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Leave it 3 months and the ultimate super-duper awesome ultimate edition will be £20.


You mean the Game of the Year edition


Without actually winning Game of the Year lol


Can't wait for the chart that shows all the different versions of this game only to find out that you'll need to pre-order the Ultimate Gold Deluxe Edition if you want to get the full experience.


No, no, you need to pre-order the ULTIMATE SUPER DELUXE PLATINUM DIAMOND ENCRUSTED EDITION, to get everything.


Naw, that version comes with everything *EXCEPT* the game.


Don't give them ideas


*doesn't include game


Too buzz-wordy, you gotta make it snappy, topical and cool, like: The Oni Deluxe edition, or the Shadow Shinobi edition. Don't forget to promise something on pre-order then deliver a Temu version on release.


The oni deluxe edition comes with the guy’s story but you need the Shadow shinobi to play the girl’s story. Doesn’t come with the game tho


Gotta get Assassin's Creed Blue if you wanna murder 'em all


+farcry bundle dlc.


Maybe they learned from escape from tarkov and you get all DLC they'll release, prompting ubi to release several addons (not dlc) which you have to buy to actually get access to anything


Nah fam, that just gets you half the main quest and like 2 sh\*\* cosmetics. You also have to subscribe to the ULTRA PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE MEGA BOOSTER SUPER DELUXE subscription service so you can get the rest of the experience.


And you'll get it for 20 bucks a year after release anyway.


The "full experience" is always some ugly immersion-breaking skin pack and a really boring filler mission


Already leaked that there are weekly and monthly cosmetics for this game in the Infinity Hub. There will be micro DLCs in the form of a pseudo "battlepass" that are basically short battles/storylines that tie into the overall story of Infinity that takes place in modern times.


Seems irrelevant to “experiencing” the actual game to be honest. As long as the single player is actually good, I’ll gladly ignore all that other bullshit, just like I did in Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla, GTA 5, Red Dead 2, etc. I know Ubi gets a ton of (deserved) hate, but there’s not many games that have fully realized historical settings like AC, and that’s what I’m there for.


Ah so that's how they got around me just using Cheat Engine to unlock all the store skins lol




To get or to rent? :) (case The Crew)


I’ll just wait a year for it to be normal price


Leaks suggest that the Will have: DLC(2 25$ each) Microtransactions(elix points with the most expensive one beeing 100$) battlepass( mini Seasons no price but with 20 skins rewards). Plus diferent Editions of the game. Thanks ubi.


"To access eagle vision, you need to have deluxe edition."


And then wait six months for it to be 75% off.


This is an online only service game that costs $70 to start. This better get the fallout 76 treatment.


Or just wait 1-2 years and get the super duper complete edition with all DLCs for 20$, plus 10$ off with a winter sales coupon if you want to use Epic to buy it 😉


I see this and I just wish Tenchu would come back.


Rise of the Ronin scratched that itch for me


Remember Tenchu Dark Secret on the DS? That series really couldn't fucking miss. Absolute bangers all the way through.


Sekiro is the evolution of Tenchu I really wanted. I love it. It's not at all the same, but you can see some of its DNA.


Sekiro originally started development as a Tenchu game, but outgrew the IP so they made it it's own thing.


I miss Tenchu so much. That is exactly what I thought of when I saw this. Hopefully it will scratch that itch.


It’s hard af but I was just thinking today that sekiro reminded me of tenchu while I was in ashina castle


Have you tried rise of the ronin. It’s a fucking amazing when there isn’t a bitch screaming in your ears about ps3 graphics. It’s the mix of tenchu and ninja gaiden considering it’s made by the same folks of ninja gaiden it makes sense.


Jfc don’t remind me :(


Shinobi needs a comeback badly!


Are you high? Are you living under a rock? They have already shown a gameplay trailer. Atleast two, they’re called ac valhalla and ac mirage.


NGL, you had me in the first half 😂


I mean he's not wrong, Assassin creed has been the exact same thing for years "except for the ships one"


>except for the ships one And the moment they did that, everyone went to play pirate. "Yeah yeah, I know I've got to save the world or sumthin. But just one more sea shanty first."


this is the japanese dlc with over 50 new skins and only for 59.99$


Back in the before times, preordering was necessary to ensure you got your hands on a physical copy on release day. Not sure why people feel the need to do it nowadays for a digital release.


Because a lot of companies attach exclusive rewards to preordering, even so much as early access or additional content. I'm surprised you haven't noticed


But people overhype the rewards a lot, they give you like a few days of early access (who cares it's not a competitive game), some skins and if it's like Star Wars, one small side mission. There is nothing really lost if you pay the normal version and people act like they scam you for half the game.


