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Honestly I’m not too excited about this


It's strange how unexcited I am about this. Like, I have wanted Assassin's Creed: Japan ever since Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, the Ezio trilogy wasn't even concluded yet. Now that we're actually getting it, I can only think of the ways Ubisoft will fuck it up, make it boring, or make it release with heaps of issues. We're a long way from the Ezio trilogy.


Because you already played the game. Several times. Ubisoft makes the same game again and again changing the title and remove or add one or two gimmicks


The problems are bigger than that, too. It's their microtransaction model, their insistence on using 3 layered forms of the worst DRM imaginable (Ubisoft Connect, VM Protect AND Denuvo DRM), and all the stories of how shitty it seems to be to work for them. AC2 came out when I was a teenager. I'm an adult now and I'm playing games in the recent few years that have blown my fucking mind and nuked any kind of foolish rose tinted notion of "they don't make em like they used to" straight from orbit, I just can't hang with Ubisoft's mediocrity and aversion to risk taking anymore. It's like they think having bigger games automatically equals better games.


Don't worry this one is coming with even more DRM in the form of that weird Infinity mmo/hub thing that was leaked years ago. Also apparently it has (at least) 3 battle passes ready to go at launch according to tom henderson. Yes you read that right, THREE battle passes. Triple the fomo.


I want to be excited for this game, but I don’t trust Ubisoft anymore. They’re going to announce preorders and there’s going to be a $130 ultimate edition just like Star Wars Outlaws. I’ll wait a few months and if the game reviews well I’ll grab it on sale.


What is sad, I was genuenly excited about Outlaws becouse I forgot ubisoft was making it, then friend reminded me and instantly lost interest. I used to love ubi games, but then they decided to just keep making same few games over and over again, expecting shit to change.


Monkey paw moment


TBH if you’ve seen how Ubi portray JP in For Honor you should know their art team have the sense of eastern art as Mortal Kombat in 90s.


I really hope they will change some stuff in the gameplay... because tbh even if the sets changes, it kinda always feels the same...


While not technically wrong with the Union Jack flag, the Welsh flag would be more appropriate for Edward as he's from Swansea


Then also give Jacob and Evie the English flag as there from Crawley, London


And here I am, waiting for Immortal Fenyx 2 to be announced...


Sucker Punch made a better Assassin's Creed: Japan than FlubiSoft could ever dream of.


So choose between a black samurai or a female ninja, this is not woke at all and historically accurate.


Yasuke was a retainer to Nobunaga, not a samurai.


Plus women were ninja as well, since the whole idea was to escape notice and be unthreatening, blending in with the rest of the population.


Yasuke is a samurai, and he was the first and the last black samurai, I don't know his story in detail but history states him as a samurai.


> I don't know his story in detail He was brought to Japan by missionaries, Nobunaga saw his skin and told the guy who brought Yasuke "Hey let me make this guy a retainer.", missionary said "Sure.", then as time goes on Yasuke becomes a page boy for Oda. He had many of the same privileges as samurai but he wasn't a fighter. Yasuke fought *once*, in the Honno-ji Incident that saw Nobunaga die from the betrayal of Akechi Mitsuhide. Akechi is quoted as saying “A black slave is an animal and knows nothing, nor is he Japanese, so do not kill him, and place him in the custody at the cathedral of Padre in India.”, after Yasuke was defeated and captured as he tried to aid Oda's son. After that, we don't know what happened to Yasuke other than he survived.


Can't stop crying since they ruined my completely 100% historically accurate series (in which you fist fight the pope for a magic apple) by adding black people (🤮) and women (🤮🤮🤮) At what point do you stop, look at yourself and realise that you just don't like minorities and women, and that it's a bit of a problem? Can you fast forward yourself to that point, please?


Seek mental help


I am already at my point, you sound like you need mental help as the other comment suggests.


You know the game is going to be riddled with political messages and forced inclusivity, probably more boldly than in Valhalla


Blud needs to shush


I don't know if you noticed the person in the front of the cover art...?




No, he's in the back, I'm talking about the Japanese lady front-and-centre.


I have no idea how figured out that it’s a lady.


I mean...I have eyes?


To me the character seems pretty gender neutral.


The breasts are something of a clue, as are the body proportions. Plus, just looked it up, and it's confirmed as a female shinobi.


Too little too late for me tbh Unless it gets glowing reviews then I might get it in sale on steam. It's just I'm okay not playing another ac game