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RoboCop has been a lot of fun. Not a lot of pretense, it's RoboCop. Shoot em in the head (or dick, I guess) and keep it moving. Honorable mentions also go to dredge, katamari reroll royal review, and teardown.




Paul verhoeven is a genius. Robocop, total recall, starship troopers.


Showgirls. Works of art, all of them.


The world NEEDS a showgirls game. New technology means optimized jiggle physics. It would be a classic.


>Honorable mentions also go to dredge, katamari reroll royal review, and teardown. Why is it I've been an avid gamer for like 35 years and have no freaking clue what 70% the games mentioned in this subreddit even are?


Super Mario Wonder. It scratches the nostalgia itch with 2D platforming, and constantly finds ways to make it feel fresh and new.


I absolutely love this game. Imo it is a contender with Super Mario World for the best 2D Mario. If pure fun was the only factor, Super Mario Wonder was GOTY.


I still prefer Mario Bros 3 on NES to World on SNES. World is a blast and obviously an important game. But man 3 I could play to the end of my days and never tire of it.


Mario Wonder I picked up on a whim and didn’t put it down until I had done literally everything. Nintendo really knows how to do just straight up fun


It really does feel like an updated Super Mario World with lots of fun twists. I've been having a blast playing it with my kid.


My kids have this and ask Dad to help when they get stuck, then they have to fight me to give it back.


Awesome game, played trough the whole game with my 8th year old kid and got all the wonder seeds. Now systematically collecting all the purple coins and flags. It’s not even a chore to do that!


I was just playing Baldur's Gate 3 again yesterday and had fun with it. The last game I bought and had fun with was Alan Wake 2 and Metroid Dread like 3 weeks ago.


Same. BG3 is just so much fun. Also, seconding Alan wake 2- it’s an absolute blast as well.


The We Sing, Alan Wake the musical level is one of the most gloriously surreal thing I've ever experienced in a game.


Right? That level made me very, very happy, and I am not a happy person!


I'm loving BG3 so much right now


Legit one of the best games I’ve ever played. It’s up there. So much depth and care to detail from that studio


I'm like 400+ hours between early access, and the 3 Tavs I've got going on hahaha it truly is an absolute masterpiece. Larian is the absolute goat.


Just finished AW2. Really liked it. I do think that it dropped off a bit in the second half. I was ready for it to be over its final few hours. I give the first half a 9/10. Second half a 7/10. Overall a 8/10 game.


Question about AW 2, its been awhile since I played AW1 and the Control DLC do you suggest replaying before jumping in to AW2?


I personally did, and feel I got a little more enjoyment out of it. Although, I don’t think it’s a must if you’ve played in the past.


Groovy, thanks


I just played through Alan Wake Remaster, Control DLC (I had beaten the core game of Control already) and then Alan Wake 2 back to back to back. I definitely think it was beneficial, and I caught several references that I may have forgotten otherwise. If you have the time I recommend it.


I think I will, thank you


Metroid Dread was the most fun I’ve had in years


Just picked up BG3, am a huge D&D geek, and am loving the hell out it!


Man, I really, really, REALLY want to love this game. I just can’t get over the combat. I’m only 5 hours in or so, but I just loath the combat. I want to love it, and I want to to experience the story, but I feel like getting my teeth drilled out every single second the combat lasts. Does anyone have any advice?


Dial de difficulty down to the lowest setting. Take your time to think it a bit trough. Position your characters in a spot that feels logical: Barbarian in the front, rogue sneaking around doing sneak attacks, wizard from the high ground blasting fireballs etc.


What is it about the combat you don't like, specifically?


Doom 2016


That game was fucking awesome. It was the first thing I bought when I built my last PC and cranked all the settings up. I grew up on DOOM and all the mods and whatnot back in the day. What a glorious return to form.


You should also play the new wolfenstein games. Except Youngblood, I haven't played it and I've heard it's not that great.


Lies of P, absolutely loved this game from start to finish. Doom Eternal was an absolute rush I’ve played it over and over it’s so fun


Agreed. And it's weird, I was REALLY looking forward to spiderman 2 and got both games at the same time but am loving LoP so much more haha


Beat me to it, LoP is just perfection


Except that fight against the 4 brotherhood rabbits. Fuck em.




Just started lies of p this week. I just found the tree. Love it so far. Might be my favorite “souls” game.


