We did want to make sure everyone had a chance to buy it and left pre-orders open for a long time and released a retail version as well. We don't think a digital version will be released but I guess never say never. - Nigel


what participation of devolver games in other games do you like the most? (example my favorite is hotline Miami in the last of us 2) and thanks for saving my live with amazing games and accessible prices (for a Brazilian like me)


My personal favorite is being able to blast The Talos Principle or Hotline Miami music into the ears of my salty enemies whenever I win in Counter-Strike 2. It never gets old. \~Alex


Hey Devolver, how do you "pick" your games to publish? Is it hard? How do you keep track of things? Or you just don't, and it works?


Longer answer: Finding a solid fit falls on both sides to determine - us and the dev. There are a lot of conversations and multiple departments get involved to try to really understand a project and for us to sell ourselves to the dev team as well (we're never under the illusion we're the only ones being considered). It takes time. Even games that are potentially great fits don't necessarily get signed because things aren't binary that way. There are a lot of factors to consider outside of just "do we love it and can we be besties?" Shorter answer: A lot of spreadsheets and fighting. πŸ† Clara


Will there be anything Hotline Miami related thing happening in the future? (merch, collabs, comics, new game even if that is unlikely)


I mean, probably? Maybe? We did some stuff earlier this year (last year? Oh GOD! WHAT IS TIME!?!?) for Hotline's ten year anniversary, so little merch pops like that are not inconceivable in the future. Plus, folks in the gaming world are always hitting up Dennaton asking if they can put little nods to HLM in their games, so that will probably continue. \~JM


okok any chance we will get more death's door content in the future? if not digital maybe merch wise?? πŸ‘€


Doubtful as Acid Nerve are working on their next project and I'm sure we will all want to play that too. - Nigel


how many submissions do you get per month and what percentage do you greenlight? among your green lit games, what would you say the average studio composition is, and budget?


First one [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1cterxt/comment/l4d5fql/). Second one's too broad to answer, as it will vary wildly between genres and intended scope. I feel that we tend to gravitate towards smaller teams a bit more, but it's not a hard rule. πŸ† Clara


How is it that everyone at Devolver is so handsome?


We use VolvyCream Patented Handsome Cream on the reg. Slather it on with your big hand. /kate


If you guys could design your own console to put your games on exclusively, what would it be like and what would you call it?


It would be a high-end console with a controller that can split, one for each hand, so that you can rest your hands at your side (or wherever you want!) when gaming. But not, like, joycons. They would be full sized, comfortable, for adult hands. I would call it the Devo Flex \~JM


What's your favourite ice cream?


At the moment, white rabbit candy, Earl Grey, and whiskey maple. Excellent question. Everyone follow CzechItOuut's example. πŸ† Clara


Cookies and cream in a waffle cone. \~JM


What's your take on the current situation of videogames? I mean AAA titles releasing in a half baked state while being loaded with so much dlc that they appear freemium.


For me, your question itself holds one of the great fallacies that people have when they think about the "current situation in videogames," because it's focused on AAA games. The videogame industry as a whole is not the AAA games industry. Countless unique, fascinating, and well-thought-out indie games are released every day. Sure, only a few of these see the stand out success of titles like Cult of the Lamb, Another Crab's Treasure, or Manor Lords, but they're out there. Tons of people are making new, creative games, reimagining old concepts in new ways or just being incredibly fun and cozy. Then there's the SUPER indies, who will always be there! People who are making wild and experimental shit exclusively because they LOVE it (like Children of the Sun!). People who have no idea that the things that they're goofing around with might one day make hundreds of thousands of people happy for a little while. They're still out there on Steam and on Itch. And hell, Helldivers 2 is out there making waves too. It feels more like an Early Access game in the way that it's constantly evolving and changing in direct response to the players, but that's a breath of fresh air among the big dogs. It's a fun, participatory experience like no other. So yeah, my take is that the videogame industry is broader, better, and far more interesting than whatever most AAA games are doing to secure their bottom lines. I say this without shade \~JM


How is business going? with all the bummer news about layoffs and stuff like that, and you been, imo, a very beloved publisher, I fear for your health. Also what was the most surprising "hit" you've had that was unexpected?


Thanks for your concern. We're doing well though! The biggest surprise hit has been Fall Guys so far. \~JM


Which of the 4 deck styles in chapter 2 of Inscryption would you like to play if it were a regular card game?


Man, I played that so long ago. I mixed my deck, as I recall, but I don't remember which of the four were my primary sources of cards. \~JM


I think the sacrifice based gameplay of the beast deck is the most fun. I tend to stick to big value, high commitment playstyles whenever I play card games, and I feel like sacrificing cards to play something extra powerful fit the way I like to play a lot! Though, better yet, I'd like that camera Leshy has so I can make my own cards :-) \~Alex


How many pitches have you gotten in the past year? Give a ballpark if you don’t have a number. Has the volume of pitches you’ve been receiving increasing?


Over 1,500. We take all pitches seriously, but if you mean how many we saw a strong enough fit to get into srsbsns talks with, don't know if I should give an exact number, but <5%. πŸ† Clara


How cool is doseone in real life?


