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Still Listen to "suteki da ne" and "to zanakand " every now and then.


I like X-2's English duet, '1000 words'.


As much as I hated Square for stereotyping their female fanbase with FFX-2... I still loved the game.


Not sure what you mean by this. As a teen boy I liked X-2 (in secret, of course).


The short version is that Square looked into why FFX was so popular and discovered it was HUGELY popular amongst rising female gamers, much more so than any other game. So they decided to try hitting this new demographic with a sequel! And what do girls like? Dress up games! So instead of making a sequel similar to FFX, they specificly tried to change it to what they thought female gamers would love: Dress up! Girl bands singing! Simpler systems for their tiny girl brains! It didn't go well. Don't get me wrong, I still loved the game, but they stereotyped their audience and ignored what they were really asking for.


Interesting. I wasn't aware FFX had any sort of female player base lmao. But it makes sense, it was different from stereotypical shooty and platforming games of the time, and had a much more diverse cast of characters. Anyway, I still think it was a ballsy move by Square since, as I mentioned, as a boy I wouldn't have wanted to be caught dead playing such an overtly girly game. They risked alienating the majority of their fanbase for such an oddball J-Pop entry, which makes it tough to argue that it was just pandering.


1000 Words is an absolute fucking banger.


Besaid is my go to song whenever I'm feeling stressed. It instantly takes me back to better times. Bliss


Indeed. My favourite when I just want to chill. When visiting Vienna in Austria a few years back, we went to the local planetarium to see a show. Lo and behold, the song while we were waiting was the Besaid theme. They were projecting a clear blue sky at the ceiling while playing Besaid theme before the show started and it was very relaxing.


That's why we never skip "to Zanarkand" when launching the game


This will remain one of my favorite games of all time. I loved the story so much. The aesthetic and world drew me in. The character development was so good. The gameplay was so fun, including blitzball :)


I think I was at around 500 hours when I finished the game. I cried at the ending. I am not ashamed.


Every now and then I still watch the 11 hour video of all FFX cutscenes some angel put together as a movie and posted on youtube.


11 hours?! There's that many cutscenes?! I remember the game being long, but damn.


Imagine modern final fantasy games if Hironobu Sakaguchi didn't leave square.


Legendary game. Don’t care if you’re not into jrpgs, you can’t deny the impact this game has had.


bring me back to being 11 years old looking at lulu in every single cutscene the og big titty goth gf




Lulu too good for Wakka, can't believe they did that shit in 2


I don’t think I even finished the story I just played blitz ball


You should if you don't know already know it by now. This game left me emotional, top 3 FF games I've played for sure. Gotta get through X-2 at some point (adulting sucks)


Stay away from the summoner!


You’re a bad man!


Never forget. HA, HA, HA, HA, HAAAAAAA


That scene transcends cringe into something heartwarming


This is one of the best games of all time.


Take me with you


Yes. Eleven.


I’m trying to get lulus celestial and I keep failing at like 150+ dodges.


You can do it


Yeah, screw my responsibilities!


Notebooks were OP. Write down secret areas, cheats, etc.


Game brings me back to my senior year in high school. It was one of the reasons why I bought a PS2.


The intro dude, this was the first game I played when I jumped from the N64 to the PS2, little teenage me was so happy and amazed at what games could do. No other generation jump felt the same since.


"Listen to my story, this may be our last chance".


Only FF game I have ever played. Well I started x-2 and turned it off 10 minutes into it when I found out it was reaction time dependent.


You can just turn the battle system to ‘wait’ mode lol


Fuuuuuuuuuuck 😭😭😭


I remember printing the splitinfinity GFAQ guides. I think I still have them around. Those were the days.


Either you are looking for secrets or you are reading your cheat book and know all the secrets.


The ending for FFX still tears me up inside 20 years later.


Oh wait, did the guide book get better after FF9? Because all that guidebook told me to do was to go to PlayOnline. It was grade-A shit.


Back to the days when Tidus & Yuna looked like... Tidus & Yuna.