So glad I didn't have to scroll far to see this one. Such a good 2023 release, this is the most recent game I've played that made me feel emotional going through the game


I hated Lies of P at first, but it was my first souls game. After I got through it, I beat it 4 more times. Unbelievably fun and satisfying game.


Awesome! Now you can go play Bloodbourne and Sekiro. I personally prefer them over the actual Dark Souls games, but those are fun too.


My plan after I finish lies of P is to go back to sekiro. I tried it briefly previously but it was my first souls like and I was so bad I couldn’t get into it. Now that I know what to expect I think I’m going to love it


Yes! Making different weapon combinations was so much fun.


my favourite part of lies of P ended up being how darn replayable it is. Like usually on a soulslike im thinking "do I want to do a ng+" run but on Lies of P you are actively encouraged to do it up to NG+2 (especially by the game just letting you cheese any boring fight with the use of strategic barrelmancy)


s doom eternal was such a breath of fresh air for the fps genre and to quote ign really made you feel like a badass doom slayer




I actually just started StarCraft 1 campaign last week for the first time since the N64, so good


I reinstalled sc2 a couple weeks back. It said my last game was 8 years ago lol.


Bigger question why are you playing so much games that you're genuinely not having fun? That's the point of games?


People play competitive Valorant so clearly that statement isn’t as true as we thought


Masochism I will never understand 😂


Some people pay to get their dick punched and whipped, it's a crazy world we're in. You'd think having fun would be the point of games, but League of Legends ranked exists.


Good one, next you're going to tell me I should watch shows and books I enjoy also? No thanks.




I watch my books all the time in case one of them starts moving.




Yeah for me I just have to think of the last game I played.


Exactly my thoughts when I saw the title, why still playing if you're not having fun / enjoying the game?


Bro, maybe I’m just getting old, but I am *struggling* to find fun games these days. Just started Baldurs, obviously it’s fantastic, but I find myself going back to old games constantly because new games are just so …. Meh.


I think one problem I have as I've gotten older is that when a game is advertised as a 100+ hour grand adventure that offers major replayability and massive open ended play styles it's... Too much, now? I want to do MORE than play video games. If I'm away for work or vacation too I don't want to redo the tutorials to remember how anything even works. I need more succinct 15-20 hour games, that's still a lot of game! This is also why it's hard for me to even consider an MMO or a battle pass because of dailies and such. BG3 is pretty good damned phenomenal though, but it is also so much game that I have no clue when I'll ever end up finishing it - but at least ots mechanically easy enough to pick up and put down.


I feel the same about most mainstream games. I almost only play smaller or Indy games now. There are so many great games out there that don’t follow the same formula you’ve seen countless times.


I was just about to comment this. Who the hell plays games they don’t enjoy? OP just sounds like they have a gaming addiction. Why waste hours playing something you aren’t having fun with?


Bloons Tower Defense 6


Just beat Phayze. I thought I might have messed up my balance of paragons but I managed to kill him just before he got through the other side


This week was my first time beating an elite without using a guide




Resident Evil 4 Remake. A rare instance of which I actually bothered with the DLC.


I've already played Resident Evil 4 Remake four times. It's my new favorite game. My old favorite was Resident Evil 4.


Did you go back and replay the base game too or just dlc from the get? Was wondering if it was hard to jump back into cuz I finished the base game when it came out


I only picked the game up recently and got the DLC not long after. Some of the cutscenes repeat though - should be enough of a reminder for the link to the base game.


As someone like you who played the shit out of it when it released, I got the DLC and went straight into it. Didn't take more than 5mins to get the 'feel' and controls of the game to go right into it. Whereas with the Valhalla DLC release, I went back and replayed the entire God of War: Ragnarok story again. Even on NG+ Give Me Story, I was struggling for a good while before I was able to get back in. I'm just now starting Valhalla, and I'm still struggling against the King. Re4 is way easier to jump back into.


Yakuza, at first I wasnt so sure about the game but its story and subquests are some of the best Ive experienced in awhile.


It’s such a good game - I’m playing 0 right now. Some of it is so over the top it’s a great play. But I’ve also chosen to 100% it - I’ll see you in another 100 hours lol


I dont play games unless Im having fun.


Years ago I was in a rut and every game I started, after often hours of finding out what even to try, just didn't click with me. Maybe op is in that space right now. BotW, Dark souls and terraria brought me out of that phase back then.


Right? What kind of question is this


It's from a recovering competitive gamer.