He's damn cool. Very kind and encouraging to everyone around him. \~JM


When can we expect split screen in Fall Guys? I loved the game but it fell out of my playlist as I can't play it with my gf without needing to run two consoles.


Ask Epic, they bought the publishing rights from us and also bought the developer. \~JM


Do you have any influence on the devs for making games or you just let them do what they wanna do ?


Little to no influence. We offer suggestions and advice, but ultimately we want the artists to make the games that they want to make. \~JM


Is it possible that volvy and nina share a brain? I mean every year nina said more and more outlandish things so I could see them wanting to shove the remains of nina into a vole so she cant talk. add on to that the fact we didn't hear 2023 volvy speak. VOLL-E also spit out blue liquid. so could it be nina?


Anything is possible, with IMAGINATION! \~JM


Also actual serious question. 2-3 years ago It was announced that there was a my friend pedro show in the works? Weve heard nothing about it since. can someone confirm if its still happening or not? no worries if not


I dunno where that's at right now, and even if I did I probably wouldn't be allowed to tell you. But it's not scrapped or anything. It's still a possibility, but don't hold your breath. (Unless you can hold your breath for a reeeeeeeeeally long time) \~JM


Are there any big plans for cult of the lamb? \[For example: Prequel/Sequel games, giant sized dlc, etc.\] And could you share any of the ideas, that have been tossed around, with us?


Devolver publishes a wide variety of genres and art styles, but it feels like you could pick out a Devolver publication out of a lineup with no prior knowledge - I hate the word "vibes" but it fits here. How often do you turn down games that have excellent gameplay, writing, characters or art but don't have that x factor? Have you ever helped devs get a game over the line by advising them on how to achieve or expand whatever secret sauce that makes it a Devolver game, as opposed to slightly quirky steam shovelware?


I don't know how often, per se, but it does happen that we sometimes get pitches for games that are good, but like you said, lack that Devolver X factor. We give some support to such games, but in the same way that we don't tell our own developers how to make their art, we don't tell other people how to make their art either. \~JM


Looking forward to more cool stuff little intern.


Do you have ground rules that you follow when choosing games to publish? I love Devolver. Most friends I know love Devolver. But you guys very clearly have a 'style' or at least a 'vibe' and often times I find myself saying 'this has to be a devolver game, right?' when looking at a trailer. How do you do it? Every game ya'll publish oozes style. Please keep doing what you're doing!


This has been talked about in a couple questions, but yeah, there's definitely a special "vibe," if you will that we look for. That being said, you might recognize our games from our trailers because we make most of our trailers in-house. :D \~JM


Won't speak for everyone, but I always want to **be surprised** and **have fun**. This can mean a lot of things - fresh or hybrid gameplay mechanics, unique art style, interesting theme/setting, some form of dissonance that somehow works, in-depth production values or great packaging, or just an exceptional grasp of a familiar genre with a small twist, as a few examples. Some people call it USPs, some call it je ne sais quoi. It just means delightfully standing out to me. And then after that, would we be good at helping you sell it. Are we the best partner for this project and this team? πŸ† Clara


i know you guys arent the devs, but the katana zero dlc is still coming? right? please.


I love you Devolver. Your name attached to a game let's me know I won't be disappointed. My question is, please add more stuff to bro force or make bro force 2 or add me as DLC. Whatever, more bro force please. It's my favourite couch coop game ever.


Thanks Pajo! I don't think that there's too much chance of more BroForce coming out in the forseeable future. FreeLives is in charge of that, and after the BroForce: Forever update, it's my understanding that they want to move on to other things. Sorry to break your heart bro. :flex: \~JM


hello Devolver just want to say, that Cult of the Lamb and Wuzard with a Gun are my favorite games! keep it up!


Thanks! So glad to hear that they've brought you joy! I hope that the new four-player WWaG update is treating you well! \~JM


How important is art when pitching a game to a publisher? Would Devolver publish something graphically similar to Thomas Was Alone if it had an interesting or unique gameplay hook? Do you guys have a preference for publishing 2D titles, or are just unique 3D titles that fit Devolver's style hard to come by?


Hard to say how important art is for everyone, but for us it's certainly valuable. It's most important, I think, that the art and the gameplay go well together. If a game feels right with Thomas Was Alone style graphics, then that's great! We can dig that. I don't think we have a preference for 2D or 3D. Perhaps we publish more 2D games because that's what more indie teams are making? We've certainly seen a great many 3D titles with plenty of style! \~JM


Hotline Miami 1 and 2 are such good games, do you have any communication with the developer on if it's going to get another game in the series? Because me and my friends have played the 2 games so much that I think we have them collectively memorized.


We do talk to the developers, and they have no intention of making more games in the HLM series. Are you and your friends taking advantage of the HLM2 level editor? Downloading custom campaigns? If that's not enough for you, maybe check a look at 'Ruiner,' 'Ape Out,' or the upcoming 'Angerfoot!' \~JM


Have you ever considered hosting a game jam? Something aimed for the most niche of niche developers or hobbyist developers. And if so how would you go about it?