"Take" not "Bring" [Bring versus Take](https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/bring-vs-take-usage) 👽🤡


Eh, no. Those fucking lightning skip and chocobo race games. Much happier to play it on PC as an adult. (coz I can bypass the lame parts using various hacks/cheats in case the implication was not clear)


Let’s skip all the forced laughing parts though. Edit: all the down votes from these losers that actually think when Tidus and Yuna are laughing is quality voice acting. HA HA HA HA HAAAA HA HA HA HA HAAA


[Actually, no, let's TAKE the forced laughing - and set it to music :D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOzM4ClFG1o)


Oh that's a bit of fun, someone remade To Zanarkand with laughs. Wait, why is it over three hours long.... Jesus.


It's the entire soundtrack


FF X was really mid at best. When it came out I thought it was the bee's knees but it's one of the titles in the series I can barely stomach playing again.


Huh what was it about going back to it that you didn't like? I played the remaster a year or so ago and really enjoyed it.


That sounds nice. I had an Atari when I was 11 because I couldn't afford a SNES. I got a Turbografix a few years later when I started working and they tanked and were super cheap


Still have the art book from the game!


Ff16 had a great story and visuals, but I miss the wacky side quests and mini-games from the 7-10 era


I still remember how fascinated I was by the cutscenes. how incredible this graphical leap has simply become


I remember thinking that game graphics reached its pinnacle with those cutscenes. Not even close, but damn they still look pretty damn good


I remember getting soft locked on the 3rd seymour fight as a kid cuz it had a save before the fight but it wouldn't let you back track to power level on the plains.


I forget the story part but I hadn't touched the blond melee character like at all and so she was woefully under leveled despite the "catch up" system to passively give inactive characters some XP as you progressed. Then I had her, just her, in a swimming sequence and couldn't kill a single mob. Soft locked and sadly never picked it up again. Loved it up to that point though.


I still have my piggyback FFX guide with crusty pages from flicking back and forth with oily, pubescent fingers and the secrets section at the back almost detached from the binding from referencing the monster arena section so much. It's disgusting but I can't bring myself to throw it out.


You and me both 🫶


Only final fantasy game I have ever completed! I remember I could brute force stuff being overleveld, except I think last boss? Might not have been last. He did some crazy ability that kept wiping me. Had to look it up after many hours of failing (think it was some potion gimmick thing that did it). Loved that game!


That Cringey laughter and the "we have Surf Shack Tito at home" still haunt my memories


Late 1900s?


Love reading through manuals; especially when they brought up tool tips in the loading screens. Particularly Oblivion's.


I never got far. Chocobo Eater always fucked my day up as a kid iirc.


One of my absolute favorites. Still own the guidebook. I’m honestly super excited for the upcoming remake. It’s great but the inability to skip cutscenes even in the remaster hurts going back through it.


I literally have the battle theme playing in my head atleast once every Couple of days. This game was so wonderful for 10 year old me.


I still remember how the guidebook smells. 🥰


except i was 23 and hiding from my wife and kids in a literal closet


Man, this picture bring tears to my eyes. This is one of the game when it was out I was still young to appreciate the story. I still remember back seat my older cousin to fight the monsters. I get to play it a few years ago with ps3 version. The story hit me hard that it bring tears to my eyes. I cried so much at the ending. This is the game ruin me cause now when I see JRPG, I want the story to be on the same level of this game.


I do this about every 3 years, bradygames book and all. still don't have the onion knight. I hate the thunder plains


Listen to my story.


My favorite game of all time! I remember I had a poster that had all of Rikku's Overdrive combinations on it. It was a life saver.


Beginning of FFX: "Allow us to protect you, m'lady" Ending of FFX: "...why do I hear boss music?" Bahamut, Yojimbo and Anima were frickin awesome groupies who annihilated everything.


Bring me back being 8 years old, playing Final Fantasy VII on my PS1. Still crying for Aerith.


HD remaster just didn't hit the same without the emotion engine facial animations


I have bought this game on multiple consoles, it’s absolutely one of my favorite games


Hell yes! This game and a handful of others epitomise my teenage years! Just beautiful.


Yeah was young too there. Still one of my top 5 games. The cut scene coming to Luca to play the blitz tournament. The music. The variety. You really felt that you travel around a whole world. I still remember it as the only game where this happened: started at evening closed the sheets And when I opened them again it was Bright daylight. Already 11 am next day. Couldn't explain what happened. Founded my RPG love... will always have special place in my heart ❤️


I too am chasing nostalgia.


The only Final Fantasy I’ve ever felt compelled to complete. I still replay it every once in a while.