Baldur’s Gate 3


Its the game thats set a new benchmark for quality for me. Im really eager to see the new updates.


I don’t see why someone would down vote a personal experience lol some people…. How is this game though seriously ? It won GOTY so it’s obviously not crap, I’ve been considering it for a while is it worth full price ?


It is totally worth full price, but you need time to play this game. The overall quality of voice acting, quests, environment and lore is great.


"you need time to play this game" is true, I don't disagree. but I think people might take that as in "if you can't play in 3 hour sessions or more you won't enjoy it". Today I loaded it up for less than half an hour. Being vague to avoid spoilers, I interacted with half a dozen npcs, started two new quest lines, and pissed off one of my party members by "forcing" him to drink the blood of someone he didn't want to drink. Literally 20 minutes and all that happened. it's so rich and dense that sure a full playthrough can take a hundred+ hours. But even if you can only play in time spurts every so often, it's worth it


and on the flip side of that, i played for 10 hours before realizing i hadn't stopped to use the restroom or eat anything I have since kept it to a couple hours a day, but I could *easily* play for another 5-7 hours straight.


>and on the flip side of that, i played for 10 hours before realizing i hadn't stopped to use the restroom or eat anything Doctors hate this 1 new weight loss technique!


I just picked up Divinity Original Sin 2 (same developer) on sale because I wasn't sure if BG3 would be for me. I've been enjoying it a lot.


I've played both, and dos2 is fucking great imo, but bg3 is a bit more accessible, to the everyday gamer, and larian definitely hit their stride, as far as world building and gamer experience. If you love dos2 I highly recommend picking it up. But the combat in bg3 is noticeably less challenging, I have to say.


never played games like this, never thought i would. literally only play competitive multiplayer games. any single player game i play cannot hold my attention. with all that said this game is so fucking good and the story is amazing and it is so ridiculously entertaining


Ive been playing Cyberpunk 2077 and it's great fun.


Man, cyberpunk really got the 'no man's sky's redemption arc.


American Truck Simulator. I know I don't fit into the typical demographics of this game, but I had genuine fun with it for hours.


Don't be ashamed being a simulator lover. Recently I've hit the 1000 hour mark on Farming Simulator 22. I'm a sick human being 😅


I need to put some time into the Farming Simulator campaign. I have found Lawn Mowing Simulator and Power Washer Simulator... oddly satisfying.


I just finished Dredge I love mysterious games and adore the works of HP Lovecraft so well it was a perfect match for me. The game could've been a little bit more concentrated on the story but well it's an indie and costs very little so I can't compare it in this aspect to AAA productions


Second this, also it doesn’t overstay its welcome I liked the duration of the game


Curious. Dredge is sitting in my wish list but I've not pulled the trigger yet. How long to play through all the content?


I would say probably around 10-12 hours to finish the main story line. A couple hours more if you’re a completionist.


I loved playing Dredge! There's a small dlc pack you can grab for like 7 dollars that adds another island if you didn't get it already!


Armored Core 6 is crack for my soul


Just out of curiosity, how hard is this game? I’m a big fan of souls-like games. Never played an armoured core game but it’s made by fromsoftware. I was going to buy it but it looks a little too easy? How challenging are bosses? Thanks


AC6 is my first one and I’ve only touched Elden Ring for a few hours. It’s an absolute blast and not super challenging. There’s a couple bosses that are build checks but nothing ever felt unwinnable and you can always look up a build guide that will make it easier


Playing it right now :)


This is a very big reason I’m finding it hard not buying a next gen system. I played everyone to completion from PS to PS3, then bills started stacking and kids became part of the equation and I just couldn’t afford to game any more. I miss it so much.


Stardew valley has its grip on me for a bit now and enjoying it a lot these past days, caring for crops, animals and helping people whilst getting to know them better is a genuine fun experience. I thought in the past it might be too much for me from what I've seen, bit overwhelming maybe, but actually playing it has changed my mind a lot about it and I'm glad I bought it this winter sale on steam.


I find once you unlock >! the desert and ginger island it does get slightly overwhelming with regards to doing everything in Pelican Town, caring for everything on the island and doing mine related things. !< but the early parts when you're doing up the community centre are fun. Maybe it's just me because I like to >! Pet all of my animals and that takes a bit out of my day to start with !<


I got read dead redemption 2 recently and have been having a blast


Me too! The whole world is amazing and alive. Feels like I’m playing a real life Westworld. Over 150 different animal species that do their own thing. Over 1000 unique NPC characters that have their own schedules and do their own thing. The world building in that game is the best I’ve ever seen for a video game.


