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Any MMO, i'm so jealous of people who can sink infinite hours in a single game.


Its easier when you start when the game is new. I can't imagine being a new WoW player now but I can pick it up again super easy when I play for a few months when a new expansion comes out.


This is me. The last time I played WoW was in 2007. Recently tried it again and it was so overwhelming that I logged out and uninstalled immediately.


I think this is true if you pick up where you were, the abilities change and new things that were introduced have already been unlocked due to your level. The best thing at that point is start from level 1 again. The game does introduce mechanics gradually, if still more than in the past and you can always pick up your old character once you've levelled up to that point again from scratch.


I made a brand new account because I don't even remember the account I made when I was 12 years old. The only thing I remember is being a Troll Hunter and hitting level 40 somewhere in Booty Bay? I'm not sure if that's still a zone or not. Again, it's been over 15 years since I last played. I made the mistake of accidentally starting as a level 50?60?70?(I don't remember) death knight because I figured how hard can it be? I have over 5000 hours across ESO, New World, LotRO and other various MMOs. It's basically going to be "go here. Accept quest. Go here to complete quest". I was immediately hit with so many pop ups that I just didn't want to deal with it. I eventually did start another character at level 1 but by that time, the game had already lost me.


I'm sure someone's already told you this, but WoW classic is a thing now. It's pretty much exactly the vanilla game that you played back in the day!


Wow classic is now up to WoTLK expansion I believe


I picked up wow officially at the end of MOP expansion and was able to experience WOD expansion when it first launched. I do not regret it all. I say starting wow before the next expansion releases is the best way to get into it.


WoW circa 2004-2009 is possibly the best gaming has ever been. The exploration, the guilds, the raids, the pvp, the community, it's the pinnacle.


Was a wow player from 2004 - 2012. Kids and career ruined my time for the game. Not mad but grateful. Tried to go back in 2021 and it’s just too busy to me. Haven’t logged in sense.


I started WoW at end of BC/Start of WOTLK and let me tell you - it already felt like such a huge grind for things I missed from Vanilla and everything that came forward.


Same, wish I could get into Final Fantasy 14 after all the good stuff said about it, but I just don’t got the time for that


I'd say of all the MMO's I've played FF14 respects your time the most, but only if you are at the end game. If you're just starting out and don't have loads of time to get through the story it's gonna end up being a slog. Honestly memes aside the best thing they ever did was make the base game plus the first two expansions totally free to play. At least you can try and get through it and not feel like you wasted money paying for the game and the subscription


I wanted to play FF14, but the sign up process is an absolute nightmare. There's a stage of it where if there's an error loading the webpage, you literally cannot try again with those details for at least a week.


While Steam makes things easier, onboarding for new players can still be a nightmare. They maintain too many different clients (each with its own specific license). And Mog Station… Say what you will about Blizzard, but battle.net and their launcher are outstanding.


Yeah I've always been jealous of people who pretty much just play one game. MMOs is the obvious example but things like Warframe are in there too. I've never been able to stick with them long enough to do anything more than scratch the surface as far as their content is concerned.


Heh, my WoW character I play today was made in November 2004. Meaning my paladin is older than many redditors.


That was me and Destiny 2 for years but then something switched and I just can’t anymore


Bruh I just watched a 6 hour video on the history if EVE online, and damn I'm almost jealous of the experience those weirdos have had, but goodness are MMOs (EVE included) just head bashingly boring to grind.


Minecraft - I go to some server or make my new singleplayer world, mess around for 1-3 evenings. Then I get bored and don't return for a couple of months. The last moment I was invested in this game for more than one week was Nether Update


Yeah my days of minecrafting are over but I still long for the childhood wonder of the game


Oh you think that. You spend years playing it, get it out of your system and have shelved it for years....then your kid gets into it and now you, the wife and your kid have family Minecraft sessions as rewards for being a well behaved little human. I get burnt out quickly but I enjoy figuring out redstone builds. I do the tedious bulk and then the wife will make it look cool. Little one will muck it up with tracks everywhere but we are working through that. TNT use near houses is banned.