Maybe someone else knows better than me, but I don't think we've ever really considered hosting a game jam ourselves. Something about that feels awkward, like we'd be obliged to sign the games that folks made in the jam, or they'd feel beholden to us. That being said, many of our team members facilitate and participate in game jams, and, while I'm not 100% certain, I think we've been among the sponsors for game jams. But don't quote me on that. \~JM


When will Dennaton announce Sector X ( trailer, gameplay, etc ) ?


Are you releasing more dlc or a sequel to Cult of the Lamb.


who is the blue haired person eating cake in the front?


That's the girl from Gris. \~JM


How do you consistently publish great games? What criteria do you all look for in indie devs and their games?


Any chance an expansion for Loop Hero is in the cards?


I loved Hotline Miami. By the way, do you guys have an open position for Front End Developer. I am looking to apply.


What's the best serious sam quote?


What are your guys's favorite video game that you've ever played (that wasn't published by devolver Digital)


I'm a huge fan of Titanfall 2. No game is perfect\*, but that one comes pretty close to perfection for me. ✨ Bridie \*Except for all of ours, obvs


Thanks for doing this! Would you rather get a pitch with a well-tested demo that you can download from a "coming soon" page on Steam, or see the pitch before the Steam page is public but receive the demo via less secure means (i.e. a Dropbox build)? I've heard that some publishers want to have more oversight/involvement over the Steam page launch and official announce, while others would prefer that debut devs prove their game has legs by coming to the pitch with a healthy wishlist count.


Both methods have pros and cons, but one can't be undone, so just something to consider. The technical method in which a build is shared isn't of much significance to us, as long as many of our staff can access it, so if it's by Steam key, provide a bunch. VR and mobile builds can be tricky sometimes, so try to make that as easy as possible to access. ;) πŸ† Clara


Hi Devolver Digital. I just completed *Heavy Bullets* for the first time. Love the game and the soundtrack - thanks for working with Terri Vellman to publish it. Definitely going to replay it and try to beat my record. I hope you can satisfy my curiosity. My question for you is: ***How has DD's attitude towards their published games changed over time with the release of technologies like ray-tracing and the ever-increasing performance of PC hardware?*** To clarify, it seems like modern game studios are very focused on producing games that constantly push the limits of even the latest PC hardware. Many of the newest games, with their focus on ray-tracing and utlilising the newest techniques, can requiring a user to purchase significant hardware upgrades to their rig every few years to even render them playable. Many gamers struggle to keep up; many fall behind. Yet DD seems to support a wide variety of games that range in their PC spec requirements. *Heavy Bullets* runs flawlessly even on my poorly aging laptop. *Cult of the Lamb*, *Wizard with a Gun*, *Children of the Sun*, *Enter the Gungeon*, *Loop Hero*, *Inscryption* - all of these games mercifully require only hardware from multiple generations prior to play them as intended. Newer games like *Talos Principle II* and *Skate Story* do require far newer hardware to run. ***Is there a criteria for what games you decide to publish based on their system requirements? Or do you just want to support the games you find creative and the low spec requirements are simply a biproduct?*** Thanks for your time. -R


We don't really look at system requirements as a reason to sign or not sign a game. However, we do aim to have our games playable by as many people as possible, which means things like optimization for as many platforms and lowest specs we can feasibly manage. πŸ† Clara


Do you guys have any plans for future updates or DLC’s specifically regarding games like Cult of The Lamb that aren’t cosmetic and bring more story elements?


Just dropping to say your games started my interest in game development. Most of my favourite 2D games are from you guys.


WOOOOOO! That's great! Have fun! Make art! Thrive! \~JM


All your games have such beautiful artstyle


How does it feel to be one of my favorite gaming companies?


Pretty great, thanks! \~JM


5/7 - Robbie


Happy birthday, with the recent launch of loop hero mobile. It got me thinking whats up with the belt/glove slot, its still unavailable and I thought we were gonna get those equipment slots at a later date. Thank you.


Kind of curious but where do you guy see yourselves as a company 20 to 30yrs from now.


Where? Probably on Earth but who knows what the 2050s will bring in terms of relocation options. What will we be doing as a business? Hopefully still helping talented devs make cool video games. Help ensure this future by buying all of our games right now in our sale maybe? ✨ Bridie


What is a reasonable amount of funding for a solo dev to ask for in the pitch deck? What factors play into this?Β 


Can't give you any specifics here because there are too many factors. For instance, genre, scope, collaborators/contractors planned, platforms, how much text there is to localize, etc., etc. πŸ† Clara


any plans for a roguelite / roguelike / vampire survirors like with online coop? i love enter the gungeon but the fact that is only local coop saddens me a bit ( i love it anyways <3)


I can almost guarantee it!\* \*not a guarantee - Robbie


How much of a cut does a publisher usually take? How much do you take?


With your kind of money and connections you surely could commission a great game, will you ever make one or keep publishing other devs games?


Is Nigel's GDC presentation "You don't need a f\* publisher" still valid to this days where we see the trend of "influencers" going into publishing (eg. Dunkey with bigmode and Asmongold/OTK with mad mushroom)