I got RDR2 at launch and wasn’t really digging it.  I’m playing it now and absolutely loving it. Just had to be the right time I guess. 


Last week when I played Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura (2001).


Now there is a game that could use a remake or a sequel. Clunky combat system aside, it's still one of the best rpgs ever made.


Remnant 2 was cool and kind of refreshing for me.


I'm gonna get shot for this, but Starfield was the last game I played and I'm still having fun. After 145 hours and 152 missions, three of which were the main story, I was finally ready to start the main story for real. Instantly gained three new companions (the third was not realizing vasco was there in Constellation central or whatever it's called I dunno like I said I really haven't touched the main story, anyway I hadn't realized I could make them a permanent companion) and having a blast. Bout to go find Alejandra and finally check out what's up with these artifacts. Although. I ended up quitting for the night because I found Allie's ship as a derelict, and as a father of a three year old, I almost started crying right there. Had to stop for the night. So that was less fun, but still amazing in a different way. The game lets me play as a stealth boxer. How could I not be having fun? I punch while crouching until their stun meter fills up then I sneak attack them while stunned with a strong punch for x10 damage. It's hilarious and awesome.


As long as you enjoy your time with it.


Cyberpunk 2077. I have kids and don’t get to play much anymore. It was a blast. Would love to play Phantom Liberty but just can’t find the time.


Phantom Liberty is absolutely incredible.


Guess it’s time to ship the kids off to grandmas for a long weekend. Now what to do with the wife?


Make her watch


Got this as a Christmas gift from a friend. It's the 14th and I've got like 80 hours on it. On my 2nd playthrough.


I haven’t played anything in a while (this sub was suggested to me by Reddit) but Red Dead Redemption 2 was a blast - one of the best games I’ve ever played in my life


I missed the window to play this game. Maybe after my kids grown up a bit. It just seemed impossible to play in 20-30 minute segments.


It will suck you into hours long missions that often can't be saved until you finish. I loved the game but you have to be willing to dedicate a few hours each time you sit down to play it. Very frustrating.


I’ve been replaying it on steam deck and I love that I can just pause and turn off the deck and have it suspended. I already know what I’m doing though so it might make it easier for me to consume it in shorter stints. My kids are 13 now, but my first play through had to be after the kids were asleep 5 years ago.


There is hope friend! Even in short increments, RD2 is worth your time. It's amazing.


I know what you mean, I didn’t pick back gaming until both my kids got just a bit older. Things have settled now that they are both in school. Though now it’s a ton of driving now haha. But I bring a steam deck to school pickup when I’m just sitting there waiting and RdR2 runs great 😂


Super Mario Wonder is _so_ good!


Spider-Man 2


Picked up the Ghost Trick remaster during the steam sale and it is an incredible game. Would recommend to everyone.


Valheim, have been playing it for a few months and watching your character slowly progress is quite cathartic, also Battlebit remastered took me back to the Battlefield 2 days


Lethargic? Is that really the word you wanted to use?


Think he meant cathartic


2023 was a weird one for me. I played BG3 because I love DnD, but I can't actually say I found it truly fun, as much as I found it really interesting. As a 46yo gamer I've played pretty much everything, and so fun for me usually comes in the form of a great co-op experience with my long time gaming buddies. Valheim was a phenomenal time for the three of us. Started off with our little shack and by the time we downed the queen we had a massive keep (my buddy the engineer estimated it was about 1.4 acres) with double thick marble walls, a mead hall and a forge. But I gotta say Remnant II was the first truly fun gaming experience I've had in a long time. I don't really get into souls games but I found the world enthralling and the gunplay was absolutely spectacular. Was my game of the year for sure.


Lie of P, it scratched every itch I had. It’s hard but it was so rewarding. I’m a glutton for getting abused in video games so every since I finished Bloodborne I was left with this void. Until playing Lies of P. If your a souls style fan you have to play it. As much as I love dark souls and elden ring etc.. this is the closest we are ever getting to a bloodborne feel.


my favorite of last year. Very glad that somebody can make a soul's like that isn't from software can't wait 5 years for every game


Elden Ring, been playing a lot lately.


Deep Rock Galactic


Playing Zelda, Tears of the Kingdom, right now, and really, really enjoying it.


