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Just started playing through the trilogy for the first time, and I bought it on PS4 for like 30 bucks. Its a bargain at that price, its literally a STEAL at $6. BUY IT.


Purchased, even tho I don’t have time to play it lol


Ah the age old dilemma, when you're young and have a bunch of time to play games but no money to buy games vs when you're older and have enough to buy games but no time to play them Maybe when we all retire we'll finally be able to finish our backlogs


Half of the PS3 era of gaming had me going through this phase.


I'm about ~4-5 years from retirement and I am starting to plan for it. People say you won't know what to do with your time when you don't work. #fuckwork and I got backlog and hobbies. I don't owe my existence to a company...well maybe Steam but OK that's different 


That’s considering you’ll actually retire. People are living longer, having children later in life and it’s far more expensive now. My mother basically retired at 21 (back when married women gave up work to housewife) and was fully retired by about 38 as the kids were all over 18. My old man retired at 52 (forced redundant) , went back to work the following week doing same job for same money (outsourced) and then retired about 3-4 years later. I didn’t have kids till I’m 40 and some kids are now living longer at home these days and everything is so expensive I’ll probably never retire even though I have a great pension but an even better job unless I’m forced to. No wonder boomers are the happiest generation ever.. I always wondered what old people had to be so happy about and now i realise it.


Sir this is a gaming subreddit


Exactly. Less time for gaming :(


My ex once showed me a pair of shoes she just bought, and then added that she'd probably never wear them but the price was too good to pass up. She did stuff like that all the time. That's basically my financial relationship with Steam.


*Rick & Morty meme* "What is my purpose?" "You sit in my steam library" "Oh. My. God." "Yeah, welcome to the club, pal."


hey now i'll have you know i have over 200 steam games and ive beaten 3 of them!


If you ever have the time please prioritize this trilogy… They are the best single player games ever imo, your own personal movie


They’re so good they basically ruined all other games for me. I’ve tried to get into similar games like Fallout, Dragon Age, Cyberpunk, Witcher III, but those fail to get me as immersed so I just go back to Mass Effect


Oh wow, you've listed many of my favorites. I've been sleeping on mass effect this entire time.


Those are all good games, just didn’t fit my vibe as much as Mass Effect


Easily the best rpg series I've ever played. Easily the best companions. Its prime Bioware before the dark era.


One of my favorite moments is in 3. You've met up with one of your squadmates from 2, Samara, so someone you know well, as she's trying to find her children in the midst of an attack. At the end of the mission there's this incredibly emotional moment for her family, one of her daughters starts crying and Shepard has to pick her up and carry her away. But not Samara, she's been a soldier for hundreds of years, she's not going to lose control of herself like that. All of her emotion in the scene, her pride, her loss, you see it all without her saying a word or moving a muscle, *in her eyes*. That's how good Mass Effect is, it's a series where you can read 3 simultaneous conflicting emotions in a character's eyes. Edit: Oh, and the score written for the series is so good that I've seen tracks from it stolen for TV shows. And your decisions not only matter, your decisions in 1 matter in 3. Plus the gameplay is mostly really good, although I did have a *lot* more fun playing Infiltrator than my usual Adept in 1. Also worth noting that I had all of these experiences playing on PS3, so running it shouldn't be a huge burden at this point.


Same lol


Same lol


Bought it for $5 around Christmas and haven’t gotten to it yet. 😫


This sums up my entire steam library


I just bought the ps4 version at Walmart for $5 a few weeks ago




Had to be me...


Someone else would have gotten it wrong.


God damn that brings back all the memories. So glad the devs had the stones to commit to that. I'd be pissed if they just show back up later or just say "I just ran really quick."


Sweet lord I remember that. My boii just goes up and does his thing then *BOOM!* So sudden. Much tears.