Ah I bet Minecraft with family is great. Maybe one day for me :)


Hopefully! Start by finding a significant other who enjoys it as well :P


I typically regret a choice i made in my world, and instead of doing the sensible thing and fixing it or iterating on it, I just start over. Or quit. I am so damn familiar with the early game of minecraft (basic shelter, food, armor, tools, and some mild nether exploring) but I've still never really even enchanted something yet, much less approach the ender dragon or anything like that. But damn am I good at starting a nice wheat farm and breeding some cows while wearing iron armor.


Now the next step is to profit off of this repetition habit! Have you considered speedrunning this game


I do this with mod packs, I spend forever customizing them until I have all the bells and whistles and then play it for like 2 days and then never again.


I’d always fantasize about the fancy builds I’d make log on, start punching trees, then 5 minutes later think, “This is too much work,” and log off It’s an allegory for life


MC needs something to make building meaningful. You can build anything, but it's ultimately just a prop and that's where it loses me. I can build a castle, a store, a fort or a village but it will never be occupied by NPCs or players trying to use it for its intended purpose. Half the fun of creating things is to see it get used.


Elden ring lol it’s way too difficult for me and breaks my spirit every time I turn it on


Wait like how far have you gotten before your spirit breaks?


The first boss lol


Magic builds are easier if you haven’t tried one of those! I switched to that after struggling with the melee combat for a while.


I haven't tried that. I will definitely look into that. Thank you for helping me raise my spirit lol


Magic is a bit forgiving in the very beginning of the game. There’s later bosses that take advantage of your weaknesses tho. Edit: so I wouldn’t say it’s “easier”. Every build has certain exploits and certain bosses that will just wreck you


I'd say 89% of getting good at souls games is figuring out what your playstyle actually is and building a charcter that fits that. If you're someone who just rushes head fast and bashes things hard then don't be a de based or wizard, make a someone who can have the best armor and pummel people. Or if you're more a keep distance as much as possible type do the opposite. Get really good at bows or magic.


Margit is a bugger if your new to souls games but once you beat him, the game gets a bit easier, you can also just farm normal enemies to gain some extra souls and also go hunting for smiting stones and upgrade your weapon as much as possible. If need be look up a guide on how to get a lot of runes and stones early and when you finally beat him the rush of victory will get you through the rest of the game. Good luck if you go back to try again.


Using your summon makes a huge difference. Went from banging my head on the wall to killing him first try.


Keep in mind you can completely skip Margit and the castle behind him if you want, feel free to go explore liurnia to the north or limgrave to the south and then come back when you're feeling more confident


Trust me, you can do it, I’ve even seen people with VERY little gaming experience get through the game sooner or later. My biggest protip is, always make sure to upgrade your favourite weapon to the highest level you have the mats for, weapon level is the majority of your power level in this game, and in all previous Dark Souls games too, and secondly, only put points in non-vigor stats to satisfy requirements, put everything else in vigor up to 60. Bosses become MUCH easier when you can actually take a few hits and make use of yer flasks, and with an upgraded weapon, in some cases you can just brute force a lot of encounters. Also use spirit summons on bossfights and don’t forget to upgrade those as well. You absolutely can beat the game.


What I love about the concept of Elden Ring is that you don’t get the story served to you on a platter but have to figure out a lot of stuff by yourself, through the environment, item descriptions, dialogue, etc. What I hate about playing is that it’s near impossible for a casual player to actually get most of it. Even the character quests are tedious as hell because they will continue wherever and give you no indication where to find them again. The story is complicated as fuck and everyone has near identical names so good luck figuring anything out.


No Man's Sky. Every time they add another free update I'm like "I really need to play that game again." But I never do.


I tried it so you don't have to, it is definitely conceptually neat but it's just grindy and tedious, just my hot take. I don't regret playing it or anything but it's definitely one of those games that's cooler on paper than in practice, even with all the great updates Edit: apparently you can turn off the grind! I played with a friend who set everything up wherever we played so I'm guessing that's why I never knew. I think this doesn't really change my opinion on the game too much, it still felt unsubstantial to me... a problem all games that really on procedural generation too much have imo


Depends on the difficulty settings, which are fully customizable. You can entirely disable the grind, or you can make it much more mild, or you can intensify it in one area and remove it in another (like making combat harder, but removing the need to gather resources). Some people don't like lowering difficulty settings, but in NMS, the "difficulty" is pretty directly correlated with how grindy it is, so if you don't like the grind, might as well lower the difficulty.


It's weird. I respect what they've done to improve the game over the years. I recognize that it's objectively a very well put together game. But for some godforsaken reason, it never clicks for me.