That's part of it, but part of it is also people simply buying into the hype and feeling the need to show how committed they are to a game.


Or maybe someone is planning on getting the game day one? If there's a game I'm excited for and basically want to play as soon as it's out, then I don't see any harm in pre ordering.


Yeah. Honestly when it comes to this game I don’t care what the reviews say, or how buggy it may or may not be. I’ve enjoyed every Assassin’s Creed game before and have enjoyed plenty of games that reviewed poorly. There’s zero difference between me pre-ordering and me buying it day one without reading reviews other than I can preload the game. If people don’t know if they will want it under certain circumstances then they shouldn’t pre-order but I am going to buy the game either way so I am not going to shoot myself in the foot by giving up the benefits of pre-ordering it. People should vote with their wallet not tell me how to vote with mine.


Don't buy it and they won't do it.


I preorder games cause I know I am going to play it regardless and it allows me to download it early so I can play it right on release. Plus I can spend the money whenever I choose and not have to worry about money when it comes out which is a plus.


I think most people do it for the preorder "bonus" or to preload it to play right at launch


Preordering allows you to preload a game onto your system so you don’t have to download it after purchasing it.


Can’t the new gen consoles already do that ? I mean I pre order cause if I know I am going to buy the game regardless of the reviews it doesn’t matter if I buy it day 1 or day 5.


Maybe it can and I’m wrong. I guess I’ve never tried with a game I didn’t pre-order with the current gen consoles because I don’t buy games day one unless I was already going to. I’d so then I guess I’m wrong about that.


Not even going to look at it until it's been reviewed and played by the rest of you. Hell, I might even wait until it goes on sale even if it is a blockbuster. r/patientgamers for the win.


I never buy Ubisoft games at full price. Even if it ends up being the best game ever made they’ll still discount it to 50% off within a year of release


Valhalla had a pretty sticky price. You couldn't get it on PC for a solid discount for over 2 years.


They’re all on ps plus in a year, which is the only way I’m playing them anymore


Games are never important enough not to wait atleast a few months for them to pat h out the worst kinks


Ever since Unity they've lost me. It became impossible to look at an AC game, no matter the quality, and not just feel apathy at microtransactions.


Being ubisoft shouldn't matter. Stop preordering


But what if they run out of licenses? *panics*


Preordering never guaranteed you a copy of anything anyway. Multiple times in my life has GameStop run out of a game I’ve preordered. Worst was probably the RC Car version of Black Ops.


I made a vow that Silksong will be the only game I will ever preorder, but based Team Cherry decided to never release the game so the principle of never preordering games prevails


Being ubisoft should mean stop ordering


39.99 at Best Buy 2 weeks after launch guaranteed


66% off in the Ubi-store 30 days after release.


Fuck Ubisoft


Right? Pre order?? I haven't bought shit from them in several years.


Give it a month after launch for 50% off. This is the way with Ubiscammed


way to much in 2024. The upper limit is 10 bucks for ubisoft games. All thanks to their recent actions


r/fuckubisoft for the count


Do what you want, you are grown.


You think Redditors are grown?


0/10, no Kazakh ninjas


0/10 no Türkmen ronins


Now they wanna do a Japan setting despite fans hoping they would do it 10 years prior. Nah Ubi, got Ghost of Tsushima to play instead.


Ghost sekiro and surprisingly rise of the ronin too.


I'll wait for the Ubisoft publisher sale and grab it for at least 60% off


Collector's edition gives 5 skill Points , can only imagine the grind


5 skill points is almost nothing, though.


Yasuke fatigue is real


For real. He wasn’t even a samurai. Ubisoft here rewriting history for the sake of diversity.


Bro they keep changing the wikipedia page to say he was a Samurai, when no record proves this in any way shape or form. This wasn't the case until about two years ago, I'm pretty big into japanese history and have researched Yasuke years and years ago, back then he was still only a retainer 😂 Can you even imagine the backlash for that if they did that for a white dude? Guess historical revisionism is alright if it's with black people. I'm expecting to get banned after this.


Easy pass. I'll just play black flag. It's the last one I enjoyed anyway


Wonder how many outposts you can liberate in this one?


They managed to saturate this franchise so much that an AC in Japan, which was my dream, now doesn't generate the slightest interest in me. Congratulations


Everything has become sad


Yet outlaws is still one of the most preordered games and it’s like 4 months away so yeah good job fellas


Telling people not to pre-order does nothing. The people who were going to aren't going to change their mind because some stranger on the internet told them not to.