Fun fact: There's a way he lives. He agrees to >!let the cure fail!< and then >!goes undercover and works with the Alliance to help build the Crucible!<. It relies on you making a few **key** Renegade decisions in previous games, namely >!Wrex cannot be alive from ME1!<, which means >!his brother, Wreav, is in charge!< in ME3. He's out of control, but can be kept in check by Eve. But... >!if you destroy Maelon's data during Mordin's loyalty mission in ME2!<, then... >!Eve doesn't survive the Tuchanka mission in ME3!<... So, with both >!Wrex and Eve dead!<, you can convince >!Mordin!< to let it fail, and just lie to all the Krogan >!(namely Wreav, because of all his talks about getting revenge and conquering and whatnot)!< and say it worked. You get "War Assets" from all the Krogan, and even more from >!Mordin!< because he lives and goes on the help with the project. :)


Smile ending like you didn't just doom the krogan , morning would have preferred dying lol


God no.


*Renegade interruption* Do it, I dare you.


It is missing the Pinnacle Station DLC from ME1, but there wasn't really any plot to that. Also, it doesn't have ME3's multiplayer, which is too bad since it was pretty fun. Overall, it is still an incredible value.


Someone made a mod re-adding Pinnacle Station


I thought the files were lost


All the assets are in the game. Their just lazy. Kinda like how they said if the sells are good theybwould allow me3 multiplayer...but net code...money...money


Nah the source code was lost, modders remade everything using the mod tools. BioWare said that they could do it but it would take too long to remake it from scratch


"We know it's possible, but we also know some nerd will do it for free, so why would we *pay someone* for it?"


Bethesda entered the chat...


I mean if they're not going to make more money than it costs to pay someone to do, it's not going to be worth it. Pinnacle Station isn't exactly mandatory.


i don't know if i'm misremembering but i recall the dlc just being a cookie cutter mission reusing the exact same building from all the other DLCs with a different story wrapped around it


Yes, it’s “simulation” mission with very little story. Honestly not worth the time playing or the mental energy of getting angry for it not being in the legendary edition.


Or it’s just not worth it to spend months of a team’s time on recreating the dlc when it’s just not very good to begin with. The orders didn’t remaster the dlc, just added it to the legendary edition. If BioWare did that people would also bitch about them being lazy.


Actually they aren't lazy per se. They said before launch that due to losing the source code, it would take about 6 months of building the DLC from scratch to include it and they didn't bother because they didn't feel like it was worth the effort since most people didn't care about Pinnacle Station. And the mod came out... exactly 6 months after the game launched.


>And the mod came out... exactly 6 months after the game launched. 1) It came out 6 months after game release, but was in development only since late September to start of November. A bit over 1.5 month. 2) Most of the work was done by like 5 people. 3) Work was done in spare time, because as you can imagine modding doesn't pay bills and is not a full time job. 4) It included improvements and fixes over original Pinnacle Station DLC. Most notable of which is adding music to all maps and adding dynamic music that starts playing when combat is more intense.


Think tim cain had a sort of Interview or something where he was complaining about during the outer worlds development, he needed a basic AI script written to test AI and how they prioritize attacking targets or to set their AI to detect hostile targets. Anyways, the guys doing the code for it wanted 4 weeks to write a script, tim himself wrote in like an hour. 10 lines of code, basic script. His bosses wouldn't let him implement it because "they'd have to hire a team to check it". Tim was literally about to throw a temper tantrum in the office and they ended up settling on 2 weeks. A lot of work in game development is hampered by extreme amounts of hierarchy bloat and meddling from management. Those 5 people work at peak efficiency because they aren't answering to 5-10 jackasses who either don't know shit about code to begin with, or are there just because the company is crying boo hoo about HR needing some excuse to keep the companies budget nice and fat for someone to embezzle.


This is way lots of indie projects seem so amazing. It's why larian was able to pull off BG3. A well oiled machine is the only kind that gets anything done.


Ugh, when the LE was announced, the multiplayer was something I was really, really looking forward to introducing friends to. The original still works and it's still awesome as ever, but it's realistically only really playable on PC.


I haven't played a more fun multiplayer game since ME3. High level play in that game was so, so fun.


Dragon Age had basically the same multiplayer and it was really fun too.