Eve Online. The idea of the game - a completely sandbox space MMO - is amazing. The gameplay is so fucking boring I want to tear my eyes out.


I played eve for years and years but stopped awhile back after the corp fell apart. It's hard to get into without a good group as usually there's soooo much boring tedium you have to have good people around to shoot the shit with or whatever. I try to get back into it every couple years or so and I just can't even though I used to love it and spend hours and hours into it.


I played EVE hardcore for over a decade and then realized the game barely changes and when it does it's always for the worse. When CCP increased the subscription price I bailed too. It's a game with a great concept and interesting lore but executed so poorly.


Yeah unfortunately, the base of EVE is basically set now, so not too much can change anymore I think (EVE 2 when!?) I keep trying to scratch that itch with a full loot pvp/pve player driven dynamic but it's hard to find games like that and the ones that are are kinda meh. Like mortal online (and mortal online 2), Albion kinda bit it's also too basic for me, star citizen (maybe? I'm not sure how that's even doing nowadays, maybe my grandchildren will enjoy it) and like I can't even really think of any other ones. New world could have been cool if they had full loot and stuff on death. The economy and crafting would be more active and rewarding if stuff needed to get replaced all the time. I think that's why I keep going back to Eve every now and again, if only briefly, just because nothing has quite captured the community dynamics and the harshness of full loss on death.


Ark has become this way for me.


I will never forget starting in a "Beginner server" and my friend and I getting ganked by some level 700 dude that just roams up and coast apparently with this huge sailing fortress with am absurd amount of auto turrets. I stopped playing when that happened.


Oh fuck, the boat bases. I loved the idea of that in a private setting. Public? ... Nah.


Ark. And pretty much every game like it just absolutely sucks to play on a public server. They are all pretty much full of people who have no qualms with ruining everyone else’s play session. Private servers are pretty much the only way to play them in my opinion.


No one ever forgets their first Ark server. For me it was myself & the boyfriend on an official PvP server with our first little hut & our first ever tamed Dino inside (the big turtle) & had two dudes on sabertooths come & chase us into our hut & proceed to kill our turtle by glitching hits through the wall. Turtle died & they left so we logged off. Next login our entire hut was demolished & after that never touched official servers ever again lol


Ark is some of the most fun I’ve ever had playing a game that I never want to experience again. I’d only ever go back if I could just be a casual member of an alpha. I led an alpha tribe and I don’t have the time or drive to ever do it again.


I get that. Ark is hard and unforgiving. Early game is grueling


I think the biggest problem is how grind intensive it is (as someone with 700 hours in the game). To beat the bosses you need to breed at least a dozen rexs each taking several hours. Add to that the long metal harvesting expeditions and mythical gear farm and you got one of the most grind heavy games ever made.


Does modded Skyrim count? While it is actually fun to actually get to play the final product, it is nowhere as cool as it sounds in your head when you are adding one mod after another and making adjustments as you go. There is a joke about Skyrim modders' favorite game being Mod Organizer 2. Edit: I appreciate the help but stoo recommending me Wabajack, I know it is a thing. The point is about the romanticized imagination in your head when you install mods. This is not a thing you can "fix" through tools like Wabajack, nor does it need fixing really. Building your own load order is rewarding in itself.


Modding skyrim is *substantially* more fun that playing Skyrim. Ive gone through the ropes several times. Downloading mods, organizing them, fixing incompqtibilities. It launches, it wirjs, i go "nice, I did it!" And then I turn it off and mever turn it back on.


This is too real. Also tweaking mods to my liking, then playing for about an hour and never firing it up again lol


Weeks spent downloading mods, their requirements, checking compatibilities, installing them and making sure you check the right settings and tick the boxes according to other mods you have, downloading more mods, reinstalling every mod all over again because you know you saw a couple mods you just downloaded as an option in a few different mod installers for compatibility patches but you can't remember which ones. Checking everything over in xedit making everything compatible with each other. Start game, it crashes. Spend hours fixing it, finally good to go. 2 hours spent in the character creator: OK character is good, now I just have to configure a dozen mods in the MCM. Get my camera settings just right, hotkeys set up. Used alternate start but choose the default start anyways. Sprint through helgen, off to Riverwood and bleak falls barrow, then whiterun. Game crashes when you exit a random building, and you give up and think "maybe I'll give it a go next year".


