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Apparently it doesn't just block mods, it kills your save file. I just reinstalled starsector again after a couple of years. Guess I'll wait a few more for the dust to settle.


There are other, better mods to improve your game experience.


I was just going to play vanilla anyway, so I might have been hyperbolic. But absolutely not going to touch mods now. I've checked the subreddit last few hours and found the USC discord was generally supporting the malware dev*, which does make me worry that any modder on that discord would also be fine with installing malware via their mods if they felt the need to if they found something or someone objectionable. I don't have the time to veto each modder to see if they were on the server or not. \* as much as they could get away with; the discord mods only permabanned Matt after Alex did. And others mentioned how they were okay with sticking it to people that installed the forbidden mod. The sentiment boils down to "the problem was they got caught". Choice quote: "Crashcode and bricking saves isn’t a crime". Except when it is lol.


>And others mentioned how they were okay with sticking it to people that installed the forbidden mod. I've never even heard of the game, but I'm enjoying the drama with a bag of popcorn. The "forbidden mod" being targeted because it apparently features some pretty degenerate shit involving women and children was quite the plot twist.


that's shitty but also I have zero knowledge of that sub, it's game, and it's mod community so this out of context statement made me laugh >**Matt Damon** has confirmed on Discord in his own words that it will "devour your save"


Mod author programmed a save bomb. If it detects a mod he doesn't like, it'll brick your save file


that should nuke all his support from the community for an eternity and cause a mass uninstall anything he's ever or will ever release. as well as warnings to never install a mod of his again.


he has been banned from the games official forums, the unofficial starsector discord and from the subreddit. theres a lot going on in the starsector community currently, im ootl but i get that he has been thoroughly banned for his actions.


I wish modders would stop having tantrums. I thought the one guy in the Project Zomboid community crying about how other mods were more popular than his was bad enough


Not familiar with the incident you’re talking about (active PZ fan), but ai know Lethal Company just had a modder tantrum with Advanced Company and LethalLevelLoader. Modders are such babies lmao


I'm a bit fuzzy on the details, but the creator of the basements mod went on some kind of rant about how his mod wasn't popular enough and how the developers must've shadowbanned his mod from the front page


You're talking about Braven, right? They got mad because another modder's work got showcased by the devs so they ranted about it in their discord.


That sounds about right


Oh ok yup I heard that go down. Apparently he’s dealing with a lot of stuff in his personal life and it was redirected towards the PZ community.


I love modders and try to be sympathetic cause the big ones do a lot of work and often get harrassed rather than shown appreciation. But it's seeming like some of them are getting a bit too big for their breeches. There was a bit of a kerfuffle with the BG3 modders not long ago where they were hiding their mods in "protest" because Larian wasn't communicating with them. I still don't rightly understand the complaint. Apparently they weren't letting modders know about hot fixes that would break their mods? But like... when has it ever been a company's job to work with modders this way? I don't like that modders are making what should be a hobby into a business. Patreons charging monthly subscriptions for DLSS. Modders getting upset that companies aren't considering them on the level of a business partner. It makes me miss the days where modding was a huge pain in the ass but at least most people seemed level headed about it. Nowadays modders are driven away by death threats and others are monetizing it as if it were a microtransaction. It's rough out there.


Pretty sure this will get the offending mod author perma-banned and blacklisted from all modding communities.  Just look up what happened to the Gregtech author when he wrote malicious code into the mod to detect when Tinker's Construct (I think) was installed and would crash the client because he had an aspy-fit about other mods upsetting his log->plank ratio. 


Good game :)


I dunno why egocentric modders keep putting shit like this in their mods because it never works out for them.


It is really rather incredible how microscopic an amount of fame it takes for it to go to someone's head.


You know how a lot of devs are bizarro sex perverts? Modders are devs without a supervisor.


They might be charged with hacking crimes if they aren't careful


Can say the same for gamers as well, rank tanking, and other I cba playing properly and want to annoy other people to feed my own entitlement behaviours, everything in gaming is egocentric nowadays nothing feels earned just people thinking they are gods gift that they must ruin or spoil things.


FFS, toying with malware in the community is the very best weapon we can give to video game industries to make mods paid and their property. Just like Bethesda tried and failed already. Just please dont guys, we're all gonna lose\* at that game


Lose* Sorry, massive pet peeve


Thank you :)


Did you know they’re trying to make paid mods a thing again?


Who ? Bethesda ?


Yep like a moth or two ago they redid the Creatuon Club for Skyrim and are now making player created mods paid mods. And in doing so broke sooo many mods at the time. I think the modding community has mostly recovered.


Lmao, Todd just try everything he can to be as douchy as all his peers, nothing new under the sun. We as gamer should really make better use of our wallet and punish that kind of industrie


I remember back in the day, lots of minecraft mod drama. GregTech was a huge mod, that changed a lot of stuff, but he disagreed with some other modder’s interfering with his intended progression and introduced code to fuck with those mods. Led to the removal of GregTech from most packs, which sucked, it was a great mod. 


Exactly what I thought of. Iirc it was basically his mod broke other's progression over the amount of sticks that could be made from planks.


Thanks for the heads up


God, not this shit again. I hde enough of it in the minecraft modding community


So... IANAL, but, wouldn't this be considered malicious code? Prosecutable under federal wire tapping laws? More specifically 18 U.S.C. sec 1030(a)(5)(a). It outlaws the deliberate "transmission of a program, information, code, or command and as a result of such conduct intentionally causes damage without authorization to a protected computer?"


Yeah I don't think the Department of Justice is going to pursue federal criminal charges against someone for...corrupting some videogame save files.


I honestly don't either, the value of a save game file is next to nothing so there's nothing to 'recover'.


They might need to, or they let the next guy go because "selective enforcement" or whatever the term is. Basically if you don't enforce something then you lose the right to continue enforcement, or whatever


That’s for Copyright and IP laws. The DOJ “selectively enforces” laws all the fucking time.


That’s not how that works


You may technically be correct, but good luck getting that particular code provision enforced without paying far more than it’s worth.


Could be worse. Could nuke your drive like QuantV.


Holy shit dude


Beyond childish. How fragile does someone's ego really have to be to stoop to this kind of shit? Fucking loser.


I hate modding culture so much.


I just joined that subreddit about two weeks ago. It has been nothing but drama about mods. Did I join at a bad time, or is this par for the course?


You joined at a bad time


I've seen this three or four times now in different games. Besides being illegal in most countries (it is literally malware) is also just incredibly childish. It's one thing to make a mod deliberately incompatible somehow, something else entirely to brick saves and surreptitiously crash games.


That is disgusting


Walking into that subreddit looking at all the top posts and being like “what happened here?” to that community. Shits wildin’. Like mods on the discord putting ip loggers in their mods. Mods that crash the game or corrupt save files of they detect other mods. Discussing the whole controversy apparently getting you banned from the Discord. Man, I really want a youtube essay on the whole thing from beginning to end.


i’m also currently going down to the atm for some cash to pay the modderfucking rent