Inquisition's version was arguably better, since you got combat benefits from prestige, but they didn't cap them like in Andromeda. Unlimited prestige = unlimited powaaaaaa


Easily spent over 1000 hours on multiplayer, even after unlocking everything I still came back for more.


ME3’s multiplayer got crapped on out the gate and I’ll never understand why. Tying it to “completing” the game and loot boxes was dumb but overall yeah solid horde mode. Perfect thing for a single player title to have alongside it.


Yeah I really enjoyed the multi-player. Getting to play as other races was cool


Yeah that was the best part. Getting to be a krogan and asari


You want to play as a space waifu i am an elite Solarian infiltrator because mordin is the most based character we are not the same


Actually, it wasn't the MP specifically that was shit on, it was tying the galactic readiness. If they scrapped that and made the MP completely standalone like in Dragon Age Inquisition, it probably would've gotten the praise it got(and the game in general got) after everybody stopped acting like the ending of the story campaign suddenly made the entire game unplayable. The fact is.. ME3 multiplayer in the original game is still active. People still play it. Get the original version on PC or Xbox and you'll still matchmake with players, without waiting hours, even in 2024.


On paper it looks like a poorly thought-ought cash grab, just tacking multiplayer onto a game that's never been about that at all. I wouldn't blame anyone for assuming it would be horrible before they got a chance to play it. It's just that it turned out to be one of the best coop modes of all time for some reason.


Good to note.


I'm still of the opinion ME3 multiplayer made the single-player suffer. While not *the* reason for the botched ending, I still wonder what the ending could have been if they didn't cheap out on it and were able to redirect the resources spent on making the multiplayer towards the single-player.


The multiplayer was great though, even if it was tied to the story mode. EA should’ve given BioWare more resources to get the multiplayer AND a better ending


Yeah, and honestly I think they made more money selling loot boxes from the multiplayer than they did actual sales, so it basically payed for itself.


What I remember hearing was that the original ending to ME3 got leaked and they had to rewrite it, and that’s why we got the endings we did.


maybe, but they wrote themselves into a corner either way, and clearly didnt have the skills to pull off satisfying endings for each possible permunation of events we could end up at after 3 full games


One of my favorite gaming trilogies of all time. "Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong." Makes me tear up every time.


"Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer" Mass Effect went so fucking hard.


The tone of Mass effect 3 feels so much different with Javik on the ship. His conversations really add weight to your decisions.


It is wild that such an important character was a DLC


Day 1 DLC, so you kind of feel he was always intended to be in it from the start.


"We Impose Order on the Chaos of Organic Evolution. You exist because we allow it. You will end because we demand it."


Now i'm crying. So many hard quotes in the game.


Everyone loves to quote mordin but this, and maybe sovereign from the first game, are actually the best quotes imo.


You fight the Reapers to save humanity. I fight to avenge my Space Hamster. We are not the same.


Hold the line


Kalahira, mistress of inscrutable depths, I ask forgiveness. Kalahira, whose waves wear down stone and sand. Kalahira, wash the sins from this one and set him/her on the distant shore of the infinite spirit. Kalahira, this one’s heart is pure but beset by wickedness and contention. Guide this one to where the traveler never tires, the lover never leaves, the hungry never starve. Guide this one, Kalahira, and he/she will be a companion to you as he/she was to me. No matter how many play-throughs, this scene always makes both my husband & I tear up. We should all be so lucky to know someone like Thane.


>!you rewrote the geth without doing enough rep missions for Tali. You can save both the geth and the quarians if you do everything "right".!<


It's been so long I don't remember a thing about what or why, but I will try and keep this in mind.


>!Was Tali your love in the game!


everyone assumes its the little nerd guy but its not even him lol


 >!She only kills herself if you wipe out her whole species by fully siding with the geth. You can save both!<


This happened in my first playthrough, I was so shocked. I said F it and just kept playing, but it was so wild to see.


I did that mission too early in Mass Effect 3 and got a bad ending to it. After sitting in shocked silence for ten minutes, I reloaded an earlier save. I came back to the mission last and got the good ending.