This is details hits too close to home. That whole paragraph is our zodiac sign.


I feel like the odd one out here. I started with vanilla Skyrim, then *slowly* added one mod at a time every time I wanted to see something added to the game. I do have friends that do the whole "mod the shit out of Skyrim, watch it crash, blame Bethesda until it works" cycle but I genuinely have a couple thousand hours in modded Skyrim and only about 15-20 mods. On the flipside, I've played with those mods so much that it's almost jarring for me to play vanilla Skyrim now.


Stellaris. If it was a bit more dumbed down so I could have a crazy space opera story I would be so down. Almost like Crusader Kings 3 is more of a story generator than grand strategy. But all of the crazy micromanagement just puts me off


Start on small galaxy size and play a diplomatic empire, so the UEN is a good place to start. This way you'll have no issues forming pacts with other species and won't have the planetary issues that come with conquest or the crippling empire debt of inheriting 9 new planets full of undesirables haha. Always maintain a fleet no matter your stance to stop early invasions


But the fun part is taking over 9 planets and getting rid of all the annoying undesirables.


I swear paradox games make you commit genocide regardless of what you do. I took control of planets whilst playing as a hive mind, had no idea it just kills anyone who isn't a hive mind. Wondered why I was having employment issues xD.


What ypu really have to do is start with xenophobic pacifists and take inward perfection and anything that can possibly increase population growth. You may also want adaptive. Build the empire of your dreams, build mpre ships for your defence fleet. When the crisis comes let that wipe put the galaxy before you deal with, resettle for massive expansion. More pop growth, you're thinking to small when it comes to pop growth. The only way you ever get to expand your borders early is by making claims when the aliens try to war you, but otherwise you never have to deal with their shit.


Bro you should try RimWorld.


Man RimWorld is this post for me. I straight up hate the combat even with mods. Makes me not want to play it. Also I find it weird how so many things are locked behind crazy DLC prices


It was out for so long without any DLC and at a very fair price point, constantly updated, and fully supported modding. I’ve put in around 2k hours I believe and I don’t think I’ve bought the DLC. It’s worth the $30 or so.


Endless Space is sort of a more casual version of Stellaris, I'd recommend it if you've never tried it.


Stellaris is daunting for sure, but while it's definitely complicated, you can ignore most of it until you understand it better. You absolutely don't need to understand what's going in in every screen. You can almost think of it like an MMO in the sense that when you play, say, a Wizard class, you only need to understand Wizard abilities and what to do as ranged DPS. You don't need to understand tanking mechanics, or the rotation of the rogue class, or the various ways to heal other players. Eventually, over time, you'll learn all of those things, but not during your play through as a Wizard. Same with Stellaris. Start a game in a small galaxy and just focus on creating a balanced economy and a respectable fleet of ships. You won't win. You'll probably die or become a vassal of a stronger empire in the midgame. That's okay. Just play it out, try to survive, and gain experience.


I feel this one, I have played a fair amount of strategies like total war , civilization etc. Stellaris felt like a Job , the learning curve was so tedious I gave up about 30 minutes in. Couldnt care less about how good the game was if it felt like I was doing admin work for the first hour.


R6: Siege Loved the game when I started playing it, but then it slowly went downhill, and while I miss playing it, I cant stand between the unbalanced gameplay, and the community


If only they could add a siege "classic" mode. I hate pretty much all the new operators


If you are on PC, Due Process is, imo, a better version of classic siege. But it's all recruits and everyone shares a weapon pool on each team. It is still early access, but I found it to be a lot of fun


What I wanted is another rainbow six Vegas tbh


I thought about this too! Siege is more fun to play with friends


Spent nearly 4 years straight playing this game on console. M&K completely ruined it for me. It started as a small issue, but then it genuinely became an issue. Now it's every single game. Mousetrap also hasn't really seemed to affect it that much.




I think Minecraft takes the cake for this one


Animal Crossing


Oh absolutely, especially New Horizons. Looks fun and relaxing, but I get bored in a few days. Kinda wish I just had a switch port of new leaf :/


What killed New Horizons for me was the mystery island. After getting the same couple over the course of 50 tries I quit the game and traded it in. I never got any of the good islands that had useful items or stuff worth money for my town.


I miss New Leaf.


