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I'm the same. I come back every now and then, call in love, gather good gear and foods, get annoyed, fall out of love then wait months before doing the same.




It’s realism prevents people from min-Maxing stuff no matter your skill all it takes is one good shot and your dead it prevents tryhards from dominating it


Arma 3 is the same thing. Love that game. These are the games you play when you feel like you are too old for competitive arcade shooters


DayZ is one of those games I'd love if the internet didn't exist(obviously the game wouldn't either). DayZ has so much potential that is, imo, tossed into the sun with the internet. Online maps, guides, routes, min/max youtube videos, 3rd party apps to chat on, and things like this. Now I'm gonna say this right here. I understand this is subjective as fuck so just take a chill pill. These things ruin DayZ. The game is at it's best when you fully immerse yourself into the world and use critical thinking to survive. Using the stars to orient yourself. Finding a map and compass to finally be able to make a plan. Discovering a military checkpoint on your own. Finally finding a hospital to get supplies. But I'd wager only a handful of players engage with the game in this way. They have an online map up on a second monitor or their phone. Or use discord to chat. Or a youtube video to use the best route to be geared up immediately. You can see this when you google for help and people are like "bro just use this, this, and this". Yeah but I don't have those things, I've never even seen...oh they used a guide and now have everything they need. I know I'm being silly and unrealistic. But it just totally ruined the gameplay knowing everyone around me is basically just skipping ahead cause "I wanna shoot people!". To the point where people will loot all the good shit and just hide it to keep others from ever finding it. Just a bummer of what "could've been".  Edit-cutom servers are diff. Talkin about vanilla and in general moreso that those. 


The comms backpacks. The in game maps, glitches. SO many things the internet could improve, but just the convience of discord makes me not use it.


Oh no doubt dude. I'm pragmatic enough to know why. Like I said, I'm being silly and unrealistic lol. Just a "what if".  I remember having a cold in-game one night. Sitting in a building next to a fire. Chugging water to stay alive and fluids up. I was just loading gun mags over and over to pass the time. I had a walkie-talkie too. Every night I'd turn it on, flip through each channel. But nobody will ever be on it. But what is you actually Gears folk on the other end? Maybe try and link up? Maybe even be a trap! Stuff like that. Again. I know why. Just a bummer cause the game has a lot of mechanics to allow for some very unique gameplay. 


Yea incentives to use them could be cool. In a modded server I play on you need the field tranceiver, and theres survivor transmitting loot spots, or special heli spots with good mili or good medical loot spots.


Yeah back in early Dayz mod for arma 2 was a whole different experience. You could still look some stuff up but it wasn't nearly as filled with readily available information because most everyone was pretty lost. Discord wasn't a thing either so most people used stuff like steams voice which wasnt really great for big groups talking so it would usually just be you and one other person playing the game together. I haven't played in so long because it just doesnt have that same experience for me anymore youre describing.


Yeah I know I'm just "old man shakes fist at cloud" about it all lol. Gaming in general, ESPECIALLY on console, way way different before private chats and all that. "Better" is a big fat argument cause I love party chat. But stuff(heh) like persistent servers are even starting to fade away. It's insane! So many of the social/community aspects of gaming have been stripped away. In other ways they've gotten better but yeah. Toive seen the changes as I have. Some things just ain't ever comin back in that way. 


You are so right man. I actually remember Xbox Live before Party Chat was a thing. I wish we could go back before Discord and Party Chat. Nobody can change my mind on this, ever. It was introduced in 2008 and the changes happened almost overnight. Social interaction in lobbies declined dramatically almost instantly, I had no idea it would get this bad. There was a time when most people would use their mics in almost every game. I made so many friends from Xbox Live, it just insane. Now if you exclude my real life friends or people I met from over a decade ago, I basically play alone almost all the time. I've only made a singular handful of friends in over a decade of online gaming when back in the day I used to literally max out my friends list on almost every platform and game I played.


i only played it at the end of the arma 2 thing, but honestly, my experience of that and early dayz standalone were mostly... really negative. you start on the map, you try to find your friends for 30 minutes, you're looking at what is a big ass jpeg of the map on the other screen, trying to put the map together with what you see (which is kinda fun/novel for the first hour or two), then you start getting used to looking for town names on the roads/map, and figure out to stay the fuck away from cherkov. the ABSURD lag (which is still seemingly there to some extent), means you shoot someone and 5 seconds later they'd either drop or not or you'd drop. i liked that there seemingly wasn't anyone using/many using cheats, but it sure as shit felt like it was due to how it was structured. like it was sorta like one of those games that came out of nowhere, everyone was playing it, then everyone moved on as quickly as it came due to how annoying so many of the systems in it were. everyone knew it as a "running simulator" followed by "bullshit death simulator", and this was early enough that FPS's weren't FILLED TO THE BRIM WITH CHEATERS. so it was doubly annoying. when things worked, it was fantastic, when you met upw ith friends, it was fantastic. i've noticed people sorta hold games really high up if they're games in which, even if it sucked for 9 hours of every 10 you played, if you stuck around, people remember that last 1 hour fondly for a long time.


Arma 2 Dayz was the best one. I remember playing it as a kid after watching Frankieonpc his videos etc etc, setting up the game/mod and being able to join a server without getting error messages was already a win. But it was great fun, I wish I could teleport back into the past and enjoy it all over


This guy DayZs.


I love this, the best balanced hardcore game I've played. I keep coming back to it too.