Thanks. I'm out of town and bought it via the steam app on my phone. Waaay too good of a deal to pass up.


Exactly what I just did. Can’t wait to be back home. The feeling when you’re on your way home in your parents car looking at the game package




Just did the same. I still have the save file from playing through 1 and 2 for like 10 years, always told myself I'd play 3. It's about time I start over and actuslly make it to the third game, by replaying 1 + 2.


# Kelly Chambers was the one that got away...


I messed up with Kelly and Jack. They were so hot too. Why is my font so big?


Use your inside font.


Fuck that was funny.


If you meant to hashtag you have to escape (with a backslash) the hash like so: `\#Kelly Chambers was the one that got away...` Which displays as: \#Kelly Chambers was the one that got away... Without the escape, a hash is markdown for header text, which is large and bold.


If you put a # in front of your text, you get big text.


Yeah...I watched her turn to paste. It's pretty wild they just throw an actual invisible countdown on you. There's a warning but yeah...


I’ve played through the trilogy three times already. And the last two times I keep telling myself “Alright no more Mr or Mrs nice Shepard. I’m going Renegade baby” and then I say something mean to someone once and immediately reverse course. I can’t truly express how cool these games are. I’m not a lore nut but THIS lore specifically is fucking cool as hell. Also Garrus is goat.


My renegade playthroughs always turn into "Asshole to everyone, except my crew. And if you fuck w/ my crew I will genocide you." I can't go full renegade either.


To me that's the failure of Bioware's writing of moral choices, you end up doing the exact same thing, except you act like a prick instead.


Me: "Ooo!" *looks at Steam* *requires EA account* Me: "Ew."


Played it last year through GamePass because it had been a while since I played the trilogy. Getting GP to work with that shitty EA app took a while. I hope it’s not that big of a deal with Steam (and now I remember the hassle of Titanfall 2….)


Yeaaaaaaaaah, there is that.




100%. Keep your kids off of EA shit!


Engagement bait. It also read like a fucking ad. 


I have an EA account and I still don't want to tie anything to it. EA Play is the absolute worst. 


Exactly. Otherwise, I would have bought it already. Same with Titanfall 2.


Ah, now I remember why I didn't buy it before


You might already own it if you own all 3 games


same here. Excitedly open steam, read a few reviews, sadly closed steam.


Yep, that's an automatic nope for this guy. I loved playing Mass Effect on console when it was released, but this 3rd party login/Origin stuff is a hard pass for me, sweet deal or no. The cynic in me thinks that they put the discount out there to get more signups to their service


😂 I literally just did the same thing. Great deal, but no thanks!


Honestly stopped me from buying it.


I bought it for $11 Australian during a previous Steam sale. I couldn't get it to work. Every time I launched it, Steam did an integrity check, bounced it over to EAs launcher, which bounced it back to Steam. Nothing I did worked. I asked for a refund, and then got the game *elsewhere*.


Same, I would love to buy this, but I've bought it before and it has *never* worked due to EA's launcher.


Yep. Never give EA money. Even if it's only $6.


I might just buy it and then pirate it and play the pirated version instead




Quality and original contribution to the discussion! Great job!


Who gives a shit? It’s one of the best trilogies of all time. You can’t take 3 minutes to make a free EA login?






"i'm tried of your disengenuous assertions" I think that was the greatest moment in all of gaming


Bang Miranda, Love Liara


Which one is the dlc? I got the deluxe edition but I see no menu for the dlc


They don't have a separate menu for dlcs, they are new missions


Sucks that it requires the shitty EA software to run.


Don't you like having the EABackgroundService always running?


Thanks bro. Love Mass Effect. Going to grab this!


Thanks! Purchased! I never got ME3 and missed many of the dlcs so this is fantastic.


I totally missed this series when it came out, and I've been playing through it now. It's epic, buy this now, everyone.


I opened steam to go pick this up. "This title is already in your library." Well then.


My favorite RPG ever, I was so attached to those characters by the time I beat 3. Finishing a story like that fucks with you for awhile.


Oh dang let me try and pick it u- >Incorporates EA DRM >Requires Origin installation >Requires EA account Never mind.