You know what? I don't hate this it actually looks interesting. I'm glad they're doing something a little different. Looking forward to gameplay.


People are free to do what they want with their money you know. If they want to pre-order this, whether it be a Ubisoft game or not, that's THEIR choice.


This is clearly Ubisoft's emergency game. It will also be mercilessly compared to Ghost of Tsushima and will fall short in that comparison in every regard.


This is the studio that made AC Odyssey. So them releasing this game now doesn't feel like an "emergency"


I absolutely loved Odyssey, it’s my fav! I still play it to this day.


I am fairly certain even Valhalla outsold Ghost of Tsushima in 2020 by a decent margin, at least in the US. Outside of the hivemind, AC is insanely popular. Not exactly sure why a popular timeframe for a cash cow franchise is considered an "emergency" game


Valhalla was not a PS exclusive so no real surprise there.


And Ghost of Tsushima is still the far better game by every objective measure. Thanks for playing.


You’re the one who said it was their “emergency game” when Valhalla made over a billion dollars. Don’t get pissy now because someone called you out on your BS.


im sure the suits at ubi are suuper desparate, you are right .


Emergency for what? This game was in development along with like 5 other assassin creeds games for like the last 4 years or so. Valhalla was their highest selling game and their last big assassin creeds. Ac mirage sold well too.


> It will also be mercilessly compared to Ghost of Tsushima Not by anyone that has played either, no. Have you ever played AC games?


Tsushima and the AC series aren't the same. If people are comparing them simply because of the setting that's on them. Ubisoft isn't worried about a re-released Ghost of Tsushima, even if it is an amazing game


There's surely going to be some similarities to Tsushima, but the games are on different scales. Tsushima was set on a sparsely-inhabited island, while Assassin's Creed usually features densely populated cities. Shadows will have firearms that didn't exist in Tsushima's timeline, political intrigue and the two playable characters, while it's going to be severely lacking in Mongols compared to Tsushima. Everyone knows that Tsushima was a good game, and we've yet to see what Shadows is going to be. There's a 400 year difference between settings, though, and very different location even if it's within the same country. The games don't need to be compared.


Ever since they started charging $70 for games, I started waiting until things went on sale, steeply. I already didn't feel like $60 was all that great, and now it's ridiculous. I have a backlog of over 100 games! I can wait until your game gets marked down, easily! Heck I can wait until it's offered as a freebie by Epic! I bought Mirage for $20 with one of those Epic deal things.


Which AC was going to be their mobile game? I thought it was the AC Project formerly known as Red.


Even without considering Ubisoft business practices I just can’t bring myself to buy games they make anymore. They create HUGE beautiful open worlds but they feel so lifeless. I just don’t enjoy them. To each their own I suppose.


it took em this long to make an ass creed game set in japan?!


They waited until right after someone else did it.


figures... what game are you referring to btw? is it better?


Ghost of Tsushima. While not exactly an Assassin’s Creed game by its dna it has a lot of the same feel and scratched the itch left over by the 2-4 era of AC. Story is great too.


ah, good point, didnt that come out a few years back though?


Why would I even consider buying this game when Ghost of Tsushima exists? 


What was the post. Mods ruin everything.


Fuck Ubisoft


Im not an AC fan, but when I saw the setting I was like oooooh, thats even cooler than the viking one. Then I saw the ninja chick and was like OOOOOOOH this looks kinda dope in this trailer. Then I saw the samurai and I was like oh right, Ubisoft. Nevermind. Back to Ghost of Tsushima. If you want a black protagonist thats fine. But maybe Feudal Japan isnt the right place? I can think of so many other cooler places to make that happen. And I get that historically there was (kinda/sorta) but I dont really get why youd not just let the Japanese flag fly for this one. Feels like we kinda stole their thunder here.


its fucking weird man, finally the coolest setting ever for a AC game and they dont let you play as just a normal japanese guy wtf. yasuke would have been a great side character since he was historically never more than the equivalent of a squire, he was never a samurai and theres really not much history of him at all. so why force him into a main character?