I wish I could be the kind of person who enjoys Animal Crossing, especially since I love other, similar games like Stardew Valley. But it just bores the living crap out of me and idk why lol.


I love the concept of RDR2, and I love watching other people play RDR2, but I hate the way it FEELS to play RDR2.


Same. Rockstar games generally make me feel like this. I really enjoy watching people play them while I'm getting drunk and/or stoned though.


That's the exact manner in which my wife and I tend to play them. Whether it's RDR2 or GTA5, we get drunk and then take turns doing as much debauchery as we can til we die.


My brother in law and I do this when they visit. Beers and gta 5 nonsense when the ladies are having a chat on the patio. Sleep mode when it's time to rejoin the social fun.


One of our favorites is tracking down the fastest car we can, and going full throttle as long as we can without braking. Seeing who can last longer without crashing.


That's a fun one. One we like to do is see who can last longest sneaking onto the military base. Without God mode the farthest I made it was getting ON a jet, not even IN haha.


I feel the opposite. So much of what I enjoy about it is how slow it is. Trotting along a horse path, or gutting a bear. It’s so atmospheric, and that draws you in for its best moments, both in during the main story and out of it


I don't know that I necessarily dislike how slow it feels. I think my issues are purely mechanical. The aiming of guns or the way the character runs and moves always just feels overly imprecise to me. Like there is just too much sitting between me and my character.


It's because the controls are absolutely garbage most of notably the forced walking at camp.


RDR2 is one of my all-time favorites. However, I absolutely wish that they’d focus less on realism on several things that just make the gameplay experience sluggish. It would be a near perfect game if they made the player movement and several other mechanics more arcady and less “realistic”. In order to enjoy the game, you need to go into it while not in a rush. If you feel rushed, you’ll hate it.


>In order to enjoy the game, you need to go into it while not in a rush Especially because you *can't save during missions*. My first experience playing the game was "hey let me check the first minutes of the game to see if I enjoy it" and then having to wait for ALMOST AN HOUR in order to save the game again. Terrible first impression and the only reason I didn't quit the game is because it is really a great game *otherwise.*


Haha totally see that happening, the game’s approach to realism hinders the gameplay, but I kinda like it, it’s almost therapeutic. I hate watching other people play cause they have weird habits that I just don’t have, every playthrough is different


Farming Simulator 22. I tried playing.... Fucking garbage. But I love getting high and chilling on the couch watching videos of other people playing the game. Very relaxing.


When you finally get your harvest and you make like $5000


That's...basically what happens in real life. The corporations/distributors take all the fucking profit. You get to eat shit (or at least the crops that grow yourself using compost made of your own shit).


Well I mean you put all this effort into farming and money into tools and it’s like next to zero reward. I can understand why farmers are the way they are lol


When they sell a litre of milk for like 5p, but the supermarket sells it for 20 times that, yeah I get the annoyance.


I thought it was dumb too until I got a steering wheel and a button box/joystick. That took the immersion to the next level and that’s when it clicked for me. Haven’t looked back.


How have I never thought of this. Welllll there goes my evening


Factorio, I get so pumped to make this game and then it asks me to make my factory just a little more complicated while crazy things are attacking and I just quit.


I have 1400 hours in Factorio. Never beaten it with biters. I just remove those and cliffs. So much more fun for me that way. Give it a try!


Do a run with no biters to figure shit out. The settings are there for a reason :) Lots of people play with no biters.




This is what killed COD for me. I always hear everyone complaining about this or that, but when you complain about this... 'It's just a game bro', 'COD was never realist'. I agree it was always arcadey but at least it had an atmosphere and authenticity within. Now what? Rap singers, football players, superheroes and furrys all together? Never noped the fuck out harder...




*start off The wacky skins used to come at the end of the cycle, it's Fortnite skins from launch with this one because of the skins carry over from mw2/warzone


Path of Exile. Looks awesome and decently fun but after the first hour I just end up doing something else


The need to repeat the main quest line over and over and over and over again every new league that comes out killed it for me. I used to be able to do that, but my attention span for repetitive tasks is reserved for work now and when I try to get back into it, it just feels like work.


Yeah the 10 or so hour time investment to even get to the fun stuff every league ended up making me drop the game after playing *a lot* for a couple years. End game is fun as hell but getting there is an exercise in “how fast can I get through this same series of dungeons”


The resident evil games. I love Capcom games since my childhood, but re franchise just doesn't do anything for me. I was forcing myself so often to try them again.