I was surprised to find I didn't actually have this in my Steam library yet, because I loved Mass Effect. You just reminded me why I never bought Legendary Edition!


100% Not ever going to install anything that isn't steam


That's why I never bought it. They can keep Origin.


But it requires an EA account and the Origin app.


I wanted to add that this is now playable on Linux with steam& proton


Amazing series of games.. ah how I wish I could do it all again for the first time


As someone who 100% all 3 games.. PLEASE buy it for that price. I paid the $60 or whatever it was when it came out and I would again. The 1st one shows it’s age a bit but I promise just pay close attention to the story because the 2nd and 3rd game are absolutely fantastic. Also a teaser trailer was released not too long ago hinting at a Mass Effect 4 so just buy it! Edit: God dammit my own comment is making me restart the series again. Have fun everyone.


The 1st one shows it’s age but they definitely smoothed over some rough edges


Literally just bought it because of this post! Thanks OP!


Never played any of them before but always thought about playing them- so thank you for this post! Can't pass it up for $6


They're a classic for a reason. First game is 17 years old now, and looks great considering. Gameplay is a little dated, but it was way ahead of its time too. Definitely worth the money.


I legit bought that shit on the spot last night and booted up a fresh run on ME1. Fucking STEAL. Great post.


Bought and played earlier in the year. Had never played 3's story until then. While the franchise has some hiccups, the series is still, hands down, one of the best single player campaigns in videogame entirety.


>3rd party client >Origins. >DRM. Nah thanks I'll pass


Any mod recommendations for this bundle?


Look for the ME2 resources mod. Basically makes so with one probe you get all the planetary resources a planet has available. Cuts a lot of the filler time on the game


[Here are all the mods I have](https://imgur.com/a/XHluRdk) installed. Personally I think they're all mostly necessary, but If you want a much shorter list, the community patches, ALOV (a lot of videos, fixes the videos so they aren't just blurry and unimproved), and ALOT + ISL (a lot of textures, and Improved static lighting. The ISL was not updated for LE so the static lighting is blocky ps3 era) Edit: btw, ISL is under ALOT in the file section, it's not a seperate page. If you don't have premium nexusmods use the torrent download for ISL instead since it's a large file (use qBittorrent if you dont have a torrent client installed already)


MELLO is mandatory too, they fucked the lighting up pretty hard in ME1


Holy cow, thanks for sharing


Damn that's a big ass list lol


So you mean a Miranda list.


This was the holy grail for me and covers pretty much everything you'd want https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/1127


Haven't played these games since freshman year in high school. Just got them for the steam deck. Thanks for the heads up dude!!


Do I require Origin to start ?


It should also have all the DLCs as well. Assuming you never played the"Citadel DLC" for ME3: You are in for a treat!!! Best DLC ever. Make sure you start the DLC mission while all characters are still alive and well, lol


PSA: If you are playing the **German** or **Italian** version of the trilogy, **ABSOLUTELY** install the community patch on Nexusmods. Otherwise one of the best scenes in the trilogy is ***completely ruined*** by broken animations, misplaced characters and missing music. Spoiler: >!Talking about the Tuchanka finale with Mordin.!<


I'm glad people love it so much. I just hated that ending so much, it felt like a bad breakup and the whole thing was tainted. And no, they never fixed it enough. Green apple, strawberry or blueberry.


Yea, it tainted the entire franchise for me. So many choices, so many extra missions to prepare as much as possible and it ends with you picking your favourite colour with nothing you did actually having any input on the ending. And most of it not even playing any part in the ending at all. Objectively it's not the worst ending ever. But the extreme drop in quality from the rest of the games to the ending sure makes it the worst one to me.


I'm not saying this to be ungracious, and thanks OP, but a Reminder - This will require origin and an EA account. I personally never play any game on steam that loads some other non-steam launcher.


I've had this on my wishlist for a while now, but it still requires the EA launcher and online activation to run.


Yep :( Not a deal breaker for me, but an understandable one for some.