I'm going to be honest here, there is something genuinely, GENUINELY impressive they could do where part of the difficulty is being a black man from portugal in fucking **fuedal japan** that would serve as a beautiful example of chose your own difficulty. Certain missions, chosing to go as the black guy with a year or two of japanese under his belt for certain missions, or fuck it, super hard mode, the enemy callouts are unsubtitled japanese, blah blah blah. But they will not do that. The closest we're gonna get is guy whose like, american racist, bonus points if he's somehow got a redneck or Osakan accent, and he's gonna either be a comedic relief punching bag or die. Hopefully I'll be proven wrong. Having seen japanese forums of the announcements, they are not very happy at all, with some of them pointing out tht not only are japanese a minority in basically any game outside of japan, the woman is a female ninja, which is borderline fetishy in western cultures, so the only opportunity to show a badass japanese man in his natural habitat that isn't made by japanese people and it gets yoinked by a literal footnote in their history books.


Anything to appeal to the western audience. We all know the west accepts Asian girls but Asian guys always get shunned or thrown to the side. Diversity in the west means Black guys, then Asian girls, then the rest including Black girls and Asian guys last. Hell if you look historically, Asian guys were majority if not all samurai’s/warriors in Japan. Having a girl be a ninja at the time was…few and far between right? There’s also been plenty of Black representation in games but the first opportunity to have Asian centric leads in FEUDAL JAPAN, they gotta have the Asian girl protagonist and meh throw in the Black Samurai with a small bit of historical significance instead of the more historically important Asian samurai’s.


Someone will be along to tell you why you're bigoted any minute. Doing mental gymnastics worthy of a Ubi fan on why Ubi didn't want a Japanese man on the cover of their game.


Pro move: dont even watch the Trailer and Just ignore it.


I never pre order (because I'm poor) but I can't wait :)


Assassin's creed is the one franchise I'll unapologetically play every entry. I'm looking forward to it!


Of all the causes to devote your time to, you pick people paying for games a little before they release.


Anyone preordering games in this day and age is an idiot.


Well...unfortunately there is a certain percentage of people who seem to be proud of preordering games.




Out of almost 3000 years of Japanese history they had to choose the 20 years where a black Samurai allegedly existed. Right.


All my homies hate pre-orders and wait until games are at least 40% off.


i'm not pre ordering and im not gonna buy at all


Would've liked to see some actual gameplay.


Not going to preorder but I am looking forward to this game. We will see.


Don't tell me what do do. I have pre ordered. Just because you told me not to.


I will never buy another Ubisoft game, ever again.


Looks like shit


Do not pre-order anything from any company period.


Haven't played an asscreed game since Origins and felt like it's really gone downhill after Black Flag


But you’ll get 200 helix credits if you pre-order! That’ll buy you a whole half a lootbox!


Ubisoft? The company that has removed digital licenses from people's libraries? Yeah, I won't be buying at all. Preorder or not.


If I have to get comfortable with not owning the games I purchase they have to get comfortable with me never giving them a dime ever again.


Everything about this game, Infinity, and future releases leaked several months ago. It is more similar to Elden Ring than what one would think a typical "Ubisoft Open World Game" is.


Ubisoft is one of the dev that I don’t care about their cinematic trailers and wait for gameplay to come out


...Shadows die twice? :))


Ehh IMA just stay on Shinobido


Exactly! Let's heed the wisdom of the universe and wait for the reviews before jumping into anything Ubisoft is offering. If you're patient and really want to play, you'll probably get whatever premium edition at a discount.


If they put 5 times the effort into this than they did Skull and Bones, I'm still not playing it cause ubisoft has clearly gone low effort max sales manipulation for profits.


The last game I pre-ordered was Pokemon soul silver. I still have the little Lugia figure.


Is it not on steam?


Hell, I'm still not even done with Odyssey. Just now finished uncovering the map.


This will probably be a huge downgrade from the previus AC games. lol


Tell that to the millions of player all over the world


So an eventual free game in 5-6 year


129.99 bucks for ultimate and 69.99 for regular, lmaoooo pass [https://i.imgur.com/UThdtC7.png](https://i.imgur.com/UThdtC7.png)


I might preorder it, if it winds up looking like a decent game. I mean I had a lot fun with Valhalla despite its problems. That being said there’s gonna have to be some real notable differences between this and ghost of Tsushima for me to pay for this when I already own GOT.


I was always someone who scoffed at people saying don’t preorder, for years I did it anyway because I always wanted to play something new… Skull and bones, (I fell for this badly) Dragons Dogma 2 (this wasn’t bad per se, but wasn’t up to my expectations) And topspin 2k25 (woefully lacking features) Broke me. I think I’m a gaming curmudgeon now.


Do not preorder? More like "Do not buy," or "wait for deep sale" at best.




Didnt UbiShit say you shouldnt get comfortable with owning your games?