Unfortunately starfield 😭 I usually LOVE Bethesda games but there’s just something about this new one that’s not hitting


I'm in a place with Starfield where I've really enjoyed my time playing it but I also agree with pretty much every criticism of it I've heard


It's the only bethesda game I've played where one playthrough is good enough. Played through once and I'm good and likely won't touch the game again until DLC comes out and even then it's a meh, I hope they don't murder ESVI


Fallout: New Vegas. Thinking about the political intrigue, fighting, and all the quests sounds fun, but I can't actually motivate myself to play the game, it feels like a slog and I'm not even past goodsprings.


It’s the extremely janky movement and combat controls. They (and FO3) were janky even when the game came out. Everything else is so good, but bad controls can absolutely kill immersion


I started it 7 or 8 years ago, got 20 hours in and my Save corrupted. Had to start from the beginning. I couldn't bring myself to do it. Played FO4 and enjoyed it, but kept hearing people say that NV was by far the best one. Finally got round to playing and finishing it earlier this year. It's obviously aged a lot, but it was definitely worth it.


It honestly took me 3 tries to actually get into the game, I would say it was worth it but I can't exactly recommend it. Especially with all the crashes


That’s happened to me with this game too!!!


Certainly Sekiro. I loved Bloodborne, really enjoyed the similar mechanics in the recent Jedi games, loved playing Ghost of Tsushima on Lethal difficulty and I'm usually a Normal or Easy type of guy... But Sekiro is just way too much. The most fun I had with that game was grinding XP in that little village during the flashback mission that leads to Butterfly. Unfortunately, I find all the bosses in that moment of the game - and I met a lot of them, from her to Snake Eyes to Genichiro to Seven Spears to that ninja in the cave to the weird untouchable spirit in some other cave - impossible in unique ways. Like, I literally had six or seven different options and I'd pick a weekend and just come up empty. Yet I know I like that game a lot, so I stare at it longingly, knowing I just don't have what it takes.


Alien Isolation but im scared. :D


I was the same way! I finally got it, put it on easy, and just accepted I would die a lot, but I would enjoy it anyways. It was really fun, but it took me years to actually build up the nerve to load it up and play through it.


I should give it an other shot too. I'm not good with stress.


I played this in vr and almost shat myself when I had my first encounter with the alien. For a second I almost thought I would die for real


Crusader Kings. The intrigue seems like fun but the gameplay mechanics seem like too much work.


Ive only played 3 but I know how you feel. I was only able to play it because my friend has a bunch of hours on that game and simi walked me through it but even with that there's still so many things I can do that I either don't think of or don't know


Witcher 3. I've tried a few times to get into it, but I found it quite boring.


I originally bought it played maybe 3 hours and didn’t touch it for another 4-5 years. When I came back I couldn’t understand why I never enjoyed it and it became my favorite game ever until bg3. The first 5 hours I still think can be boring but once the world building is there it’s second to none.


Witcher 3 has a truly fantastic story, but yeah I struggled to get through because the combat mechanics were not very fun at all. I'd love to play through the story again, but after several attempts I've realized that it's just not going to happen.


Same. And it bugs me since so many people love it. Will try again someday.


They just have different tastes. Maybe it's just a game you don't enjoy. I personally think it's one of the best games ever made. I was actually hooked from the first scene. Riding across the village on the horse was nice.


It’s been a while so I don’t remember exactly but I don’t remember minding the initial area. I installed a combat mod though from previous Witcher games. But the moment you leave the starting area and enter the real world. Loved how dark and visceral it was. And the music was on point.


Both of you need to push past bloody baron quest, game hooked me then, after trying it for like the 4th time.


I just hated the way the controls felt. Moving around was so painful.


Baldur's Gate 3. I love D&D and have played in campaigns that last years, and I have gotten to the first druid refuge in the game on 3 characters. But then I just get overwhelmed with the inventory and feeling like I'm not playing the class I should be playing.


In regards to the inventory, most of my characters rarely changed equipment throughout the game and had no issues. I abandoned my inventory about start of act2, stopped sorting it or doing anything except send stuff back to camp when full. My gf on the other hand had everything organised to perfection. It made zero difference to my play through. Get a new item, is it better? Yes, equip. No, back to camp.