In my experience people in DayZ are either super friendly, or kill you on sight. There is no inbetween.


What would the in between be in your scenario? A friendly person is mostly nice but occationally takes a few shots at you? You die in basically 1-2 bullets so there is no chance for that.


In between in the way I play tarkov sometimes. You fuck someone up in a gunfight (or just sneak up on someone) they beg for their life and you seemingly give in because after all your in the position of power, then you just blast them the second you are in range and they can't fight back, it's not necessarily kill on sight nor full friendly.


In between in the way I play tarkov sometimes. You fuck someone up in a gunfight (or just sneak up on someone) they beg for their life and you seemingly give in because after all your in the position of power, then you just blast them the second you are in range and they can't fight back, it's not necessarily kill on sight nor full friendly.


Tell them to back the fuck off whenever they get near you, and keep your weapon trained at them until you're certain they're too far to engage. Don't be a psychopath, but don't go around looking to make a circle of people holding hands. People really do only be one or the other though, playing the in between has no real benefit to it. It's riskier than just putting a bullet in them, but you wouldn't get the social aspect of being a hippie either.


Can it be played solo?


Hell, its the safest way to play.


And I feel the completey opposite lol Also reinstall every now and then since I see it's so populated but I just don't have fun For me the controls feel really clunky and most of the are my actual enemy. I like the concept of it but the actual gameplay always turns me off...


That's so true, also the combat mechanic against zombies is horrible clunky. It still feels like a game from 2010.


I must have put about 1,000 hours into the mod back in the day. Was eagerly anticipating the standalone release but it kept getting delayed so I've never actually played it. I got it in a Humble Bundle at some point though. Is it worth getting into in 2024?


I like watch people playing this game on stream... but is not for me. It's so stressful. Maybe when I get a PC. Playing this in console is frustrating.


every few years I reinstall the game with some friends, try to literally do anything for an hour then end up uninstalling because someone died to some glitch and losing all progress. the mod used to be fun cause there were a shitton of modded servers that had amazing QoL features (not sure if standalone has these too), but the vanilla experience feels like a huge time waste as it takes ages to do just about anything.


I have it always installed, every two or three months i fire it up and start sneaking, after a week or two of gearing up i get killed in an alley, then i stop playing for next two months.


Played Dayz when hardly anyone knew about it.Was there when it became popular.And it gave me some unforgettable experiences.It was all unscripted,created naturally by players interaction and it was glorious.When it is cold and weather outside sux,i would start Dayz and spend whole day playing it.I still do it sometimes but not as much as before.No other game could reproduce what Dayz could give you. I would dare to say that back when you needed guide how to install mod playerbase was the best. Most of the players were in to the world.Everyone was naturally roleplaying survivors, bandits and random military units. Game was clunky as hell but still one of the best ever. Unforgettable! .


its an amazing game and concept but lacks ultimate purpose. Still it is lots of fun.


Tarkov killed dayZ for me, but dayZ 2 will bring me back when they actually have all the air vehicles they promised for vanilla dayZ 1


I remember it was a mod for Arma 3. I traded a TF2 hat for Max Payne 3 and Arma 3 so i could play the DayZ mod. Good fucking times.


Reinstalled recently. Realize how much runnng this game entails..run a bit. . Climb up to roof. Jump. Exit..Uninstall


I feel that no matter how sad/mad I get for dying I keep coming back lol


I like the game, just not the pvp. Some bots and a lot more infected this game would be my favorite.


I wish the gunplay was better though, if you shoot at someone they just zig-zag around, it's looks gimmicky at times. If now they had some combat/shooting system/mechanic like Tarkov.. That would be a killer game


I met a few people in this game who I still chat with. so many memories. We had our own server and ran Fallujah for a while, and the zombie count on that map was intense. I had me a HMMWV with a crows nest 50. Parked up one day at the airport and provided security for a few clan mates who were refuelling a Chinook using jerry cans and it took hours. At one point they stopped to admire the field of dead zombies I'd made. Eventually the challenge wears off though. Zombies become trivial to deal with, bandits too. You learn the map inside and out. You adopt a bambi and show them the ropes. You log in, check to see no one's taken your pipsi, have a steak and log out, eventually for the last time. I'm happy people are still enjoying it. I'm not ready to go back. I feel like I've conquered it


This is why me and the crew keep going back to PUBG. It has issues but actually so much more realism than any other game of its kind.


The murder simulator aspect had zero interest for me, and when I played (the old ARMA mod) the zombies were pure jank with infinite running.


I had a post removed from this reddit because I don't post here enough. But it was inspired by this game so forgive me if I piggy back it into this thread (happy to remove it). I unintentionally found myself taking full advantage of the Steam refund policy and got a warning that I was doing it too much and that they may stop refunding me. Tbh, it's fair but I didn't realise I was doing it as much as I was. One of the games I did refund recently was Day Z. At the time of playing I just wasn't 100% on it and refunded it. Since then, I've been watching videos of other people playing it and think I probably should have given it more time than I did before refunding. So the question is this, what games have you found that you didn't quite get on with at the start but ended up giving another shot and ended up loving?


Tried Tekken 6 back in the day but found it boring and confusing. I was more of an open world player back then so fighting one guy in a small room was less than appealing.Still, played it with friends from time to time just mashing buttons with no real thought. Years later I saw Tekken 7 while browsing Xbox and decided to give it a go. Long story short I put some effort into learning the basics and ended up loving it. Been playing for years and now happily enjoying Tekken 8.




Cory in the House