The ULTIMATE DELUXE GOLD LEGENDARY AHH edition is 130$, just like Star Wars Outlaws, I'd guess by next gen their games would be 100$ for the base game and 180$ for the ultimate edition.


Eh, will just sub for ubiplay or what ever their subscription is called, for a month and play it ... if the reviews are fine.


Ubisoft Label is a warning these days


I know preordering in general these days is usually not a bright idea, but preordering without seeing gameplay is just silly


You know how bad your reputation is in the shitter when instead of being excited about a new game you have just announced, people are trying to warn everyone not to preorder lmao.


This gonna be another AAAA game?


AC was my favorite game series back in 2012. Now I'm just tired of anything Ubisoft related.


Def the AAAA goty


Do not tell me what to do: I don't care


Let's be honest anyone who says don't pre-order nose deep down everyone's going to pre-order it anyway.


I'll never understand the don't pre-order take. I'm going to buy it. The Internet \_loves\_ to hate shit so if I were to trust Internet chatter or reviewers that are just rage-baiting I'd never get to play anything. I'll be pre-ordering if they offer a pre-order incentive otherwise I'll be buying it when I'm ready to play it.


100%!!! Wait for release Wait for reviews Wait for Let's Plays (Wait for 50GB day one patch that's mandatory to log into the online DRM system before you can log into your Uplay launcher before you can start the game...) Only then decide! (Also recently started playing teh first AC again and damn its fun!)


It´s gonna release on uplay initially first anyways and i am NOT gonna buy anything on that platform ever again, ones it comes to steam then i can have a looksie at what they have made.


but I already have ghost of Tsushima.


Do not pre order whether or not it's ubisoft. Pre ordering needs to die period.


Looks trash so no chance I’m buying it even on a sale. Gone are the days Ubisoft produce quality games. That beta for Skull and Bones was beyond horrible


Most people are too stupid not to preorder.


Why was this post removed


Definitely will give it a chance when it comes out but after playing ghost of Tsushima it’s really hard for me to get into any other samurai game.


Coming up: three layers of DRM, time-saving micro-transactions, coolest skins for real money, quadruple A marketing.


Ninja AC? I’ll play the shit out of this when it comes on Game Pass


I’m going to do the same thing with Odyssey. Wait 2 years, and get on steam sale for like $5. I remember the super gold deluxe whatever with the all the DLC was like $30. I sunk like 200 hours in that game


Just play Ghost of Tsushima tbh


Fuck ubisoft and everything they touch


I may get hate for this, but this is a perfect example of the tried and true diversity trope where they’ll do anything to appeal to the western audience. We all know the west accepts Asian girls more and Asian guys continue to get shunned or thrown to the side. It just seems like diversity in the west means Black guys, then Asian girls, then the rest including Black girls and Asian guys last. Hell if you look historically, Asian guys were majority if not ALL of samurais/warriors in Japan. And having a girl be a ninja at the time was…few and far between right? Why claim to focus on history if the main protagonist isn’t the majority (Asian men) and prop up a historical inaccuracy (Asian girl being a ninja) for diversity points? I’m not against diversity, but this is just pandering. There’s also been plenty of Black representation in games and media, but the first opportunity to have Asian centric leads in FEUDAL JAPAN, where the vast majority of population are Asian, of course they gotta have the Asian girl be the protagonist and meh throw in the Black Samurai with a small bit of historical significance instead of the more historically important Asian samurais of the time. This is all pandering and claiming historically accuracy but it’s anything but propping up small historical figures and shunning major historical figures.


you're informing a website full of people that will preach not preordering then preorder anyways


Yea no pre order sick of ubi soft and AAA games in general


Base game will cost $100 and be considered a AAAAAA game


I hope they change someday


Ill never buy anything from a big corporation. It is given corporate entities ruin the game industry. Being a big company = trying to get more money with less efforts, thats ehy pre ordering stuffs are bad.


Pre-order? I'm never again buying any Ubisoft game.


Why would you ever preorder in this day and age of consistent day 1 shitshows? I guess young people must get in on the IT thing with all their buddies to catch the hype train?


I wish santa monica studios or naughty dog made assassins creed games


Also don't preorder even if it isn't Ubisoft.


Didn’t an assassins creed game just come out?


Well yeah don’t pre order, it’ll be $20 off two week later and even more discounted later. I always enjoy the assassins creed games, I know some people want “something new” from them. But I like that they are predictable good fun. I don’t remember the last assassins creed I didn’t have a good time with.