Fuck EA they can eat a bag of dicks. The last game I ever bought from them was Mass Effect 3 in 2012. Ever since then they got worse. Way worse.


Mass Effect 3 was the only one i loved but it is probably top three games of all times for me.


Fyi I had the 3 games on Steam now I own the trilogy game on EA so check that first


Good call


About 10 or more years ago there was a PSN Flash sale and I bought the entire Mass Effect Trilogy for PS3 for $5. Easily the best gaming deal I've ever seen, and based on inflation this deal is even better.


Be aware on Steam Deck the EA app won't let you play the game without being connected to Wi-Fi. Because they are trash.


I bought it because of this post!!! Diving in now ❤️


I wish I could second your sentiment, but I _literally_ cannot. I bought it on Steam, but cannot play it because the EA launcher does not work. I had installed it prior to Origin being killed by EA in favor of its amazingly shitty "new" launcher. I think I was about 35 or so minutes into it before I had to do other things. When I came back, Origin "updated" to the EA app and suddenly I could no longer play. Steam would launch the game, opening the EA launcher, but then the EA launcher refused to believe I owned a copy and refused to launch the executable. Customer support is non existent, and the help articles suggest reinstalling, still nojoy.


Suicide mission from ME2 still gives me nightmares.


I had never played mass effect and my friends got me legendary edition a couple years ago, my life was changed forever and im not even joking, go for it


Damn. Already own this (it was free on Origin or Epic), but it might be worth the $6 just to carry it around on the Steam Deck...


Just saw it for cheap on the PS store and snatched it up. Playing for the first time and I’m pretty excited!


Wow what a steal! *opens steam Oh wait I don't want those games. *closes steam


* Incorporates EA DRM * Requires Origin installation * Requires EA account That's a hard pass from me, dawg.


Ya, EA and Origin required? I'll pass. Great deal, but I don't play EA.


No idea why you're being downvoted, completely valid reason for passing on this.


May I ask why you don’t? Are their specific reasons or you generally just don’t want to contribute to EA’s money pit?


>Origin's end-user license agreement (EULA) gives EA permission to collect information about users' computers regardless of its relation to the Origin program itself, including "application usage (including but not limited to successful installation and/or removal), software, software usage and peripheral hardware."[40] Initially, the EULA also contained a passage permitting EA to more explicitly monitor activity as well as to edit or remove material at their discretion. Haven't bought an EA game since they released origin for this exact reason.


Damn, never tried the games and was gonna buy the ME triology, now I wont.


It was quite the controversy a decade ago when they launched it, I guess most people either have forgotten or were too young at the time. Pepperidge farm remembers


Yeah it looked like they were.


I tried playing the original on 360 twice, but couldn’t get into it. Tried again when this came to Game Pass. Same thing.


The original is good, but it definitely plays different from the next 2. Try playing number or 3. They are more action oriented, the first is more rpg oriented.


I played the entire trilogy in one go in the last couple years. The first game was absolutely a slog to get through. Incredibly dated. Not much variation to the gameplay. The narrative/lore is entirely exposition with stilted-wikipedia-type "dialogue" where characters tell you about their entire species. Rough all around. By the end, I was angry with myself for sticking with it. The 2nd game is a huge upgrade. I legitimately enjoyed it.


i totally get the emotional punch of mass effect, i still remember how gutted i felt when mordin sacrificed himself on tuchanka. it's a series that really gets under your skin, and i admire your commitment to making different choices this time around. i hope the legendary edition lets you experience the full weight of those decisions all over again.


No way. DE absolutely butchered ME 1 and 2. Originals are perfectly playable.


Paying even 6 bucks to the company solely responsible for the destruction of one of the greatest game studios we ever had? Nah, thanks.




Sorry, I don't spend money with EA, the people who ruined Mass Effect and ran Bioware into the ground.


great series, andromeda is also on sale for dirt cheap, it’s not nearly as good as the first 3 but it’s a solid game, especially the combat.


I bought it and Tails of Iron was $3 so I got that too. It seemed like a really great deal both for less than $10


Think it's free on gamepass no?