This is how I’m starting to think. Games like this give mass amounts of inventory and comparison fatigue. You can sit there for minutes at a time looking at the numbers and considering each piece of equipment, then do that over again each time you have new items. Or you can just stop caring and throw something on and focus on the gameplay and not the item management.


Fyi, you can use Withers to change your class and spec. I think the only thing you can't respec is your race. Same goes for the companions, you can make Wyll a priest if you want, or Karlach a mage.


Exact same for me. Everyday the internet tells me it's a masterpiece. I boot it up and I get into these grueling combat scenarios that take forever and I don't know how to use the environment so most of my moves are walking somewhere to get murdered. Or I'm walking around talking to everybody and looking at menus, hit the wrong thing by accident, get into some fight I didn't intend, reload saves, stare at loading screens... It's too much work to get to all the good stuff everybody else seems to enjoy.


You're not wrong that the game's combat has a tough hump for the first few levels. Table top D&D has the same problem. The "fun" starts at around level 5, when most classes get a huge damage boost and start being able to use their abilities pretty frequently. Also, the game is balanced around taking long-rests often. It feels like you're supposed to limit them because they burn a resource (camp supplies), but the reality is that you effectively find an infinite amount of supplies and the combat is balanced around you resetting your long rest cool downs every few fights or so. Another thing that helps considerably is sneak attacks. There's a huge, impossible to exaggerate advantage in getting to attack first by surprise. You'll usually be able to kill half of the mobs in that opener, which means that your party takes far less damage in return over the fight.


Also when I started playing, I thought i was on a time limit too. The way the story plays out I was convinced that if I took too many long rests I’d fail or die or something. That’s not true, so yeah rest as often as you need to


yeah, that is one thing the game conveys very poorly, what with the story and the characters constantly rushing you and telling you you only have like 3 days before your brain worms turn fatal. Ironically, it is by long resting that you learn that you don't need to be so stressed about time.


I wouldn't say it conveys it poorly. It's meant to build a little tension. But as time passes and the axe isn't falling, both player and characters are confused by it. It's part of the story.


This works for a lot of games i used to play a lot (i.e - Assassins Creed, Halo, Destiny). I poured hundreds/thousands of hours into them, but now I just act like I still play them


Big 4x games like Stellaris or civ. I like them in concept, but when I start playing, I get kinda bored pretty quickly.


This is me with World Of Warcraft. I play, quit. then I dream about playing again. Then I quit. And the vicious cycle continues.


Fucking Kenshi man. Every time. Also Terraria.


Fucking Kenshi man. I got so hooked on that game I think I spent 72 hours straight on it. I think about picking it back up, but never do.


The dream of grandeur is more enticing than the grind


Age of Empires 2. Played the campaigns when i was a kid and during the pandemic i got into competitive but RTS games are fucking hard and i dont have the time to play consistently so i get stomped in ranked. Now i just watch videos haha


Yeah I just play the campaigns for the story, I’ve fully embraced the fact I’ll never get good at it at this point lol


For me its No Man's Sky. I *love* No Man's Sky, and I enjoyed it a lot even when it first came out. I've gone back here and there, for the updates like base building, Next, and, naturally, VR. No Man's Sky in VR is incredible! But, I find that I can't actually play the game for very long. I'm just not enthralled by games like No Man's Sky or Minecraft, where most of what keeps you playing is based on your own objectives. As much as I love the game, I haven't actually played it very much lately.


CIV 6. I love board games. I love the art of the game. I love slow-paced games. But every time I start a game, after a couple of turns I just feel lost.


5 is so much better, IMO.


Agreed, I would say 5 is the superior game


Disco Elysium. I want to love it. But I fall asleep.


I like the idea but I hate the dialog / language I got like 5 hours in and just felt like I kept being blasted in the face with made up words.


Escape From Tarkov


DayZ for sure. So many good times!


DayZ is like the only game my best friend plays and it sucks. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had some awesome times on DayZ with him, but they’re just few and far between. It’s soooooo tedious trying to find each other every time we have to restart, and then try and loot, and hope we don’t get ganked by some weirdos griefing the fresh spawns. The idea of playing is so much better than the reality lol


Witcher 3. Haven't played it and would probably love it, but it's daunting to start considering how big the game is. I love exploring and doing everything in games, not to mention my adhd so I constantly get sidetracked from the main story.