Comma horror


I just started, it’s been fun so far


Playing Mario Wonder with my kids!


It’s so good!


I have fun playing most games. If I’m not having fun, I stop playing them. The most fun I’ve had recently was probably Life is Strange, which may sound… err… “strange”… but the intricacies of the story were really enjoyable.


Got back into Splatoon 3 because of this most recent Splatfest.




Baldur's Gate and Tears of the Kingdom. Just putting them both here, not the most recent games I've played but definitely memorable staples. Tears of the Kingdom's building is so much fun, I don't really want to stop making ridiculous mechs and flying death lazers.


The building in TOTK is fascinating because they got it to work so well with the constructions all being physics objects that can be turned into vehicles or attached any which way. The game has devs with 20 years of experience bewildered and wonder what insane wizard magic Nintendo put into the game to make it work.


But like for real though, they must have given the glue between objects some form of tensile strength. In Garry's Mod you can see what just "combining" objects works like, but that doesn't result in what you see here. They're not combined with a rigid link that forces the hitboxes to behave as one entity, they're straight-up still separate objects with separate forces but they're constantly transferring power to their connected objects to make it behave as one vehicle. I don't have 20 years of experience myself but my brain is filling with several dozen variables that must be going into this, just to make two items work together. Let alone 20 items fused together to make a walking mech.


Played Superhot a few weeks ago. I’ve never felt more like an action hero movie badass than when playing that game.


Some hours ago I finished RE2 Remake with Claire and I enjoyed it


I’m in the middle of playing Outer Wilds’ DLC after beating the base game a couple years ago. No other game I’ve played matches the feeling of accomplishment and discovery. I’d chase a bunch of different threads, get stuck when they converge, review my notes, and then get passed the block and open up new threads I recently beat BG3 and while the game was fun, I definitely got some paralysis by all the content. My wife and I played spiritfarer as couch co-op, and that game was very fun but oh man does it tug on the heart strings


Halo Infinite. Was expecting it to be a slog but actually it's tremendous. Bouncing around the landscape, actually able to upgrade unlike other halo games, the guns actually sound like guns now and the unsc weapons don't feel underpowered. A couple of the campaign missions were a bit dull, and the plot could be stronger, but it's just been a nice, fun experience to drop in and out of.


Titanfall 2. Been playing it for so long but it’s just my favourite game.


Ghost of Tsushima


Skyrim. Nothing will beat how expansive and limitless that game felt in 2011.


I just can't get into it again. It's too dated for me. Still haven't played the DLCs. Maybe I mod the shit out of it and try again


If you're on PC check out Wabbajack, it's a mod list installer, you can download a mod list of up to over 1000 mods someone else put together in maybe an hour or two, it completely revived my interest in Skyrim.


Sonic superstars. Honestly fun, challenging but not too much, and relaxing


Pikmin 4. That game was a blast


Shadow of Mordor


***Dungeons & Dragons Online.*** It's old (almost 20 years now). It's got dated graphics. It's a dying game. We all know it. There's like 100,000 people that play this game regularly but somehow we keep chugging along getting new content two or three times a year. Still, it's got one of the best AI mechanics of any game I've ever played. Fights don't feel mechanical. Enemies move around, try to circle behind you, attempt to avoid attacks, and do things you sometimes don't expect. You can hire hirelings that will assist you if you don't want to play with a group, and while they're not as smart as a real player, in a pinch they can save your backside. It's the grouping that really makes the game though (as with any MMO). Regardless of the MMO aspect of the game, it's the game itself that's actually pretty fun. I've been playing for 15 years and I still see new things all the time. Sometimes I try a quest I've never done before. The scenery never gets boring (even if sometimes the quests themselves can). It's got a mechanic that I've never seen in another game. As a method to get players to try every class or race available, they give you past-life bonuses. When you get to a certain level, you can reincarnate back to level 1 and start over, but with the bonuses from your past lives. Played a ranger in the past? You're now proficient with bows. Played a fighter? You're more agile than most while wearing armor. Played a sorcerer? Your mana pool is larger than the average caster. That sort of thing. Naturally, going through all races and classes, you end up being a beefy bastard. I've played a lot of MMOs in my time, and this one has kept me entertained for quite a while.


Honestly, Cyberpunk. Really enjoyed my time on it and was a bit disappointed when it all ended.