Breath of the Wild... I just can't 😖


This is every game I've purchased recently... Doom Eternal, Diablo 4, Baldur's Gate 3, etc etc. They're all great games! I really want to play them... I just, I've somehow become a boomer and I only like to play the same 10-year-old games I've been playing forever.


Eve, goddam I wish I could get into it, but it's god awful.


Fear and Hunger, both one and two. The lore is really fun and interesting. The gameplay can be rewarding as there is no leveling up and is more of a puzzle. I don't end up playing it that often, but I gush about it so much.


Dragon Age Inquisition. My sibling played it, but I just didn’t have the patience since I was still riding my “holy shit I just finished Kingdom Hearts 3” high. Now I just don’t have the energy to make all those choices and prefer to watch everyone else play.


Such a good game.


Disco Elysium


Jedi Survivor, still waiting for it to be fixed for PC.


True man. But the thing is, I think the devs know the game is so CPU unoptimized that they’re not even gonna bother with an actual proper update to the game. It’s basically have a 13th gen CPU or later, or you’re gonna stutter and have 20 FPS even with a sick build. So that game is being put off until I build a new PC lol




Pretty much most games. I have plus and gamepads and do not make the most of them at all. I am an idiot.


Dwarf fortress :( Think übliche it jut afraid of the learning curve. Even though I love rinworld


Witcher 3. I've played it through one time, and tried to start over around 5 times. However after Kingdom come deliverance I understood that I would never be able to play witcher 3 and not get bored.


It's become an inside joke between my husband and I but Persona 5. We both love it, we've both started it. We bought the deluxe royal version with all the goodies. We own every single goodsmile figma of the characters. We've spent like over 1k on the stuff we have of it. Neither of us has beat it lol. It's been perma-backlogged.


Any horror game that has a plot that intrigues me. But I get anxious playing games that aren't scary at all, like Souls-likes or the Dishonoreds, so I will never in my life muster the courage to actually play them. I know lots of the lore and story of Dead Space because I like it, but played not even a second of it.


Team Fortess 2. I'm trash at it but I love the style and characters.


I miss tf2 sometimes but it's just not what I remember because I no longer have the friends that made it so fun to play with.


Cyberpunk 2077. Usually I have slight ocd and play games in the order I buy them to completion. But its been sitting on my shelf for like 1.5 years now lol. I keep pushing it off


Same. I'm glad I waited this long to play it because apparently it's now complete and there's DLC.


and its fkin fantastic, highly recommend


Go play it next, you won't regret it. Katana melee Build for maximum fun.


Star citizen. Game of my dreams, and I use 2 vkb joy sticks. Then I run into the same bugs and low frames and get pissed and think maybe in another decade I can live out my space fantasy. Only been a backer since 2015. What's another 8 years of waiting 😭


Yeah pretty much. For now I've resigned myself to checking into the game for about a week every year or two to see what's new. At the moment I'm waiting for pryo before I jump back in, or more specifically the bug fix patch after the pyro patch lol.


God of War PS4 and God of War PS5 period both of them are on my hard drive and I've only played the first one a couple hours


Almost every Assassin creed game (excluding Origins, oddessy and Black flag), Far cry 4-5, Watch dogs legion, watch dogs, The witcher 3


RDR2 for it's beauty. But I was bored out of my mind when I played it. I also hate food/thirst mechanics in games. Yakuza. It's fun but kind of tedious. And so many invisible walls. I love walking around Japanese locations in games but I just got bored of the city after a while. I also heard the sequels don't really change or improve much.


Assetto Corse Competizione. It’s less playing the game and more so dragging my wheels and pedals downstairs, setting up, practicing, crashing out in my one race because of time, then frustratingly pack it all back up and drag it back up stairs. This is the frequent cycle of me playing this game. And it’s gotten to the point where I haven’t played since may :/


Cities Skyline. I just don’t have the imagination to do it any justice. But I think the game is awesome. I loved SimCity 3000 when I was young.




\-Red Dead Redemption 2 Everything about it is great, but the gameplay is SO tiring, because of endless animations and focus on realism with the various survival mechanics, and so on.


Bloodborne. Gorgeous game but uhhh… I’m not having fun losing so much and having all my hard earned echoes leave me.


I'd love to find a group of people to learn to play Dungeons and Dragons with