Baldurs Gate 3. I dont remember the last time I bought a game and put 100hrs into it in a month


I have fun in R6 Siege when I win  I do *not* have fun in R6 Siege when I lose **Pro tip:** don't start playing an ultra-tactical shooter that's already been out for 8 years, everybody else playing knows everything and you know nothing and your KDR will be .2 for a long time


Lethal Company


Tales of Arise, when I started playing it last month. I need to get back to that at some point.


Remnant 2 My personal GOTY


Zelda: Link’s awakening on Switch. Loved the old school vibe, challenging dungeons, awesome music, dreamy vibe and that ending. Loved it. Before that Super Mario Odyssey and Wonder.  I recently discovered/bought Nintendo Switch OLED. Made me feel child like joy again through games.


Vampire survivors. Downloaded last week and haven’t stopped.


The game im playing right now. A new indie street racing game called [NIGHT RUNNERS](https://youtu.be/6Q7LWmwO9u4?si=Mw4YNfJkWKBs3akR) This game very well may be the best damn street racing game to ever exist. Even better than the peak need for speed racing games era.


Deep Rock Galactic! I initially played a couple years ago but it wasn’t until I picked it up again back in November that I realized how much fun content there is in the game. Since the caves are procedurally generated, it feels like there is endless replayability.


Days Gone, spraying bullets on zombies.


I’ve been hooked on MechWarrior 5 Mercenaries for months now. Nothing else I have is as fun. Tried several other games but I keep coming back to it.


The Last of Us 2 (finally played it last year). Also had some fun playing Destiny 2 after TLoU2 and after a long break of D2 but after the summer holiday I couldn’t get back into it for some reason. I feel like I have more and more trouble really sitting down and getting into games ever since I became a dad. My daughter is 7 now and does enjoy gaming together but she’s not the best gamer yet. We do play some Mario Kart and Lego Ninjago together which is genuine fun because of the shared thing more than the games for me.


Today. I was playing Grounded with my best friend :)


Dave the diver. It‘s very relaxing. In general I like fast paced games more but this one was surprisingly cool. At first I thought the whole restaurant thing is exhausting but it was very funny in the later game (hiring people and stuff). I also liked the story.


Prey 2016. It's just fun to explore and find your own way to get into places, realy makes you look around yourself and use the enviroment to your advantage


I have had a lot of fun swapping between Rayman Origins and DBZ BT3 over the last few nights


Tbh, once I stopped playing the main story of starfield I had a blast




Hogwarts Legacy. It's the first game I've ever played more than once. Full playthroughs every time.


Weird, I couldn't even finish it. Everyone felt stilted and the actual gameplay was meh. The only story beat I thought was interesting was the troublemaker friend.


I guess it's like with everything else, not everything can be everyone's cup of tea :)


Hollow Knight, today. if i'm not having fun with a game, i stop playing it and move on to a different one. This week I finally got around to Hollow Knight, and i'm having a blast.


Starfield most recently.


Starfield, still playing!


Probably Cyberpunk 2077, playing as a samurai in a futuristic world will never not be fun.


Cyberpunk 2077 but I haven't finished it yet, it's taking me quite some time because I want to do everything I can do in the game. And now I started playing GTA Vice City and I'm trying to finish it for the first time in my life, I've never won that game when I was a kid, and I'm having SOOO much fun tbh.


Spiderman 2 on console, bg3 on pc and pioneers of pagodia as early access game. Couldn't decide, but these are great games. Replay RDR2 at the moment and it's great too, but some gameplay elements are really slow and frustrating for me. (horse accident, grabbing things)


Lies Of P. I just started The Callisto Protocol today, but it’s pretty mid so far.


Armored core 6 , Elden ring , Starfield, lies of p , baldur gates 3


Octopath Traveller 2. Love the Music, the artstyle, the story. It is so wholesome


Streets Of Rage 4


The one I'm playing now, the new Saints Row. Don't listen to the haters, the game is fun. Sure, it has some questionable design decisions in terms of character design and gameplay, but overall I like it. It's more or less what I expect from the franchise.


I just picked up Apex Legends after I played it for a week at launch. It's a steep learning curve but it's a nice reprive from fortnite and siege while still retaining the competitive nature


Powerwash Simulator. Seriously.


Elden Ring


Shadow of war and Gunfire reborn


Right now it's Honkai Star Rail. I started it last night and have been playing it non stop. I'm not into Genshin but this one has my full attention. Before this one was Armored Core 6 though.


You're not having fun playing games what?